The GOP is desperate for a failing economy......sic

You do realize that claim about Medicare is wrong. It was spend on social welfare programs.

Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Well it's actually 5 times

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But yes, 200+ years of discriminating COULDN'T had put minorities in a worse position right Bubs? And the rights war on the poor today, sure helps right Bubs?
We've had almost 7 years of Obama food stamp user creators. Get honest.

REALLY? I remember Clinton handing Dubya a projected $5+ trillion surplus with 20+ million private sector jobs created, yet Dubya handed Obama a projected debt of $19 trillion with the economy shredding 700,000+ jobs a month and the economy tanking 9%+ (and a loss of private sector jobs of 1+ million in just Dubya's 8 years, not counting the 4+ million under Obama's first 14 months)

I remember food stamp usage increasing by 70% under Obama despite claims that things are better.

You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.

You mean AS the GOP has blocked ANYTHING that would help US?

What if Obama spent like Reagan?

How does government spending and investment during Obama's first term compare to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush's first terms? The answer is poorly. Whereas total government spending dropped in 10 out of the 16 quarters that comprised Obama's first term, it rose in 13 out of Reagan's first 16 quarters, and 13 out of Bush's first 16 quarters.

Or, to put it differently, over Obama's first term, falling government spending and investment snipped, on average, .11 percentage points of GDP off of (annualized) quarterly growth. During Reagan's first term, it added .68 percentage points, and during Bush's first term, it added .52 percentage points.


The point isn't that Reagan and Bush were big spenders while Obama favors austerity. If it were up to Obama, the federal government would have spent much more since 2010. Moreover, these numbers are, in large part, functions of the economies the three men inherited. Each saw a recession in their first term, but Obama's was by far the worst, and so it led to much more severe cutbacks in state and local spending.

Rather, these graphs simply establish a basic fact about Obama's term: While deficits have indeed been high, government spending and investment has been falling since 2010. This is, in recent presidential administrations, a simply unprecedented response to a recession.

Just for fun, I took Obama's GDP growth, netted out the effect of government spending and investment, and then added the total government spending and investment numbers — which include state and local government — from Reagan's first term. The result is a significantly better economy, with growth since 2010 averaging 3.2 percent rather than 2.4 percent.

Basic economic theory would hold that you want a larger contribution from government spending during a big recession in which private demand is weak than you do during a mild recession or a healthy economy. But that's been the case in Obama's economy, and all signs are that the pace of government spending cuts will accelerate sharply over the next year.

Charts: What if Obama spent like Reagan?


Reagan's deficit was so huge, it actually made the Genis Book of president in US prior to his take over, spent as much as he did and yet, he's their hero LOLOLOLOLO

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

Yep, I get it Bubs, you put your pointy hat on.

Yep, Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SURE put US in a HUGE fukkn hole right?
You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.

You mean AS the GOP has blocked ANYTHING that would help US?

What if Obama spent like Reagan?

How does government spending and investment during Obama's first term compare to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush's first terms? The answer is poorly. Whereas total government spending dropped in 10 out of the 16 quarters that comprised Obama's first term, it rose in 13 out of Reagan's first 16 quarters, and 13 out of Bush's first 16 quarters.

Or, to put it differently, over Obama's first term, falling government spending and investment snipped, on average, .11 percentage points of GDP off of (annualized) quarterly growth. During Reagan's first term, it added .68 percentage points, and during Bush's first term, it added .52 percentage points.


The point isn't that Reagan and Bush were big spenders while Obama favors austerity. If it were up to Obama, the federal government would have spent much more since 2010. Moreover, these numbers are, in large part, functions of the economies the three men inherited. Each saw a recession in their first term, but Obama's was by far the worst, and so it led to much more severe cutbacks in state and local spending.

Rather, these graphs simply establish a basic fact about Obama's term: While deficits have indeed been high, government spending and investment has been falling since 2010. This is, in recent presidential administrations, a simply unprecedented response to a recession.

Just for fun, I took Obama's GDP growth, netted out the effect of government spending and investment, and then added the total government spending and investment numbers — which include state and local government — from Reagan's first term. The result is a significantly better economy, with growth since 2010 averaging 3.2 percent rather than 2.4 percent.

Basic economic theory would hold that you want a larger contribution from government spending during a big recession in which private demand is weak than you do during a mild recession or a healthy economy. But that's been the case in Obama's economy, and all signs are that the pace of government spending cuts will accelerate sharply over the next year.

