The Homosexual Dilemma


“But Nature discriminates against the sexually abnormal all the time. Have ya heard of HIV? It's the virus that nature sets upon the Sexually abnormal, that causes AIDS.”
As already correctly noted, you truly are an idiot.

LOL! I SO adore the sweeter ironies.

Yes... lets pretend that anyone can contract HIV. And that doing so without a homosexual in the mix, somewhere... the odds are non-existent.

So once again, all one needs to do to believe the Left, is to suspend all sense of reality.

In reality, most of those infected with HIV are women who contracted it through heterosexual sex.

Before that the lethal STD was syphilis. Which was overwhelmingly contracted through heterosexual sex.

So 'nature' hates heteros? Or do you just not have the slightest clue what you're talking about?

“But Nature discriminates against the sexually abnormal all the time. Have ya heard of HIV? It's the virus that nature sets upon the Sexually abnormal, that causes AIDS.”
As already correctly noted, you truly are an idiot.

LOL! I SO adore the sweeter ironies.

Yes... lets pretend that anyone can contract HIV. And that doing so without a homosexual in the mix, somewhere... the odds are non-existent.

So once again, all one needs to do to believe the Left, is to suspend all sense of reality.

In reality, most of those infected with HIV are women who contracted it through heterosexual sex.

Before that the lethal STD was syphilis. Which was overwhelmingly contracted through heterosexual sex.

So 'nature' hates heteros? Or do you just not have the slightest clue what you're talking about?

Lame really Lame - clutching at straws and falsifying facts to suit your agenda or argument will not help you win a debate.

most of those infected with HIV are women who contracted it through heterosexual sex.

That my friend is complete and absolute bullshit . Women only account for one in five new HIV diagnoses and deaths caused by AIDS. Allthough Women are around least twice more likely to acquire HIV from men during sexual intercourse than vice versa only because they are the recipient of the body fluids.

Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. Gay, bisexual,men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections

Get a Clue Cummy Bear
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.

No- bigots are the only ones who are upset that homosexuals are getting all uppity and no longer put up with you and your three buddies cruising around looking for some 100 lb fem looking boy that you could 'bitch smack' around without the cops interfering with your fun.

Whats a matter faggot - you got beat up alot as a kid ? Perhaps if you'd keep your eyes off the other guys pecker when you in the locker room ........
:lol: Hey, we got a tough guy here. :lol: I remember a HS classmate who talked like you. He "came out" finally.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia

As opposed to the tactic of homophobic bigots to try to force opponents into silence by accusations of homosexuality- or more in particular in your case- an online pseudo Tourette's Syndrome of insults and implied threats along with a desire to physically harm homosexuals.

Ironically, with more and more gays coming out of the closet, that tactic no longer works.

.... implied threats along with a desire to physically harm homosexuals.

Such as ....
Lame really Lame - clutching at straws and falsifying facts to suit your agenda or argument will not help you win a debate.

Notice how you don't actually disagree with any specific point. Or refute anything I've offered. You just offer a uselessly vague insinuation that doesn't actually say anything.

Lame. Really lame.

Try again. This time with a reasoned, rational argument.

"most of those infected with HIV are women who contracted it through heterosexual sex."

That my friend is complete and absolute bullshit .

Except that it isn't.

According to the latest (2008) WHO and UNAIDS global estimates, women comprise 50% of people living with HIV.

WHO Gender inequalities and HIV

Remember, have no idea what you're talking about. You're willfully uninformed. You don't want to know what's happening. You want what you already believe. And any source that doesn't say what you ignore. On any topic.

And the world doesn't magically change to match whatever hapless bullshit you believe. You're allowing your irrational hatred to blind you. And that only makes your silly nonsense easier to refute.
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Whats a matter faggot - you got beat up alot as a kid ? Perhaps if you'd keep your eyes off the other guys pecker when you in the locker room ........
:lol: Hey, we got a tough guy here. :lol: I remember a HS classmate who talked like you. He "came out" finally.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia

As opposed to the tactic of homophobic bigots to try to force opponents into silence by accusations of homosexuality- or more in particular in your case- an online pseudo Tourette's Syndrome of insults and implied threats along with a desire to physically harm homosexuals.

Ironically, with more and more gays coming out of the closet, that tactic no longer works.

.... implied threats along with a desire to physically harm homosexuals.

Such as ....

Glad to repost your post:

GreenBean: Americans want to bitch smack the perverts back into the closet

The only 'American' suggesting assaulting homosexuals would be you.

