The GOP's New Fake Racial History

For blocking all attempts to make lynching illegal?


Okay, then.

Actually yes, in 2005 they passed a resolution apologizing for not passing anti-lynching laws. It had 80 co-sponsors. Funny that the handful who didn't co-sponsor the bill were the two Senators from Mississippi, which owns the record on lynching blacks.

A Senate Apology for History on Lynching
Vote Condemns Past Failure to Act

By Avis Thomas-Lester
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The U.S. Senate last night approved a resolution apologizing for its failure to enact federal anti-lynching legislation decades ago, marking the first time the body has apologized for the nation's treatment of African Americans.

One-hundred and five years after the first anti-lynching bill was proposed by a black congressman, senators approved by a voice vote Resolution 39, which called for the lawmakers to apologize to lynching victims, survivors and their descendants, several of whom watched from the gallery.


The moment lacked the drama of the fiery Senate filibusters that blocked the legislation three times in the past century. There were few senators on the floor last night and no roll call, no accounting for each vote. But 80 of the Senate's 100 members signed on as co-sponsors, signaling their support.

Missing from that list were senators from the state that reported the most lynching incidents: Mississippi Republicans Trent Lott and Thad Cochran.

"I am personally struck," Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) said, "even at this significant moment, by the undeniable and inescapable reality that there aren't 100 senators and co-sponsors. Maybe by the end of the evening there will be, but as we stand here with this resolution now passed by voice vote, there aren't."

In passing the measure, the senators in essence admitted that their predecessors' failure to act had helped perpetuate a horror that took the lives of more than 4,700 people from 1882 to 1968, most of them black men. At the turn of the last century, more than 100 lynching incidents were reported each year, many of them publicly orchestrated to humiliate the victims and instill fear in others. Lynching occurred in all but four states in the contiguous United States, and less than 1 percent of the perpetrators were brought to justice, historians say.​

I'm not surprised since Lott thinks we'd be better off today if Strom Thurmond won in '48. After all, lynching was viewed as a "states right".
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.

Most all my threads and posts here and elsewhere do not ever mention race or ethnicity.

Politics can be discussed without racial overtones. But look what the Obama camp did in the 2008 primary and what the Tea Party/GOP is doing. Using the appeals to racial fears while denying race is an issue.

Team Obama lost me when they used Obama's differences as a plus and yet denied anyone the ability to raise those issues without being condemned.

you people do not get IT. I am not nor have I ever been (except as a young boy and teen) open to progressive politics or nitwitticisms.


What exactly has the obama camp done to easy racial tension?
What exactly has the obama camp done to easy racial tension?

Provided provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill.

Why are you calling blacks mental? Do you think they need help mentally?

No, I'm calling the peckerwoods, whose heads exploded when Obama won the election mentally ill. There's no other explanation as to why so many of them believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya.
It's perfectly normal for Progressives to go hysterical like this.

It's an expected reaction once we started posting about LBJ calling his own SCOTUS pick a ****** and how FDR & the Dems owned and operated the Nazi-inspiring Tuskegee Experiments.

They're trying to get away with what their LMSM Monopoly did a generation ago: paint Republicans as racists. Only this time we have the facts and they have only their hysteria.

Most all my threads and posts here and elsewhere do not ever mention race or ethnicity.

Politics can be discussed without racial overtones. But look what the Obama camp did in the 2008 primary and what the Tea Party/GOP is doing. Using the appeals to racial fears while denying race is an issue.

Team Obama lost me when they used Obama's differences as a plus and yet denied anyone the ability to raise those issues without being condemned.

you people do not get IT. I am not nor have I ever been (except as a young boy and teen) open to progressive politics or nitwitticisms.


What exactly has the obama camp done to easy racial tension?

I doubt there is anything they can do. People are intent on using racial fears and divisions as a weapon and tool.

Like I said, some of Team Obama did the very same thing during the DNC primary in 2008.
Provided provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill.

Why are you calling blacks mental? Do you think they need help mentally?

No, I'm calling the peckerwoods, whose heads exploded when Obama won the election mentally ill. There's no other explanation as to why so many of them believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya.

No that's not what you did. to easy racial tension Provide provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill. So tell me who is the healthcare law suppose to be catering to? Whites or Blacks?
Why are you calling blacks mental? Do you think they need help mentally?

No, I'm calling the peckerwoods, whose heads exploded when Obama won the election mentally ill. There's no other explanation as to why so many of them believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya.

No that's not what you did. to easy racial tension Provide provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill. So tell me who is the healthcare law suppose to be catering to? Whites or Blacks?

You don't believe that the providing mental health care to the loonies who believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya would improve race relations?
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elections are indeed in some cases run on racism, so are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?

For them little has changed, not really, bias come in many forms and angles, they are THE home for special interests. If anyone came out of this screwed up, it was them.

