The GOP's New Fake Racial History

elections are indeed in some cases run on racism, so are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?

For them little has changed, not really, bias come in many forms and angles, they are THE home for special interests. If anyone came out of this screwed up, it was them.

At the end of the day your objections and angst means little , in practicality the strategy got them votes, so what? You are barking at the moon, the dems are no different and have practiced and to this day provocate destructive identity politics. When it comes to damage done to any political party or politics overall, the dems shed their former base and now feed off of the a-fore mentioned class warfare, racism , race baiting, fear mongering.

So I find this all a tempest in a tea pot frankly. if you want to ratchet this up so as to make it appear it had any real practical effect, well, you are free to sate what practical effects it had, in the real world. who got hurt, who didn't etc.

If the realignment cost a party its identity or values, it wasn't the republican party, you can argue that till you turn blue if to like.

It then comes down to a philosophical argument. And we feel differently and there it is.

"are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?" nope.

you are free to start a thread on this topic.

The GOP Chairman apologized for the institutionalized racism of the GOP. Do you think a simple apology wiped it all out?

It worked for the Dems and Tuskegee

What do you think happened at Tuskegee?
No, they wouldn't. Remember, white liberals know what's racism and what isn't.

And I'm sure it's just coincidence that white liberals never display any racism. :lol:

And many peckerwoods wouldn't know racism, including their own, if it bit them in the ass.
Considering that your sole criteria for judging someone's racism is their party affiliation, you lack credibility on the subject.


Project much? I've freely admitted that the peckerwood Southern racists were Democrats before 1964. You, on the other hand, sound like an apologist for the GOP, ignoring the reality of the conscious effort of that party to co opt the racist anger over passing the Civil Rights bill. Hell, there's even GOP heroes out there who still believe that passing Civil Rights legislation was wrong, and even unconstitutional. What a bunch of morons.
Barry Goldwater, one of only SIX Republican Senators to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The very first major action of the Republican Party, nationally, post-Civil Rights Act, was to reward one of its few opponents, from their own ranks,

with the nomination for President.

I already explained why Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act and it had nothing to do with bigotry. Goldwater was a member of the NAACP and a major financial donor to that group for years.

Yep, but the fact that he was in bed with the John Birch Society at the time puts into question his real motivation. I mean "states rights"? It's a states right to institutionally discriminate? It's a "states right" to ignore lynching people for supposedly looking at a white woman? It's a "states right" to force a black person to stand, if a white person wants to be seated, or face arrest? It's a "states right" to have different criteria on who can vote, based on race? On what planet does that agree with our American ideals?

I judge a person on the totality of their lives, so I cut Barry Goldwater a bit of slack for coming out against the theocratic wing of the GOP later in life. But in 1964 he was playing the race card.
And many peckerwoods wouldn't know racism, including their own, if it bit them in the ass.
Considering that your sole criteria for judging someone's racism is their party affiliation, you lack credibility on the subject.


Project much? I've freely admitted that the peckerwood Southern racists were Democrats before 1964. You, on the other hand, sound like an apologist for the GOP, ignoring the reality of the conscious effort of that party to co opt the racist anger over passing the Civil Rights bill. Hell, there's even GOP heroes out there who still believe that passing Civil Rights legislation was wrong, and even unconstitutional. What a bunch of morons.
You do nothing to disprove my point, just so's you know. You falsely claim that all the racist Dems moved to the GOP following passage of the Civil Rights Bill.

That simply isn't true.
Byrd's life after the civil rights battles is admirable.

Yeah, it was real admirable of him to talk about white ******* in a 2001 interview with Tony Snow. It was real admirable when he voted against confirmation of both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas to the SCOTUS.

Byrd's past is not an issue.

Oh it damn well would be for you and Dick Fuck if he had been a Republican.

You can try to make it one so as to gloss over the institutionalized racism of the GOP. go for it.

Pot meet kettle.

His redemption is not my concern, though the black community as a whole has seemed to say he redeemed himself.

