The Government Doesn't Like the Way You Raise Your Kids?

They aren't property, they are citizens and therefore worthy of protection, even from their own parents. See how that works now?

And some government flunky gets to decide who needs protection or not?

No thank you. CPS is for actual abuse, not for questioning parenting methods.

Ah, but what if those parenting methods IS the abuse?

Who defines abuse? Abuse has to involve something criminal.

My parents used to let me drink soda when I was growing up, as much as I wanted. We always had cookies and fruit roll ups available. Some people consider that abuse, who gets to decide that?

Presumably someone with WAY more info that we have about it based on the family's Nosebook PR.

Not exactly an answer.

It's all we have at this point, since this thread and the one before it took off on no basis beyond the hearsay of the Nosebook account. Not even the hearing has happened -- far as I remember they are today and tomorrow. The first actual legitimate news story anybody found was after the first thread sat all day running on assumptions. All we have at this point is circumstantial evidence, including indications from the locals that paint a certain picture. We don't have verifiable details either way.

So that's all the answer we have on the outside looking in. So far.
And children have rights, too. They have a right to a safe home environment. They have a right to a clean home environment. They have a right to receive proper medical care if needed. They have a right to have a proper education. They have a right to healthy food and clean water. If the parents don't provide these, the government has an obligation to step in on their behalf.


Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.
And children have rights, too. They have a right to a safe home environment. They have a right to a clean home environment. They have a right to receive proper medical care if needed. They have a right to have a proper education. They have a right to healthy food and clean water. If the parents don't provide these, the government has an obligation to step in on their behalf.


Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?

In what we call "the future". Or at least our awareness of them is.
They aren't property, they are citizens and therefore worthy of protection, even from their own parents. See how that works now?

And some government flunky gets to decide who needs protection or not?

No thank you. CPS is for actual abuse, not for questioning parenting methods.

Ah, but what if those parenting methods IS the abuse?

Who defines abuse? Abuse has to involve something criminal.

My parents used to let me drink soda when I was growing up, as much as I wanted. We always had cookies and fruit roll ups available. Some people consider that abuse, who gets to decide that?
Society, and the government it supports.

No, they define abuse by criminal code, so unless the Parents get charged with something, CPS should keep out of lifestyle and parenting issues.
Abuse is only one criteria.
And children have rights, too. They have a right to a safe home environment. They have a right to a clean home environment. They have a right to receive proper medical care if needed. They have a right to have a proper education. They have a right to healthy food and clean water. If the parents don't provide these, the government has an obligation to step in on their behalf.


Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?

The couple is due in court today. Stay tuned.

Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?

The couple is due in court today. Stay tuned.
Should be interesting..,
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.
Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word. But if promoting the rights of children makes me a fascist in your eyes, then I'll happily wear the crown.

it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.

The mother was resisting when they tried to take her kids away. You really want a mother to stand there and watch her kids being taken?

and I haven't seen any hard evidence of the father's alleged criminal acts. Again, all of these stories on both sides are from comments on various blogs, nothing more.
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Off-grid couple faces hearing to regain custody of 10 children - News Weather Sports
it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.

The mother was resisting when they tried to take her kids away. You really want a mother to stand there and watch her kids being taken?

and I haven't seen any hard evidence of the father's alleged criminal acts. Again, all of these stories on both sides are from comments on various blogs, nothing more.

If they were being kidnapped? No I wouldn't expect her to stand idly by. But that was not the case. In this case, the letter of the law was being served, and the children put under protective custody. Perhaps if the father hadn't threatened his neighbor (and trespassed) by telling the son to get his gun out of the glove compartment while confronting that neighbor on her own property, had built proper sanitary facilities for his family, and repeatedly threatened and stole from others in the community, they wouldn't be where they are today.
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Yeah they do. But the negative ones describe specifics of the family's circumstances, whereas the positive ones are going on the assumptions based on the family's own propaganda. Moreover those negative descriptions are consistent with what little we do know from the authorities about their reasoning.

Bottom line is still: "stay tuned".
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Yeah they do. But the negative ones describe specifics of the family's circumstances, whereas the positive ones are going on the assumptions based on the family's own propaganda. Moreover those negative descriptions are consistent with what little we do know from the authorities about their reasoning.

Bottom line is still: "stay tuned".

So basically your bias when it comes to this article is better than my bias.

got it.
And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.

The mother was resisting when they tried to take her kids away. You really want a mother to stand there and watch her kids being taken?

and I haven't seen any hard evidence of the father's alleged criminal acts. Again, all of these stories on both sides are from comments on various blogs, nothing more.

If they were being kidnapped? No I wouldn't expect her to stand idly by. But that was not the case. In this case, the letter of the law was being served, and the children put under protective custody. Perhaps if the father hadn't threatened his neighbor (and trespassed) by telling the son to get his gun out of the glove compartment while confronting that neighbor on her own property, had built proper sanitary facilities for his family, and repeatedly threatened and stole from others in the community, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Because police always arrest the right people, and take away kids for 100% accurate reasons, got it.
it makes you a senseless busybody when you confuse using CDS to stop abuse, and using CDS to prevent parenting you don't approve of. The State has no license to interfere in parenting unless an actual crime is being committed, i.e. actual abuse.

