The insurrection is not over

There will be a loss of life if these racist bastards try another stunt like that again.

With that stupid comment and others like it, is it any wonder why the word racism is a joke these days? Remember the only person actually murdered in the Capital hill riots was an unarmed white female military vet by a black guy, and nearly six months later, they are still hiding his name.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

So Richard, if I show you similar quotes from Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other prominent Democrats, you will blast them for calling for violence and demand they be impeached like Trump? That's what you're saying because you think calls to fight are literal?

You're a stupid lying fuck, of course you won't

I have no particular loyalty to the Democrats other than to say that they are the lesser of two evils...the very, very much lesser.

So, if any of the Democratic leaders called for violence, and that call resulted in immediate violence by the people they were addressing, yes, I think they should be removed from office.

Can you site any statements of current Democratic leadership that incited violence immediately by the people they were addressing?
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!
There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.

He did not do his job. He didn't take steps so federal law could be faithfully executed and order restored. No. Instead, according to public reports, he watched television happily — happily — as the chaos unfolded, even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in serious danger.
" ~ Mitch McConnell
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

FFS!! Take your meds! They're for your own good!
here's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.

He did not do his job. He didn't take steps so federal law could be faithfully executed and order restored.

He really knows what he's talking about, huh?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol has uncovered broad government, military and law enforcement missteps surrounding the violent attack, including a breakdown within multiple intelligence agencies and a lack of training and preparation for Capitol Police officers who were quickly overwhelmed by the rioters.

It finds that the Pentagon spent hours “mission planning” and seeking multiple layers of approvals as Capitol Police were being overwhelmed and brutally beaten by the rioters. It also states that the Defense Department’s response was “informed by criticism” of its heavy-handed response to protests in the summer of 2020 after the death of George Floyd in police custody.

The Senate report recounts how the Guard was delayed for hours on Jan. 6 as officials in multiple agencies took bureaucratic steps to release the troops. It details hours of calls between officials in the Capitol and the Pentagon and as the then-chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, desperately begged for help.

During the attack, the report says, Capitol Police were heavily compromised by multiple failures — bad intelligence, poor planning, faulty equipment and a lack of leadership. The force’s incident command system “broke down during the attack,” leaving officers on the front lines without orders. There were no functional incident commanders, and some senior officers were fighting instead of giving orders. “USCP leadership never took control of the radio system to communicate orders to front-line officers,” the investigation found.

As usual with government, disorganization and red tape was the problem with lack of protection and the response thereafter.
Is stealing an election considered treason?

Conspiring with the CCP to unleash a bioweapon driving the Election into chaos allowing dems to steal in the tens of million column is not treason. However, demonstrating against the Steal is an insurrection

America's Progressive Future

The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

And yet you have nothing to prove your claim.

An officer stops you and gives you a citation for something you don't believe you did. After he gives yo the ticket, you tell the officer you will fight him in court. Does that mean the people in court are going to witness a fist fight between you and the officer?

But since you're so good at interpretations, can you tell us what Shoemaker meant by this?

Richard is such a total fucking liar. When Democrats say that, he knows it isn't literal.

Richard is showing yet again how Democrats lie about everything Trump says. And that makes Democrats the liars, not Trump
Richard is such a total fucking liar. When Democrats say that, he knows it isn't literal.

Richard is showing yet again how Democrats lie about everything Trump says. And that makes Democrats the liars, not Trump

Of course it's all a lie. Democrats have used much more caustic language in the past. Look how they tried to bust down the doors at the Supreme Court while Kavanaugh was getting sworn in. Look at the baseball field shooting. They just look away and say "our people had nothing to do with that!"

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
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The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

And yet you have nothing to prove your claim.

An officer stops you and gives you a citation for something you don't believe you did. After he gives yo the ticket, you tell the officer you will fight him in court. Does that mean the people in court are going to witness a fist fight between you and the officer?

But since you're so good at interpretations, can you tell us what Shoemaker meant by this?

Richard is such a total fucking liar. When Democrats say that, he knows it isn't literal.

Richard is showing yet again how Democrats lie about everything Trump says. And that makes Democrats the liars, not Trump

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Horseshit, he did throw in a single"peaceful" in there, but also talked about needing to FIGHT LIKE HELL to stop the stealing of an election, so it's mixed messaging at best.

But then you look at what he actually did: When his MAGA people were beating up cops and smashing windows on their way to Congressional chambers as they chanted HANG PENCE! Trump was sitting around watching it unfold live on TV.

If he REALLY wanted nothing to do with the break in and the violence then he would step in and STOP IT. Top Republicans specifically phoned him to stop the madness and he didn't get around to it untill well after the whole thing was over. And it's exactly this reckless, violence supporting behavior by the President that got him impeached for the second time, this time with 10 house Republicans voting for impeachment.

All the perps now charged are pleading that they were simply doing what the president wanted them to do.

Trump proved once again his total unfitness for the high office and without a shred of doubt he will go down as one of the worst, if not the THE worst, of American Presidents.
Last edited:
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

So Richard, if I show you similar quotes from Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other prominent Democrats, you will blast them for calling for violence and demand they be impeached like Trump? That's what you're saying because you think calls to fight are literal?

You're a stupid lying fuck, of course you won't


Richard? You said the term "fighting" and similar terms are literal. So when Democrats say them, you will lose it and say they are calling for violence and we need to impeach them ... like you supported impeaching Trump for it.

