The Gun Control Debate will continue until we find solutions that make sense for people on both sides of the issue.

I think you will find the vast majority of responsible gun owners will agree gun owners should have training, secure their firearms, practice all the usual safety rules and standards, ans any number of other things you'd likely agree fall under the asupices of 'responsible gun ownership'.

That they agree on this in no way means they should agree the state should mandate all of these things.

The enshrinement of constitutional rights -- necessarily and intentionally -- takes certain policy choices off the table.
think there SHOULD be SOME Prohibited persons
There is a tiny number of criminal ahootera doing almost all of the shooting in democrat party controled cities.... lock them up...for 30 years....and you silve gun violence over night...

But....then the democrats wont have gun violence to pish gun control....
You don't just solve gun violence; you solve the crime problem as well. A very small percentage of the population commit crimes. Lock them up and any crimes they would have committed don't happen. Large amounts of money are saved through lower insurance premiums, easily enough to offset the increased incarceration costs, especially if we make our jails and prisons most austere.
You don't just solve gun violence; you solve the crime problem as well. A very small percentage of the population commit crimes. Lock them up and any crimes they would have committed don't happen. Large amounts of money are saved through lower insurance premiums, easily enough to offset the increased incarceration costs, especially if we make our jails and prisons most austere.
Let’s start with the criminals in the NRA. It seems you have to be a felon in order to hold office. Its unlikely you can even be nominated unless you try to commit crimes.
And if these people are too dangerous, to themslves or others, to have a firearm, they should be in custody.
They have to stop them from the top and work down. That’s why Trump is being prosecuted.
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FtoF sales are illegal in more than half the States
In half the states they are. When was the last time any state routinely stopped and checked for possession of a firearm at a state line ? When ?
That is an unrelated straw man, you weakly attempt to stand up.

I'm just the typical moderate conservative gun owner, exercising my freedom, yet also standing up for the community good, not just my own good, with responsibility and a responsible attitude, without my hair on fire, paranoid somebody will take my weapons of home and personal defense and sporting enjoyment. Good raising, I guess, by generations of hard working responsible (for themselves and to the community) farm folk, providers by their hard work of crops, livestock, sevices and skills for trade, hire or purchase, supporters of community good, locally and national good through voluntary military service. It is a family balanced lifestyle in harmony with reverence to religious upbringing, duty to be charitable and understanding of those around, clean down to giving financially and down to the blood, plasma and platelets I regularly give amounting to many gallons. You should live as conservatively.

It isn't a straw want to put a test in before people can exercise a is no different from the Literacy tests democrats used to keep blacks from voting..

And the democrats back then thought they too were doing their community good by keeping black Americans from voting......

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