the hypocrisy of libs (guns and abortion)

It is comical to see the Libtard hypocrites say they want to ban all firearms "for the children" but then these shitheads justify the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
The parents were heartbroken!
Liberals just love the thought of dead cops soldiers and babies
you of all people haven't any Idea what a liberals likes or dislikes ... you have to be told by your handlers what they are ...
Don't project
case closed
That your Insain yes that case is closed.
that you are sooooooooooooo stupid you can't comprehend ... case closed moron
It is comical to see the Libtard hypocrites say they want to ban all firearms "for the children" but then these shitheads justify the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
The parents were heartbroken!
yep... the get money for a funeral ... you get to tell us how heartbroken they are, that they get to bury a iddy biddy bunch of worthless cells in a coffin ... that cost them thousands a dollars ... oh how the money pocket swells to the funeral parlor ...

its money they love ... not a bunch of mass cells
It is comical to see the Libtard hypocrites say they want to ban all firearms "for the children" but then these shitheads justify the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
You are a sick fuck
you sir or mam are a dumb fuck!!!!!!!!!!!
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
It was legal for Hitler to kill Jews in Germany as well that doesn't make it less evil. All you liberals have parts of your souls missing
we aren't talking about Hitler ... allowing, and I say this in a way that its not condescending, a woman right to choose what she wants to make with her life, having a choice to have a child or not, is in noway the same as mas-murdering millioms of people ... the difference here is Hitler didn't give any Jew a choice ... your comparison is nothing more then a pathetic attempt to grand stand

That is the point, the unborn baby does not have a voice and they don't have a choice, just like the Jews.
This is exactly why they are using the Hitler analysis.
The people who believe that it is murder are giving them that voice, which is I want to live.
Why do they say that? Because you can see the baby moving away from the instrument that is trying to rip them apart and kill them.
When anything pokes the mothers amniotic sack the baby moves away from it.

i did not know that, did you know that from experience ?

A video from you tube.
Caution it's rather graphic for some people. Baby 15 weeks old still alive moves in amniotic sack when poked.

would you like to see a 10 HP garbage disposer grinding your mass of cells up I have one if you want ... graphic is graphic nad I have repaired them in the past so the grid real good!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrind!!!!! down the drain they go!!!!
It is comical to see the Libtard hypocrites say they want to ban all firearms "for the children" but then these shitheads justify the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
The parents were heartbroken!
yep... the get money for a funeral ... you get to tell us how heartbroken they are, that they get to bury a iddy biddy bunch of worthless cells in a coffin ... that cost them thousands a dollars ... oh how the money pocket swells to the funeral parlor ...

its money they love ... not a bunch of mass cells
Most funerals involve burying a bunch of worthless cells in a coffin. The funeral home provides a service that the families of the deceased wants. I highly suspect that there will be a furneral home that earns several thousand off your death and the disposal of the cells that make up your body. However, you may not be worth that expense.
It is comical to see the Libtard hypocrites say they want to ban all firearms "for the children" but then these shitheads justify the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
You are a sick fuck
you sir or mam are a dumb fuck!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I am not the one praising infanticide
Fetuses aren't children. Even women who have miscarriages in the early stages of a pregnancy do not freak out the way that they do when they lose a child.

Miscarriages end up in the medical waste bin. They don't get funerals.
Yes they do. I've been to one.
well I guess the funeral home is happy for ya
You are a sick fuck
you sir or mam are a dumb fuck!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I am not the one praising infanticide
neither am I

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