The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

just put up the numbers of those murdered by guns and its pretty negligible out of a USA population of about 310 USA Census of 310 million and that's not counting illegal aliens U2 Edge .

We could one day be saving tens of thousands of lives per year with the type of gun control I'm advocating.
And yet, the perps would still have guns, and the people who you never would have to worry about won't be
able to protect themselves. What kind of government are you advocating for? It won't be a republic...that's for sure.
Our FF's had people like you in mind when they created our right to bear arms, U2Edge. You are a dangerous
person, IMO
Gun control doesn't save any lives.

Gun control simply empowers big government to quash those who oppose it.
----------------------------------- as I have said a few times over the last few days , 'japan' is a Police State U2Edge.

Japan is a Democracy that was created by the United States General Douglas Macarthur after the conclusion of World War II. Japan has been a democracy and ally of the United States since that time.
And their national defense is reliant on the United States.

And, their cultural norms are way more restrictive than other cultures.

Stop trying to make false comparisons.

The only thing keeping the world from losing all measures of freedom is the check put on the U.S. military by American Citizens in possession of firearms.


The U.S. civilian can't check anything with their firearms. This is not the 18th century. The United States Military could easily slaughter the 31% of households that still own guns.
If you believe that, you also believe that we won the Vietnam War, and are NOT still in Afghanistan.

You know NOTHING.

Nobody ever wins a war without boots on the ground. 31% of households represents and armed force 10x larger than the U.S. Military.

So, take your uninformed bullshit and get lost.


The United States was forced by the U.S. congress to abandon South Vietnam in 1973. South Vietnam on their own did not lose the war until 1975.

The United States military has reduced its troop levels in Afghanistan from 100,000 in 2012 to 14,000 today. The Afghan Army does most of the fighting in the countryside.

The United States Army has Tanks, Armored Personal Carriers and other ground equipment that is largely immune to firearms that are owned by the 31% of households that own guns. Plus the United States military is the most respected institution in the country. So even many of the 31% of gun owners will obey the law and support the United States military if there is any sort of a conflict.
---------------------------------------- and after 18 years of fighting the 'aghani' goat herders are still fighting the military that you just described right above U2Edge .
----------------------------------- as I have said a few times over the last few days , 'japan' is a Police State U2Edge.

Japan is a Democracy that was created by the United States General Douglas Macarthur after the conclusion of World War II. Japan has been a democracy and ally of the United States since that time.
And their national defense is reliant on the United States.

And, their cultural norms are way more restrictive than other cultures.

Stop trying to make false comparisons.

The only thing keeping the world from losing all measures of freedom is the check put on the U.S. military by American Citizens in possession of firearms.


The U.S. civilian can't check anything with their firearms. This is not the 18th century. The United States Military could easily slaughter the 31% of households that still own guns.
If you believe that, you also believe that we won the Vietnam War, and are NOT still in Afghanistan.

You know NOTHING.

Nobody ever wins a war without boots on the ground. 31% of households represents and armed force 10x larger than the U.S. Military.

So, take your uninformed bullshit and get lost.


The United States was forced by the U.S. congress to abandon South Vietnam in 1973. South Vietnam on their own did not lose the war until 1975.

The United States military has reduced its troop levels in Afghanistan from 100,000 in 2012 to 14,000 today. The Afghan Army does most of the fighting in the countryside.

The United States Army has Tanks, Armored Personal Carriers and other ground equipment that is largely immune to firearms that are owned by the 31% of households that own guns. Plus the United States military is the most respected institution in the country. So even many of the 31% of gun owners will obey the law and support the United States military if there is any sort of a conflict.
You keep throwing that 31% number around like it's the gospel. Ever think of how many would never answer that question truthfully?
Think about that. If somebody polled me, I wouldn't say I owned.
You do realize that new ones are being born everyday, right? Your utopia is pie in the sky.

Once the laws come into being and are enforced, new trouble makers that are born will most likely never get their hands on a firearm.

Japan has a population of 127 million people and only has 10 firearm deaths per year.
In Japan, it is highly important to each person to not bring shame on his or her family.

You lose.


When you restrict and lower the amount of guns in any population, you decrease the chances for mass shootings and the use of such weapons in committing crimes.
Ignoring the FACT that Japan's social norms are far more restrictive that ours. A mass shooter in Japan would bring shame and dishonor to all his family and ancestors, which is a REALLY bad thing in Japan.

You don't understand their culture one bit. You're just trying to make false comparisons.


Canada also has more restrictive gun laws than the United States and see's much lower gun violence.
----------------------------- foreign country full of 'Canadians . Who cares what they do U2Edge .
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Nope. Almost the entire list is unconstitutional. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. It's not a privilege.
Japan is a Democracy that was created by the United States General Douglas Macarthur after the conclusion of World War II. Japan has been a democracy and ally of the United States since that time.
And their national defense is reliant on the United States.

And, their cultural norms are way more restrictive than other cultures.

Stop trying to make false comparisons.

The only thing keeping the world from losing all measures of freedom is the check put on the U.S. military by American Citizens in possession of firearms.


The U.S. civilian can't check anything with their firearms. This is not the 18th century. The United States Military could easily slaughter the 31% of households that still own guns.
If you believe that, you also believe that we won the Vietnam War, and are NOT still in Afghanistan.

You know NOTHING.

Nobody ever wins a war without boots on the ground. 31% of households represents and armed force 10x larger than the U.S. Military.

