The Government Doesn't Like the Way You Raise Your Kids?

I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

The system is only as good as the people running it. That is true with everything. Good and bad people can be in the same agency.

I've seen cases where some people were given a pass while others were targeted. A family in Florida had their son taken from them because of a large bruise on his leg. Despite the child explaining that he did it on the playground at school, no one would listen. It was finally resolved in the family's favor, but not until after the child was traumatized by being taken away from his home and placed with strangers.

Another case involved a neighbor of mine. She was an alcoholic. Anyway, her children often missed school simply because she would literally pass out and not wake up early enough to get them off to school. Her youngest, a two- year old boy, had been discovered several times walking along a busy highway because his mom was passed out at home and had no idea he left the house. Police were called both times by passing motorists who spotted the child. Social Services finally paid a visit and determined no problem. The visit consisted of them looking to see that food was in the house and going over things with the mother to see if she knew how to take care of the children. She had 4 children. She knew all the answers, like feeding them, bathing them, etc. They seemed to think that going over the basics of child care as a test was sufficient to judge her parenting skills. They paid and other visit after a neighbor found her son alone sleeping in a park at 9:30 at night. Again, she talked a good game and they let the kids stay there. Things got worse. The 8 year old daughter fell and scrapped her knee one day. Not a big deal and most of it did that at some point. The wound wasn't cleaned properly. After the girl had missed school for a week and the mother claiming she had the flu after the school got a hold of her, a teacher grew concerned and called Social Services. When they finally checked the girl, she was in a lethargic state, in septic shock, and rushed to the hospital. She nearly died and spend a long time in the hospital. Her organs were starting to shut down and it was critical. At that point, Social Services started making regular visits, but always scheduled them in advance. Had to give the woman time to discard the empty wine bottles and stock up on some food. It went on this way for a while and nothing changed. Many of us in the neighborhood were trying to keep an eye out for problems and we all called authorities at different times, hoping for some real help for those children. It wasn't until she was involved in a hit an run accident while driving drunk that things changed for those poor children. She was arrested. Eventually, children were removed from the home and she was only allowed supervised visits with the children. It took over a year before there was intervention that made a difference.

One thing I have noticed is that people who are already in the system (welfare) are more apt to have their children left in the home while those not in the system tend to face swifter consequences and have children removed prior to an investigation. I don't know if that is a coincidence, but have seen it in two different states.
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If government is going to step in, then why aren't they removing children from homes of drug addicts or the young children that were involved in the riots? Clearly, there are no adults in charge there.

This family is strange, in my opinion, but if they truly broke no laws then I'm interested in the reason the children were taken. I don't put much stock in the one person who made some claims. Did that person report them if they were so horrible or does he just have some negative things to say to reporters now? Lot of information missing here.

Actually it was more than one, it was several.
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
I am not ax grinding.
I'm trying to wake up everyone into using their brains and doing research on it, to actually see what is really going on.
I worked in Child Protective Service's for 8 years from 1999 to 2007 and I saw first hand experience's of some of the abuses that they do and the law suites that was filed from the abuse of the agencies throughout the States.

I am saying this for us to all be aware and vigilant in all of our Government agencies because there is corruption in them.

And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
Or if you are trying to alert people to the potential dangers of intrusive government.
It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!
It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!

I don't think the high-horse is really called for. Most simply recognized this story as (yet another) excuse to talk about the limits, or lack thereof, on governmental authority. We hardly ever know the details of the events that prompt discussions on here. But that's no reason to stifle debate on the issues they highlight.
It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!

I don't think the high-horse is really called for. Most simply recognized this story as (yet another) excuse to talk about the limits, or lack thereof, on governmental authority. We hardly ever know the details of the events that prompt discussions on here. But that's no reason to stifle debate on the issues they highlight.
Actually, logical fallacies, wild assed assumptions, and confirmation biases are very good reasons to kick someone in the crotch. They should not be tolerated for the sake of "debate". That's the very bullshit that is poisoning the political landscape into one giant toxic waste dump site.
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And your evidence that that is the case here would be?

How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
Or if you are trying to alert people to the potential dangers of intrusive government.

But since there is no evidence in this case to support such an argument, non-sequitur.
It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!

