The gun industry is the most consumer-friendly industry in america.

just like its common sense to have smoke alarms and a fire extinguisher in your house , spare tire and jack in your car , it makes sense to have a gun or 10 guns in your house and a gun in your pocket , holster !!
Here you is all in here and his other papers....

Armed Resistance to Crime The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun

Each interview began with a few general "throat-clearing" questions about problems facing the R's community and crime. The interviewers then asked the following question: "Within the past five years, have you yourself or another member of your household used a gun, even if it was not fired, for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere? Please do not include military service, police work, or work as a security guard." Rs who answered "yes" were then asked: "Was this to protect against an animal or a person?" Rs who reported a DGU against a person were asked: "How many incidents involving defensive uses of guns against persons happened to members of your household in the past five years?" and "Did this incident [any of these incidents] happen in the past twelve months?" At this point, Rs were asked "Was it you who used a gun defensively, or did someone else in your household do this?"

All respondents had to have faced another human.....
And here is the series of questions actually asked by the study........

just like its common sense to have smoke alarms and a fire extinguisher in your house , spare tire and jack in your car , it makes sense to have a gun or 10 guns in your house and a gun in your pocket , holster !!
It might be for some people, not the 17,000 people accidently shot each year.
Here you is all in here and his other papers....

Armed Resistance to Crime The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun

Each interview began with a few general "throat-clearing" questions about problems facing the R's community and crime. The interviewers then asked the following question: "Within the past five years, have you yourself or another member of your household used a gun, even if it was not fired, for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere? Please do not include military service, police work, or work as a security guard." Rs who answered "yes" were then asked: "Was this to protect against an animal or a person?" Rs who reported a DGU against a person were asked: "How many incidents involving defensive uses of guns against persons happened to members of your household in the past five years?" and "Did this incident [any of these incidents] happen in the past twelve months?" At this point, Rs were asked "Was it you who used a gun defensively, or did someone else in your household do this?"

All respondents had to have faced another human.....

Property crimes are not violent crimes.
Which one of those devices will stop me from taking the other one from you?

Obviously you care for that watch. How devestated would you be if it were stolen from you? Having a gun can prevent that from happening.
Ah! Handguns! Is there nothing they cannot do? They can kill my family members if they are not secured properly. My pocket watch cannot kill anyone. Which device is more consumer friendly? One that can kill me or my family or the device used to tell time?

And they can save your life and the life of your family members.......ask the 1.6 million people, on average each year, who use guns to save lives.....

The 1.6 is wrong and please link where anyone claims those are all saved lives.

When you confront a criminal to the point where you draw a weapon....your life is have no idea who you are facing, what his criminal history is, or what they will do to victimize you or stay free........any encounter with a criminal is a violent situation, and if you stop the criminal with your get to count that as a life saved because without that gun, it is entirely up to the criminal what happens next....with that crime is followed thru......
Encountering a lot of criminals are you? It's never happened to anyone in my family or circle of friends.

I believed it's all hype so a few lonely people can act like vigilantes or Rambo.

Really....crime doesn't happen......what a lucky person you are......I bet you don't think the Holocaust happened either because you weren't there......right.....
Here you is all in here and his other papers....

Armed Resistance to Crime The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun

Each interview began with a few general "throat-clearing" questions about problems facing the R's community and crime. The interviewers then asked the following question: "Within the past five years, have you yourself or another member of your household used a gun, even if it was not fired, for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere? Please do not include military service, police work, or work as a security guard." Rs who answered "yes" were then asked: "Was this to protect against an animal or a person?" Rs who reported a DGU against a person were asked: "How many incidents involving defensive uses of guns against persons happened to members of your household in the past five years?" and "Did this incident [any of these incidents] happen in the past twelve months?" At this point, Rs were asked "Was it you who used a gun defensively, or did someone else in your household do this?"

All respondents had to have faced another human.....

Property crimes are not violent crimes.