So, take your uninformed bullshit and get lost.


The United States was forced by the U.S. congress to abandon South Vietnam in 1973. South Vietnam on their own did not lose the war until 1975.

The United States military has reduced its troop levels in Afghanistan from 100,000 in 2012 to 14,000 today. The Afghan Army does most of the fighting in the countryside.

The United States Army has Tanks, Armored Personal Carriers and other ground equipment that is largely immune to firearms that are owned by the 31% of households that own guns. Plus the United States military is the most respected institution in the country. So even many of the 31% of gun owners will obey the law and support the United States military if there is any sort of a conflict.
You keep throwing that 31% number around like it's the gospel. Ever think of how many would never answer that question truthfully?
Think about that. If somebody polled me, I wouldn't say I owned.
------------------------------------------ yep , no ones business but MY business concerning numbers or types of guns owned U2Edge .
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The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

Needs vs. wants.

There's a recipe that calls for a special ingredient. That's a need, because it is necessary to prepare the dish according to the recipe.

Wants are different.

And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 15:14-17 - King James Version

The "need" for gun control of course is part of a grand plan for European Union hegemony, totalitarianism and world domination.

That's what Bilderberg & NATO are all about.
You do realize that new ones are being born everyday, right? Your utopia is pie in the sky.

Once the laws come into being and are enforced, new trouble makers that are born will most likely never get their hands on a firearm.

Japan has a population of 127 million people and only has 10 firearm deaths per year.
In Japan, it is highly important to each person to not bring shame on his or her family.

You lose.


When you restrict and lower the amount of guns in any population, you decrease the chances for mass shootings and the use of such weapons in committing crimes.
Ignoring the FACT that Japan's social norms are far more restrictive that ours. A mass shooter in Japan would bring shame and dishonor to all his family and ancestors, which is a REALLY bad thing in Japan.

You don't understand their culture one bit. You're just trying to make false comparisons.

Its as much about culture as it is about regulations.

I don't know what point you're trying to make.

I don't want to ban any of those.

I am consistent.

You can't steal what isn't there.
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!
And, as household gun ownership declines, SHOOTINGS increase?

And bike riding is down too.
You bed wetters should just move to North Korea. There's no guns allowed in private possession at all.

You might get killed by an anti-aircraft cannon, but what the hell... Is that too big a price to pay for utopia?
You status quo people should really wake up. One day a majority of Americans will be so fed up with gun violence that they will do something like is proposed here. So you should do something now while you still have a say. what we say or we will take even more.......

Did you get that line from Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, you moron.....

And then one day their children or grandchildren will experience real gun violence, at the hands of criminals, or standing on the edge of pit, waiting for government guns to murder them.....
I’m saying to start suggesting things so that you get out in front of it and can have an effect on what happens.
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!
And, as household gun ownership declines, SHOOTINGS increase?

And bike riding is down too.

only because bicycle seats with butt plugs got banned -
Law enforcement won't have guns? The military wont have guns?
People can't make guns?
Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!
And, as household gun ownership declines, SHOOTINGS increase?

And bike riding is down too.
It would be funny as hell to watch your fat ass try to beat up a cyclist.

Hillbillies can make 'shine, but it's still illegal.

That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!
And, as household gun ownership declines, SHOOTINGS increase?

And bike riding is down too.
It would be funny as hell to watch your fat ass try to beat up a cyclist.

Just jam a stick in their spokes and watch them face plant. :lol:
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission


Trump wasn't bowing idiot he lowered his head so a medal could be placed around his neck you dishonest as fuck piece of shit
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Trump wasn't bowing idiot he lowed his head so a meddle could be placed around his neck you dishonest as fuck piece of shit

Hopefully you are not a part of the campaign. Your grammar and spelling are a much better fit for the party of "public education..."
And bike riding is down too.

There is nowhere in civilized America that you can leave your bicycle or moped or motorbike or motorcycle where so many law-abiding peace-loving citizens won't fuck around with it, vandalize it or sabotage it if they don't lawfully misappropriate it the minute you take your own eyes off it.

only because bicycle seats with butt plugs got banned -

It would be funny as hell to watch your fat ass try to beat up a cyclist.

Just jam a stick in their spokes and watch them face plant. :lol:

The labor-union chain gangs took over at the Department of Licensing stateside with all the eyeball restrictions, optometrists' appointments, motorcycle endorsements, and various grades of CDL and whatnot, not to mention airline pilots' and railroad operating engineers' licenses, which depend heavily on mental health certification — which is stupid when half those labor union fellows have felony prison records to boot.

And the democrat labor unions all have a democrat insurance industry at their beck and call to rubber-stamp all their licensure and bonding paperwork.

It's all part of a grand unified “system” that viciously exacerbates itself and worsens over time as it encroaches more and more on individual freedoms, rights, and liberties.
its time for us to very politely say HELL NO to Trump & the NRA!

Trump is putting the health and well being of americans, the health and well being of the world, the health and well being of the future, at risk!

is that too radical? well guess what, democracy is radical, and love is radical, and unity is radical!
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Can't wait for the perps to turn in their firearms. You really don't get it, do you?

Over time they will be arrested and removed from society. Their means of over time of obtaining weapons will decrease. It will take time, but it will happen.

And you are okay with a police state? This is just crazy. Once you go that route you will also go the way of losing your 4th Amendment rights, your 1st Amendment rights etc.

Why are you for a police state?

You realize that violent crime has decreased over the years right?

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