The GOP is desperate for a failing economy......sic


You realize a HUGE portion of that "$22 trillion" was Medicare right? That it LBJ's great society cut the REAL poverty by HALF?


You do realize that claim about Medicare is wrong. It was spend on social welfare programs.

Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.
Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?
No, char...the evidence I quoted, as shown, came from CNN...the libs' favorite news source. 'Racism' may be the charge from the left whenever anyone speaks the truth about their corrupt, failed heroes but it does not take away the validity of what is sad.

CNN gets off on exploiting racism, that is fact....but they've learned from the best source in news history, FOX. CNN wants to cash in on the FOX numbers and in doing so, they play the race game right along with FOX...who is notorious for exploiting simply shit like Christmas and making it a racial once again, own your shit.

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

You are the number one reason I keep getting sanctioned on these threads, so I'm gonna let it go....this time....boy? The only boy I see is tucked.......gotta let it go, tiger, let it go.

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?
if he was white would you have said "under the white boy"?....
Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please please do tell, what is so bad about this economy that shit heads like you stay up at night about? Please...either put up or shut the fuck up cause I'm sick of you nuts

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?
if he was white would you have said "under the white boy"?....

Of course he wouldn't have. Its a black thang and these racist fucks refuse to admit it.
Despite Obama calling Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in debt over 8 (EIGHT) years - during 9/11/01, the economic meltdown after, and 2 wars - Bush only added 1.5 Trillion over 6 years. Democrats took over Congress and the purse strings the last 2 years and added 2.5 Trillion...IN THE LAST 2 YEARS - the time Liberals say the economy started declining. (Way to go, Liberals!)

Democtats held this near super-majority control through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office...which means, with Dems owning Congress the last 2 years of the Bush administration & 1st 2 years of Obama's term, the economy Obama 'inherited' was not Bush's economy but THEIR OWN!

As already mentioned, Obama ended up adding over $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years and personally secured the 1st ever US Credit Rating Downgrade!

Through wonderful programs like nearly a trillion for the failed Stimulus, hundreds of billions for Obamacare and its failed web site, 7,ooo earmarks in the Stimulus, and millions to train 6 terrorists...liberals have engaged in CRIMINAL fiscal irresponsibility of epic proportions!

BUSH: $4 Trillion over 8 (EIGHT) years

OBAMA: $6+ Trillion in only 4 years;
Lowest 1st Quarter GDP: -0.43; holds records for most 'monthly', 'anual', and 'total' deficit spending; credited with the 1st US Credit Rating down-grade in history; records for food stamp and welfare participation; 94,610,000 Americans out of work - black adult unemployment twice that of whites, teen black unemployment three times that of whites...but not long ago gave approx 4 million illegals the authority to begin competing with out of work Americans for whatever jobs are available....


...and Carter rests easier knowing when he passes he will not have that title as his own.

First off you moron, that rating of being the worst, was based on a POLL....a poll that comprised I'm sure of white mf's who hate Obama. A poll does not record facts of his accomplishments, does not record facts of the 300 million other opinions, but a poll that comprise of 1400 people, if, are you sure you have a brain in that head?

Second, Bush was left with a surplus, Obama was left with a failing economy.....other than pulling my hair out trying to explain to you fools the difference, I'll leave it at that. Bottom line, every gotdamned time a fuckin democrat gets into office, the first thing you white fools whine about on the right in the deficit....its getting old, the nation is tired of it, so much in fact, that same poll you quoted, gave the white congress a 14% rating. Bye Felicia!!

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?
if he was white would you have said "under the white boy"?....

Of course he wouldn't have. Its a black thang and these racist fucks refuse to admit it.
i know it i just wanted to see if he is man enough to answer the question...
You do realize that claim about Medicare is wrong. It was spend on social welfare programs.

Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

Wake me the hell up when you get with reality, you stupid white fuck. White people dominate the welfare rolls today, especially those on disability, which is most of yaw.

You should really learn what proportions mean. Until the percentage of whites on welfare rolls is 5 1/2 - 6x greater than blacks, blacks are a far greater proportional recipients of welfare. If you go by raw data, it doesn't tell reality since there are 5 1/2 - 6x more whites than you stupid black fucks.

We just had a hiring frenzy and yes, I agree most of the people we hired were blacks, so I'll give you that. Blacks do top the welfare numbers, but make no mistake maggot, you pink fucks come in at a close 2nd. Listen, shit head.....visit the south someday, nobody pulls out that disability check quicker than a redneck on steroids....I help cash yaw checks, you fucks dominate the rolls.....the welfare card, visit a grocery someday in the south, white Barbie with her chocolate crew in tow....hillarious!!

You realize a HUGE portion of that "$22 trillion" was Medicare right? That it LBJ's great society cut the REAL poverty by HALF?


You do realize that claim about Medicare is wrong. It was spend on social welfare programs.

Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

....and with a UN batch of kids to feed, white, latino and black. Please visit the south someday.....Becky gets around!!
THAT can't be true, we had 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies??? Come on, get honest

We've had almost 7 years of Obama food stamp user creators. Get honest.

REALLY? I remember Clinton handing Dubya a projected $5+ trillion surplus with 20+ million private sector jobs created, yet Dubya handed Obama a projected debt of $19 trillion with the economy shredding 700,000+ jobs a month and the economy tanking 9%+ (and a loss of private sector jobs of 1+ million in just Dubya's 8 years, not counting the 4+ million under Obama's first 14 months)

I remember food stamp usage increasing by 70% under Obama despite claims that things are better.

You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.

