The inept and corrupt federal government

Philippines hasn't exactly been a U.S. Ally lately

To be fair, they have no reason to be. Our history with the Philippines hasn't been all that great.

But they did inflict Michelle Malkin on us, so I guess we are even.

The federal government has reached levels of ineptitude and corruption the likes of which have never been seen before by man. They are nearly $20 trillion in debt, have far exceeded the 18 enumerated powers they were authorized to oversee, and are now oppressing the very people they are supposed to answer to and represent.
all american people,who can do me a faver,convey this chinese letter to Mr Dnold trump,i am not good at english..
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。

How about West Point and the other military academies, and the Indian schools? Can the federal government give money to schools?
I corrected your post above for you. West Point is a military academy. It is part of the U.S. military, designed to train future officers. The federal government has a constitutional responsibility for defense.
So the government can run schools, and what about the schools on Indian reservations?
Is China our enemy?
The fact that you even asked that makes you woefully unqualified to be involved in this discussion...
Please explain.

What I see is a huge amount of trade, cooperation in dealing with Iran, etc.
They hacked the DoD about 6 years ago or so and stole our entire nuclear dossier. Literally everything. The design of the missiles. The capabilities. The locations.

They hacked into our electrical grid (where they remain to this day) and have the capability to shut it down any time they want.

They've been increasingly aggressive against our Naval fleet in the South Sea.
And, they helped push on Iran, hold opportunity in getting to a solution in Syria, can offer help with the NKorea situation (which they have been willing to do in the past), have invested hugely with America, are one of our larger trading partners, etc.

The fact that there are (or have been) serious disputes between us in some areas doesn't override all the rest.

"Enemy" is FAR too strong a label.
We have $20 trillion in debt because we are fat and lazy. We demand full services while we also demand low taxes.
Only the left demands any "services". And since all of them are unconstitutional, I think logic dictates that it's time to get rid of them.

Also, you still fail to realize that assets cannot be eaten, used for healthcare, or used for housing. They must be liquidated first. And since you astutely noted that most of it is in the hands of the wealthy, who is going to buy the assets even if they are sold?!? You sure as hell can't afford to buy Trump Tower. I sure as hell can't afford to buy Trump Tower.

The more you try to defend you initial irrational position, the more you are forced to ignore basic economics. Just admit you were dead wrong.
How about West Point and the other military academies, and the Indian schools? Can the federal government give money to schools?
I corrected your post above for you. West Point is a military academy. It is part of the U.S. military, designed to train future officers. The federal government has a constitutional responsibility for defense.
So the government can run schools, and what about the schools on Indian reservations?
No...really...they can't. They can run the military and any necessary training required to prepare our men and women to defend this nation. That is not "government run schools". That is federal government run military. Just as the U.S. Constitution dictates.

What about the schools on Indian reservations? :dunno:
Taxes are still taxes. They pay for what we need as a society.
And do we need "art" that provides smells from the medieval period? No. No we do not. It took you a long time to come full circle and figure out that this was frivolous, wasteful spending. But you finally got there.
But yes, we have a Federal Police force in the FBI
No....really....they are not the federal P.D. You can't spin this one buttercup. You said police departments. The F.B.I. is not a police department.

Furthermore, the F.B.I. is a part of the Department of Justice. Federal court systems are the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. So there is nothing unconstitutional about the F.B.I.
You seem to have some serious butthurt that only Federal functions are wasteful. In practice, functions are performed where they are most efficient. I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house and I don't want local government chipping in to buy a fighter jet
Maybe this is the issue right here. You clearly don't understand my problem. For starters - let me be crystal clear that any government waste is unacceptable (whether it is federal, state, county, or local).

Second - it is the unconstitutional actions of the federal government which enrages me more than the waste. For instance - there is certainly some waste throughout the Department of Defense. But that doesn't aggravate me nearly as much since defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

But when they spend money on studies, music, and art, that really pisses me off because they have no power/authority to concern themselves with those items.
Taxes are still taxes. They pay for what we need as a society.
And do we need "art" that provides smells from the medieval period? No. No we do not. It took you a long time to come full circle and figure out that this was frivolous, wasteful spending. But you finally got there.
Yeah, that's like asking people in the arts, what is art, or in the military what is a tank.
We have $20 trillion in debt because we are fat and lazy. We demand full services while we also demand low taxes.
Only the left demands any "services". And since all of them are unconstitutional, I think logic dictates that it's time to get rid of them.

