The Government Doesn't Like the Way You Raise Your Kids?

Damn! The last time I checked. Kentucky was a red state, you know, controlled by the republicans.


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.

The mother was resisting when they tried to take her kids away. You really want a mother to stand there and watch her kids being taken?

and I haven't seen any hard evidence of the father's alleged criminal acts. Again, all of these stories on both sides are from comments on various blogs, nothing more.

If they were being kidnapped? No I wouldn't expect her to stand idly by. But that was not the case. In this case, the letter of the law was being served, and the children put under protective custody. Perhaps if the father hadn't threatened his neighbor (and trespassed) by telling the son to get his gun out of the glove compartment while confronting that neighbor on her own property, had built proper sanitary facilities for his family, and repeatedly threatened and stole from others in the community, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Because police always arrest the right people, and take away kids for 100% accurate reasons, got it.

Those are your words, not mine.
Damn! The last time I checked. Kentucky was a red state, you know, controlled by the republicans.


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle

A red state, nationally, but

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...


They do the same thing in China and North Korea.

That is not what is happening in this case.
Yeah we did this yesterday. A story for most of the day nobody anywhere could find from a legitimate news source, based entirely on this family's own carefully-staged photos and hi-tech Facebook Bullshit page. Turns out they're professional victims, con artists, child neglecters/abusers, thieves who continually run from responsibility, mooching or begging off their neighbors, their churches, anything and anyone they can find to sponge off, forcing their kids to live in squalor without walls or anything like shelter, in shit (literally in shit), and now they took their con artistry to Alex Freaking Jones and such sterling objective journalistic fountains as "Police State Daily" and "Medical". And yet when you read the commentary on those same sites the con artistry story crumbles to dust wid a quickness. Has nothing in the world to do with home schooling or living "off the grid" -- they're off the grid because they can't afford to be on the grid, because they're lazy mooching BUMS.

But y'all partisan echo seekers just lap it up like puppies.

Here's the local TV report
that finally surfaced -- first actual news report -- last night.

The Nauglers have depended upon neighbors' private wells or municipal hookups for their drinking water. A confrontation Sunday prompted a criminal summons for Joe Naugler on a charge of menacing.

“(Naugler) was turned down for the water request and asked to leave the property,” the summons read. “He then said to his son ‘get the pistol out of the glove compartment box.'”

WAVE 3 News has withheld the complainant's name at her request.

“He (Naugler) was acting very erratically,” the complainant said in a telephone interview Friday. “He was calling us names that I have to spell out, I can't even say 'em. And he said ‘don't worry, I know where you live, and I'm gonna be back.'”

Sheriff Todd Pate wanted to talk to two of Naugler sons, who reportedly witnessed the water confrontation, when he served the summons Wednesday.​

Some revelations from the original thread:

From the OffTheGrid site comments page:

We love to use trigger words to sensationalize stories ultimately distracting from the truth/reason for occurrence. It was indicated that the housing unit, supporting 12 individuals (with apparently a 13th on the way,) was 384 sq ft with NO running water. The article misleads the reader by making statements such as, “10 kids in a cabin on 26 acres” and “they have Internet, as well as a Facebook page dating back to 2012.”

The article conveniently uses the acreage number (26) to imply the cabin size is larger than it’s [sic] actual dimensions. Additionally, the article paints a picture of normality simply by mentioning the families Facebook account, dating back 3 years. Let’s hope the internet bill wasn’t the reason for an insufficient clean/consistent water supply (sorry, poor humor on my end). The above living situation was more than likely the cause, not homeschooling. Even the local Amish, off-grid homeschooling community, have running water and sufficient space for their 16 plus size families.

... Personal opinion pieces litter the internet distracting the reader from the basic fact that the living conditions were not being provided to the children. Yes, the family had a Facebook account that showed how ‘happy’ they always were. Don’t we all have a Facebook that shows only the brightest and best of ourselves and families? Again, I would love to see the official arrest record, not personal opinion pieces.

Don't count on any mea culpas from the shoot first, never ask questions later crowd.
Yeah we did this yesterday. A story for most of the day nobody anywhere could find from a legitimate news source, based entirely on this family's own carefully-staged photos and hi-tech Facebook Bullshit page. Turns out they're professional victims, con artists, child neglecters/abusers, thieves who continually run from responsibility, mooching or begging off their neighbors, their churches, anything and anyone they can find to sponge off, forcing their kids to live in squalor without walls or anything like shelter, in shit (literally in shit), and now they took their con artistry to Alex Freaking Jones and such sterling objective journalistic fountains as "Police State Daily" and "Medical". And yet when you read the commentary on those same sites the con artistry story crumbles to dust wid a quickness. Has nothing in the world to do with home schooling or living "off the grid" -- they're off the grid because they can't afford to be on the grid, because they're lazy mooching BUMS.