Now that's interesting, since this last batch of idiots yaw voted in last november was suppose to do exactly that, cure the patient, eh? Hows that going for ya?
Yeah, BOTH equally at fault, ONE party didn't get Citizens United overturned at SCOTUS to get money out of politics

The opposite party isn't trying to get Buffet rule, min 30% tax on $1,000,000+ incomes

Or trying to get Corps to bring jobs back to US by giving them tax credits and incentives, being blocked by the GOP...


Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:

  • Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.
  • Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.
  • Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.
  • Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making.
For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight control of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Citizens governed corporations by detailing operating conditions not just in charters but also in state constitutions and state laws. Incorporated businesses were prohibited from taking any action that legislators did not specifically allow.

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
And the TPP is not a multi-national corporation's dream come true?

You mean that thing that will ONLY pass IF the GOP AGAIN decides to vote against US? Yep, the majority of Dems (60%+) have voted against EVERY free trade deal the past 2 decades. Weird right?
So Dems have a different plan, not a better plan, just a different plan. (Actually I don't think they have a plan except self interest.)

We have to decide which kind of capitalism we want- plutocratic capitalism where all the money is concentrated in the hands of 1% of the population, leaving the rest in debt or poverty, or democratic capitalism, where economic growth is created by as much of the population as possible

The conservatives have favored plutocratic capitalism, the belief in supply side economics, that the rich are the job creators but those jobs have to pay the smallest wages possible with no benefits in order to increase profits at the top end, that they should receive favorable treatment like low taxation and little oversight and regulation

Liberals favor democratic capitalism, where the profits are created by a consumer middle class who are paid wages that are sufficient, that the wealth of capitalism is spread and passed from hand to hand, that a welfare state is created for the working force so when there is an economic downturn or a personal disaster or emergency that member of the workforce is not expendable and their families will survive, and in their elder years they will have a pension and healthcare, aliviating that burden on their younger family members in the work force

In the last thirty years the conservative view came back into vogue and the results have been a huge jump in the wealth of a few with the deterioration of the middle class

Now the conservatives are going for the middle class jugular with their agenda of cutting the social safety net
"Republicans are bad. Democrats are good. We think everyone should live happily ever after." I'm paraphrasing you a bit there but I think I got the gist of it. Again, second decade of the twenty-first century. Dems need to get their head out of the ground and their hand out of the till and start doing something useful. (Key word there being useful.)

Can't refute it huh Bubs?

HOW ABOUT ONE POLICY EVER THAT CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of history OR a policy worked as promised by them?

Hint both aren't equally to blame dumbshit!
You mean after 40+ years of CONservatives/GOP trying to break US with their policies, starting with Lewis Powell's memo to the Chamber of Commerce?

Yep, when your SOLE goal is to gut social spending and policies that CREATED the worlds largest middle class (FDR New Deal), you do it by destroying Gov't LIKE the GOP has done!
And political Democrats have used the system to make themselves rich. One wants to use the system to their advantage and one wants to destroy the system to their advantage. No one wants to fix the system.


Hint 60% of Dems voted against EVERY "free trade agreement", against Dubya's war of choice

99% of GOP voted for Dubya's tax cuts for the rich and 97% against Obama's stimulus (even though a year earlier 95% of them voted for Dubya's stimulus in a MUCH better economy)

Give the Dem's 100% of everything; WH, Senate, House, what would they do with it? Pass lots of freebies and make themselves rich? Seems to be the plan.

We already know what economic policies work best for our country. Clinton knew that we had to cut spending and increase revenues. We had revenues of 20% of GDP and 4 straight surpluses (3 after vetoing the GOP's $700+ billion tax cut) . Then something terrible happened, the Republicans gained complete control in 2001 and instead of sticking with what was working they decided that their ideology was more important. The debt has gone up $12+ trillion since then.
Clinton capitalized on the Information Revolution by deregulating capital. He can and went and so the did money. Clinton (both/either) have nothing to show for years and years of opportunity they had been blessed with.


"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits." Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts (without a single GOP vote) , which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity." Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit." Goldman Sachs, March 1998

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

It absolutely amazes me that this brother killed Bin Laden, brought our economy from the brink of total collapse, unlike our European friends who tanked and are still trying to recoup, we now have the lowest gas prices in a decade, ACA for all, states are now discussing raising the min wage, unemployment at 5 and these haters, racist, these morons on the right, still want blood from a black man who's only crime is being elected TWICE....LOLOL....TWO SNAPS!!
We've had almost 7 years of Obama food stamp user creators. Get honest.

REALLY? I remember Clinton handing Dubya a projected $5+ trillion surplus with 20+ million private sector jobs created, yet Dubya handed Obama a projected debt of $19 trillion with the economy shredding 700,000+ jobs a month and the economy tanking 9%+ (and a loss of private sector jobs of 1+ million in just Dubya's 8 years, not counting the 4+ million under Obama's first 14 months)

I remember food stamp usage increasing by 70% under Obama despite claims that things are better.

You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
THAT can't be true, we had 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies??? Come on, get honest

We've had almost 7 years of Obama food stamp user creators. Get honest.
Sure Bubba, sure. It was because he was black huh?

Conservatives just ignore facts and reality. They have "faith" that their ideology is correct.

It was because he was unqualified to do the job yet elected to meet a concept you Liberals wanted.

My ideology has worked for me because I choose to work instead of expecting someone else to work so it can be handed to me.

Congrats, a lot of people chose to work and a lot of people don' the hell is that Obama's fault you moron?

When you do things that allow people to continue getting a check while not working thinking it is an incentive to go to work, you're an idiot.

Yes better to go back to the way BEFORE the safety nets were set up right?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Are you saying they deserve someone else's money? I disagree. Since you're not one of those paying for it, it's understandable why you would support it. It costs you nothing.


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