The idea that Americans think putting republicans in power will improve the economy is just nonsense as always

He made inflation worse. And he would have spent more if he could have.
He isnt the solution to the economic problems we have.

He is the solution to the impending fascism that the dems are trying to impose. is a RW garbage source?

Too fucking funny...............especially when you bring some Dimtard hack from Piglosi's House as YOUR source.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

C'mon, Billy has broadcast his triple digit IQ for all to see. It's in his name!
That “terrible agenda” got us a growing economy, no new wars, low gas prices, 1.4% inflation, a secure border, record low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, and rising wages.

I can see why a Dimtard like you thinks that is terrible.
Heard that from Three Martini Lunch Larry, right Ace?
Lol your lack of knowledge of basic economics is astounding.
Actually, Billy the person that's proven that they have ZERO understanding of basic economics would be YOU! Tax revenues did go up each year after the Trump tax cuts were passed. The reason that the deficit increased was because of increased spending by Congress. Did you not see the article I posted that showed that?

Trump had a Republican Congress for his first two years, and they immediately set about doubling the deficit immediately.

Nice try.

Yeah right, nice try. Libs make it so easy. The deficit doubled in your dreams, stop smoking crack and pissing the Earth with Lib-speak, you lie.

When did 779 become twice as much as 665? What's more, 1 or 3? The liberal answer is 1, because they're fabulous.

And ah fuck, take a look at the debt column. Sure as fuck doesn't bode well for Democrats huh? Damn, 4 of 5 times added debt maxed (1400B floor) on a Democrat's watch. The other was COVID, and shit, a Democrat Congress.

Our deficit to GDP ratio is fucked.

Year, Deficit, Debt Increase, Deficit to GDP Ratio.
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Because overall, the economy does better under democrats. As far as the current inflation issue goes, republicans will do NOTHING to improve it. Not sure why that’s complicated.
I'm willing to vote republican to find out. We already know democrats can't fix it.
Yeah right, nice try. Libs make it so easy. The deficit doubled in your dreams, stop smoking crack and pissing the Earth with Lib-speak, you lie.

Year, Deficit, Debt Increase, Deficit to GDP Ratio.
Looks to me like the deficit shot up once Nazi Piglosi got her paws on the purse strings.
How did something that caused the revenues to increase add two trillion to the debt, Simp?
DID those tax cuts "cause revenue to go up"?

They go up every year pretty much on their own with population growth and inflation moron. How many times do you have to be told?

THOSE tax cuts added 2 trillion dollars to the debt
DID those tax cuts "cause revenue to go up"?

They go up every year pretty much on their own with population growth and inflation moron. How many times do you have to be told?

THOSE tax cuts added 2 trillion dollars to the debt
THOSE tax cuts added 2 trillion dollars to the debt

Says who?

The math says you are a moron.
I'm willing to vote republican to find out. We already know democrats can't fix it.

I've read my State election ballot and R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, no, no, no, no, no :auiqs.jpg: A vote for a Democrack is a vote for Democracked power.

Same for their stupid questions "i.e., should the constitution be changed so men can be women?" Fuck no.
I'm willing to vote republican to find out. We already know democrats can't fix it.
Republicans have no idea how to do that...and they are at LEAST as culpable as the Biden Administration for the current inflation.
How did something that caused the revenues to increase add two trillion to the debt, Simp? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Less than a week after Treasury Secretary Mnuchin repeated the fanciful claim that the Trump tax cuts of 2017 would pay for themselves, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) proved him wrong. If tax cuts actually paid for themselves, they would reduce deficits based on faster revenue growth that comes from faster economic growth. Deficits immediately shot up after the 2017 supply-side tax cuts. And CBO forecasts that those deficits will continue to stay high for the foreseeable future. This is the opposite of tax cuts paying for themselves.

The Trump Admin ADDED 7 1/2 trillion overall and 2 1/2 trillion BEFORE covid

Republicans are NOT the answer to anyone's financial problems
Can't define a woman, huh?:itsok:
Lol it’s amazing you republicans have this obsession with this topic. You constantly bring it up because it’s the only topic you feel intellectually superior about.

Sure easy to define: a person born with a XX chromosome and a vagina.

And no it’s impossible to change one’s sex.

Sorry to disappoint with my answer! I’m not a PC, woke liberal when it comes to science. Nice try though.
Actually, Billy the person that's proven that they have ZERO understanding of basic economics would be YOU! Tax revenues did go up each year after the Trump tax cuts were passed. The reason that the deficit increased was because of increased spending by Congress. Did you not see the article I posted that showed that?
Raw dollars is not how you measure real Revenue It’s by computing it as a percentage of GDP.

Less than a week after Treasury Secretary Mnuchin repeated the fanciful claim that the Trump tax cuts of 2017 would pay for themselves, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) proved him wrong. If tax cuts actually paid for themselves, they would reduce deficits based on faster revenue growth that comes from faster economic growth. Deficits immediately shot up after the 2017 supply-side tax cuts. And CBO forecasts that those deficits will continue to stay high for the foreseeable future. This is the opposite of tax cuts paying for themselves.
Cool story.

Now prove the tax cuts that increased revenue added two trillion to the debt, Simp.

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