The GOP has blown it on Health Care

Wanna get rid of the clusterfuck Obamacare?

Simply do nothing and Obamacare collapses in 1- 2 years.

The voters will blame the Democrats for creating a shitty, unsustainable program.


Instead the Republicans are going to take the ball from the Democrats and run off the cliff.

The politicians are going to kill us all.

The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years.

Where was their plan ?

I mean honestly.....this is hysterical.

No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........

Well apparently the house has decided it is going to pass the (repeal & replace bill tomorrow.) Personally I thiink it's a death sentence for house Republicans because it leaves out a lot for people with pre-existing conditions--and it will raise the premiums on 50 to 60 years olds. Instead of subsidies it will now be tax credits. Meaning you better dam well make sure you're earning plenty of money--or you'll get no tax credits.
House to vote Thursday on Obamacare repeal bill -

Now the house is due to pass this tomorrow, maybe it's just a hail Mary pass---it would really surprise me if the Republican Senate signed off on it.

As they say: Americans may not know how they got health insurance, but they'll sure remember who took it away from them.

The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years.

Where was their plan ?

I mean honestly.....this is hysterical.

No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........

Well apparently the house has decided it is going to pass the (repeal & replace bill tomorrow.) Personally I thiink it's a death sentence for house Republicans because it leaves out a lot for people with pre-existing conditions--and it will raise the premiums on 50 to 60 years olds. Instead of subsidies it will now be tax credits. Meaning you better dam well make sure you're earning plenty of money--or you'll get no tax credits.
House to vote Thursday on Obamacare repeal bill -

Now the house is due to pass this tomorrow, maybe has a hail Mary pass---it would really surprise me if the Republican Senate signed off on it.

Wow....things are changing.

Imagine that.
Regardless, both are legal and you get to pound sand.

No, they're not legal. They've simply been ignored, like so many other illegsl, unconstitutional, and immoral things our Government and Society has done over the last 150+ years.

Just because something has not been proprly adjudicated or enforced does not make it Right or acceptable.
It all comes down to the same old shit.
Once you hand people money (the Obamacare subsidies) it's nearly impossible to take them back.

The GOP lawmakers know this, so at best they'll just rearange the deck chairs.
Where are you guys getting this public option from? We don't have one now and I do not see one in the pending legislation.
Our stupid, absurd, incredibly inefficient health care delivery/payment "system" (HA) before the GOP rescued it:

1. Individual
2. Group
3. VA
4. Medicare
5. Medicaid
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent

Our stupid, absurd, incredibly inefficient health care delivery/payment "system" after the GOP rescued it:

1. Individual
2. Group
3. VA
4. Medicare
5. Medicaid
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent



The GOP is going to replace Frankenstein's Monster I with Frankenstein's Monster II.

This is what happens when clueless professional politicians are put in charge of something this large and complex.
You are not wrong but you are leaving out the bribery part.
Trumpcare will cut coverage for all - including employer-provided plans (That means everyone!)

Trumpcare is likely to cut coverage for everyone -- including people with employer-provided plans. The bill will enable insurers to re-establish caps on total lifetime coverage as well as yearly coverage. So for anyone under the age of 65, no matter how you get your coverage, from your job or otherwise -- if you get cancer, or your kids do, you could go bankrupt and be unable to pay for care.

Allowing states to define “essential health benefits” could weaken ACA protections against catastrophic costs for people with employer coverage nationwide | Brookings Institution

In particular, a single state’s decision to weaken or eliminate its essential health benefit standards could weaken or effectively eliminate the ACA’s guarantee of protection against catastrophic costs for people with coverage through large employer plans in every state.

That means anyone under 65 will have their care cut by this new bill. Ugh.
It's amazing, given the storybook come-back the GOP made in November, that they've already shot themselves in the foot so often, since resuming power.
Good for business no more major health care expense in salary. They can still offer their own health care plan if they like or a supplement.

So, not only do I lose my health insurance, but I lose that portion of my compensation as well? Sweet deal. What employee wouldn't just LOVE that? No company us,going to offer gealth coversge if the Government tells them they don't have to.

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