But y'all partisan echo seekers just lap it up like puppies.

Here's the local TV report
that finally surfaced -- first actual news report -- last night.

The Nauglers have depended upon neighbors' private wells or municipal hookups for their drinking water. A confrontation Sunday prompted a criminal summons for Joe Naugler on a charge of menacing.

“(Naugler) was turned down for the water request and asked to leave the property,” the summons read. “He then said to his son ‘get the pistol out of the glove compartment box.'”

WAVE 3 News has withheld the complainant's name at her request.

“He (Naugler) was acting very erratically,” the complainant said in a telephone interview Friday. “He was calling us names that I have to spell out, I can't even say 'em. And he said ‘don't worry, I know where you live, and I'm gonna be back.'”

Sheriff Todd Pate wanted to talk to two of Naugler sons, who reportedly witnessed the water confrontation, when he served the summons Wednesday.​

Some revelations from the original thread:

From the OffTheGrid site comments page:

We love to use trigger words to sensationalize stories ultimately distracting from the truth/reason for occurrence. It was indicated that the housing unit, supporting 12 individuals (with apparently a 13th on the way,) was 384 sq ft with NO running water. The article misleads the reader by making statements such as, “10 kids in a cabin on 26 acres” and “they have Internet, as well as a Facebook page dating back to 2012.”

The article conveniently uses the acreage number (26) to imply the cabin size is larger than it’s [sic] actual dimensions. Additionally, the article paints a picture of normality simply by mentioning the families Facebook account, dating back 3 years. Let’s hope the internet bill wasn’t the reason for an insufficient clean/consistent water supply (sorry, poor humor on my end). The above living situation was more than likely the cause, not homeschooling. Even the local Amish, off-grid homeschooling community, have running water and sufficient space for their 16 plus size families.

... Personal opinion pieces litter the internet distracting the reader from the basic fact that the living conditions were not being provided to the children. Yes, the family had a Facebook account that showed how ‘happy’ they always were. Don’t we all have a Facebook that shows only the brightest and best of ourselves and families? Again, I would love to see the official arrest record, not personal opinion pieces.

Don't count on any mea culpas from the shoot-first-never-ask-questions-later crowd.

Agreed. But to his credit the OP of this particular thread did come back to acknowledge the story was more complex than he'd been led to believe. The other one by 2A, well he's still over there wallowing in self-delusion.
For hot button stories being pumped out by hack sites, I usually try to employ the 48 hour rule. That's at least how long before the truth starts to get out.

In some cases, it takes even longer. It is directly proportional to the emotion level.

"A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on."
Damn! The last time I checked. Kentucky was a red state, you know, controlled by the republicans.


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle

A red state, nationally, but

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...


They do the same thing in China and North Korea.

That is not what is happening in this case.

Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.
I agree though that it's not in this particular case.
Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.

Nope. You are a flat out retard for making a comparison to China and North Korea.

The reasoning in our country is that the government knows better than abusive and/or neglectful parents how to raise children, not ALL parents.

Stupid fuck.
Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.

Nope. You are a flat out retard for making a comparison to China and North Korea.

The reasoning in our country is that the government knows better than abusive and/or neglectful parents how to raise children, not ALL parents.

Stupid fuck.

Define neglectful. My dad didn't get me the bike I wanted, but a cheaper one, is that neglect?

My mother was a screamer and a yeller, and practiced collective guilt, is that criminal abuse?
Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.

Nope. You are a flat out retard for making a comparison to China and North Korea.

The reasoning in our country is that the government knows better than abusive and/or neglectful parents how to raise children, not ALL parents.

Stupid fuck.

Define neglectful.

Read the law. Then tell us what North Korean elements you see in there.
If government is going to step in, then why aren't they removing children from homes of drug addicts or the young children that were involved in the riots? Clearly, there are no adults in charge there.

This family is strange, in my opinion, but if they truly broke no laws then I'm interested in the reason the children were taken. I don't put much stock in the one person who made some claims. Did that person report them if they were so horrible or does he just have some negative things to say to reporters now? Lot of information missing here.
If government is going to step in, then why aren't they removing children from homes of drug addicts

They do.

