The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

No.. you ARE bullshit

This is well known and documented that Kerry said this

The republicans are NOT friends to the military as we have the means to KILL terrorist without risking troops/pilots.

No, you fuck off.:mad: Someone's father or mother just got blown out of the sky for now reason but the grand fucked party likes it that way.

yeah, lets just bomb countries and people in them and then leave them to fend themselves

what heroes that makes..and they will all love us for it

we won't have to see anymore people holding up purple fingers...that was horrific wasn't it

Oh look, suddenly Stephanie cares about people in other countries.
I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?

The goverment doesn't force you to pay collision insurance. Also if you own your home the bank could care less if you have home owners insurance.
Only because our military stopped further attacks stupid. What do you think, Bin Laden intended to stop there? He said (and I quote) "it is the responsibility of the muslim to kill every American man, woman, and child".

Stop pretending like you believe Al Qaeda would not over throw the U.S. and implement Sharia Law if we had no military. Even you aren't dumb enough to believe that, so stop with the act.
And OBL is dead for it. :clap: Some here keep forgetting that.

Shhhh... Republican history revisionists have 9/11 happening under Clinton, and Osama Bin Laden taken care of by Bush.

Lol, coming from someone who thinks everything obama has done wrong is bushes fault.
The republicans are NOT friends to the military as we have the means to KILL terrorist without risking troops/pilots.

No, you fuck off.:mad: Someone's father or mother just got blown out of the sky for now reason but the grand fucked party likes it that way.

yeah, lets just bomb countries and people in them and then leave them to fend themselves

what heroes that makes..and they will all love us for it

we won't have to see anymore people holding up purple fingers...that was horrific wasn't it

Oh look, suddenly Stephanie cares about people in other countries.

still butthurt..:eusa_boohoo:
rant away it makes you look brilliant
or petty is more like it
my goodbye to you...happy trolling someone else...see ya
Then you leave the bill for your family to pay, why, you were a short sighted person that cares not to whom your bill is paid by.

No. What SHOULD happen is that if I cannot pay, the hospitals chooses to either A.) Not provide any service, or, B.) put me on a payment plan requiring me to pay what I owe.

But that's not the way Dumbocrat communists work. Instead, everything is done by force for the "good of society" :lmao:

Sorry blow hard, but that is not how it works.You die at a hospital they do not take partial payments past 90 days. I had a brother in law die from pneumonia, he had a 45k dollar bill. His house was taken away and sold since he had no insurance and his family could not pay off the amount due past 90 days.

So what's the problem "blow hard"? Your brother-in-law chose to not carry insurance. The hospital chose (properly) to take your brother's assets to pay for the service they provided. Where is the problem here and how does the ACA "fix" the problem that doesn't exist here? :cuckoo:

Basically what you're saying is, you like the ACA because it forces me to pay for your brother-in-law. Yeah - communism is so kewl! :eusa_doh:
anyone who throws their service up as an excuse to hate and lie about people are small disgusting people

I don't care if you did supposedly serve

I have no use for you

What FACTS have you ever ever ever brought to the table here, Stephanie? Ever?

All you ever do is whine and get nasty with people you disagree with.

Says one of the more hateful posters on USMB....:eusa_whistle:
I remember when Barry was elected. He stood up there on the podium and wailed about how horrible it was that veterans were being treated like they are. That it was HIM and only HIM who would bring about the programs that would finally give veterans all that they needed and were promised.

On this forum, I made the prediction and the statement that Barry and his group of cronies were only 'singing a song' that they thought others wanted to hear. The left absolutely, positively HATES the United States military and has absolutely no use what so ever for those who have served. The progressives that I have had the 'opportunity' to speak with at length have no frame of reference for the beliefs held closely by veterans or those currently serving. Patriotism? Honor? Duty? Sacrifice? The preservation of liberty? Mere words which deserve only ridicule and derision from the left. After all, as Barry and his minions have repeatedly claimed, the basis for all of the evil in this world is the United States, so those who serve in its military are worthy of only contempt.

