The Homosexual Dilemma

Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

No, that would be having sex with heterosexual men. With the overwhelming majority of all HIV cases being heterosexuals.

There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual.

Now African males (males actually living in Africa, not the faux variation living elsewhere, who've never set foot upon the continent...) are the most likely to have the HIV.

And how did they contract it? Having anal sex with other African Males, OR... having sex with woman, who had sex with an African male, who had had anal sex with another african male. Ya see scamp... in Africa, so dumbass started a rumor that if you are a male who fornicates with another male, you can STILL REMAIN 'a man' as long as you're the pitcher and not the catcher.

That dumbass was of course dead wrong... and we can rest assured he's long since dead, having likely contracted the HIV shortly after he came up with the colossal misnomer. Which should have been a serious clue that he was wrong, but sadly, African Males aren't actually noted for their 'long game' thinkin', which in a wicked twist of irony, is also a problematic trait among homosexuals everywhere; which AGAIN: is a serious clue. But let's test it... and see if it sticks?
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Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why humanity has always forbidden it.
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Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself. And you have no idea what you're talking about.

So can you cite a source that does? Show us. Don't tell us. If its 'irrefutable truth', it will be remarkably easy for you to do so.

If you're again talking out of your ass about a topic you clearly not sufficiently informed about to comment intelligently, you'll give us excuses.

Pick which.
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Where R My Keys loves to be his own authority.

Disease, needles, drugs, AIDS, HiV are equal opportunity, Where R My Keys, little buddy, not just gays and lesbians.

The logic of number blows up your attempt to limit your argument to gays and lesbians, which you have not quantified and qualified, much less created a ratio of straights to gays in terms of addiction and damage.

Ask "WJ" if it wants me to write for them, because you are simply pitiful.
Where R My Keys loves to be his own authority.

Disease, needles, drugs, AIDS, HiV are equal opportunity, Where R My Keys, little buddy, not just gays and lesbians.

The logic of number blows up your attempt to limit your argument to gays and lesbians, which you have not quantified and qualified, much less created a ratio of straights to gays in terms of addiction and damage.

Ask "WJ" if it wants me to write for them, because you are simply pitiful.

Its fascinating, isn't it? I've never met a poster who so desperately leans on themselves as an infallible authority of whatever they believe. I once had Keyes ignore me because I didn't accept his personal religious faith as objective truth. He literally couldn't handle someone not accepting his FEELINGS as defining reality objectively.

You can't teach that.
Of course THAT is only ONE way that homosexuality; which is to say Sexual Abnormality threatens the rights of others.

That their perverse reasoning threatens the children, is the truly unforgivable, inalterable threat to others. And why in every culture that accepts it, such merely represents as 'one of the last truly stupid things a culture did, before it evaporated into the ether of history, and the homosexual problem was packed back up onto the top shelf and toward the back of the closet, relegated back to 'TABOO'... .
The most dangerous person to a young child is his/her own hetero father, step-father, other male family member or family friend.

No... that's not true. As such a person would be a sexually abnormal individual and not hetero-sexual.

But otherwise, yes... Sexually Abnormal people should never be allowed to participate in ANY activity where children are present, and such is never more critical than there the Sexually Abnormal individual would be in a position of authority or influence of over a child.

On that we agree... .

Revisionism by Where R My Keys is pathetic.

Heterosexual males should never be permitted any interaction with female children since they are OVERWHELMINGLY the perpretators of adult on child abuse.

"WJ" is considering dumping Where R My Keys as a contributor: well thought out!
Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself.
I'm citing sound reason. Now YOU may feel that 'normal people' exchange dirty needles with other people, or to enter the rectum of multiple parties, or allow multiple parties to enter their rectum... but, in truth, they don't.

And since THAT is how HIV is contracted... it's not something to which normal people are subjected, EXCEPT where, they either have sex with someone who had sex with a homosexual or they are subject to blood which was tainted by the above noted deviants.

You can cry that you feel VERY STRONGLY that such is not true... but in reality (as cited above) normal people have NO CHANCE of contracting the HIV.
I'm citing sound reason.

You're not citing reason either. You're citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about.

While you may consider anything you make up to be irrefutable truth, you citing yourself doesn't amount to much.
Now YOU may feel that 'normal people' exchange dirty needles with other people, or to enter the rectum of multiple parties, or allow multiple parties to enter their rectum... but, in truth, they don't.

And yet the majority of HIV cases are women. And they acquired the illness through heterosexual sex. Unless you're arguing that heterosexual women aren't 'normal people', then don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

And since THAT is how HIV is contracted... it's not something to which normal people are subjected, EXCEPT where, they either have sex with someone who had sex with a homosexual or they are subject to blood which was tainted by the above noted deviants.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody. Back in reality, the overwhelming majority of HIV is transmitted through heterosexual sex. From men who caught it from women. And women who caught it from men. You say this isn't possible. The millions of heterosexual men and women being infected say otherwise.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You're straight up clueless. That you lack the capacity to tell the difference between any random opinion you may hold and 'irrefutable truth' only emphasizes this point.
Where R My Keys cites himself as the authority.

He is homophobic.

He is racists.

He is a fool.

He will be easy to play with from her on out since his melt down.
I'm citing sound reason.

You're not citing reason either.

Golly, if denying sound reason is reasonable, were a valid defense, MAN! Would THAT be a wonderful point.

Sadly, it's not.