At the end of the day your objections and angst means little , in practicality the strategy got them votes, so what? You are barking at the moon, the dems are no different and have practiced and to this day provocate destructive identity politics. When it comes to damage done to any political party or politics overall, the dems shed their former base and now feed off of the a-fore mentioned class warfare, racism , race baiting, fear mongering.

So I find this all a tempest in a tea pot frankly. if you want to ratchet this up so as to make it appear it had any real practical effect, well, you are free to sate what practical effects it had, in the real world. who got hurt, who didn't etc.

If the realignment cost a party its identity or values, it wasn't the republican party, you can argue that till you turn blue if to like.

It then comes down to a philosophical argument. And we feel differently and there it is.

"are you saying that democrats don't use race, region, status, class, and all the rest to build their base or pump them up?" nope.

you are free to start a thread on this topic.

The GOP Chairman apologized for the institutionalized racism of the GOP. Do you think a simple apology wiped it all out?

What a waste this has all been.

Drilled down, you give a pass to those you are sympathetic with, whose egregious well documented offenses are part of the record for a 100 years.

Your self inoculation is ridiculous, it really is, you've vaporized it all, so you can ride some big call out, where in no one is hurt harmed or aggrieved, well that is except you.

we're done here.

have a nice day.... please come again..:)
No, I'm calling the peckerwoods, whose heads exploded when Obama won the election mentally ill. There's no other explanation as to why so many of them believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya.

No that's not what you did. to easy racial tension Provide provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill. So tell me who is the healthcare law suppose to be catering to? Whites or Blacks?

You don't believe that the providing mental health care to the loonies who believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya would improve race relations?

side stepping the fact that you think black people need mental help.
Actually yes, in 2005 they passed a resolution apologizing for not passing anti-lynching laws. It had 80 co-sponsors. Funny that the handful who didn't co-sponsor the bill were the two Senators from Mississippi, which owns the record on lynching blacks.

A Senate Apology for History on Lynching
Vote Condemns Past Failure to Act

By Avis Thomas-Lester
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The U.S. Senate last night approved a resolution apologizing for its failure to enact federal anti-lynching legislation decades ago, marking the first time the body has apologized for the nation's treatment of African Americans.

One-hundred and five years after the first anti-lynching bill was proposed by a black congressman, senators approved by a voice vote Resolution 39, which called for the lawmakers to apologize to lynching victims, survivors and their descendants, several of whom watched from the gallery.


The moment lacked the drama of the fiery Senate filibusters that blocked the legislation three times in the past century. There were few senators on the floor last night and no roll call, no accounting for each vote. But 80 of the Senate's 100 members signed on as co-sponsors, signaling their support.

Missing from that list were senators from the state that reported the most lynching incidents: Mississippi Republicans Trent Lott and Thad Cochran.

"I am personally struck," Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) said, "even at this significant moment, by the undeniable and inescapable reality that there aren't 100 senators and co-sponsors. Maybe by the end of the evening there will be, but as we stand here with this resolution now passed by voice vote, there aren't."

In passing the measure, the senators in essence admitted that their predecessors' failure to act had helped perpetuate a horror that took the lives of more than 4,700 people from 1882 to 1968, most of them black men. At the turn of the last century, more than 100 lynching incidents were reported each year, many of them publicly orchestrated to humiliate the victims and instill fear in others. Lynching occurred in all but four states in the contiguous United States, and less than 1 percent of the perpetrators were brought to justice, historians say.​

I'm not surprised since Lott thinks we'd be better off today if Strom Thurmond won in '48. After all, lynching was viewed as a "states right".
I stand corrected. Good for the Democrats. :clap2:

Now, do you really want to pretend that since two GOP senators didn't vote for it, the whole GOP opposed it?
No that's not what you did. to easy racial tension Provide provisions for mental health in the health insurance reform bill. So tell me who is the healthcare law suppose to be catering to? Whites or Blacks?

You don't believe that the providing mental health care to the loonies who believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya would improve race relations?

side stepping the fact that you think black people need mental help.

I'm not side stepping anything but your bogus strawmen. Those that need mental help are the abundance of wackos that believe Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. President Obama made it easier for these freaks to obtain the help they need.

Amazing that you'd pull "black people" out of thin air though. You must be preoccupied with some illusion that only black people will benefit from the health insurance reform legislation. I guess that fits very comfortably in world view of code words. Perhaps you're one of those Orwellian right wingers who believe that anti-racism is racism to hide their own bigotry.
You don't believe that the providing mental health care to the loonies who believe that Obama is a Muslim and born in Kenya would improve race relations?

side stepping the fact that you think black people need mental help.

I'm not side stepping anything but your bogus strawmen. Those that need mental help are the abundance of wackos that believe Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. President Obama made it easier for these freaks to obtain the help they need.