Yes they are....when you encounter a criminal in your home or on your property you are 1) a witness, 2) a physical barrier to their escape 3) someone who will call the yes...anytime you encounter a criminal it is a violent encounter because the criminal is a physical threat until the situation is don't know who he is, what he has done or what he is willing to do to not go to jail........he could be a serial rapist, a 2 time loser looking at you as his 3rd strike......

Any time you face a is a violent encounter....if you have your home broken into and you are not is not a violent encounter.....a criminal facing you is a threat, they are a threat by the nature of what they are doing......

It is not up to the victim to give the benefit of the doubt to the guy who just broke into their home in the middle of the being there...the criminal has threatened you...just his presence in your home does that....
Here you is all in here and his other papers....

Armed Resistance to Crime The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun

Each interview began with a few general "throat-clearing" questions about problems facing the R's community and crime. The interviewers then asked the following question: "Within the past five years, have you yourself or another member of your household used a gun, even if it was not fired, for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere? Please do not include military service, police work, or work as a security guard." Rs who answered "yes" were then asked: "Was this to protect against an animal or a person?" Rs who reported a DGU against a person were asked: "How many incidents involving defensive uses of guns against persons happened to members of your household in the past five years?" and "Did this incident [any of these incidents] happen in the past twelve months?" At this point, Rs were asked "Was it you who used a gun defensively, or did someone else in your household do this?"

All respondents had to have faced another human.....

Property crimes are not violent crimes.

Yes they are....when you encounter a criminal in your home or on your property you are 1) a witness, 2) a physical barrier to their escape 3) someone who will call the yes...anytime you encounter a criminal it is a violent encounter because the criminal is a physical threat until the situation is don't know who he is, what he has done or what he is willing to do to not go to jail........he could be a serial rapist, a 2 time loser looking at you as his 3rd strike......

Any time you face a is a violent encounter....if you have your home broken into and you are not is not a violent encounter.....a criminal facing you is a threat, they are a threat by the nature of what they are doing......

It is not up to the victim to give the benefit of the doubt to the guy who just broke into their home in the middle of the being there...the criminal has threatened you...just his presence in your home does that....

That is all wrong. Where is your link?
17 thousand , nothing in a country the population of 320 million and a lot of them criminals .
these guys like Brian should just be ignored except to rub there noses in the fact that a gun or a hundred guns per individual are an Americans RIGHT !! finally saw what is hanging you don't get it......

I always say "law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year, on average, to stop violent criminal attack and save lives......"

Pretty much every time I post the 1.6 million number......

You just see a violent criminal attack in progress...a beating, a stabbing, a rape, a murder......but I actually type....

"stop a violent criminal attack...."

To make that more clear brain....I will start to use "stop, or prevent...." that should cover what I have posted above and help clarify what I am saying...

When you confront a burglar...who may or may not have known you were home at the time of the break in....who might be looking for an opportunity rape to throw in with the burglary......happens all the time......and you are confronting them, or your wife, daughter, grand daughter.....and you show your gun, or draw and point your have "STOPPED" a violent criminal attack........before it happens

Dittos with the life saving....since you don't know what is going to happen, when you stop/prevent the violent attack from ever happening, you have potentially saved your life or the life of another victim....on top of those cases where an attack in progress was actually stopped.

And another point.....the woman in colorado, who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station because she had to leave her gun in her car...which she was allowed to carry because she had a concealed carry permit.....but couldn't carry it on campus because it was a "gun free" killing and rape zone for criminals......she was raped...and because she didn't stop the attack with her pistol, either capturing or injuring or killing the rapist.....he went on to rape another woman, and rape and murder a 3rd woman...that we know of....those are the three they caught him for.....

So had she "stopped/prevented" that criminal attack.....a life would have been saved outside of the event.....

So again

Law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year...on average to stop, or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives.........according to all the research into actual defensive use of guns........