Also, you still fail to realize that assets cannot be eaten, used for healthcare, or used for housing. They must be liquidated first. And since you astutely noted that most of it is in the hands of the wealthy, who is going to buy the assets even if they are sold?!? You sure as hell can't afford to buy Trump Tower. I sure as hell can't afford to buy Trump Tower.

The more you try to defend you initial irrational position, the more you are forced to ignore basic economics. Just admit you were dead wrong.
Of course we demand services......that s why we became We the People

We established a Government to do things that we could not do as individuals
I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
Now see....if I were you....I would try to sell you now on how "wonderful" and "amazing" it would be to have the federal government handling snow removal in your community. This would be the kind of nonsense you and your fellow progressives would say:
  • Some cities (like Detroit) are bankrupt and can't afford proper snowplowing.
  • Why should cold weather cities incur the costs of snow removal while warm weather cities like Miami can avoid those costs? It's only "fair" that all Americans bear the burden for weather events in various parts of America.
  • Some cities don't do as good of a job with snow removal as other cities. By moving to a federally-controlled snowplowing model, all citizens will get a "fair" and uninformed snow removal experience.
Taxes are still taxes. They pay for what we need as a society.
And do we need "art" that provides smells from the medieval period? No. No we do not. It took you a long time to come full circle and figure out that this was frivolous, wasteful spending. But you finally got there.
Yeah, that's like asking people in the arts, what is art, or in the military what is a tank.
You don't understand. We don't need "art" period. Any art. Art is a frivolous pursuit - not a need.
You seem to have some serious butthurt that only Federal functions are wasteful. In practice, functions are performed where they are most efficient. I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house and I don't want local government chipping in to buy a fighter jet
Maybe this is the issue right here. You clearly don't understand my problem. For starters - let me be crystal clear that any government waste is unacceptable (whether it is federal, state, county, or local).

Second - it is the unconstitutional actions of the federal government which enrages me more than the waste. For instance - there is certainly some waste throughout the Department of Defense. But that doesn't aggravate me nearly as much since defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

But when they spend money on studies, music, and art, that really pisses me off because they have no power/authority to concern themselves with those items.
We the People decide what we want to spend our money on and what services we expect Government to provide

Anarchists such as yourself rage at a government that would actually spend money on....... Art

But the money spent on art and culture is a fraction of our budget ...less than one percent
It is insignificant compared to building a military stronger than the next ten countries combined
Of course we demand services......that s why we became We the People. We established a Government to do things that we could not do as individuals
That statement is 100% false. Period.

Shocking...a progressive has no idea whatsoever why we have government.
I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
Now see....if I were you....I would try to sell you now on how "wonderful" and "amazing" it would be to have the federal government handling snow removal in your community. This would be the kind of nonsense you and your fellow progressives would say:
  • Some cities (like Detroit) are bankrupt and can't afford proper snowplowing.
  • Why should cold weather cities incur the costs of snow removal while warm weather cities like Miami can avoid those costs? It's only "fair" that all Americans bear the burden for weather events in various parts of America.
  • Some cities don't do as good of a job with snow removal as other cities. By moving to a federally-controlled snowplowing model, all citizens will get a "fair" and uninformed snow removal experience.
During a major blizzard......We the People will chip in through the Federal Government to provide emergency services to a city like Detroit
During a hurricane........We the People will help Miami recover

Is this a great country or what!
We the People decide what we want to spend our money on and what services we expect Government to provide
Sorry snowflake...that's not the way it works. Stop trying to sound smart and patriotic with your "We the People" nonsense. We the people did not vote to spend a dime on art.

The people sitting in Washington did. And when they did that - they broke the law. Literally. We the People have laws for a reason. Anarchists like you support them being violated.
During a major blizzard......We the People will chip in through the Federal Government to provide emergency services to a city like Detroit. During a hurricane........We the People will help Miami recover. Is this a great country or what!
That's not "chipping in" buttercup. Chipping in is sending your money from your pocket down to Miami to help recover from a hurricane. Why don't you do that?!? :dunno:

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