The Hardcore Right - It'll get worse before it gets better

Like it's so good under Obama now, can it get worse? you damn right it will and we are seeing proof of it everyday

this man won't be satisfied until he had divided this country to shreds

You can't make this shit up.


yeah, people should just sit back while you want to cut off people voices in the country..

you are right, you can't make this shit up

but you got your little circle jerk buddies high fiving you again

Oh no, the victim card.

Sorry, First Amendment purist here. And one of the best -- probably the best -- feature of the First Amendment is that it points out the crazies, loud and clear. Then, once they're identified, it's much easier to just point at them, say "hey, look at THAT", and let them destroy themselves.

Nice try, though.

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Like moths to a flame.


lemme ask you this...........

do you believe it's a coincidence that Obama issued 23 executive orders 1 month after Newtown?

Why would anyone think it "coincidence" if they watched Obama say what he was going to do?

And if he had done nothing to protect children, you fukers would have been all over him about how he's not a leader and he don't care and blah blah blah.

You can't make this shit up.


yeah, people should just sit back while you want to cut off people voices in the country..

you are right, you can't make this shit up

but you got your little circle jerk buddies high fiving you again

Oh no, the victim card.

Sorry, First Amendment purist here. And one of the best -- probably the best -- feature of the First Amendment is that it points out the crazies, loud and clear. Then, once they're identified, it's much easier to just point at them, say "hey, look at THAT", and let them destroy themselves.

Nice try, though.


good look in a mirror you will see one

Can anyone tell me where "I'm in deep"?

And notice how the diversion/deflection strategy is in effect.

Right on cue.

Like it's so good under Obama now, can it get worse? you damn right it will and we are seeing proof of it everyday

this man won't be satisfied until he had divided this country to shreds

No you stupid bitch. It is people like you that are intent on dividing this country. And it seems to be working.

WTF is it that people like you want? Is it your idea that it is your way or no way? That ain't gonna work. No matter how many fits and threats you have. Fuk you ignorant people.


SniperFire's predictable attempts at diversion/deflection aside:

Another fascinating thing about these hardcore righties' calls was that, when they went on their Levin/Savage-inspired rants about Obama, and the (non-crazed) conservative talk show host said something like "well, let's calm down, I wouldn't go that far", the callers sounded genuinely betrayed when the talk show host didn't agree with them.

I think that, since it was a conservative talk show host, the callers expected them to scream "yeah, Obama's a Marxist Leninist socialist Kenyan commie Muslim who's trying to destroy Amurrrrica!" just like they did. And when he didn't, it completely threw them off track. These people think that anyone who isn't a commie socialist liberal is supposed to be as crazed as they are.

Pretty funny.

Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



I don't know about being funny Mac. If these people can not be marginalized, trouble is coming. I know I am thinking about what additional weapons I may need to protect myself from the fuking crazy right wingers. These people are nuts.

I am not worried about the ATF, I am worried about some crazed group trying to force people into their weird ass militias. Or the "militia" trying to take peoples guns to keep them from being used against the militia.

Hey if you wanna get crazy, I can prove that I am as crazy as the next whacker. Lets just all go off the deep end together. Here we go.
It is the same "Obama is Arab" crowd that John McCain rebuked and Sarah Palin embraced.

They are the ones who boo gay soldiers, cheer over executions and scream "Let em die" as a solution to healthcare. There are Republican snake oil salesmen (Rush, Beck, Hannity...) who make millions off of these people

Dems just sit back, smirk and remind people...This is what Republicans are like
I don't know about being funny Mac. If these people can not be marginalized, trouble is coming. I know I am thinking about what additional weapons I may need to protect myself from the fuking crazy right wingers. These people are nuts.

I am not worried about the ATF, I am worried about some crazed group trying to force people into their weird ass militias. Or the "militia" trying to take peoples guns to keep them from being used against the militia.

Hey if you wanna get crazy, I can prove that I am as crazy as the next whacker. Lets just all go off the deep end together. Here we go.

My guess is that these people are harmless. I'll bet that, down deep, they know that (1) the only way they'll get violent is if the government literally breaks down their front door and demands their guns, and (2) that's just not gonna happen. So they're safe knowing that they can talk big and play GI Joe in their back yard.

Now, is it possible that a few will get so hopped up on Levin & Savage & Rush & Hannity that they'd do something stupid? Yeah, but that'll be rare. Plus, the first time if happens (if it does), it'll shine a bright light on the crazies and they'll probably self-marginalize.

Maybe they'll find a new hobby, huh?