Or based on their actual experiences and putting some of the liberal's sayings and writings together over the years.
It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!

Or based on their actual experiences

These are called "anecdotes" and mean fuck-all when it comes to informing one about this particular situation.

and putting some of the liberal's sayings and writings together over the years.

Classic confirmation bias leading to an entirely bogus wild assumption about this particular case.

It was very revealing that the default position of some people here was that the parents of these kids were innocent victims of Nazi/Chinese communist/North Korean government tactics without knowing a single fact about the case.

There are far too fucking many bozos on this forum who leap to wild goddam conclusions based on their partisan hack biases.

Cut out the bullshit!

Or based on their actual experiences

These are called "anecdotes" and mean fuck-all when it comes to informing one about this particular situation.

and putting some of the liberal's sayings and writings together over the years.

Classic confirmation bias leading to an entirely bogus wild assumption about this particular case.


You really assume to much into everything.
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How many times do I have to say that I am agreeing with you that they made the right move?

Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
Or if you are trying to alert people to the potential dangers of intrusive government.

But since there is no evidence in this case to support such an argument, non-sequitur.

You're not familiar with the word "potential"?

Look, what these kinds of threads are really all about is to probe the limits of the authoritarian mindset. Some of us wonder just how far statists will go in pursuing their ideal society. I doubt the veracity of this story as much as any of you, but what if it is true as reported? Are you in favor of that kind of intrusive government? Should government have the power to take children from parents because their neighbors don't approve of their lifestyle?

If your answer is, "No, but I think this story is bullshit", then we have no quarrel. The thing is, I suspect plenty of people here, on this board, would be in favor of the state having the authority to do just what was reported, and that raises disturbing questions which warrant discussion.
Out one side of your mouth, you say that the CPS is corrupt, and out the other side you say they made the right move. Make up your mind.

What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
Or if you are trying to alert people to the potential dangers of intrusive government.

But since there is no evidence in this case to support such an argument, non-sequitur.

You're not familiar with the word "potential"?

Look, what these kinds of threads are really all about is to probe the limits of the authoritarian mindset. Some of us wonder just how far statists will go in pursuing their ideal society. I doubt the veracity of this story as much as any of you, but what if it is true as reported? Are you in favor of that kind of intrusive government? Should government have the power to take children from parents because their neighbors don't approve of their lifestyle?

If your answer is, "No, but I think this story is bullshit", then we have no quarrel. The thing is, I suspect plenty of people here,
on this board, would be in favor of the state having the authority to do just what was reported, and that raises disturbing questions which warrant discussion.

That makes no sense. The progression of your argument amounts to:

A: "the sky is green!"
B: "No it's blue. Look" (proves sky is blue)
A: "but what if the sky were green!?"
What is wrong with you?
You can have corruption in the agencies and not all of the case workers are guilty.
Nor are all of agencies across the States corrupt.

But since we don't know all the facts in this case, I see no reason to even bring it up, unless you are trying to stir up doubt.
Or if you are trying to alert people to the potential dangers of intrusive government.

But since there is no evidence in this case to support such an argument, non-sequitur.

You're not familiar with the word "potential"?

Look, what these kinds of threads are really all about is to probe the limits of the authoritarian mindset. Some of us wonder just how far statists will go in pursuing their ideal society. I doubt the veracity of this story as much as any of you, but what if it is true as reported? Are you in favor of that kind of intrusive government? Should government have the power to take children from parents because their neighbors don't approve of their lifestyle?

If your answer is, "No, but I think this story is bullshit", then we have no quarrel. The thing is, I suspect plenty of people here,
on this board, would be in favor of the state having the authority to do just what was reported, and that raises disturbing questions which warrant discussion.

That makes no sense. The progression of your argument amounts to:

A: "the sky is green!"
B: "No it's blue. Look" (proves sky is blue)
A: "but what if the sky were green!?"


You seem to be missing the point. I don't know whether the story is true or not. Neither do you. But it's certainly possible, and raises some interesting questions about the fact that government can mess with people in the name of child welfare in ways that can easily be abused. Should parents be afforded the same due process as anyone else accused of committing a crime?

Some people here seem to think that the claims of their neighbors that they were running a scam or bullying others is justification for taking their kids from them. Really? Is that all it should take?

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