And you know that a crime was not committed in this case, how?

Then where are the criminal charges?
Those are unnecessary.

Actually, the mother was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The father is accused of terroristic threatening a neighbor who refused to allow him to use her water well without her permission. He was also trespassing. The couple face a custody hearing today. Considering these charges, it is unlikely they will get custody of the children today.

The mother was resisting when they tried to take her kids away. You really want a mother to stand there and watch her kids being taken?

and I haven't seen any hard evidence of the father's alleged criminal acts. Again, all of these stories on both sides are from comments on various blogs, nothing more.

Actually it's also described in the photo image from CPS that the family themselves posted on Nosebook. It describes the living conditions as well as the gun threat. Again, all consistent with what the comments from locals described.
You'd swear these morons think she's my daughter so I can keep her from an education and bed down with her at night. Women and children as property.

What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Yeah they do. But the negative ones describe specifics of the family's circumstances, whereas the positive ones are going on the assumptions based on the family's own propaganda. Moreover those negative descriptions are consistent with what little we do know from the authorities about their reasoning.

Bottom line is still: "stay tuned".

So basically your bias when it comes to this article is better than my bias.

got it.

If your bias is "I believe everything Nosebook says, poor family, let my people go" and my bias is "we don't have all the facts, stay tuned", yes it is.
From someone who knows the family:

"These people are the worst kind imaginable. Know them well…I just sit and laugh at how they have scammed ALL of you! They are the biggest con-artists out there. They do nothing but prey off of good people, many who have just helped donate to their scam. They are NOT “un-schoolers, home-schooler’s or homesteaders! They actually give home-schooling families and people who live off the grid a horrible name. They’re kids are treated like slaves and it is sick! ...

.. Joe bullies local Bishops, preachers, and any and all clergy-by stating he will use force on them if money isn’t donated to him to pay his bills. He has also threatened good christian people and their children! YES! Their children…This is the kind of sick individual you all are donating money too. He has been arrested numerous times and has been reported to CPS numerous times by hard-working concerned citizens, not a meth using facebook user as they would like you to believe.

The children appear brain-washed and abused and have absolutely no social skills what so ever. You can contradict me all you wish, but we have experienced this family first-hand. I also know people who have been in the home and what you would experience upon entering is sickening! It was stated that there was human feces everywhere! The children looked as if they hadn’t been bathed in months with feces all over them. No water or beds for them to sleep in. She will post a picture on fb of a bed and spin it a thousand different ways to make you think the children have beds. She grooms dogs because he will not work! When you have ten kids…you work to support your family!

I don’t care what or where you live…a condo or in the wilderness! They manipulate social media to their advantage and I listened to that audio and that Sheriff was doing his JOB!!! She resisted arrest and put on a big show for everyone! THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME. They go into a grocery store and steal and pretend to fall, just so they can get money from the owners. They are hypocrites who judge everyone else in society who doesn’t live the way they do.

They also posted something once that all the men and women who fight for this country, deserve to die…these are two sick and twisted individuals. This time they went too far. The best thing that could ever happen is their children are taken away. It is my sincere hope they are not returned. I pray for that Sheriffs Dept, that they will be able to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. This is the truth and I could care less who replies and donates to them. They will squander all your money away and be back in the very same position months from now. "

And you Republicunts are defending that? Really?
Sounds kind of like my sister........
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What about some hippy couple that has their kid live in a commune, with no access to TV, internet, internal plumbing?

Is it the lifestyle or the politics behind it that bothers you?

There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Yeah they do. But the negative ones describe specifics of the family's circumstances, whereas the positive ones are going on the assumptions based on the family's own propaganda. Moreover those negative descriptions are consistent with what little we do know from the authorities about their reasoning.

Bottom line is still: "stay tuned".

So basically your bias when it comes to this article is better than my bias.

got it.

If your bias is "I believe everything Nosebook says, poor family, let my people go" and my bias is "we don't have all the facts, stay tuned", yes it is.

No, your bias is more of the "State is always right" mentality.
There is zero evidence this action had anything whatsoever to do with "lifestyle" or politics. None.

That idea comes from the target family itself, which has been described by multiple locals as professional victims and con artists, with no indication of such from any authorities. Consider the source.

Rather, there are indications of physical abuse (on the kids) and implications on public health (on the community).

The same source you probably used to get the detrimental comments on these people (a website) also have positive comments (i saw them). So honestly there is zero information either way.

Yeah they do. But the negative ones describe specifics of the family's circumstances, whereas the positive ones are going on the assumptions based on the family's own propaganda. Moreover those negative descriptions are consistent with what little we do know from the authorities about their reasoning.

Bottom line is still: "stay tuned".

So basically your bias when it comes to this article is better than my bias.

got it.

If your bias is "I believe everything Nosebook says, poor family, let my people go" and my bias is "we don't have all the facts, stay tuned", yes it is.

No, your bias is more of the "State is always right" mentality.

Is it now.


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