The GOP is desperate for a failing economy......sic


"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?
if he was white would you have said "under the white boy"?....

I would have said cracker or honkey.
We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Well it's actually 5 times

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But yes, 200+ years of discriminating COULDN'T had put minorities in a worse position right Bubs? And the rights war on the poor today, sure helps right Bubs?

5x, 6x, or whatever times, unless the percentage of whites on welfare is that much greater, your statement using raw data matters not.

I guess over 7/10 black babies being bastards is helping the cause.

Strange how you call expecting people to provide for themselves, earn their way, and support their own a war. I call it personal responsibility. No one owes poor people a thing.

We KNOW how CONservative policy works Bubba, look to the US pre FDR PROGRESSIVE POLICIES
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One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol

Still blaming Bush. If Obama is as good as you ass lickers say, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he was left with.

Yeah, It's Obama's "fault" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please

Over 70% of black babies are born bastards. I guess that's helping the cause.

She says someone owes her. For what, spreading her legs and having 15 bastards? I wish she or whomever helped create those babies would support them. If anyone owes her anything, it's the three men she spread her legs for. I don't who they are and don't care. What I do know is who doesn't owe her.


Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please

Over 70% of black babies are born bastards. I guess that's helping the cause.

She says someone owes her. For what, spreading her legs and having 15 bastards? I wish she or whomever helped create those babies would support them. If anyone owes her anything, it's the three men she spread her legs for. I don't who they are and don't care. What I do know is who doesn't owe her.



She should support her own, too.

Out of that over 300 million, I am responsible for 4. My family. Outside of that, I'm not responsible for the over 299,999,996 left.

Okay, but don't forget you moron, your other responsibilities, the oil companies, the mega farmers, the lame congress, corporations, add that to your 4 and choke on it, fool. You stupid gotdamned hillbillies all stressing over some sorry bitch not working, getting perhaps 200 bucks a month, and yet you don't even break a sweat, realizing that the bulk of you so called hard earned hillbilly dollars go to motherfuckers that don't need it and you could give a damn. I mean you people make me sick to my fuckin stomach, you really do.
Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

Yep, I get it Bubs, you put your pointy hat on.

Yep, Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SURE put US in a HUGE fukkn hole right?

If Obama is as good as you ass lickers claim, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he didn't cause.

Since we have no issues, other than white people killing mf's for fun, I say problem solved.

We have plenty of issues causes by the MF in the White House.
shut the hell up. YOUR stinking Democrats had a supermajority for the first two years and instead of working on the economy. they worked to have a NEW Government Entitlement put on YOUR children's backs. so you and Obama spewing this crap can go take a flying leap. this is OBAMA'S economy. nobody is wishing we fail. but him and his nasty party.

The hated gov entitlement that gives health insurance to 17 million people who relied on the emergency room before.....WHAT WAS THE GOVERNMENT THINKING!
shut the hell up. YOUR stinking Democrats had a supermajority for the first two years and instead of working on the economy. they worked to have a NEW Government Entitlement put on YOUR children's backs. so you and Obama spewing this crap can go take a flying leap. this is OBAMA'S economy. nobody is wishing we fail. but him and his nasty party.

The hated gov entitlement that gives health insurance to 17 million people who relied on the emergency room before.....WHAT WAS THE GOVERNMENT THINKING!

Thanks, Obamacare: America's Uninsured Rate Is Below 10% For First Time Ever

Thanks, Obamacare: America's Uninsured Rate Is Below 10% For First Time Ever
You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels


U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

“The forecast decline in U.S. monthly oil production through early 2016 is the result of low oil prices, which pushed oil companies to reduce their investment in drilling that resulted in the lowest number of rigs drilling for oil in nearly five years,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski in a statement.

Still, with domestic benchmark oil slated to average about $55 per barrel this year, the core spots of the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Permian basins remain economically viable to support development drilling, the EIA said. As rigs and wells become more efficient and productive, and the costs to drill and complete wells continue falling, onshore production will grow again in late 2016, the EIA said.

U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

Apr 13, 2015 - Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record

"Even though rig counts are falling every month, production has increased," said Per Magnus Nysveen, senior partner and head of analysis at Rystad, a Norwegian firm that tracks oil production. "Production and rig counts have moved in the opposite direction."

U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015


I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels


U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

“The forecast decline in U.S. monthly oil production through early 2016 is the result of low oil prices, which pushed oil companies to reduce their investment in drilling that resulted in the lowest number of rigs drilling for oil in nearly five years,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski in a statement.

