The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Can't wait for the perps to turn in their firearms. You really don't get it, do you?

Over time they will be arrested and removed from society. Their means of over time of obtaining weapons will decrease. It will take time, but it will happen.
Keep preaching your fantasy.


Every time one of your buddies in the gun owning civilian population goes out murders someone, or commits one of these mass shootings, it moves the country in this direction and brings it closer to being a reality.

01. Most people don't own guns.

02. Gun control has the support of the media.
Hate to break it to you....not one of my "buddies" has gone out and murdered someone...or committed one of those mass shootings.
You are not too good at deflection and completely ignored my content. typical.

There are 300 million guns in America....I would say a lot of people own guns.
Who gives a fuck about the media?

You should care about the media. As long as the media keeps pushing out it's garbage, Americans will be influenced by it. The OP is a prime example of it.
You do realize that new ones are being born everyday, right? Your utopia is pie in the sky.

Once the laws come into being and are enforced, new trouble makers that are born will most likely never get their hands on a firearm.

Japan has a population of 127 million people and only has 10 firearm deaths per year.
In Japan, it is highly important to each person to not bring shame on his or her family.

You lose.


When you restrict and lower the amount of guns in any population, you decrease the chances for mass shootings and the use of such weapons in committing crimes.
Ignoring the FACT that Japan's social norms are far more restrictive that ours. A mass shooter in Japan would bring shame and dishonor to all his family and ancestors, which is a REALLY bad thing in Japan.

You don't understand their culture one bit. You're just trying to make false comparisons.

Its as much about culture as it is about regulations.


Legalize Drugs! Stop the drug war, because we can't stop drugs from being here. But by golly we CAN stop criminals from getting guns.
That is sort of the point, in that making moonshine illegal only increased the problem.
It increased the price, made it more profitable, and resulted in higher stakes that caused more deaths.
That is why we ended Prohibition, because it caused a huge spike in murders,. as well as an increased rate of alcohol consumption.
Government is foolish when it destroys its own credibility like that.
People will deliberately do out of their way to violate laws they feel are wrong.

No, total alcohol consumption did decline during prohibition. What increased was the violence associated with such laws and people decided to the added violence was not worth it.

Laws restricting gun ownership in this case will reduce gun violence. It will over time reduce the number of guns in circulation.

Gun ownership is on the decline. In 1977, 50% of households in the United States owned a gun. In 2014, only 31% of households owned a gun. Hopefully, by the start of the next century, less than 1% of U.S. households will own guns, and this case only Shotguns or Air Rifles.

Give it time, but sensible Gun Control will be introduced! Those without guns have the numbers behind them!
And, as household gun ownership declines, SHOOTINGS increase?

And bike riding is down too.
It would be funny as hell to watch your fat ass try to beat up a cyclist.

Just jam a stick in their spokes and watch them face plant. :lol:
I've tried. It's harder than it looks.

I don't understand why anyone would want to give up on the Bill of Rights. The bill of Rights was built SPECIFICALLY to protect us from the government. And now some want to give up a right.
Once the laws come into being and are enforced, new trouble makers that are born will most likely never get their hands on a firearm.

Japan has a population of 127 million people and only has 10 firearm deaths per year.
In Japan, it is highly important to each person to not bring shame on his or her family.

You lose.


When you restrict and lower the amount of guns in any population, you decrease the chances for mass shootings and the use of such weapons in committing crimes.
Ignoring the FACT that Japan's social norms are far more restrictive that ours. A mass shooter in Japan would bring shame and dishonor to all his family and ancestors, which is a REALLY bad thing in Japan.

You don't understand their culture one bit. You're just trying to make false comparisons.

Its as much about culture as it is about regulations.


Legalize Drugs! Stop the drug war, because we can't stop drugs from being here. But by golly we CAN stop criminals from getting guns.
The war on drugs is a big reason we have gun violence problem.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
1. Fuck you.

