The greatest battle implement ever devised

again, GREATEST?? very arguable
battle implement?? very arguable

Lets do this

You have ten tanks operating independently
I have ten tanks coordinating the attack over radio

Who wins?
rightwinger without the tanks, you have radios.....let's say I have 10 tanks and you have 10 radios. Who wins that battle?
also, training has a lot to do with it and tank-infantry training. let's say both sides have radios but 1 side has better tank-infantry training = they would win
you totally messed up. Hannibal, without a radio, beat the Romans .......!! wow!!! most of those battles had winners - that did not have radios. My point is radios were not used in those wars
radios are not used directly in battles = they do not kill
they are important- but they are not battle specific - not designed for battle only
Troll much?
radio is just a better way of communication. communication has been used in battles for a long time.
Lets look at it this way…

You are boxing against Mohammad Ali in his prime.
He has gloves, you have gloves
Both are equally armed for the fight.

Ali will kill you

But place a blindfold and earplugs on Ali and you can punch him at will and get away.

You having a radio allows you to know everything about your enemies location and strength. You can choose when and where to attack and with what strength

Not having communications leaves you blindfolded
rightwinger I answered your questions long ago. The US had all of the advantages ---and more!! ----you talk about and had radios--but they still ''lost'' in Vietnam and Korea
If you have effective communications and your enemy does not, you can defeat a much larger force
If you have an army full of trannies and other liberal bent-wrists, you can lose to a much smaller force, whether you have walkie-talkies or not.
USMB has a lot of comedians. Just like the others, you can't argue, so you deflect ...
again, communication has been part of battles and wars for a long time-long before radio
see post # 31
I can't argue?
Argue what? That radio communication is or isn't important or useful in war??
That is an exercise in stupidity.
Radio is a form of communication. As were flags, bugles, drums etc.
It just did it a helluva lot better, quicker and father.
You want to make some silly argument that wars happened before radio and that is supposed to prove what?
That you know mankind lived before the 1910s?
you totally messed up. Hannibal, without a radio, beat the Romans .......!! wow!!! most of those battles had winners - that did not have radios.

Guess what the Romans did have though.


In addition to heliographs.
I would put choppers above radios

And how would a helicopter be told of an enemy formation to attack without them?

They would be no more effective than the early biplanes of the First World War. More often than not blindly bumping into the enemy than an actual planned attack.

The earliest use of aircraft was actually scouting, not combat. And to tell the ground what they saw they would literally write a note, but it in a brightly colored can, and throw it at their own forces on the ground. The entire "air war" started as each side started to shoot enemy aircraft, originally with handguns and rifles to prevent them from reporting back the status of their forces.

It is obvious you really do not understand communications at all.
rightwinger I answered your questions long ago. The US had all of the advantages ---and more!! ----you talk about and had radios--but they still ''lost'' in Vietnam and Korea
LOL the US did NOT lose in either of those places. In Korea we accepted a stalemate because of POLITICS. But we trounced North Korea and the Chinese.

On Vietnam we prevented an insurgency from taking the South. We succeeded at our goals. The South fell to an Invasion of North Vietnamese regulars that had the democrats not stabbed the South in the back and cut off support and refused to honor our treaty would have failed also. Again Politics.
1. Operation Buffalo the USMC lost 80 dead in 1 day a whole company decimated
2. LZ Albany Army hit hard
etc etc
even with radios, air and naval superiority, the US still took defeats

Korea - please look at the map again....not only were the UN forces pushed back below the parallel, a whole Corps was kicked off the peninsula!!!!! for you military illiterates, a Corps consists of 2 or more divisions --kicked out of the battle peninsula!!!! =one of the worst defeats for the US = where the US had more radios, air and naval superiority
the map tells it all --the UN/US got whipped

also for you military illiterates, armies and military units consists of many different units, weapons, vehicles, etc. They all work together. it's more complicated than you think.

Now, to teach you some history: our mission in Korea was to evict the NKs from the south - mission was completed
wars are much more complicated than board games, which you are playing
1. Operation Buffalo the USMC lost 80 dead in 1 day a whole company decimated
2. LZ Albany Army hit hard
etc etc
even with radios, air and naval superiority, the US still took defeats

Korea - please look at the map again....not only were the UN forces pushed back below the parallel, a whole Corps was kicked off the peninsula!!!!! for you military illiterates, a Corps consists of 2 or more divisions --kicked out of the battle peninsula!!!! =one of the worst defeats for the US = where the US had more radios, air and naval superiority
the map tells it all --the UN/US got whipped

also for you military illiterates, armies and military units consists of many different units, weapons, vehicles, etc. They all work together. it's more complicated than you think.

Now, to teach you some history: our mission in Korea was to evict the NKs from the south - mission was completed
wars are much more complicated that board games, which you are playing
Learn some history and you wont be so stupid in the future.

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