Still, with domestic benchmark oil slated to average about $55 per barrel this year, the core spots of the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Permian basins remain economically viable to support development drilling, the EIA said. As rigs and wells become more efficient and productive, and the costs to drill and complete wells continue falling, onshore production will grow again in late 2016, the EIA said.

U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

Apr 13, 2015 - Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record

"Even though rig counts are falling every month, production has increased," said Per Magnus Nysveen, senior partner and head of analysis at Rystad, a Norwegian firm that tracks oil production. "Production and rig counts have moved in the opposite direction."

U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015


You still don't get it. Increases in supply must be applied against increase in demand. The supply is still being outpaced by demand though not as drastically as before fracking had any concrete impact. The fracking element is in spite of Obama's restrictions imposed on offshore and fed land extraction. Had Obama not reimplemented those restrictions, fracking would be moot and our economy would have been robust.
Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels


U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

“The forecast decline in U.S. monthly oil production through early 2016 is the result of low oil prices, which pushed oil companies to reduce their investment in drilling that resulted in the lowest number of rigs drilling for oil in nearly five years,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski in a statement.

Still, with domestic benchmark oil slated to average about $55 per barrel this year, the core spots of the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Permian basins remain economically viable to support development drilling, the EIA said. As rigs and wells become more efficient and productive, and the costs to drill and complete wells continue falling, onshore production will grow again in late 2016, the EIA said.

U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

Apr 13, 2015 - Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record

"Even though rig counts are falling every month, production has increased," said Per Magnus Nysveen, senior partner and head of analysis at Rystad, a Norwegian firm that tracks oil production. "Production and rig counts have moved in the opposite direction."

U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015


You still don't get it. Increases in supply must be applied against increase in demand. The supply is still being outpaced by demand though not as drastically as before fracking had any concrete impact. The fracking element is in spite of Obama's restrictions imposed on offshore and fed land extraction. Had Obama not reimplemented those restrictions, fracking would be moot and our economy would have been robust.

MORE right wing "theory". Shocking let's put it up there with the other CONservatives policies that worked right:








Fracking uses a toxic chemical cocktail known as fracking fluid.
  • Companies using fracking fluid have resisted disclosing the contents of fracking fluid, claiming the information is proprietary. However, samples from well sites indicate that the fluid contains: formaldehyde, acetic acids, citric acids, and boric acids, among hundreds of other contaminants.
  • It has recently come to light that, despite the illegality of the action, companies have been caught using diesel fuel in the fracking fluid.
Fracking removes millions of gallons of precious freshwater from the water cycle.
  • Each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally-sourced freshwater which will be permanently contaminated by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals contained in the fracking fluid.
  • About half of this water returns to the surface, where it is stored in steel containers until it can be injected deep underground in oil and gas waste wells.
  • No one is entirely sure what happens to the other half of the water used in the process. Our best guess is that the water remains underground, though there are indications that at least some of this toxic cocktail makes its way back into the water supply.
Fracking causes a range of environmental problems.
  • At least eight other states have reported surface, ground, and drinking water contamination due to fracking.
  • In Pennsylvania, over 1,400 environmental violations have been attributed to deep gas wells utilizing fracking practices.
  • Pollution from truck traffic, chemical contamination around storage tanks, and habitat fragmentation and damage from drilling to environmentally sensitive areas have are all related to fracking.

Fracking: The Dangers | Clean Water Action

Fracking is an extreme and unsafe method of extracting fossil fuels from the ground that harms our drinking water, health, environment and climate and has been linked to earthquakes. Reliance on fracking keeps us from moving to renewable energy.



The very idea that the GOP actually WANTS a bad economy is just partisanly STUPID. The same can be said for Democrats (Maybe not specifically Obama, but...)

Being politicians, and lawyers rather than CPAs, they suck at handling money. Much of it is spent buying favors, buying votes, and repaying those who helped you get re-elected.

Today's politicians are NOT the politicians of old, who put country 1st and who were willing to personally savrifice for the nation and others. Most of the Founding Fathers ended up poor. Today's politicians are self/party-serving millionsaires who share the common goal of staying in office, maintaining power, and getting richer.

They also have millions of sheep believing they hive a crap about THEM (the sheep). Representatives who care about the people don't impose 'edicts', tell people they have no right to know what is in the bills until they pass, and then exempt themselves from these same laws because they KNOW how bad they are.

Wake up, America!
The very idea that the GOP actually WANTS a bad economy is just partisanly STUPID. The same can be said for Democrats (Maybe not specifically Obama, but...)

Being politicians, and lawyers rather than CPAs, they suck at handling money. Much of it is spent buying favors, buying votes, and repaying those who helped you get re-elected.

