The Greatest President in 100 Years

I know this is hard maybe impossible for you to understand because Democrats look to big government and Progressive leaders like Rihanna looks to Chris Brown but I despise the Bushes. I suspect that HW was personally involved in the Reagan assassination and his son fucked Conservatives far worse than any Liberal coyld hsve

Wow. :lol:

It's like LBJ whacking JFK and MLK, it's there, you just need to think about it

Oh, right, I see why you'd have a problem with that

Seems, without emoticons, you'd be pretty much mute.

But...mute is appropriate considering the content and import of your posts.

Wrong again, Poster Of Other People's Opinions.

Instead of the emoticon I could have easily typed "you're crazy".

How would you determine that an opinion isn't mine, dunce?

That's why you need to stick to emoticons.
I never see your opinions. Just Ann Coulter's, or whomever you are cutting and pasting at any given moment.
Wrong again, Poster Of Other People's Opinions.

Instead of the emoticon I could have easily typed "you're crazy".

How would you determine that an opinion isn't mine, dunce?

That's why you need to stick to emoticons.
I never see your opinions. Just Ann Coulter's, or whomever you are cutting and pasting at any given moment.

Ann Coulters opinion IS her opinion

Try to keep up will ya?
reagan ballooned the deficit.

exactly.all these idiots who rank him as the greatest president in the last 100 years are just that.It was his policys that led us to having the the deficit reach a trillion worse than all presents before him COMBINED!!!! Im sure others here have pointed out facts as well but I got some more I will be posting tomorrow that proves this corrupt bastard couldnt carry JFK's jockstrap who was easily by far the greatest president hands down in the last 100 that time,Reagan was the most corrupt president ever.each since then has been worse than him.

i got a lot more i will post on reagans corruption tomorrow.i am just getting started.everyone here should ignore agent rightwinger troll.He ignores facts that prove him wrong as evidenced here.oh and it IS about presidents so dont let the tile of the thread fools you.

did you happen to notice how he ran away and had no rebuttal to the facts that prove him wrong?

the american sheople think Reagan was great cause they give him credit for the collapse of communism in Russia when the TRUTH of the matter is it would have happened at that time no matter who was president cause it was internal strifes withing the soviet union and infighting there that led to the collpase of communism.many history experts have said that as well.
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Wrong again, Poster Of Other People's Opinions.

Instead of the emoticon I could have easily typed "you're crazy".

How would you determine that an opinion isn't mine, dunce?

That's why you need to stick to emoticons.
I never see your opinions. Just Ann Coulter's, or whomever you are cutting and pasting at any given moment.

So your view is that the passages quoted are selected at random?
Whatever comes up that day?

No....even you can't be that stupid.

The truth is that you are unable to compete, much less defeat, the well constructed OP' the best you can do is carp about my style.

That's the truth, isn't it.

Advice: avail yourself of the institutions known as libraries.
Have an adult help you get a card....then you can borrow books

The next step may be frightening to you, so I won't detail how those things called 'books'
are used. may get the idea.

Of course, the degree of difficulty is considerably greater than using you may decide against those steps.

But...with effort....someday you may be other than a compendium of fatuity…
reagan ballooned the deficit.

exactly.all these idiots who rank him as the greatest president in the last 100 years are just that.It was his policys that led us to having the the deficit reach a trillion worse than all presents before him COMBINED!!!! Im sure others here have pointed out facts as well but I got some more I will be posting tomorrow that proves this corrupt bastard couldnt carry JFK's jockstrap who was easily by far the greatest president hands down in the last 100 that time,Reagan was the most corrupt president ever.each since then has been worse than him.

i got a lot more i will post on reagans corruption tomorrow.i am just getting started.everyone here should ignore agent rightwinger troll.He ignores facts that prove him wrong as evidenced here.oh and it IS about presidents so dont let the tile of the thread fools you.

did you happen to notice how he ran away and had no rebuttal to the facts that prove him wrong?

the american sheople think Reagan was great cause they give him credit for the collapse of communism in Russia when the TRUTH of the matter is it would have happened at that time no matter who was president cause it was internal strifes withing the soviet union and infighting there that led to the collpase of communism.many history experts have said that as well. is your first day out of the 'nervous' hospital?
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 03:28 AM PST
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.
By Will Bunch

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

The coming contours of the Reagan myth were neatly laid out in a series of short essays from the leaders of the conservative movement: that the Gipper deserved all or at least most of the credit for winning the Cold War, that the economic boom that Americans were enjoying in 1997 was the result of the Reagan tax cut (and not the march toward balanced budgets, lower interest rates and targeted investment), and that the biggest problem with the GOP was, as the title suggested, not Reagan’s legacy but a new generation of weak-kneed leaders who were getting it all wrong. The tone was established by none other than Reagan’s own son, Michael, now himself a talk-radio host, who wrote: “Although my father is the one afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, I sometimes think the Republicans are suffering a much greater memory loss. They have forgotten Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments — and that is why we have lost so many of them.”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project was hatched in the spring of 1997 — and perhaps like any successful guerrilla operation, there was an element of surprise. There was no formal announcement, nothing to tip off any alarmists on the left. Rather than incorporate the Reagan project as a separate entity, which carried the potential of greater scrutiny of its operations and its finances, it was simply a unit of the group that Norquist had been overseeing for more than a decade, the Americans for Tax Reform. The Reagan Legacy Project would not even get its first mention in print until October 23, 1997 — by then its first bold proposal had two key backers in Georgia Rep. Bob Barr and that state’s Republican Sen. Paul Coverdell. They had endorsed legislation that would rename the Capitol region’s busy domestic airport, Washington National, as Reagan National. The renaming would not only mean that millions of air travelers would pass through the facility named for the 40th president, but a disproportionate number would be from the nation’s liberal elites, especially in Big Media, who used the airport’s popular shuttle service. Simply put, Reagan National Airport would be a weekly thumb in the eye of the Yankee elites who were still belittling the aging Gipper’s presidency.

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan :eusa_shhh:


Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA
Yeah, well if Salon says it, it must be true. Still, it doesn't change the fact that Reagan's greatness is unassailable. Feeble and repeated attempts to do so by embittered lefties bear testament to exactly that.
Yeah, well if Salon says it, it must be true. Still, it doesn't change the fact that Reagan's greatness is unassailable. Feeble and repeated attempts to do so by embittered lefties bear testament to exactly that.

Historians have become lukewarm on Reagans greatness. As time goes by his legacy is fading
Clearly, Reagan owes some of his true Greatness to FDR. Had FDR not enabled "Uncle" Joe Stalin to enslave all of Easter Europe, Reagan would not have helped free those tens of millions of poor suffering souls
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FDR v Reagan: the Greatness Test

FDR: Crushed the US economy for 7 years
Reagan: Started the greatest peacetime boom in US history

FDR: Enabled history's 2 Greatest Mass Murderers, Stalin and Mao
Reagan: Liberated Eastern Europe from Soviet Communism

You can easily see why Progressives rate FDR as "Great" right?
Yeah, well if Salon says it, it must be true. Still, it doesn't change the fact that Reagan's greatness is unassailable. Feeble and repeated attempts to do so by embittered lefties bear testament to exactly that.

Historians have become lukewarm on Reagans greatness. As time goes by his legacy is fading

Thankfully, many people lived through the Reagan presidency and are able to look at the facts and think for themselves and don't rely on "Historians" to tell us what happened

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