The GOP Now Has The Lowest Approval Numbers In Gallup History

Republican Senator Richard M. Burr on Thursday took aim at conservatives who have threatened to shut down the federal government if the 2010 health care law is not defunded, calling it the “dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”
Good points, Yurt.

The times between now and the new year will see just how far the teaps can force the GOP to be stupid.

The teaps make up the controlling majority of Boehner's caucas. If they vote en masse against him, Boehner has to turn to dems for a majority, which they are more than glad to give him to get a clean up and down vote on the senate CR.

Time will tell.

you claimed earlier the tp was the did they get majority status in a week or so?

i wouldn't be surprised to see a mod pub win the wh and the dems take both houses of congress

The tea party is kind of a third party...The republicans need them to have a majority.

This is why they're so powerful.

Yeah, that's it. That's the perfect explanation. Has nothing to do with money from a handful of billionaires. Absolutely nothing. Citizens United doesn't figure into the equation, either. Absolutely not.
Republican Senator Richard M. Burr on Thursday took aim at conservatives who have threatened to shut down the federal government if the 2010 health care law is not defunded, calling it the “dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”

It would be spectacular to know just how the arrows are flying within the Republican party. The finger-pointing going on would be absolutely awesome to behold.

I wonder if we're not going to get another rash of Republican senators and reps who are going to announce they are not running again so they can "spend more time with their family".
The Republican party can turn this around--which it seems like Boehner is doing.

Focus on trying to balance the budget, take defaulting off the table, let the ACA work its "Black magic" on unsuspecting Americans.

In 3 months, the Dems could be looking at dismal political numbers.
This is a nation today where Patrick Henry's proclamation of "Give me liberty or give me death!" would fall on deaf ears, for the people today are only interested in having a benevolent master and care little that Barack Hussein Obama, a bona fide Communist wants to leave behind a nation where the government dictates where you live, where you work, how much you earn, how much you can keep in a savings account for unexpected events, how many years of education you have, where you go to school, who you marry, how many children you have, what you wear and how much clothing you possess, how many pairs of shoes you have, what you eat, what you read, what channels you watch on television, whom you listen to, whom you are allowed to talk to, what you can say when you speak, what you drive, if you drive, who your doctor is, what medicines you receive for any illnesses you may contract, how many sheets of toilet tissue you may use per event, and of course, how long you are allowed to live.
Both front runners for the Democratic Nomination in 2004, John Kerry and Howard Dean, summed up the DNC's direction when they both exclaimed within weeks of each other that the policy of hard work, self reliance, and personal responsibility were just too hard.
The American people don't deserve their freedom and Barack Hussein Obama definitely intends that they not have what little is left too much longer.

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