Charts: What if Obama spent like Reagan?

This isn't the 80's and it is not even the turn of the century. We are in the second decade of the 21st century and America is heading for one heck of an implosion.

Yep, kinda seems like some sort of plan since Reaganomics huh?

GUT federal revenues, blow up debt then claim you can't pay for it?

"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

Starve the beast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are looking at the other guy's picture and saying what is wrong with it but you are missing the big picture. America is crumbling.

LOLOLOLO....and don't forget the sky is falling too, chicken shit
Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please please do tell, what is so bad about this economy that shit heads like you stay up at night about? Please...either put up or shut the fuck up cause I'm sick of you nuts

We can always count on you to "keep it classy". And to think, you eat with those fingers.

Consider the massive increase in the federal debt, the historically low labor force participation rate, the anemic growth of the economy, and the drop in real wages during the Obama Era. His policies have resulted in the worse (supposed) recovery ever.
You do realize that claim about Medicare is wrong. It was spend on social welfare programs.

Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please
Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please please do tell, what is so bad about this economy that shit heads like you stay up at night about? Please...either put up or shut the fuck up cause I'm sick of you nuts

We can always count on you to "keep it classy". And to think, you eat with those fingers.

Consider the massive increase in the federal debt, the historically low labor force participation rate, the anemic growth of the economy, and the drop in real wages during the Obama Era. His policies have resulted in the worse (supposed) recovery ever.

Listen, to those of us who disagree, lets just leave it at that. Talking to you neo nuts is exhausting, I'm people are just too gotdamn dumb for me.
Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please please do tell, what is so bad about this economy that shit heads like you stay up at night about? Please...either put up or shut the fuck up cause I'm sick of you nuts

We can always count on you to "keep it classy". And to think, you eat with those fingers.

Consider the massive increase in the federal debt, the historically low labor force participation rate, the anemic growth of the economy, and the drop in real wages during the Obama Era. His policies have resulted in the worse (supposed) recovery ever.

Listen, to those of us who disagree, lets just leave it at that. Talking to you neo nuts is exhausting, I'm people are just too gotdamn dumb for me.

And you are far too vulgar and ignorant for me.

Scuzzy moi, but we already have a failing economy.

Thanks Obama!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please please do tell, what is so bad about this economy that shit heads like you stay up at night about? Please...either put up or shut the fuck up cause I'm sick of you nuts

We can always count on you to "keep it classy". And to think, you eat with those fingers.

Consider the massive increase in the federal debt, the historically low labor force participation rate, the anemic growth of the economy, and the drop in real wages during the Obama Era. His policies have resulted in the worse (supposed) recovery ever.


Hint Dubya took USA from $5.8 trillion of debt end of Clinton, to $11.9+ trillion his last budget AND Obama inherited the "job creator" tax cuts that failed to produce a single private sector job under Dubya's 8 years, but are responsible for 30%+ of the deficits!! Add to that Dubya's regulator failure as he cheered on the Banksters

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

Dubya had less than 1% of growth per year IF you take out his ponzi scheme where people used their homes as ATM's

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

REALLY? I remember Clinton handing Dubya a projected $5+ trillion surplus with 20+ million private sector jobs created, yet Dubya handed Obama a projected debt of $19 trillion with the economy shredding 700,000+ jobs a month and the economy tanking 9%+ (and a loss of private sector jobs of 1+ million in just Dubya's 8 years, not counting the 4+ million under Obama's first 14 months)

I remember food stamp usage increasing by 70% under Obama despite claims that things are better.

You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.
I remember food stamp usage increasing by 70% under Obama despite claims that things are better.

You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol
Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Well it's actually 5 times

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But yes, 200+ years of discriminating COULDN'T had put minorities in a worse position right Bubs? And the rights war on the poor today, sure helps right Bubs?

5x, 6x, or whatever times, unless the percentage of whites on welfare is that much greater, your statement using raw data matters not.

I guess over 7/10 black babies being bastards is helping the cause.

Strange how you call expecting people to provide for themselves, earn their way, and support their own a war. I call it personal responsibility. No one owes poor people a thing.
You mean Dubya/GOP dug a WIDE AND DEEP hole. Yup
One is arguing for bleeding the patient more. One is for applying a bigger band-aide. No one seems to be arguing for actually curing the patient.
I've been pointing out the cure for seven years; domestic oil extraction.
Obama has removed the band-aid and deepened the cut.

