The Homosexual Dilemma

Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.
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Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant.

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.

"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.
Golly, if denying sound reason is reasonable, were a valid defense, MAN! Would THAT be a wonderful point.

Alas, the only thing you're citing is yourself. You've ignored evidence that explicitly contradicts you and made assertions that you can't back up factually or rationally.

Neither of which has a thing to do with reason. Again, you may consider any opinion you hold to be irrefutable truth. But you citing you doesn't amount to much. As you're insufficiently informed on this topic to comment on it intelligently. You merely have an opinion. And an uninformed one at that.

Normal people do not make others bleed in the course of sex... nor do the share needles which they've used to get high... both of which is EXTREMELY COMMON among the sexually abnormal.

Says you. And you're clueless.

Biologically, women are more likely to become infected with HIV through unprotected heterosexual intercourse than men

See more at: Women and HIV AIDS AVERT

Remember, you don't know what you're talking about. So your assumptions on how HIV are transmitted are insufficient;

Certain body fluids from an HIV-infected person can transmit HIV.

These body fluids are:
  • Blood
  • Semen (cum)
  • Pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum)
  • Rectal fluids
  • Vaginal fluids
  • Breast milk
These body fluids must come into contact with a mucous membrane or damaged tissue or be directly injected into your bloodstream (by a needle or syringe) for transmission to possibly occur. Mucous membranes are the soft, moist areas just inside the openings to your body. They can be found inside the rectum, the vagina or the opening of the penis, and the mouth.

How Do You Get HIV or AIDS

You insist that this is impossible. Demonstrating yet again that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Heterosexual sex remains the largest method of transmission of HIV, hands down. Almost all HIV worldwide is transmitted via heterosexual sex. With women making up a majority of the cases of HIV.

"According to the latest (2008) WHO and UNAIDS global estimates, women comprise 50% of people living with HIV"

Gender, women and health
World Health Organization

WHO Gender inequalities and HIV

With the rate of new infections among women being staggering:

Every hour 50 young women are newly infected with HIV

UNAIDS 2013 | AIDS by the numbers

Sidebar, pg 7

With the most relevant factor in whether or not they are infected being if they are victims of violence.

How do you account for the majority of HIV infections being among women, and those women overwhelmingly getting HIV through heterosexual sex?

You don't. You ignore the facts and pretend they don't exist. But why would a rational person ignore what you do? Especially when your only source is yourself...and you're straight up clueless?

There is no reason.
"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Keyes just makes shit up. He doesn't actually have the slightest clue what he's talking about.
Ryan White was a teenage boy who acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion and later died. He was expelled from school when he was diagnosed. Do you believe NATURE was cruel to him? Or was society cruel to him? Or was God cruel to him?

I know that the deviant who infected his blood was cruel to him... but such is the nature of the sociopath. They suffer from a mental disorder, which rationalizes that their own subjective needs rise in priority over any other consideration... and injustices such as that surrounding Ryan White, are the inevitable consequences of Relativism, OKA: Left-think, AKA: Social Justice, Liberalism, Progressivism and any number of other deceitfulyl applied terms to re-label Old Testament Evil.

Who was the sociopath? Was it the blood technician whose job it was to test the blood?

So you don't know who the sociopath was, in a scenario wherein, a person who rejected all sense of sexual propriety, came to be infected with a deadly virus, passed that virus onto innocent people who by their very nature NEEDED blood to survive?

Let's see if this helps:

Sociopathy: a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself.
I'm citing sound reason.

You have never posted a post with 'sound reason' involved.

Keys, you are not accepted as any sort of authority.

And to cite yourself as an appeal to authority is absurd.
Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant.

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.

"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Yep... I wrote that.

I also wrote this: "Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course."

You clearly 'feel' that there's some inconsistency there... .

Would ya be so kind as to point out where such might be the case?
Keys is merely a homophobic and racist deviant.

Nothing can be done to save him.
Ryan White was a teenage boy who acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion and later died. He was expelled from school when he was diagnosed. Do you believe NATURE was cruel to him? Or was society cruel to him? Or was God cruel to him?