Today's politicians are NOT the politicians of old, who put country 1st and who were willing to personally savrifice for the nation and others. Most of the Founding Fathers ended up poor. Today's politicians are self/party-serving millionsaires who share the common goal of staying in office, maintaining power, and getting richer.

They also have millions of sheep believing they hive a crap about THEM (the sheep). Representatives who care about the people don't impose 'edicts', tell people they have no right to know what is in the bills until they pass, and then exempt themselves from these same laws because they KNOW how bad they are.

Wake up, America!

Of course they do. Forget middle America. An economy in the dumpster would help the GOP candidate. They have spent 7 1/2 years blocking any ideas that could help the economy. First to stop Obama, which failed and second to win back the WH......which will fail.
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels


U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

“The forecast decline in U.S. monthly oil production through early 2016 is the result of low oil prices, which pushed oil companies to reduce their investment in drilling that resulted in the lowest number of rigs drilling for oil in nearly five years,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski in a statement.

Still, with domestic benchmark oil slated to average about $55 per barrel this year, the core spots of the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Permian basins remain economically viable to support development drilling, the EIA said. As rigs and wells become more efficient and productive, and the costs to drill and complete wells continue falling, onshore production will grow again in late 2016, the EIA said.

U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

Apr 13, 2015 - Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record

"Even though rig counts are falling every month, production has increased," said Per Magnus Nysveen, senior partner and head of analysis at Rystad, a Norwegian firm that tracks oil production. "Production and rig counts have moved in the opposite direction."

U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015


You still don't get it. Increases in supply must be applied against increase in demand. The supply is still being outpaced by demand though not as drastically as before fracking had any concrete impact. The fracking element is in spite of Obama's restrictions imposed on offshore and fed land extraction. Had Obama not reimplemented those restrictions, fracking would be moot and our economy would have been robust.

MORE right wing "theory". Shocking let's put it up there with the other CONservatives policies that worked right:








Fracking uses a toxic chemical cocktail known as fracking fluid.
  • Companies using fracking fluid have resisted disclosing the contents of fracking fluid, claiming the information is proprietary. However, samples from well sites indicate that the fluid contains: formaldehyde, acetic acids, citric acids, and boric acids, among hundreds of other contaminants.
  • It has recently come to light that, despite the illegality of the action, companies have been caught using diesel fuel in the fracking fluid.
Fracking removes millions of gallons of precious freshwater from the water cycle.
  • Each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally-sourced freshwater which will be permanently contaminated by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals contained in the fracking fluid.
  • About half of this water returns to the surface, where it is stored in steel containers until it can be injected deep underground in oil and gas waste wells.
  • No one is entirely sure what happens to the other half of the water used in the process. Our best guess is that the water remains underground, though there are indications that at least some of this toxic cocktail makes its way back into the water supply.
Fracking causes a range of environmental problems.
  • At least eight other states have reported surface, ground, and drinking water contamination due to fracking.
  • In Pennsylvania, over 1,400 environmental violations have been attributed to deep gas wells utilizing fracking practices.
  • Pollution from truck traffic, chemical contamination around storage tanks, and habitat fragmentation and damage from drilling to environmentally sensitive areas have are all related to fracking.

Fracking: The Dangers | Clean Water Action

Fracking is an extreme and unsafe method of extracting fossil fuels from the ground that harms our drinking water, health, environment and climate and has been linked to earthquakes. Reliance on fracking keeps us from moving to renewable energy.



Yet fracking is the source of the increased oil extraction you brag about.
Make up your mind. You sound as duplicitous as your faux black messiah.
shut the hell up. YOUR stinking Democrats had a supermajority for the first two years and instead of working on the economy. they worked to have a NEW Government Entitlement put on YOUR children's backs. so you and Obama spewing this crap can go take a flying leap. this is OBAMA'S economy. nobody is wishing we fail. but him and his nasty party.

The hated gov entitlement that gives health insurance to 17 million people who relied on the emergency room before.....WHAT WAS THE GOVERNMENT THINKING!

Thanks, Obamacare: America's Uninsured Rate Is Below 10% For First Time Ever

Thanks, Obamacare: America's Uninsured Rate Is Below 10% For First Time Ever

If any thanks should be given, if this is actually true rather than another lie by Obama, it should be to those forced to fund the subsidies. Without them, the leeches wouldn't get coverage. Now, they get coverage so they can continue to buy beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets with money they don't have to support themselves.
The very idea that the GOP actually WANTS a bad economy is just partisanly STUPID. The same can be said for Democrats (Maybe not specifically Obama, but...)