My great-great-great grandfather served with Sheridan and marched to Atlanta. His brother served with Longstreet and died. We have served in Cuba, the Phillipines, WW1, and my father walked ashore on Omaha beach in WWII. Uncles and cousins served in Korea, some as Marines at Chosin and my brothers and I served in Vietnam. Nephews have served in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. And each and every one of us joined up. No one was drafted. We did it because we KNOW that freedom does not perpetuate itself. That it is one generation away from disappearing forever. We did it because if you wait for someone else, it will NEVER get done.

This article on was of the same vein as the rest of the crap they publish. That's fine, they can. It is after all the reason for the first amendment which rests on a document that has been defended by some. Some with their very lives. You'll NEVER understand. And that's fine. But if you believe what this idiot has written then you are an idiot as well, not worthy of the sweat off of my balls.

Now, you whiney-ass liberals can sit in your mother's basement and go back to playing games on your XBox. There are men and women out there who stand ready because there is evil in this world. And THEY are the only thing between that evil and getting your ass kicked...

And again you speak with passion and I thank you for your service, but, liberals serve in the military also.
I have no basement or parents as they have died off many years ago. What I do have is my own house on my own 43 acres that I bought with sweat and hard work.
Now, as you said it is their right to print what they want within reason as is yours, but remember that rwer's and conservatives do not make up the entire military.
I wish I had an X-box but my youngest does, he's eleven.he is already prepping for a job in the Air Force so he can be an astronaut.

Moonglow, you highlight my point without even meaning to do so. You thank me in your response and I would ask you, 'WHY'? I really didn't do it for recognition or rewards. But you did thank me. You did it because you understand that those who served or are serving put their life on hold to perform a critical function. One that we need. The USAF Security Forces airman standing guard over a B-2 loaded with nukes on a flight line in Missouri at night isn't directly involved in the fight to maintain our freedom. Or is he? I would submit that he is. And THAT is why we thank the people who serve. I think you understand that.

Right Winger is correct. The odds of an invasion of the United States is astronomical. A direct military strike against this country in any part of the world would be ignorant and suicidal. If it did occur, I would hope that in a moment of extreme clarity Barry would pull his head out of his ass and do what a commander in chief is supposed to do. But there is evil in this world and there are those who are not very intelligent when it comes to those situations. Imagine the warlord Kony with a nuke or V nerve gas?

You are right that there are liberals in the military. I have had the honor of serving with several that I would consider liberal in their political views. Even as liberals they share the beliefs that you apparently do. We thank those who served, not because they expect it or they directly fought against an invading army, but because as citizens of this country we honor their commitment. That is what the idiot who wrote the article so obviously does not understand.

Sometimes I think people try to make the easiest things so incredibly hard. Sometimes a brick is just a brick. It's NOT always a multi-national conspiracy involving the Tri-Lateral Commission...

You make some great points and I agree with most of what you say, however, not one war since WW2 has been fought to protect our freedoms. In fact, all wars since WW2 have nothing whats so ever to do with protecting our freedoms. We should not be thanking our soldiers for going to these god forsaken places, we should be apologizing for sending them there in the first place.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor they did not invade Pearl Harbor. Even though they achieved total surprise, Japan lacked the military capability at the time to invade and occupy Hawaii. Now look at the challenge of travelling another 3000 miles and invading the west coast of the US

The US is invulnerable to any nation moving an armed force thousands of miles and conducting not only an invasion but an occupation

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just curious - why do we even have a military then if we are "invulnerable"? And don't blame conservatives - Barack Obama had the White House, Nancy Pelosi had the House, and Harry Reid had the Senate in 2008. The Dumbocrats could have shut the WHOLE thing down.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
That's all the democrats fault???

Are republicans the only party allowed to join the military? That dog don't hunt.

Why are you attacking RW's credibility? If your case is so strong, why not just disprove his rebuttal? Why go after him, personally?