There......that's better....
I pretty much ignore the Antis except to play with them but what can gun owners and 2nd amendment supporters do with them other than that . I mean , 20 thousand gun laws on the books and the anti always want one more law or regulation to make themselves or children , crims or suiciders safer . Its crazy . I say rescind these gun laws , rules , regulations , infringements on the 2nd Amendment and gun RIGHTS .
I pretty much ignore the Antis except to play with them but what can gun owners and 2nd amendment supporters do with them other than that . I mean , 20 thousand gun laws on the books and the anti always want one more law or regulation to make themselves or children , crims or suiciders safer . Its crazy . I say rescind these gun laws , rules , regulations , infringements on the 2nd Amendment and gun RIGHTS .

Pismoe....I debate brain over and over because it helps me refine my arguments, locate articles that are hard to refute, and it give me a chance to clarify my own thoughts on the topic....also, and most importantly....I post for the casual readers out there and the other pro 2nd amendment people out there....

the casual reader who doesn't follow the issue and only gets the anti side of the argument in his news sources and entertainment watching might actually see our side of the debate......they are only getting the anti side in most television they watch....Blacklist, and various other shows....and the news anchors and journalists promote the anti gun arguments all the at least if they catch this by wandering might help get them curious...

As to the people who already have uncommon sense...the pro 2nd amendment is good to show the resources to use to refute the anti gun nuts, and it gives them ways of putting out the arguments that they might not have thought of before........that takes time, trial and error and just plugging along....

I just wish more pro 2nd amendment people would engage in the futile as it may seem with these anti gunners....I learn a lot from reading other posters, and this battle is not going to end....we need to be as determined as they are...and they do, not, stop...ever....and they lie.....because they are suffering from a phobia....and will do anything to end that fear.......

That's why I keep posting, even with Brain..... finally saw what is hanging you don't get it......

I always say "law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year, on average, to stop violent criminal attack and save lives......"

Pretty much every time I post the 1.6 million number......

You just see a violent criminal attack in progress...a beating, a stabbing, a rape, a murder......but I actually type....

"stop a violent criminal attack...."

To make that more clear brain....I will start to use "stop, or prevent...." that should cover what I have posted above and help clarify what I am saying...

When you confront a burglar...who may or may not have known you were home at the time of the break in....who might be looking for an opportunity rape to throw in with the burglary......happens all the time......and you are confronting them, or your wife, daughter, grand daughter.....and you show your gun, or draw and point your have "STOPPED" a violent criminal attack........before it happens

Dittos with the life saving....since you don't know what is going to happen, when you stop/prevent the violent attack from ever happening, you have potentially saved your life or the life of another victim....on top of those cases where an attack in progress was actually stopped.

And another point.....the woman in colorado, who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station because she had to leave her gun in her car...which she was allowed to carry because she had a concealed carry permit.....but couldn't carry it on campus because it was a "gun free" killing and rape zone for criminals......she was raped...and because she didn't stop the attack with her pistol, either capturing or injuring or killing the rapist.....he went on to rape another woman, and rape and murder a 3rd woman...that we know of....those are the three they caught him for.....

So had she "stopped/prevented" that criminal attack.....a life would have been saved outside of the event.....

So again

Law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year...on average to stop, or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives.........according to all the research into actual defensive use of guns........

There......that's better....

No that's still very deceptive. First the 1.6 is obviously wrong. Second the majority aren't violent crimes only maybe 10%. You can say to defend against crimes, but violent crimes and saving lives is deceptive.
these guys like Brian should just be ignored except to rub there noses in the fact that a gun or a hundred guns per individual are an Americans RIGHT !!

I have not argued against that right.
I pretty much ignore the Antis except to play with them but what can gun owners and 2nd amendment supporters do with them other than that . I mean , 20 thousand gun laws on the books and the anti always want one more law or regulation to make themselves or children , crims or suiciders safer . Its crazy . I say rescind these gun laws , rules , regulations , infringements on the 2nd Amendment and gun RIGHTS .