2. Fuck you.

3. Fuck you some more.

4. Fuck off.

5. Fuck you.

6. Fuck off and die.

7. Fuck you.

8 Fuck you some more.

9. Fuck you.

10. I've been fully trained. Licensed and have served my Country.

11. Fuck off and die.
Good luck with that. There were an estimated 357 million firearms in this country in 2013, with a population of 317 million. That rounds out to about 113 guns per 100 people, or 1.13 guns per person. And since gun sales have been increasing faster than the population, the divide has likely only massively widened since then.
Now your statistics give a 31% number, which would mean that those 31% own an average of 3 firearms. That's BS. I don't know anyone who owns a measly 3 firearms. Most people in my neck of the woods own anywhere between 10-50.
Someone's math isn't adding up.
The US has about 128 million households. 31% of that is about 40 million.
US population is 327 million; @c 1.13 guns per person, that's 369 million guns.
369 / 40 = 9.2 guns per household.
The 'does not add up' part comes in when the people conducting the survey do not, and cannot, account for the people who will not tell someone who called them out of the blue if they have a gun in their house.

Thank you. It's so refreshing when you hear from someone who has a a decent grasp on math. :biggrin:
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
1. Fuck you.

2. Fuck you.

3. Fuck you some more.

4. Fuck off.

5. Fuck you.

6. Fuck off and die.

7. Fuck you.

8 Fuck you some more.

9. Fuck you.

10. I've been fully trained. Licensed and have served my Country.

11. Fuck off and die.

U2EDGE probably will fuck off and die if he's planning on going door to door to confiscate all those guns. Hell, just today I picked up two more of them at some garages sales: A 1956 Marlin Model 56 lever-action .22 rifle that I actually gave $20 for. It's worth about $350. Also a late 1800's Iver Johnson .22 short revolver for $10. 22 short isn't much but I sure as shit wouldn't want to get shot in the face with it.

Most of the 120-something firearms I own came from garage sales. They hardly ever put them on the table, you have to ask. And like a good citizen, I always have a Sheriff's Dept. deputy friend of mine run the serial numbers to make sure they're not stolen. Haven't found a hot one yet.

I call it "Doing my part to take guns off the street." :laughing0301:











I don't understand why anyone would want to give up on the Bill of Rights. The bill of Rights was built SPECIFICALLY to protect us from the government. And now some want to give up a right.
--------------------------------------- I agree and I blame poorly educated younger people and Old Hippies though I don't know the ages of everyone on the board . Many are just poorly educated . I was alerted by the thread concerning Judge Kavanaugh and that female Accuser of his . Many wanted to believe her no matter that she had never provided proof and had not even reported properly to Authorities . And there seemed to be NO Appreciation for the concept of Innocent till PROVEN Guilty RJS .
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Sounds good to me. What's an air rifle? Can you hunt with one?

How many hoops do you want to jump through for your First, Fouth and Fifith amendment rights?

How many classes should you have to pay for and take?

How many permits should you get?

No 4th Amendment classes passed with a high enough score? Tough shit. Cops can search your home anytime they want.

No permit for your 8th Amendment rights? Tough shit. While the cops are ransacking your home searching for contraband they can torture you at the same time
We are talking about the Second. I don't see why it was ever put in the Bill of Rights as an "assumed" right. Owning guns? What does that have to do with natural rights or liberty? Guns are a weapon of war, designed specifically and solely to kill. Why did the Founding Fathers set us up as a country perpetually at war by granting a universal "right" to own guns? Now, the FF say it was to keep the militias ready for action. There was no standing army and the FF didn't want one.
The Second Amendment no longer applies because we do now have a gigantic standing army equipped with 100 times more powerful weapons than we civilians can own.

What applies to one right applies to all.

And we are not perpetually at war because civilians own guns.

Our military is not sanctioned to operate on US soil.

And the Constitution clearly states that the people ave the right to keep and bear arms

Don't like it then repeal the second amendment.