Amazing that you'd pull "black people" out of thin air though. You must be preoccupied with some illusion that only black people will benefit from the health insurance reform legislation. I guess that fits very comfortably in world view of code words. Perhaps you're one of those Orwellian right wingers who believe that anti-racism is racism to hide their own bigotry.
daveman (DM)

dave's a Dufus Major. It's a new rank for decommissioned dufuses


You guys really don't get it. The reason why Byrd's past is not an issue for blacks and anyone else with an ounce of sense is that he's since repented. Look up the word repent if you don't know what it means. However, the RightWing flock never has repented, in fact they've "doubled-down" and "reloaded" as Palin would say.

They've doubled down on calling blacks ******* and trying to discriminate against them? You're free to provide us all the proof you want of that. Until that point, which will never come, you continue to have zero credibility . In fact , it seems the only people even taking you seriously in this thread are the other resident loons that have already been shunned by most of the contributors here.

You posed a good question many blacks ARE in WV. I wonder why that is? Could it be they don't feel safe there?

Good question. Why don't you ask the Democrats who run the state.
Blacks left the GOP for the DNC and they mostly believed Byrd mostly changed his ways.

How do you know most blacks believed Byrd changed his ways? Did you poll them? Hence, the reason I asked the question earlier, how many blacks even live in West Virginia.
The Democratic party pushed the civil rights act to rectify this and the white southern Democrats who were unrepentant racist left the DNC for the GOP.

Except the numbers don't show that, Dainty.

Republicans have never controlled the Alabama state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Mississippi state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Arkansas state legislature since Reconstruction and Mike Huckabee was the only Republican governor they've had.

Republicans have never controlled the West Virginia state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Louisiana state legislature since Reconstruction and David Vitter is the first Republican to be elected a U.S. Senator from that state since the same time period and that wasn't until 2004.

Republicans have never controlled the North Carolina state legislature since Reconstruction and the state has only had two Republican governors, the last one being elected over 20 years ago.

Sonny Perdue is the only Republican to have ever been elected governor in Georgia and that didn't happen until 2002.

Republicans took control of the state legislatures of Tennessee and Oklahoma for the first time ever in 2008.

So as you can see, when confronted with reality, you're just full of shit as usual. Go back to your playpen, baby.
Blacks left the GOP for the DNC and they mostly believed Byrd mostly changed his ways.

How do you know most blacks believed Byrd changed his ways? Did you poll them? Hence, the reason I asked the question earlier, how many blacks even live in West Virginia.

wasn't talking about WV.

but thanks for trying
The Democratic party pushed the civil rights act to rectify this and the white southern Democrats who were unrepentant racist left the DNC for the GOP.

Except the numbers don't show that, Dainty.

Republicans have never controlled the Alabama state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Mississippi state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Arkansas state legislature since Reconstruction and Mike Huckabee was the only Republican governor they've had.

Republicans have never controlled the West Virginia state legislature since Reconstruction.

Republicans have never controlled the Louisiana state legislature since Reconstruction and David Vitter is the first Republican to be elected a U.S. Senator from that state since the same time period and that wasn't until 2004.

Republicans have never controlled the North Carolina state legislature since Reconstruction and the state has only had two Republican governors, the last one being elected over 20 years ago.

Sonny Perdue is the only Republican to have ever been elected governor in Georgia and that didn't happen until 2002.

Republicans took control of the state legislatures of Tennessee and Oklahoma for the first time ever in 2008.

So as you can see, when confronted with reality, you're just full of shit as usual. Go back to your playpen, baby.

the state and local parties are separate issues, but if you want, it was because of white southern conservatives and their bigotry that Jim Crow laws had to be overturned by Courts.

so then we get states rights -- to keep Jim Crow.

as usual you are confusing things as a way of denying reality. The Southern strategy of the GOP was about national elections and in those elections I am sure white crackers, southern conservative Democrats helped elect GOP fear mongers,

It's called crossover voting.

you're an idiot stuck on stupid. you keep changing what it is being discussed because it is the only way to keep your denial.

I have never denied white southern conservative Democrats with keeping Jim Crow in their heart of hearts. Shit nationally Trent Lott let the cat out of the bag at Strom's B'day party
The Democratic party pushed the civil rights act to rectify this and the white southern Democrats who were unrepentant racist left the DNC for the GOP.

Except the numbers don't show that, Dainty.

In 1964, for the first time since the end of Reconstruction, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina voted for a Republican president. The only other state to vote for Goldwater, was his home state. In 1968, not a single Southern state, except Texas voted for the Democratic head of ticket. How do you see these facts and claim the numbers don't add up. I don't care much about state parties, I care about the national parties.
Blacks left the GOP for the DNC and they mostly believed Byrd mostly changed his ways.

How do you know most blacks believed Byrd changed his ways? Did you poll them? Hence, the reason I asked the question earlier, how many blacks even live in West Virginia.
having trouble spelling my name?

I'm having trouble seeing the real you. :lol:

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