Sure Bubs, there HASN'T been this much energy production in the US for over 30+ years, largest US export? OIL PRODUCTS
Weigh the increase against the demand increase and factor in the obama restriction element.

In other words AGAIN use CONservative "math" right? lol

Still blaming Bush. If Obama is as good as you ass lickers say, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he was left with.
Let me guess, the US poor have refers, microwaves and TV's? lol

This chart from Pew Research shows the poverty rate across racial lines going all the way back to 1963.


As you can see from the report prior to 1967, the overall poverty rate was nearly double what it eventually became "when all the programs were in place" by 1967, so Perino's suggesting that things are now worse than they were before these programs is flat-out false. From 1963 through the year 2000, ending when economic policies of Bill Clinton that balanced the budget by slightly raising taxes on the rich, the general trend for people of all races was for the poverty rate was to go down. After 2000, when President George W. Bush implemented his tax cuts, which went largely to the richest 10 percent of the population, the poverty rate has been slowly creeping back upward. Now, clearly there are other factors involved here.

Killing those zombie lies about the war on poverty


We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please

Over 70% of black babies are born bastards. I guess that's helping the cause.

She says someone owes her. For what, spreading her legs and having 15 bastards? I wish she or whomever helped create those babies would support them. If anyone owes her anything, it's the three men she spread her legs for. I don't who they are and don't care. What I do know is who doesn't owe her.

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

Yep, I get it Bubs, you put your pointy hat on.

Yep, Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SURE put US in a HUGE fukkn hole right?

If Obama is as good as you ass lickers claim, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he didn't cause.
We just had a huge hiring frenzy at our company and the results are in, 75% of the people we hired...blacks, mostly young usta be welfare women.....25% of the people that were hired, elderly whites, especially women in their late 60's. That's who tops America's unemployed.

It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please

Over 70% of black babies are born bastards. I guess that's helping the cause.

She says someone owes her. For what, spreading her legs and having 15 bastards? I wish she or whomever helped create those babies would support them. If anyone owes her anything, it's the three men she spread her legs for. I don't who they are and don't care. What I do know is who doesn't owe her.



"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

Yep, I get it Bubs, you put your pointy hat on.

Yep, Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SURE put US in a HUGE fukkn hole right?

If Obama is as good as you ass lickers claim, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he didn't cause.

Since we have no issues, other than white people killing mf's for fun, I say problem solved.
It's about time those young black welfare queens got a damn job and quit expecting the rest of us to support their children.

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White - Breaking Brown

Unless the percentage of whites on welfare is 6x that of blacks, blacks get more boy on a proportional level. I know you don't understand proportions just like you don't understand that blacks are born bastards over 70% of the time.

Listen, for decades upon decades, this is all we ever hear from you nuts on the right, the black welfare queen is taking my heard earned money and sitting on her black ass and having baby after baby after baby....yada yada yada yada....pal, please come correct with something new...this shit has been done since the Nixon years, remember Archie Bunker? My god, 50 years of this same old bs....come correct or go home, please

Over 70% of black babies are born bastards. I guess that's helping the cause.

She says someone owes her. For what, spreading her legs and having 15 bastards? I wish she or whomever helped create those babies would support them. If anyone owes her anything, it's the three men she spread her legs for. I don't who they are and don't care. What I do know is who doesn't owe her.



She should support her own, too.

Out of that over 300 million, I am responsible for 4. My family. Outside of that, I'm not responsible for the over 299,999,996 left.

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

Yep, I get it Bubs, you put your pointy hat on.

Yep, Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SURE put US in a HUGE fukkn hole right?

If Obama is as good as you ass lickers claim, he shouldn't have had any problems solving what you say he didn't cause.

Since we have no issues, other than white people killing mf's for fun, I say problem solved.

We have plenty of issues causes by the MF in the White House.
Last edited:

"Blame It on Global Cooling? Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record"

"Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%.Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this..."



"Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America"

Yep, we agree, AFTER Dubya inherited a $5+ surplus with 20+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created he handed Obama a steaming pile of shit where the economy tanked 9% in 3 months (3 years growth), $1+ trillion deficits and was losing 700,000+ jobs a month. Woohoo, who was the failure?

How about that 70% increase in food stamps under the black boy?

You are the number one reason I keep getting sanctioned on these threads, so I'm gonna let it go....this time....boy? The only boy I see is tucked.......gotta let it go, tiger, let it go.

Typical of your kind to blame someone else for what happens to you. If you respond certain ways that get you sanctioned, it's because YOU do it.

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