The idea that Americans think putting republicans in power will improve the economy is just nonsense as always

Lol it’s amazing how desperate you are. You just repeat this same shit over and over and have nothing else to say. I explained to you raw dollars is not how you measure real revenue. This is true whether you like it or not lol
Typical Dimtard who just had his ass kicked..............wants to redefine words.

Bring us a link to your definition of "tax revenue".

Like I said, only the most profoundly dumbest of the dumb buy into the Republican fiscal austerity hoax.
What tax law passed in 2019 blew up the deficit?

Provide a link Billy000
It was the tax law previously passed (adding two trillion to the debt) along with the 3 trillion the Trump Admin dumped into the economy and all the other spending.

So what is the GOP plan NOW?

Another tax cut?
When the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House under Trump, they commenced to massively increasing spending and deficits.

When the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House under Bush, they commenced to massively increasing spending and deficits.

As Bush once said, "Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
The Communist wing of the Republican Party wants to stop helping Ukraine fend off Putin's imperialist war.

They will tell the tard herd this is part of their "fiscal austerity" plan. And the tard herd will be stupid enough to bleev it even though you can be sure the Republicans will enact no end of pork spending and will continue to increase our debt.
It was the tax law previously passed (adding two trillion to the debt) along with the 3 trillion the Trump Admin dumped into the economy and all the other spending.

So what is the GOP plan NOW?

Another tax cut?
How did it add two trillion to the debt when revenues went up every year, Simp?
Easily done. I posted revenues by year for the past 80 years or so.

But here is more proof:

Lol both of those articles are written by rightwing morons like you. Raw dollars is not a real revenue measurement.

“Measured in nominal dollars, revenues always increase when the economy is growing, so the fact that nominal revenues were higher last year than the year before tells us nothing useful about whether current tax policy is bringing in enough revenue to meet our needs. More meaningful measures, however, clearly show that no matter how you cut it, revenues are low”

  • As a share of GDP: Revenues as a share of GDP were 16.3 percent in 2019 – more than a percentage point below the 50-year average (17.4 percent) and the lowest they have been in the past half century except in the aftermaths of the past two recessions.”
Not to say both sides aren't guilty of overspending, but Obama also created massive debt
to help get this ball rolling.
Obama spent to revive a dead economy. Because he did that, he was able to hand trump a growing economy that had 77 consecutive months of job growth. Obama is not responsible for this. COVID19 is and it Is global. Inflation is lower here than in the U.K.
Lol both of those articles are written by rightwing morons like you. Raw dollars is not a real revenue measurement.

“Measured in nominal dollars, revenues always increase when the economy is growing, so the fact that nominal revenues were higher last year than the year before tells us nothing useful about whether current tax policy is bringing in enough revenue to meet our needs. More meaningful measures, however, clearly show that no matter how you cut it, revenues are low”

  • As a share of GDP: Revenues as a share of GDP were 16.3 percent in 2019 – more than a percentage point below the 50-year average (17.4 percent) and the lowest they have been in the past half century except in the aftermaths of the past two recessions.”
Um, your source is a Nazi Piglosi minion in the House, Moron. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
How did it add two trillion to the debt when revenues went up every year, Simp?
As explained to you before...and every time Republicans pull this flim flam

Revenue goes up EVERY year that isn't a Recession.

But it NEVER goes up enough to even cover the cost of the tax cuts.

And THIS one added 2 trillion to the debt

So what now?

Another tax cut?
Obama spent to revive a dead economy. Because he did that, he was able to hand trump a growing economy that had 77 consecutive months of job growth. Obama is not responsible for this. COVID19 is and it Is global. Inflation is lower here than in the U.K.
Barry has one of the most dismal records of economic growth of any President. 1.7% for his entire regime, Moron.:auiqs.jpg:
As explained to you before...and every time Republicans pull this flim flam

Revenue goes up EVERY year that isn't a Recession.

But it NEVER goes up enough to even cover the cost of the tax cuts.

And THIS one added 2 trillion to the debt

So what now?

Another tax cut?
If revenues go up, and the debt goes up, the only thing driving the increase in debt is the increase in spending.

Tell me how a tax cut increases spending, Dope.
As explained to you before...and every time Republicans pull this flim flam

Revenue goes up EVERY year that isn't a Recession.

But it NEVER goes up enough to even cover the cost of the tax cuts.

And THIS one added 2 trillion to the debt

So what now?

Another tax cut?
To say you have to cover the "cost" of a tax cut you first have to believe all money belongs to the government.

It doesn't, Simp.
As explained to you before...and every time Republicans pull this flim flam

Revenue goes up EVERY year that isn't a Recession.

But it NEVER goes up enough to even cover the cost of the tax cuts.

And THIS one added 2 trillion to the debt

So what now?

Another tax cut?
How did something that caused the revenues to increase add two trillion to the debt, Simp? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Lol I love how you say this after posting RW garbage sources. If his facts are wrong, prove it. Why is it not accurate to compute revenue as a percentage of GDP is a RW garbage source?

Too fucking funny...............especially when you bring some Dimtard hack from Piglosi's House as YOUR source.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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