Pismoe....I debate brain over and over because it helps me refine my arguments, locate articles that are hard to refute, and it give me a chance to clarify my own thoughts on the topic....also, and most importantly....I post for the casual readers out there and the other pro 2nd amendment people out there....

the casual reader who doesn't follow the issue and only gets the anti side of the argument in his news sources and entertainment watching might actually see our side of the debate......they are only getting the anti side in most television they watch....Blacklist, and various other shows....and the news anchors and journalists promote the anti gun arguments all the at least if they catch this by wandering might help get them curious...

As to the people who already have uncommon sense...the pro 2nd amendment is good to show the resources to use to refute the anti gun nuts, and it gives them ways of putting out the arguments that they might not have thought of before........that takes time, trial and error and just plugging along....

I just wish more pro 2nd amendment people would engage in the futile as it may seem with these anti gunners....I learn a lot from reading other posters, and this battle is not going to end....we need to be as determined as they are...and they do, not, stop...ever....and they lie.....because they are suffering from a phobia....and will do anything to end that fear.......

That's why I keep posting, even with Brain.....

And aren't we all here to debate? Would be pretty lame forum without it. I debate to learn more about the subject. finally saw what is hanging you don't get it......

I always say "law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year, on average, to stop violent criminal attack and save lives......"

Pretty much every time I post the 1.6 million number......

You just see a violent criminal attack in progress...a beating, a stabbing, a rape, a murder......but I actually type....

"stop a violent criminal attack...."

To make that more clear brain....I will start to use "stop, or prevent...." that should cover what I have posted above and help clarify what I am saying...

When you confront a burglar...who may or may not have known you were home at the time of the break in....who might be looking for an opportunity rape to throw in with the burglary......happens all the time......and you are confronting them, or your wife, daughter, grand daughter.....and you show your gun, or draw and point your have "STOPPED" a violent criminal attack........before it happens

Dittos with the life saving....since you don't know what is going to happen, when you stop/prevent the violent attack from ever happening, you have potentially saved your life or the life of another victim....on top of those cases where an attack in progress was actually stopped.

And another point.....the woman in colorado, who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station because she had to leave her gun in her car...which she was allowed to carry because she had a concealed carry permit.....but couldn't carry it on campus because it was a "gun free" killing and rape zone for criminals......she was raped...and because she didn't stop the attack with her pistol, either capturing or injuring or killing the rapist.....he went on to rape another woman, and rape and murder a 3rd woman...that we know of....those are the three they caught him for.....

So had she "stopped/prevented" that criminal attack.....a life would have been saved outside of the event.....

So again

Law abiding citizens use guns 1.6 million times a year...on average to stop, or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives.........according to all the research into actual defensive use of guns........

There......that's better....

No that's still very deceptive. First the 1.6 is obviously wrong. Second the majority aren't violent crimes only maybe 10%. You can say to defend against crimes, but violent crimes and saving lives is deceptive.

No...1) because I don't say every time a life is saved I say lives are saved and they are....all the time....and yes...I said in the past "to stop violent criminal attack" meaning in progress and before it didn't get that part and I didn't get that you didn't get it....but from the way I posted above and the examples I have used show that is what I meant....

And finally, the average is 1.6 million times a year that law abiding citizens use guns to stop, or prevent a violent criminal attack and save lives........

And so far...I have 16 actual gun studies and if I use the police foundation study...which might already be in the 16....I average my number from those actual gun make up your number.....and there are a few gun studies that I don't have access to that support the numbers in the other 16.....

You can say anything you want brain...but actual researchers...experts in their fields of study, in both public and private research institutions, over a 40 year period make up the number I use....with actual studies focused on the self defense use of guns.......
hey my Friend , none of my business what others do but the arguments that these antis come up with is just so childish . I was just generally giving an opinion . Yep , I do understand how arguing can clarify a persons own thinking and argument skills . The only other thing good that the ANTIS do is provide a lime light on their Anti gun and Anti American thinking . In ending , I was generally making a case for ignoring these anti gun boneheads . I don't run the board and if I did it would be pretty much as it is '2Aguy' !!
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