Sadly, not quick enough. I know some who keep getting more chances even though they don't change. It's scary. The parents have to mess up in a bad way before authorities make a move. No prevention here. Usually, a child is hurt or killed before action is taken.

I don't know what is up with the family in the OP article. Weird for my tastes, but need more information for form an opinion.
Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.

Nope. You are a flat out retard for making a comparison to China and North Korea.

The reasoning in our country is that the government knows better than abusive and/or neglectful parents how to raise children, not ALL parents.

Stupid fuck.

Some on the left are putting the idea out there and that's how people's opinions are changed.
Melissa Harris-Perry -
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recorded a commercial for the network in which she stated that children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community.

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children,” she says in a spot for the network’s “Lean Forward” campaign. “So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

It has been bandied about by the left several times, especially liberal professors.
So far the public is pushing back but it is their hope that it will happen in the future if they keep talking about it.
Critics slam MSNBC host s claim that kids belong to community not parents Fox News

Hillary Clinton - it takes a village to raise a child.
It is not just these two who have made comments about it over the years.
Of course they double down when they get the backlash about it.

This agenda was promoted by Dr. C. Henry Kempe (author of the Battered Child Syndrome) in the 1970's. An open supporter of the Communist party, he stated "We must remove children from the crude influence of their families and, frankly, nationalize them." Dr. Kempe emphasized the need for a "stealthy, incremental approach" to implementing the agenda to make families obsolete.
Last edited:
Damn! The last time I checked. Kentucky was a red state, you know, controlled by the republicans.


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle

A red state, nationally, but

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...


They do the same thing in China and North Korea.

That is not what is happening in this case.

Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.
I agree though that it's not in this particular case.

Wrong. The parents got into trouble with the law, and are now paying the price.
Damn! The last time I checked. Kentucky was a red state, you know, controlled by the republicans.


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle

A red state, nationally, but

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...


They do the same thing in China and North Korea.

That is not what is happening in this case.

Same reasoning behind it.
Government knows better how to raise the children than the parents.
I agree though that it's not in this particular case.

Wrong. The parents got into trouble with the law, and are now paying the price.

Why are you ignoring my last sentence?
I am agreeing.
Let's forget the ideological ax grinding here and keep our eye on the ball here.

If the reports about living in feces, making a living by theft, con jobs, and extortion are true, the state of Kentucky was correct to remove the children.
Some on the left are putting the idea out there and that's how people's opinions are changed.
Melissa Harris-Perry -
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recorded a commercial for the network in which she stated that children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community.

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children,” she says in a spot for the network’s “Lean Forward” campaign. “So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

It has been bandied about by the left several times, especially liberal professors.
So far the public is pushing back but it is their hope that it will happen in the future if they keep talking about it.
Critics slam MSNBC host s claim that kids belong to community not parents Fox News

Hillary Clinton - it takes a village to raise a child.
It is not just these two who have made comments about it over the years.
Of course they double down when they get the backlash about it.

This agenda was promoted by Dr. C. Henry Kempe (author of the Battered Child Syndrome) in the 1970's. An open supporter of the Communist party, he stated "We must remove children from the crude influence of their families and, frankly, nationalize them." Dr. Kempe emphasized the need for a "stealthy, incremental approach" to implementing the agenda to make families obsolete.

How many people who think like that don't have children of their own?

Bottom line is that they want all children raised according to THEIR beliefs and they resent the fact that parents are raising children the way they see fit.

Schools have been trying to take over the parenting role for ages. They seem more worried about indoctrinating them into liberalism than teaching basics. They want to teach them sex education and anti-religious beliefs yet they ask them to embrace Islam. Such a mixed message when they are anti-religion yet so understanding of the so-called religion of peace.

Seems like reading and writing isn't as important to the left as believing in wealth redistribution and socialist policies.

When they say that children belong to the communities, what they mean is that they should belong to government and that government teachings should overrule anything parents teach them. There are too many village idiots and I never wanted or needed their help. I did find it important to be involved in my children's school and volunteered a lot. The teachers were good and interested in teaching them rather than merely indoctrinating them. There were a few liberal teachers along the way, but my kids held their own in class discussions.

It's all about taking away freedoms. Having varying opinions across the country doesn't set well with those who are incapable of defending their own position and crave power. They have to brainwash people or they wouldn't get too far.

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