Well Republicans sure as hell didn't pass the ACA which forces American citizens to purchase a good or service.

And sure as hell isn't Republicans which have ordered the NSA to spy on 100% of all communications (phone calls, texts, internet, etc.) of the American people.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Social Security.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicare.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicaid.

I could go on, but this is more than enough for anyone who is informed about history and which party rammed through which bill against the will of another party (obviously, being "informed" immediately disqualifies Dumbocrats).

Now toe the party line again and tell us how great this article is :eusa_doh:

(Raises hand). You do realize that this thread is about the military?

You do realize that you asked how the Dumbocrats were to blame for a loss of freedom in this nation, don't you? :cuckoo:
anyone who throws their service up as an excuse to hate and lie about people are small disgusting people

I don't care if you did supposedly serve

I have no use for you

What FACTS have you ever ever ever brought to the table here, Stephanie? Ever?

All you ever do is whine and get nasty with people you disagree with.

Says one of the more hateful posters on USMB....:eusa_whistle:
That's pretty funny in an Ironic way, Puppy. :D
Well Republicans sure as hell didn't pass the ACA which forces American citizens to purchase a good or service.

And sure as hell isn't Republicans which have ordered the NSA to spy on 100% of all communications (phone calls, texts, internet, etc.) of the American people.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Social Security.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicare.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicaid.

I could go on, but this is more than enough for anyone who is informed about history and which party rammed through which bill against the will of another party (obviously, being "informed" immediately disqualifies Dumbocrats).

Now toe the party line again and tell us how great this article is :eusa_doh:

(Raises hand). You do realize that this thread is about the military?

You do realize that you asked how the Dumbocrats were to blame for a loss of freedom in this nation, don't you? :cuckoo:

That's your reason for going off topic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor they did not invade Pearl Harbor. Even though they achieved total surprise, Japan lacked the military capability at the time to invade and occupy Hawaii. Now look at the challenge of travelling another 3000 miles and invading the west coast of the US

The US is invulnerable to any nation moving an armed force thousands of miles and conducting not only an invasion but an occupation

Seriously [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - how are you not feeling completely humiliated right now? In your desperate attempt to defend the indefensible, you keep having to move the goal posts and make more and more outrageous comments.

You said the oceans kept us "safe". Being bombed by Japanese fighter planes is hardly "safe". Now you've moved the goal posts again and claimed that they couldn't "invade". Who said anything about "invading". YOU said "safe".

Furthermore, even as dumb as you are (and you are really fuck'n stupid), you don't believe for a second that water prevents invasions. Iraq is protected on ALL sides by oceans from the U.S. Yet somehow we "magically" managed to cross those oceans and put boots on the ground. It wasn't Iran that went into Iraq - it was America. And Iraq is protected from America on ALL sides by oceans. :cuckoo:

Those same planes that bombed Pearl Harbor could easily have dropped paratroopers instead of bombs idiot. And the Japanese Naval fleet could have delivered soldiers just as easily.

Now move the goal posts again and tell us how the U.S. military doesn't need to exist because water protects us.... :lmao:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just curious - why do we even have a military then if we are "invulnerable"? And don't blame conservatives - Barack Obama had the White House, Nancy Pelosi had the House, and Harry Reid had the Senate in 2008. The Dumbocrats could have shut the WHOLE thing down.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The reason is simple. We only need about 10% of our military to actually defend our shores. The other 90% is to project our power around the globe.
Seriously [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - how are you not feeling completely humiliated right now? In your desperate attempt to defend the indefensible, you keep having to move the goal posts and make more and more outrageous comments.

You said the oceans kept us "safe". Being bombed by Japanese fighter planes is hardly "safe". Now you've moved the goal posts again and claimed that they couldn't "invade". Who said anything about "invading". YOU said "safe".