Because you think gays are too uppity.
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


There were only 40,100 new cases of HIV in the whole world? Really?
There were 2.3 million new HIV infections
[1.9 million–2.7 million] in 2012

So you're off by about 2.25 million new infections. How do you account for the wild disparity between your numbers and reality, as you've somehow failed to take into account 98.3% of all new infections? Is it possible that you're only citing HIV infections in ONE COUNTRY rather than the entire world?

Do you acknowledge that the stats you offered above don't represent the actual HIV infection patterns around the world? Or shall we chock this up to you once again ignoring anything that doesn't ape what you want to believe?
Have you noticed lately the GreenBeans have been getting pretty uppity lately? :lol: Them homosexuals have em all atwitter.
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.
Of course THAT is only ONE way that homosexuality; which is to say Sexual Abnormality threatens the rights of others.

That their perverse reasoning threatens the children, is the truly unforgivable, inalterable threat to others. And why in every culture that accepts it, such merely represents as 'one of the last truly stupid things a culture did, before it evaporated into the ether of history, and the homosexual problem was packed back up onto the top shelf and toward the back of the closet, relegated back to 'TABOO'... .
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

Gay women have the lowest incidence of HIV of all. You gonna sing our praises next?
Of course THAT is only ONE way that homosexuality; which is to say Sexual Abnormality threatens the rights of others.

That their perverse reasoning threatens the children, is the truly unforgivable, inalterable threat to others. And why in every culture that accepts it, such merely represents as 'one of the last truly stupid things a culture did, before it evaporated into the ether of history, and the homosexual problem was packed back up onto the top shelf and toward the back of the closet, relegated back to 'TABOO'... .
The most dangerous person to a young child is his/her own hetero father, step-father, other male family member or family friend.
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

Gay women have the lowest incidence of HIV of all. You gonna sing our praises next?

Well, that serves reason, as homosexual women, are the least likely to be having anal intercourse with homosexual men.

Add to that, that homosexual women are among the rarest things on earth... representing an insignificant percentage of the population, you people are the least likely to be doing anything, except munchin' carpet. In that you truly set yourself apart from the pack, as a group.

The only people who do more of it, are heterosexual men, which is why we're better at it than you are.
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Of course THAT is only ONE way that homosexuality; which is to say Sexual Abnormality threatens the rights of others.

That their perverse reasoning threatens the children, is the truly unforgivable, inalterable threat to others. And why in every culture that accepts it, such merely represents as 'one of the last truly stupid things a culture did, before it evaporated into the ether of history, and the homosexual problem was packed back up onto the top shelf and toward the back of the closet, relegated back to 'TABOO'... .
The most dangerous person to a young child is his/her own hetero father, step-father, other male family member or family friend.

No... that's not true. As such a person would be a sexually abnormal individual and not hetero-sexual.

But otherwise, yes... Sexually Abnormal people should never be allowed to participate in ANY activity where children are present, and such is never more critical than there the Sexually Abnormal individual would be in a position of authority or influence of over a child.

On that we agree... .
No... that's not true. As such a person would be a sexually abnormal individual and not hetero-sexual.

See, that's the rub. The majority of abuse is done by self identifying heterosexual men, who are sexually attracted to women, who are engaged in a heterosexual relationship with the child's mother or other female relative. To such an extent that a child is more than 100 times more likely to be abused by a heterosexual man dating their mother or other female relative.....than a homosexual.

Yet your focus is on the homosexuals? Your focus doesn't 'serve reserve'. As it doesn't make the slightest sense. Its actually worse than useless, as the primary predatory group of children is virtually ignored by you.
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

No, that would be having sex with heterosexual men. With the overwhelming majority of all HIV cases being heterosexuals.

So....god hates heteros? Or is that nature? Your 'Appeals to Authority' all start to run together.
As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

The homophobic revisionist history is bizarre to watch.


LOL! NOooo... It's an irrefutable fact: If there is no homosexual, somewhere in the mix, there is no chance of contracting the HIV. None, Zero ... Nada.
As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

The homophobic revisionist history is bizarre to watch.


LOL! NOooo... It's an irrefutable fact: If there is no homosexual, somewhere in the mix, there is no chance of contracting the HIV. None, Zero ... Nada.

Says who? While I'm sure you consider any opinion you carry to be an 'irrefutable fact'. But you citing you doesn't amount to much.

So what else have you got?

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