The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

You do realize that you asked how the Dumbocrats were to blame for a loss of freedom in this nation, don't you? :cuckoo:

That's your reason for going off topic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now. it comes. Rottie can't stick on topic because he's painted himself into the Fail Corner. So, like most failures, he abandons debate for personal attack. :D Loser.
You make some great points and I agree with most of what you say, however, not one war since WW2 has been fought to protect our freedoms. In fact, all wars since WW2 have nothing whats so ever to do with protecting our freedoms. We should not be thanking our soldiers for going to these god forsaken places, we should be apologizing for sending them there in the first place.

Tell you what junior - why don't you come back after you've gotten out of the 6th grade? I admire your initiative, but you're just too damn naive and idealistic to talk with the adults.

The idea that you wait until your already dead before you take action is simply libtard Dumbocrat dumb. Bill Clinton used that kind of idiot policy and it's what lead to 9/11 and 3,000+ dead Americans.

Only a fuck'n moron is not proactive in anything in live (which explains why Dumbocrats are all fuck'n morons). Whether it's your education, your budget, or your security. You don't sit around and wait for the horses to run away before you close the barn door. :bang3:
I love it when Rottie turns around and personally attacks someone who actually agrees with him a great deal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This guy can't control his angry BS. He's over loaded with piss and vinegar.
Sorry blow hard, but that is not how it works.You die at a hospital they do not take partial payments past 90 days. I had a brother in law die from pneumonia, he had a 45k dollar bill. His house was taken away and sold since he had no insurance and his family could not pay off the amount due past 90 days.

So what's the problem "blow hard"? Your brother-in-law chose to not carry insurance. The hospital chose (properly) to take your brother's assets to pay for the service they provided. Where is the problem here and how does the ACA "fix" the problem that doesn't exist here? :cuckoo:

Basically what you're saying is, you like the ACA because it forces me to pay for your brother-in-law. Yeah - communism is so kewl! :eusa_doh:

I do not support or admire the ACA. I worked and earned my health care. I think those without insurance are rolling the dice with their families future.

As do I. So we're in complete agreement on BOTH points here moon.
That's your reason for going off topic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now. it comes. Rottie can't stick on topic because he's painted himself into the Fail Corner. So, like most failures, he abandons debate for personal attack. :D Loser.

He attacks veterans cause he couldn't pass the test.
You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now. it comes. Rottie can't stick on topic because he's painted himself into the Fail Corner. So, like most failures, he abandons debate for personal attack. :D Loser.

He attacks veterans cause he couldn't pass the test.

Yes...he IS a lot like Stephanie. Has anyone ever seen both of them at the same time?
You make some great points and I agree with most of what you say, however, not one war since WW2 has been fought to protect our freedoms. In fact, all wars since WW2 have nothing whats so ever to do with protecting our freedoms. We should not be thanking our soldiers for going to these god forsaken places, we should be apologizing for sending them there in the first place.

Tell you what junior - why don't you come back after you've gotten out of the 6th grade? I admire your initiative, but you're just too damn naive and idealistic to talk with the adults.

The idea that you wait until your already dead before you take action is simply libtard Dumbocrat dumb. Bill Clinton used that kind of idiot policy and it's what lead to 9/11 and 3,000+ dead Americans.

Only a fuck'n moron is not proactive in anything in live (which explains why Dumbocrats are all fuck'n morons). Whether it's your education, your budget, or your security. You don't sit around and wait for the horses to run away before you close the barn door. :bang3:
I love it when Rottie turns around and personally attacks someone who actually agrees with him a great deal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bodecea displaying her illiteracy once again. I do NOT "agree a great deal" with someone who thinks we haven't fought "one war since WWII" that was for our freedom.

Korea was for our freedom. Vietnam was for our freedom. Libya was for our freedom. Beirut was for our freedom. Kuwait was for our freedom. Iraq was for our freedom. And who the fuck out of their mind thinks Afghanistan was NOT for our freedom?!?! Preventing the spread of communism was most definitely "for our freedom".

See, unlike you, I'm not a partisan hack. I call out any idiot on either side of the aisle. Which is why I don't sound like a contradicting idiot like you do, supporting people on your side even when they disagree with what you said yesterday.
That's your reason for going off topic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now. it comes. Rottie can't stick on topic because he's painted himself into the Fail Corner. So, like most failures, he abandons debate for personal attack. :D Loser.