Normal people do not make others bleed in the course of sex... nor do the share needles which they've used to get high... both of which is EXTREMELY COMMON among the sexually abnormal. Which further serves reason, given that sexual abnormality is the result of a perversion of human reasoning, which ted toward removing any priority on the part of those saddled with the mental disorder, to observe soundly reasoned standards of behavior, which often causes them to behave in ways which injure other people, with little concern for the harm they cause others.

See how it all fits? It's a progression in reason which utilizes the laws of cause and effect, which those who suffer from the aforementioned perversion of reasoning, like to refer to as "circular reasoning". But in your defense, ya only do so because you're cognitive limitations preclude you from the means to reason, soundly.

Such stems from a disorder OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.
What's with you and procreation?

The means by which the species is propagated? I'm for it... where such is exercised with respect for and adherence to the natural principles that
Do you display such vigorous passion for say someone like Nadya Suleman, who has given birth to 14 children and is unable to care for them economically, as well as physically, mentally, and emotionally. Would you personally be averse to having someone adopting her children if that's what she wanted? Would you find it offensive if a couple adopted a child or children from a third-world country?
The sun produces energy, and all you're producing is stagnant hot air.
It's not discrimination. Two women can get married and have all the benefits the government confers, as long as they get married to two men.
See how easy that is?

This isn't exactly a very compelling legal argument. Which it is why it is being laughed out of most courtrooms across the country.
Argumentum ad populum fallacy!
Rabbi rules!

While I find your delusions of grandeur comical, it in no way changes the fact that your position is failing miserably.
I point out your argument is a logical fallacy and Im the one failing? No, dont think so.
It is discrimination against gays, dufus.

Yes... it is. That's what standards do. They discriminate. And FYI: Discrimination is an essential trait to human viability. No discrimination, no humanity.

But hey, Nature discriminates against the sexually abnormal all the time.

Have ya heard of the HIV? It's the virus that nature sets upon the Sexually abnormal, that causes AIDS.

Then there's the chronic STDs, the disproportionate instances of Urinary tract infections, etc etc... .

You gonna sue God to get JUSTICE?

OH! Here's a thought, stop shoving organs designed as an out-port, for penetration into in-ports ... into out ports.
Just because you 'feel' a desire to do so, doesn't mean ya should. And that nature discriminates those who DO... odds are it's a really bad idea. And this without regard to the popular whimsy, which says 'it's ok'.

Because, nature says, it's not ok.[/QUOTE]

Ryan White was a teenage boy who acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion and later died. He was expelled from school when he was diagnosed. Do you believe NATURE was cruel to him? Or was society cruel to him? Or was God cruel to him?
And FTR: there is no such thing as 'Homophobe'. The word literally means: An irrational fear of self.

The word is a device which the user hopes to cow their opposition. It's the 20th century equivalent of the 18th century: 'Reactionary'. The same mental disorder that twisted 'reaction' into an invalid rationalization, has done the same for many words ("Gay, Liberal, Progress, Progressive, Hate, Racism", etc...) which they need to use deceitfully, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant.

But hey... that is what one should reasonably expect from evil.
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Ryan White was a teenage boy who acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion and later died. He was expelled from school when he was diagnosed. Do you believe NATURE was cruel to him? Or was society cruel to him? Or was God cruel to him?

I know that the deviant who infected his blood was cruel to him... but such is the nature of the sociopath. They suffer from a mental disorder, which rationalizes that their own subjective needs rise in priority over any other consideration... and injustices such as that surrounding Ryan White, are the inevitable consequences of Relativism, OKA: Left-think, AKA: Social Justice, Liberalism, Progressivism and any number of other deceitfulyl applied terms to re-label Old Testament Evil.

There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual.

Now African males (males actually living in Africa, not the faux variation living elsewhere, who've never set foot upon the continent...) are the most likely to have the HIV.

And how did they contract it? Having anal sex with other African Males, OR... having sex with woman, who had sex with an African male, who had had anal sex with another african male. Ya see scamp... in Africa, so dumbass started a rumor that if you are a male who fornicates with another male, you can STILL REMAIN 'a man' as long as you're the pitcher and not the catcher.

That dumbass was of course dead wrong... and we can rest assured he's long since dead, having likely contracted the HIV shortly after he came up with the colossal misnomer. Which should have been a serious clue that he was wrong, but sadly, African Males aren't actually noted for their 'long game' thinkin', which in a wicked twist of irony, is also a problematic trait among homosexuals everywhere; which AGAIN: is a serious clue. But let's test it... and see if it sticks?[/QUOTE]

Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.
Ryan White was a teenage boy who acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion and later died. He was expelled from school when he was diagnosed. Do you believe NATURE was cruel to him? Or was society cruel to him? Or was God cruel to him?

I know that the deviant who infected his blood was cruel to him... but such is the nature of the sociopath. They suffer from a mental disorder, which rationalizes that their own subjective needs rise in priority over any other consideration... and injustices such as that surrounding Ryan White, are the inevitable consequences of Relativism, OKA: Left-think, AKA: Social Justice, Liberalism, Progressivism and any number of other deceitfulyl applied terms to re-label Old Testament Evil.

Who was the sociopath? Was it the blood technician whose job it was to test the blood?
Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself.
I'm citing sound reason.

You have never posted a post with 'sound reason' involved.
And FTR: there is no such thing as 'Homophobe'. The word literally means: An irrational fear of self..

Homophobes hate being called what they are
Meriam Webster
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly

Applies to you.

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