Furthermore, even as dumb as you are (and you are really fuck'n stupid), you don't believe for a second that water prevents invasions. Iraq is protected on ALL sides by oceans from the U.S. Yet somehow we "magically" managed to cross those oceans and put boots on the ground. It wasn't Iran that went into Iraq - it was America. And Iraq is protected from America on ALL sides by oceans. :cuckoo:

Those same planes that bombed Pearl Harbor could easily have dropped paratroopers instead of bombs idiot. And the Japanese Naval fleet could have delivered soldiers just as easily.

Now move the goal posts again and tell us how the U.S. military doesn't need to exist because water protects us.... :lmao:

Are you completely clueless about this thread? Is it completely over your head? Have you been getting your talking points from Stephanie?

The question was our military "protecting our freedom". For someone to take away our freedom it takes more than a couple of bombs. An attack will not do it. A country has to invade and force the people to give up their rights and freedoms

That ain't going to happen. Nobody on earth has that capability.

The Japanese did not have the capability to invade and hold Hawaii. Yamamoto knew that. that is why he planned an "attack" not an "invasion"
You make some great points and I agree with most of what you say, however, not one war since WW2 has been fought to protect our freedoms. In fact, all wars since WW2 have nothing whats so ever to do with protecting our freedoms. We should not be thanking our soldiers for going to these god forsaken places, we should be apologizing for sending them there in the first place.

Tell you what junior - why don't you come back after you've gotten out of the 6th grade? I admire your initiative, but you're just too damn naive and idealistic to talk with the adults.

The idea that you wait until your already dead before you take action is simply libtard Dumbocrat dumb. Bill Clinton used that kind of idiot policy and it's what lead to 9/11 and 3,000+ dead Americans.

Only a fuck'n moron is not proactive in anything in live (which explains why Dumbocrats are all fuck'n morons). Whether it's your education, your budget, or your security. You don't sit around and wait for the horses to run away before you close the barn door. :bang3:
You make some great points and I agree with most of what you say, however, not one war since WW2 has been fought to protect our freedoms. In fact, all wars since WW2 have nothing whats so ever to do with protecting our freedoms. We should not be thanking our soldiers for going to these god forsaken places, we should be apologizing for sending them there in the first place.

Tell you what junior - why don't you come back after you've gotten out of the 6th grade? I admire your initiative, but you're just too damn naive and idealistic to talk with the adults.

The idea that you wait until your already dead before you take action is simply libtard Dumbocrat dumb. Bill Clinton used that kind of idiot policy and it's what lead to 9/11 and 3,000+ dead Americans.

Only a fuck'n moron is not proactive in anything in live (which explains why Dumbocrats are all fuck'n morons). Whether it's your education, your budget, or your security. You don't sit around and wait for the horses to run away before you close the barn door. :bang3:
I love it when Rottie turns around and personally attacks someone who actually agrees with him a great deal. :lol: :lol: :lol:
No. What SHOULD happen is that if I cannot pay, the hospitals chooses to either A.) Not provide any service, or, B.) put me on a payment plan requiring me to pay what I owe.

But that's not the way Dumbocrat communists work. Instead, everything is done by force for the "good of society" :lmao:

Sorry blow hard, but that is not how it works.You die at a hospital they do not take partial payments past 90 days. I had a brother in law die from pneumonia, he had a 45k dollar bill. His house was taken away and sold since he had no insurance and his family could not pay off the amount due past 90 days.

So what's the problem "blow hard"? Your brother-in-law chose to not carry insurance. The hospital chose (properly) to take your brother's assets to pay for the service they provided. Where is the problem here and how does the ACA "fix" the problem that doesn't exist here? :cuckoo:

Basically what you're saying is, you like the ACA because it forces me to pay for your brother-in-law. Yeah - communism is so kewl! :eusa_doh:

I do not support or admire the ACA. I worked and earned my health care. I think those without insurance are rolling the dice with their families future.
(Raises hand). You do realize that this thread is about the military?

You do realize that you asked how the Dumbocrats were to blame for a loss of freedom in this nation, don't you? :cuckoo:

That's your reason for going off topic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now.

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