Paint myself into a corner? Sweetie, I've destroyed you in this thread. You couldn't even grasp the difference between the federal government unconstitutionally forcing me to do something simply because I was born, and the CHOICE to do something imposed by the state government.

And when I explained it (TWICE) you ran from it with your tail between your legs instead of being a big girl and admitting that your point was absurd and nonsensical.
You're "bwahahah'ing" because I answered a direct question? :lmao:

Wow [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - you are one seriously unhinged bull-dyke! You need to come to grips with who you are and accept your sexuality sweetie. Otherwise, you will live your life as miserable and unhinged as you are now. it comes. Rottie can't stick on topic because he's painted himself into the Fail Corner. So, like most failures, he abandons debate for personal attack. :D Loser.

He attacks veterans cause he couldn't pass the test.

I "attack" veterans? I'm the one defending them while people like you and the bull dyke support the article which says we should tell our veterans to go fuck themselves because they haven't done shit for us... :cuckoo:

Want to try again?
Tell you what junior - why don't you come back after you've gotten out of the 6th grade? I admire your initiative, but you're just too damn naive and idealistic to talk with the adults.

The idea that you wait until your already dead before you take action is simply libtard Dumbocrat dumb. Bill Clinton used that kind of idiot policy and it's what lead to 9/11 and 3,000+ dead Americans.

Only a fuck'n moron is not proactive in anything in live (which explains why Dumbocrats are all fuck'n morons). Whether it's your education, your budget, or your security. You don't sit around and wait for the horses to run away before you close the barn door. :bang3:
I love it when Rottie turns around and personally attacks someone who actually agrees with him a great deal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This guy can't control his angry BS. He's over loaded with piss and vinegar.

You're right - I am "over loaded with piss and vinegar". I have to watch my nation destroyed by idiot parasites like bull dyke who want to live off of their fellow citizens.

I have to my freedoms stripped, 65% of my wealth stolen, and still see my nation $17 trillion in debt because people like bodecea and RW want to live as moochers instead of being big boys and making their own way through life as adults.

You're goddamn right I'm "over loaded with piss and vinegar". That is unquestionably the most accurate thing you've ever said moon. In fact - reps for that post. If only you could be that honest and accurate in all of your posts.
Yea......about that

Mostly Naval Forces and air cover, couple hundred nukes. That would prevent any possible invasion. You do realize that if we had 10% of our current military force we would still have the strongest military on earth?


Even with 100% of our current forces, we still don't have the largest military in the world...

The PLA is the world's largest military force, with a strength of approximately 2,250,000 personnel

People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you do realize that China and Russia have the same nukes that we do, right?
Yea......about that

Mostly Naval Forces and air cover, couple hundred nukes. That would prevent any possible invasion. You do realize that if we had 10% of our current military force we would still have the strongest military on earth?


Even with 100% of our current forces, we still don't have the largest military in the world...

The PLA is the world's largest military force, with a strength of approximately 2,250,000 personnel

People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you do realize that China and Russia have the same nukes that we do, right?

The primary mission of the Chinese military is to keep 1.5 billion Chinese in line. They do not have the capability for global intervention and have a patchwork Navy that primarily patrols their coast

2.25 million soldiers do you no good if you can't get them out of the country. And China cannot risk pulling their forces out

China is incapable of invading Taiwan which is 90 miles away. I do not worry about them invading the US
Korea was for our freedom. Vietnam was for our freedom. Libya was for our freedom. Beirut was for our freedom. Kuwait was for our freedom. Iraq was for our freedom. And who the fuck out of their mind thinks Afghanistan was NOT for our freedom?!?! Preventing the spread of communism was most definitely "for our freedom".

Been drinking the Kool Aid again I see!
Korea was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?
Vietnam was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?
Libya was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?
Kuwait was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?
Iraq was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?
Afghanistan was a threat to the Freedoms in the United States? How is that?

Preventing the spread of communism was most definitely "for our freedom" How 70's, Really are you still buying into that propaganda? Ok Dog, Answer me this: if we were preventing the spread of communism why didn't we do anything with Cuba a mere 90 miles away?
This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

Just a question

If not for our military, which freedoms would you not enjoy today?

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.

Speaking of credibility,,,,,,,:link: to the "about" 65% of the freedoms" lost.
Just a question

If not for our military, which freedoms would you not enjoy today?

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.

Speaking of credibility,,,,,,,:link: to the "about" 65% of the freedoms" lost.

But if he is right, it destroys his original argument. If the military was protecting our "freedoms", how did the Democrats take away 65% of them?

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