How many blacks live in West Virginia?
You guys really don't get it. The reason why Byrd's past is not an issue for blacks and anyone else with an ounce of sense is that he's since repented. Look up the word repent if you don't know what it means. However, the RightWing flock never has repented, in fact they've "doubled-down" and "reloaded" as Palin would say.

You posed a good question many blacks ARE in WV. I wonder why that is? Could it be they don't feel safe there?
How many blacks live in West Virginia?
You guys really don't get it. The reason why Byrd's past is not an issue for blacks and anyone else with an ounce of sense is that he's since repented. Look up the word repent if you don't know what it means. However, the RightWing flock never has repented, in fact they've "doubled-down" and "reloaded" as Palin would say.

You posed a good question many blacks ARE in WV. I wonder why that is? Could it be they don't feel safe there?[/QUOTE]
Has the Democratic Party ever apologized for their institutional racism? For creating the KKK, the terrorism arm of the Party? For voting against civil rights time and again? For blocking all attempts to make lynching illegal?


Okay, then.
LoL @ KNOW you are wrong, when you're only response is..."well did YOUR side apologize for x,y,z?"

Post after post after post portraying Democrats as racists for voting against the Civil Rights Act,

and then suddenly Barry Goldwater, who stood WITH them, gets a magical free pass.

I think most of my work here is finished.:lol::lol::lol:
Welcome to the RW Republican way.
LoL @ KNOW you are wrong, when you're only response is..."well did YOUR side apologize for x,y,z?"


Pretending the Democrats aren't built on racism really doesn't make it so, you know. Pretending all the racists left the party for the GOP doesn't make that so, either.

I suggest you clean your own house before you complain about anyone else's. It's filthy with blood and hate.
For blocking all attempts to make lynching illegal?


Okay, then.

Actually yes, in 2005 they passed a resolution apologizing for not passing anti-lynching laws. It had 80 co-sponsors. Funny that the handful who didn't co-sponsor the bill were the two Senators from Mississippi, which owns the record on lynching blacks.
For blocking all attempts to make lynching illegal?


Okay, then.

Actually yes, in 2005 they passed a resolution apologizing for not passing anti-lynching laws. It had 80 co-sponsors. Funny that the handful who didn't co-sponsor the bill were the two Senators from Mississippi, which owns the record on lynching blacks.
Byrd's life after the civil rights battles is admirable.

Yeah, it was real admirable of him to talk about white ******* in a 2001 interview with Tony Snow. It was real admirable when he voted against confirmation of both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas to the SCOTUS.

Oh it damn well would be for you and Dick Fuck if he had been a Republican.

Pot meet kettle.

His redemption is not my concern, though the black community as a whole has seemed to say he redeemed himself.

How many blacks live in West Virginia?
You guys really don't get it. The reason why Byrd's past is not an issue for blacks and anyone else with an ounce of sense is that he's since repented. Look up the word repent if you don't know what it means. However, the RightWing flock never has repented, in fact they've "doubled-down" and "reloaded" as Palin would say.

You posed a good question many blacks ARE in WV. I wonder why that is? Could it be they don't feel safe there?

So why was Sarah Palins Husband such a concern of the democrats? Why is any political figure other than a democrats cause concern in the democrats?
Byrd's life after the civil rights battles is admirable.

Yeah, it was real admirable of him to talk about white ******* in a 2001 interview with Tony Snow. It was real admirable when he voted against confirmation of both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas to the SCOTUS.

Byrd's past is not an issue.

Oh it damn well would be for you and Dick Fuck if he had been a Republican.

You can try to make it one so as to gloss over the institutionalized racism of the GOP. go for it.

Pot meet kettle.

His redemption is not my concern, though the black community as a whole has seemed to say he redeemed himself.

How many blacks live in West Virginia?

Byrd was a product of his time as Strom was. So what? A white southerner calls blacks *******.

no news there.

actions speak louder than words. Blacks left the GOP for the DNC and they mostly believed Byrd mostly changed his ways.