I know that the deviant who infected his blood was cruel to him... but such is the nature of the sociopath. They suffer from a mental disorder, which rationalizes that their own subjective needs rise in priority over any other consideration... and injustices such as that surrounding Ryan White, are the inevitable consequences of Relativism, OKA: Left-think, AKA: Social Justice, Liberalism, Progressivism and any number of other deceitfulyl applied terms to re-label Old Testament Evil.

Who was the sociopath? Was it the blood technician whose job it was to test the blood?

So you don't know who the sociopath was, in a scenario wherein, a person who rejected all sense of sexual propriety, came to be infected with a deadly virus, passed that virus onto innocent people who by their very nature NEEDED blood to survive?

Let's see if this helps:

Sociopathy: a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Please explain why the blood wasn't tested.
...the most relevant factor in whether or not they are infected being if they are victims of violence.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao: :shock: :gay: :shock: :lol: :lmao::rofl::rofl:



LMAO! So...

LOL! You're saying... that "Violence against women" is the #1 means of transmitting the HIV?


You're concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Yep... I wrote that.

Yeah, you wrote it. And you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Remember, your source on the 'never been a documented case' is you. Citing you. Which is meaningless.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

So your claim about 'never been a documented case' is meaningless gibberish? As you're now giving us caveats, exceptions and excuses for why that might not be the case. And 'never been' doesn't mix well with exceptions.

I don't think 'never' means what you think it means.
Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant.

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.

"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Yep... I wrote that.

I also wrote this: "Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course."

You clearly 'feel' that there's some inconsistency there... .

Would ya be so kind as to point out where such might be the case?

Your closed-minded viewpoint is peppered with inconsistencies, as well as judgmental hypocrisy. You have zero tolerance for human beings whose views differ from yours. You are quick to serve up heaping ladles of cruelty, all in the name of self-righteousness and bigotry.
...the most relevant factor in whether or not they are infected being if they are victims of violence.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao: :shock: :gay: :shock: :lol: :lmao::rofl::rofl:



LMAO! So...

LOL! You're saying... that "Violence against women" is the #1 means of transmitting the HIV?


You're concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

No. I'm saying that if they are subject to violence, their odds of being infected with HIV jump 50%.

Laughing....and as always, when your silly claims are dismantled with better reasoning, better logic, and vastly better sources, you give us your tell: bizarre summary declarations of victory. Its your white flag.

Your claims that there has 'never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual" was proven useless idiocy. As your backpedalling demonstrated so elegantly.

Your claim that normal sex can't transmit HIV was disproven, as HIV can permeate mucous membranes in the vagina and penis. Both of which exist in normal sex. Something you insist is impossible. And yet another demonstration that you have no idea what you're talking about.

And you're still desperately running from the fact that the majority of those infected by HIV are women. And that the overwhelming majority of the transmission of HIV is through heterosexual sex. Facts that contradict you. So you ignore.

Remember, have no idea what you're talking about. And your claims have nothing to do with 'sound reason'.
Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant.

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.

"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Yep... I wrote that.

I also wrote this: "Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course."

You clearly 'feel' that there's some inconsistency there... .

Would ya be so kind as to point out where such might be the case?

Your closed-minded viewpoint is peppered with inconsistencies, as well as judgmental hypocrisy. You have zero tolerance for human beings whose views differ from yours. You are quick to serve up heaping ladles of cruelty, all in the name of self-righteousness and bigotry.

That's about as astute a 3 sentence summary of Keyes as I've seen. Though he's also very fond of fallacies of logic. Big ones.
Have you notified Magic Johnson of your findings? He'll probably be astounded to find out that he's gay.

Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant.

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course.

"There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual." You wrote this, and according to Magic Johnson's confession, he did neither of these, which would, according to you, make him gay.

Yep... I wrote that.

I also wrote this: "Who said Magic Johnson was gay? To the best of my knowledge he has not admitted to such.

He has admitted to being powerless over his sexual behavior, thus he is a sexual deviant... . He has also admitted to being infected with the HIV, which is how we can know to an absolute certainty that he has either received blood that was tainted by a homosexual, shared a needle with a sexual deviant or he has had sex with someone who had sex with a sexual deviant or suffered a combo... .