Being politicians, and lawyers rather than CPAs, they suck at handling money. Much of it is spent buying favors, buying votes, and repaying those who helped you get re-elected.

Today's politicians are NOT the politicians of old, who put country 1st and who were willing to personally savrifice for the nation and others. Most of the Founding Fathers ended up poor. Today's politicians are self/party-serving millionsaires who share the common goal of staying in office, maintaining power, and getting richer.

They also have millions of sheep believing they hive a crap about THEM (the sheep). Representatives who care about the people don't impose 'edicts', tell people they have no right to know what is in the bills until they pass, and then exempt themselves from these same laws because they KNOW how bad they are.

Wake up, America!

Of course they do. Forget middle America. An economy in the dumpster would help the GOP candidate. They have spent 7 1/2 years blocking any ideas that could help the economy. First to stop Obama, which failed and second to win back the WH......which will fail.

Obama proposed no ideas that would help the economy.
shut the hell up. YOUR stinking Democrats had a supermajority for the first two years and instead of working on the economy. they worked to have a NEW Government Entitlement put on YOUR children's backs. so you and Obama spewing this crap can go take a flying leap. this is OBAMA'S economy. nobody is wishing we fail. but him and his nasty party.

The hated gov entitlement that gives health insurance to 17 million people who relied on the emergency room before.....WHAT WAS THE GOVERNMENT THINKING!

They weren't.

Interesting that you use the word "give" as that's what it was in the case of 4 of 5 receiving subsidies. Who the hell do you think paid for them?
In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Nothing conservative. It's basic math applied to empirical observation.

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels


U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

“The forecast decline in U.S. monthly oil production through early 2016 is the result of low oil prices, which pushed oil companies to reduce their investment in drilling that resulted in the lowest number of rigs drilling for oil in nearly five years,” said EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski in a statement.

Still, with domestic benchmark oil slated to average about $55 per barrel this year, the core spots of the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Permian basins remain economically viable to support development drilling, the EIA said. As rigs and wells become more efficient and productive, and the costs to drill and complete wells continue falling, onshore production will grow again in late 2016, the EIA said.

U.S. oil output still barreling toward 45-year record

Apr 13, 2015 - Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record

"Even though rig counts are falling every month, production has increased," said Per Magnus Nysveen, senior partner and head of analysis at Rystad, a Norwegian firm that tracks oil production. "Production and rig counts have moved in the opposite direction."

U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015


You still don't get it. Increases in supply must be applied against increase in demand. The supply is still being outpaced by demand though not as drastically as before fracking had any concrete impact. The fracking element is in spite of Obama's restrictions imposed on offshore and fed land extraction. Had Obama not reimplemented those restrictions, fracking would be moot and our economy would have been robust.

MORE right wing "theory". Shocking let's put it up there with the other CONservatives policies that worked right:








Fracking uses a toxic chemical cocktail known as fracking fluid.
  • Companies using fracking fluid have resisted disclosing the contents of fracking fluid, claiming the information is proprietary. However, samples from well sites indicate that the fluid contains: formaldehyde, acetic acids, citric acids, and boric acids, among hundreds of other contaminants.
  • It has recently come to light that, despite the illegality of the action, companies have been caught using diesel fuel in the fracking fluid.
Fracking removes millions of gallons of precious freshwater from the water cycle.
  • Each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally-sourced freshwater which will be permanently contaminated by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals contained in the fracking fluid.
  • About half of this water returns to the surface, where it is stored in steel containers until it can be injected deep underground in oil and gas waste wells.
  • No one is entirely sure what happens to the other half of the water used in the process. Our best guess is that the water remains underground, though there are indications that at least some of this toxic cocktail makes its way back into the water supply.
Fracking causes a range of environmental problems.
  • At least eight other states have reported surface, ground, and drinking water contamination due to fracking.
  • In Pennsylvania, over 1,400 environmental violations have been attributed to deep gas wells utilizing fracking practices.
  • Pollution from truck traffic, chemical contamination around storage tanks, and habitat fragmentation and damage from drilling to environmentally sensitive areas have are all related to fracking.

Fracking: The Dangers | Clean Water Action

Fracking is an extreme and unsafe method of extracting fossil fuels from the ground that harms our drinking water, health, environment and climate and has been linked to earthquakes. Reliance on fracking keeps us from moving to renewable energy.



Yet fracking is the source of the increased oil extraction you brag about.
Make up your mind. You sound as duplicitous as your faux black messiah.

Good for you Bubba, you decide to bring out the GOP's pointy hats for community outreach!

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