And just to remind you; you have a 99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun how much closer do you want to get before you feel "safe"?
It's not about me. I live in an area where I'm more likely to die from stepping on a junkie's dirty needle than being shot. Or colliding with a moose on Route 1. Ten thousand people a year are murdered with guns. One hundred thousand a decade. That may be statistically insignificant but it is not insignificant from a human standpoint. And the countries that significantly limit citizens' access to guns have STATISTICALLY fewer deaths. Gun deaths are not like flu deaths which are germs we can't control and are not like car accidents, which are ... accidents. Gun deaths are entirely unnecessary because none of us needs to have a weapon. Not any of us except the trained police etc. who need them. In the U.K., there are so few guns and so few shootings that half the cops are not even armed with a gun. People notice if a cop is carrying; they apologize for it.
Once again you are trying to boil down an extremely complex issue to one and only one variable

No one who has no criminal record need be denied the right to own firearms

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations

You forgot 11, Build a strawman
In Japan, it is highly important to each person to not bring shame on his or her family.

You lose.


When you restrict and lower the amount of guns in any population, you decrease the chances for mass shootings and the use of such weapons in committing crimes.
Ignoring the FACT that Japan's social norms are far more restrictive that ours. A mass shooter in Japan would bring shame and dishonor to all his family and ancestors, which is a REALLY bad thing in Japan.

You don't understand their culture one bit. You're just trying to make false comparisons.

Its as much about culture as it is about regulations.


Legalize Drugs! Stop the drug war, because we can't stop drugs from being here. But by golly we CAN stop criminals from getting guns.
The war on drugs is a big reason we have gun violence problem.

Drugs are why we have a violence problem.
07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

Why on Earth would anyone go through all of that crap to be told all they can own is a shotgun or an air rifle?

Your whole concept is ridiculous and unconstitutional but this struck me as the most outlandish part of the whole thing (along with the 95% accuracy test). - which LEOs and most military couldn’t even pass)

The idea is to restrict and limit firearm use among civilians. You don't want to give weapons of mass destruction to just anyone. So, yes, having to get a 95% accuracy on the test is a good way to achieve that. Such an accurate shooter is less likely to cause an accident.

You've clearly never been in a situation where some might shoot back, it tends to degrade the accuracy of even the best marksman. BTW shot guns are much more dangerous at close range than most any rifle or pistol. Multiple projectiles in a spread are much more likely to his something vital.

The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
Sounds good to me. What's an air rifle? Can you hunt with one?

How many hoops do you want to jump through for your First, Fouth and Fifith amendment rights?

How many classes should you have to pay for and take?

How many permits should you get?

No 4th Amendment classes passed with a high enough score? Tough shit. Cops can search your home anytime they want.

No permit for your 8th Amendment rights? Tough shit. While the cops are ransacking your home searching for contraband they can torture you at the same time

The 2nd amendment allows civilians to own firearms which kill people. Therefor, extra restrictions and test are needed to insure the public is safe from civilians that legally own such weapons. This is not an issue with the other amendments.
The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘allow’ anything; the Second Amendment exists solely in the context of its case law as determined by the courts – ultimately the Supreme Court.

Second Amendment case law provides guidance to government as to what regulatory measures are permitted and what measures are not.

And the measures you propose are in conflict with that case law.

Well, then you amend the constitution and remove the second amendment. Goodbye to all that case law.
38 states have to sign on...good luck with that!
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of any of these restrictions.

Sure I can. These are the laws on the books in Japan. Japan averages about 10 firearm deaths per year in a country of 127 million people. The proposed restriction will over time reduced the firearm death rate in the United States.
Japan is a homogeneous, monoculture police state, with a culture of absolute obedience ingrained for centuries. The United States is the opposite of all those.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of these restrictions.
You would do nothing and let the mayhem and killing continue.
Since you cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of these restrictions, what rational basis do you have for your "idea" that they will do "something" to reduce gun violence?
The examples from other countries have already shown this can and will happen eventually.
You are fully aware of the fact you cannot demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws in those nations and their lower level of gun violence.
Thus, you have no rational basis for your claim.
That's what you think.
No. Its what you have demonstrated.
Demonstrate a necessary relationship between the gun laws in those nations and their lower level of gun violence.
You cannot, of course, because you know you have no rational basis for your claim.
You reduce the probability of it, which is what most Americans want. Eventually they will be able to put the votes together and take action to make tighter gun control the law of the land.
I see you've been spending time with these guys...
Let me guess: the little one turns you on.


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