MAN! If there were just SOME WAY to understand where THE PROBLEM is... if we could just find SOME sort of trend; some discernible pattern... SOMETHING that we could use as a means to avoid contracting the HIV.

Except for the whole thing where such is limited to those who have contact with sexual deviants or the misfortune to receive blood tainted by sexual deviants, of course."

You clearly 'feel' that there's some inconsistency there... .

Would ya be so kind as to point out where such might be the case?

Your closed-minded viewpoint is peppered with inconsistencies, as well as judgmental hypocrisy. You have zero tolerance for human beings whose views differ from yours. You are quick to serve up heaping ladles of cruelty, all in the name of self-righteousness and bigotry.

Is it?

And you're saying that you know that my 'viewpoint' is inconsistent... but you're unable to specify what these inconsistencies are?

I hate to pile on here... but, THAT viewpoint, is 'inconsistent'.

Specifically, you advance an emphatic assertion, wherein you claim to have specific knowledge, then when asked to simply advance that knowledge... ya fail to do so.

See how that works?

OH! And I would be remiss if I did not point out that YOU are demonstrating bigotry...

Here, allow me to educate you:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Now... ya may need to look at your behavior here, to help you understand that your intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from yourself, defines you as a bigot.
Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself.
I'm citing sound reason.

You have never posted a post with 'sound reason' involved.

Keys, you are not accepted as any sort of authority.

And to cite yourself as an appeal to authority is absurd.

Absurd. But funny!
And you're saying that you know that my 'viewpoint' is inconsistent... but you're unable to specify what these inconsistencies are?

Huh? If you pulled that out of her statement, you might as well open your reply with 'once upon a time'.

You made statements that were factually inaccurate, citing yourself as the source. Not minor issues either. You were off by millions and millions of HIV infections.

You were wrong about normal sex not being able to transmit HIV. Again, citing yourself.

You've demonstrated to us with your blunders that your source is unreliable and inaccurate. Rendering any further citations of yourself as an expert meaningless, as you don't know what you're talking about.

Do you have anything other than your personal opinion to offer here?
...the most relevant factor in whether or not they are infected being if they are victims of violence.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao: :shock: :gay: :shock: :lol: :lmao::rofl::rofl:



LMAO! So...

LOL! You're saying... that "Violence against women" is the #1 means of transmitting the HIV?


You're concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

No. I'm saying that if they are subject to violence, their odds of being infected with HIV jump 50%.

Well that makes sense... more homo-blood coupled with more open wounds, more opportunities for infection. Same goes for the transmission of any virus, or poison. Ya see scamp the epidermis serves as a means to protect the body from foreign organisms, whose existence is hostile to the viability of the body.

And I agree with you, catty homos are intolerable when they get violent.
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Huh? If you pulled that out of her statement, you might as well open your reply with 'once upon a time'.


Here's what I said:

me said:
Would ya be so kind as to point out where [my argument's inconsistencies] might be ..?

Then she said:

her said:
Your closed-minded viewpoint is peppered with inconsistencies, as well as judgmental hypocrisy. You have zero tolerance for human beings whose views differ from yours. You are quick to serve up heaping ladles of cruelty, all in the name of self-righteousness and bigotry.

Than I said:
me said:
Is it?

And you're saying that you know that my 'viewpoint' is inconsistent... but you're unable to specify what these inconsistencies are?

I hate to pile on here... but, THAT viewpoint, is 'inconsistent'.

Specifically, you advance an emphatic assertion, wherein you claim to have specific knowledge, then when asked to simply advance that knowledge... ya fail to do so.

See how that works?

OH! And I would be remiss if I did not point out that YOU are demonstrating bigotry...

Here, allow me to educate you:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Now... ya may need to look at your behavior here, to help you understand that your intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from yourself, defines you as a bigot.

Then you said...

Huh? If you pulled that out of her statement, you might as well open your reply with 'once upon a time'.


This is too easy...

I tell ya, if it turns out that you idiots are a pack of 4th graders, this is really gonna be embarrassing for you. But the 2nd graders are going to laugh their asses off. So, I guess that is going to make it alright....
But at the end of the day, setting their propensity for contracting deadly viruses... Homosexuality is a direct threat to children.

And that is why we cannot allow threats to children become culturally normalized.

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