The greatest battle implement ever devised

Korea - please look at the map again....not only were the UN forces pushed back below the parallel, a whole Corps was kicked off the peninsula!!!!!

What kind of alternate history are you reading?

When the "Forces" were pushed down below the 38th Parallel, there were no "UN Forces" yet. And they were never kicked off, what small number of US advisors and Korean Army there was pulled back to the Pusan Perimeter. Where they dug in, built up, and waited for both the UN to actively enter the war, then have the forces to take back South Korea.

Here is where the border has been since the Armistice was signed.


Notice, that for most of the length it is actually north of the 38th parallel. Significantly more former "North Korean" land is now part of the South, than South Korean land is in the hands of the North.

You obviously know little to nothing of the Korean War. There was no "Corps kicked off of the peninsula". Unless you are trying and failing to imply that was the Evacuation of Hungnam. Where X and half of I Corps was evacuated after the Chinese entered the war. But that would be completely false, as they were not "kicked off" of Korea. They moved down to Ulan and Pusan where they went right back into the war once they were reoutfitted.
Mushroom last time I checked there is no South Vietnam

Tell me, when did the "Vietnam War" end?

Because the last time I checked, it was with the 1973 Paris Peace Accords. When North Vietnam sued for peace, and agreed to not harass or attack South Vietnam ever again.

Then 2 years later, after a peace treaty was signed and the US left they broke the agreement and attacked again.

That is actually a second war. Just as if Russia was to attack Ukraine yet again and bite off another chunk, it is not the same as when they bit off Crimea.
Tell me, when did the "Vietnam War" end?

Because the last time I checked, it was with the 1973 Paris Peace Accords. When North Vietnam sued for peace, and agreed to not harass or attack South Vietnam ever again.

Then 2 years later, after a peace treaty was signed and the US left they broke the agreement and attacked again.

That is actually a second war. Just as if Russia was to attack Ukraine yet again and bite off another chunk, it is not the same as when they bit off Crimea.
Mission of the US = keep South Vietnam = mission failed

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