Right? Oh, gosh, you're not a hypocrite, are you? Say it's not so.

So ???

And yet you have nothing to prove your claim.

An officer stops you and gives you a citation for something you don't believe you did. After he gives yo the ticket, you tell the officer you will fight him in court. Does that mean the people in court are going to witness a fist fight between you and the officer?

But since you're so good at interpretations, can you tell us what Shoemaker meant by this?

Richard is such a total fucking liar. When Democrats say that, he knows it isn't literal.

Richard is showing yet again how Democrats lie about everything Trump says. And that makes Democrats the liars, not Trump

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

We both know you're a total fucking lying dick who knows the difference between literal and figurative speech.

You're proving exactly what I keep saying, democrats are liars. Everything you say are lies and all your arguments are built on lies. Vulcans cannot lie, Democrats cannot tell the truth. Being a liar is your inner being. It's because you're a shitty, amoral person
Horseshit, he did throw in a single"peaceful" in there, but also talked about needing to FIGHT LIKE HELL to stop the stealing of an election, so it's mixed messaging at best.

But then you look at what he actually did: When his MAGA people were beating up cops and smashing windows on their way to Congressional chambers as they chanted HANG PENCE! Trump was sitting around watching it unfold live on TV.

If he REALLY wanted nothing to do with the break he would step in and STOP IT. Top Republicans specifically phoned him to stop the madness and he didn't around to it untill well after the whole thing was over.

All the perps now charged are pleading that they were simply doing what the president wanted them to do.

Please show me where the term "fight like hell" means in a physical sense only.

  • Impeachment manager Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., told CNN’s Don Lemon on March 18, 2019, "I’ll fight like hell to make sure we see this report" by Robert Mueller on Russiagate.
  • Rep.Gil Cisneros, D-Calif., said last February 26 that Orange County Democrats would have to “recruit and fight like hell” to compete against Republicans.
  • Promoting vote-by-mail legislation, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., told TechCrunch, "We are gonna fight like hell to get our bill in the next COVID-19 package."
  • Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told Hispanic leaders on a May 2 conference call that "Democrats are going to fight like hell" for COVID-19-related government assistance.
  • "I — and I know many other senators and members of the House — will fight like hell to make sure we act and act as soon as possible" to secure COVID-19 relief, the democratic-socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on May 8.
  • "We will file lawsuits, pass legislation in the House & fight like hell," against alleged GOP voter suppression, impeachment manager Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., declared via Twitter on June 9.

I provided the link in case you want to see more examples of Democrats using the exact same phrase, but I doubt you want to see them.

Now scroll above to read my link about the bipartisan Senate report on why Jan 6 took place. It had nothing to do with Trump, and SS would never allow President to insert himself in a violent situation.

And yet you have nothing to prove your claim.

An officer stops you and gives you a citation for something you don't believe you did. After he gives yo the ticket, you tell the officer you will fight him in court. Does that mean the people in court are going to witness a fist fight between you and the officer?

But since you're so good at interpretations, can you tell us what Shoemaker meant by this?

Richard is such a total fucking liar. When Democrats say that, he knows it isn't literal.

Richard is showing yet again how Democrats lie about everything Trump says. And that makes Democrats the liars, not Trump

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.
Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to stop the certification and he got it.

In Trump's speech that day, you cannot point to the transcript where he said things like "break in the Capital" "disobey law enforcement" "physically harm representatives."
Horseshit, he did throw in a single"peaceful" in there, but also talked about needing to FIGHT LIKE HELL to stop the stealing of an election, so it's mixed messaging at best.

But then you look at what he actually did: When his MAGA people were beating up cops and smashing windows on their way to Congressional chambers as they chanted HANG PENCE! Trump was sitting around watching it unfold live on TV.

If he REALLY wanted nothing to do with the break he would step in and STOP IT. Top Republicans specifically phoned him to stop the madness and he didn't around to it untill well after the whole thing was over.

All the perps now charged are pleading that they were simply doing what the president wanted them to do.

Please show me where the term "fight like hell" means in a physical sense only.

  • Impeachment manager Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., told CNN’s Don Lemon on March 18, 2019, "I’ll fight like hell to make sure we see this report" by Robert Mueller on Russiagate.
  • Rep.Gil Cisneros, D-Calif., said last February 26 that Orange County Democrats would have to “recruit and fight like hell” to compete against Republicans.
  • Promoting vote-by-mail legislation, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., told TechCrunch, "We are gonna fight like hell to get our bill in the next COVID-19 package."
  • Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told Hispanic leaders on a May 2 conference call that "Democrats are going to fight like hell" for COVID-19-related government assistance.
  • "I — and I know many other senators and members of the House — will fight like hell to make sure we act and act as soon as possible" to secure COVID-19 relief, the democratic-socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on May 8.
  • "We will file lawsuits, pass legislation in the House & fight like hell," against alleged GOP voter suppression, impeachment manager Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., declared via Twitter on June 9.

I provided the link in case you want to see more examples of Democrats using the exact same phrase, but I doubt you want to see them.

Now scroll above to read my link about the bipartisan Senate report on why Jan 6 took place. It had nothing to do with Trump, and SS would never allow President to insert himself in a violent situation.

AGAIN, I don't need to. We know what Trump wanted by how he behaved during the attack on the Capitol. You don't want to admit it because you don't like how it sounds that you support that fucking asshole, but thats the reality.

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