I've known for a long time exactly what drove Goldwater. I read his book. Have you?

I'm merely pointing out that Democrats in the South began voting Republican after the Civil Rights act, and their support of Goldwater is the first, best example.

example of WHAT, Exactly?

Of Southern segregationists beginning to believe that their cause would, after 1964, be better served by the Republican party, or, conversely, the belief that the Democratic Party was abandoning them, that their 'strange bedfellow' alliance, if you will, with the liberals in the Democratic party was on the rocks.

thank you, and how did that turn out?
elections are indeed in some cases run on racism, so are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?

For them little has changed, not really, bias come in many forms and angles, they are THE home for special interests. If anyone came out of this screwed up, it was them.

At the end of the day your objections and angst means little , in practicality the strategy got them votes, so what? You are barking at the moon, the dems are no different and have practiced and to this day provocate destructive identity politics. When it comes to damage done to any political party or politics overall, the dems shed their former base and now feed off of the a-fore mentioned class warfare, racism , race baiting, fear mongering.

So I find this all a tempest in a tea pot frankly. if you want to ratchet this up so as to make it appear it had any real practical effect, well, you are free to sate what practical effects it had, in the real world. who got hurt, who didn't etc.

If the realignment cost a party its identity or values, it wasn't the republican party, you can argue that till you turn blue if to like.

It then comes down to a philosophical argument. And we feel differently and there it is.

"are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?" nope.

you are free to start a thread on this topic.

The GOP Chairman apologized for the institutionalized racism of the GOP. Do you think a simple apology wiped it all out?

What a waste this has all been.

Drilled down, you give a pass to those you are sympathetic with, whose egregious well documented offenses are part of the record for a 100 years.

Your self inoculation is ridiculous, it really is, you've vaporized it all, so you can ride some big call out, where in no one is hurt harmed or aggrieved, well that is except you.

we're done here.

have a nice day.... please come again..:)
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.

This reply is worth repeating
You posed a good question many blacks ARE in WV. I wonder why that is? Could it be they don't feel safe there?

humm you tell could that be?

Governor Joe Manchin (D)
Lieutenant Governor Earl Ray Tomblin (D)[3]
U.S. Senators Jay Rockefeller (D)
Carte Goodwin (D)
U.S. House delegation 1: Alan Mollohan (D)
2: Shelley Moore Capito (R)
3: Nick Rahall (D) (list)

President of the Senate Earl Ray Tomblin, (D)
since January 11, 1995
Speaker of the House Richard Thompson, (D)
since January 10, 2007
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.

This reply is worth repeating

you class QA moron.

you may want to look around at what people actually post and not what you in your state of delusion image:

you can't wake up one day and bury the past and the present just because it clashes with the latest bogus conservative talking points

It only clashes because of an obsession in wanting it to clash, it's got to where politics can't be discussed and people can't debate without the race card, Anti Semite Card,Sex Card or Childreeen card being launched, do you guys have launch codes like SAC does:lol:

Most all my threads and posts here and elsewhere do not ever mention race or ethnicity.

Politics can be discussed without racial overtones. But look what the Obama camp did in the 2008 primary and what the Tea Party/GOP is doing. Using the appeals to racial fears while denying race is an issue.

Team Obama lost me when they used Obama's differences as a plus and yet denied anyone the ability to raise those issues without being condemned.

you people do not get IT. I am not nor have I ever been (except as a young boy and teen) open to progressive politics or nitwitticisms.
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.

Most all my threads and posts here and elsewhere do not ever mention race or ethnicity.

Politics can be discussed without racial overtones. But look what the Obama camp did in the 2008 primary and what the Tea Party/GOP is doing. Using the appeals to racial fears while denying race is an issue.

Team Obama lost me when they used Obama's differences as a plus and yet denied anyone the ability to raise those issues without being condemned.

you people do not get IT. I am not nor have I ever been (except as a young boy and teen) open to progressive politics or nitwitticisms.


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