Hey Mac, you ever wonder why you bother? It's MUCH easier to be full of hate and have nothing of substance to add to ANY converstion about ANY thing.

For instance, have you ever read a post by snippy where you had to say; that makes some sense? Or staph with her one liners. Never an idea to add. Just Dems did it, Obamas a communist socialist marxist. And on and on. They are takingmysecondawayand so forth.

I think they just wait for you to post anything. Prolly got their system on an alert; when Mack posts, say this about that.

To funny, especially when, right on cue, they validate your ideas as to what the Rethugs are doing to the GOP. Their stupidity is priceless but their ideas are worthless. If they ever had an idea.

Hey, I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they whack 'em over the fence for me.


This is how you can tell they're addicted to the radio talk show hosts, the crazier ones. They don't engage in serious, mature conversation because the hosts, for the most part, don't either. They're trained to attack, attack, attack, just like their heroes, and very rarely will you see them get serious. I don't know whether they're afraid to, whether they don't know how to, or some combination therein.

Either way, I agree, they validate my points without even realizing it. Right on cue.


When I was more right wing (before my ex-boss fired me for running up too many medical bills and showed me the true meaning of Christmas) I used to listen to Limbaugh every day.

The appeal of Limbaugh and people like him is that he validates your own biases. if you are a working class white guy, you want to believe you are so much better than those "Welfare People", and Limbaugh is happy to validate that view.
It is the same "Obama is Arab" crowd that John McCain rebuked and Sarah Palin embraced.

They are the ones who boo gay soldiers, cheer over executions and scream "Let em die" as a solution to healthcare. There are Republican snake oil salesmen (Rush, Beck, Hannity...) who make millions off of these people

Dems just sit back, smirk and remind people...This is what Republicans are like

omg, you all think so highly of yourselves and Democrats..
we watched your kind poop on police cars and take over and destroy the people's property

you people crack me the hell up
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It is the same "Obama is Arab" crowd that John McCain rebuked and Sarah Palin embraced.

They are the ones who boo gay soldiers, cheer over executions and scream "Let em die" as a solution to healthcare. There are Republican snake oil salesmen (Rush, Beck, Hannity...) who make millions off of these people

Dems just sit back, smirk and remind people...This is what Republicans are like

omg, you all think so highly of yourselves and Democrats..
we watched your kind poop on police cars..

It is the same "Obama is Arab" crowd that John McCain rebuked and Sarah Palin embraced.

They are the ones who boo gay soldiers, cheer over executions and scream "Let em die" as a solution to healthcare. There are Republican snake oil salesmen (Rush, Beck, Hannity...) who make millions off of these people

Dems just sit back, smirk and remind people...This is what Republicans are like

omg, you all think so highly of yourselves and Democrats..
we watched your kind poop on police cars..


since when is the truth stupid?...or do you like to forget liberals do that kind of stuff?

and whats wrong with cheering a murderers execution? Are you not happy they are dead and get the justice they deserve?

SniperFire's predictable attempts at diversion/deflection aside:

Another fascinating thing about these hardcore righties' calls was that, when they went on their Levin/Savage-inspired rants about Obama, and the (non-crazed) conservative talk show host said something like "well, let's calm down, I wouldn't go that far", the callers sounded genuinely betrayed when the talk show host didn't agree with them.

I think that, since it was a conservative talk show host, the callers expected them to scream "yeah, Obama's a Marxist Leninist socialist Kenyan commie Muslim who's trying to destroy Amurrrrica!" just like they did. And when he didn't, it completely threw them off track. These people think that anyone who isn't a commie socialist liberal is supposed to be as crazed as they are.

Pretty funny.


It doesn't strike me as funny at all. People are really scared, justifiably or not. But I think most are missing the boat in identifying where that fear comes from.

At the risk of repeating myself, I claim the core of the bitter divisiveness we see in politics today is the increasing departure from constitutionally limited government. And here's the kicker: Despite the current gloating of liberals over recent 'victories', they are as prone to this kind of irrational fear as conservatives are. Don't any of you remember how much the left was freaking out when Bush was pissing all over the Constitution?

Dependable limits to the scope and power of government are what makes liberal democracies viable. This concept is what makes it acceptable to lose an election, safe in the knowledge that there's only so much damage your ideological opponents can do. Without such assurance, all bets are off. Without a court dedicated to keeping the federal (and state) governments in check, and, more importantly, without a genuine conviction from leaders and voters that government should be so limited, we're only going to see more of this kind of hysteria. I'm not even sure I'd call it hysteria - it's a relatively understandable panic at seeing our nation dissolve before our eyes.
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