The invention of global warming

The consensus on peptic ulcers changed almost instantly when better evidence was presented. Thus, it's a good example of how science will embrace new data if it's better data, even if it overturns old theories.

And that's bad news for deniers. Needless to say, deniers haven't been able to present any better data to overturn the current good data. Quite the contrary. Their dumb theories were the ones that were originally overturned by the better data.

Deniers, just what is your theory of denialism? What is causing the current fast warming? We know it's not natural cycles, because the current natural cycle should be cooling the earth.

If you can't propose a theory, you're not doing science, so nobody will listen to you.

No that is a flat out lie, they took a while to accept it, meanwhile YOU still haven't understood WHY their consensus over ulcers was so stupid in the first place, since there were ZERO science research establishing that claim in the first place, it was a long running BELIEF is why they didn't at first take Dr. Warrens claims seriously...., they were so stuck on consensus to see that it was full of shit from day one.

Here is the article you obviously avoided reading, which I posted 40

Delayed Gratification: Why it Took Everybody So Long to Acknowledge that Bacteria Cause Ulcers

February 9, 2005
Author: Tanenbaum Jessica
Institution: History of Science/Medicine


In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease (P.U.D.). However, decades passed before most doctors prescribed antibiotics to their afflicted patients. Why didn't the medical community hit itself on its collective head? After all, most bacterial diseases had been discovered a century before during Robert Koch's golden age of bacteriology. Why didn't doctors laud Warren and Marshall for their findings? Why didn't long-term ulcer-sufferers champion Warren and Marshall's discovery that with a standard course of oral antibiotics, patients no longer have to swig antacid, feel guilty for leading a stressful life, or massage their stomachs through their coats to distract from their ulcers' gnawing pain. Understanding these questions reveals how complex scientific processes mold contemporary medical discoveries and their reception.


large size and bolding mine
This is real difficult to un stand but, doctors often know though research how to treat symptoms long before science has found a cure. And you’re using this to disclaim AGW ? Another pigeon argument.
The consensus on peptic ulcers changed almost instantly when better evidence was presented. Thus, it's a good example of how science will embrace new data if it's better data, even if it overturns old theories.

And that's bad news for deniers. Needless to say, deniers haven't been able to present any better data to overturn the current good data. Quite the contrary. Their dumb theories were the ones that were originally overturned by the better data.

Deniers, just what is your theory of denialism? What is causing the current fast warming? We know it's not natural cycles, because the current natural cycle should be cooling the earth.

If you can't propose a theory, you're not doing science, so nobody will listen to you.

No that is a flat out lie, they took a while to accept it, meanwhile YOU still haven't understood WHY their consensus over ulcers was so stupid in the first place, since there were ZERO science research establishing that claim in the first place, it was a long running BELIEF is why they didn't at first take Dr. Warrens claims seriously...., they were so stuck on consensus to see that it was full of shit from day one.

Here is the article you obviously avoided reading, which I posted 40

Delayed Gratification: Why it Took Everybody So Long to Acknowledge that Bacteria Cause Ulcers

February 9, 2005
Author: Tanenbaum Jessica
Institution: History of Science/Medicine


In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease (P.U.D.). However, decades passed before most doctors prescribed antibiotics to their afflicted patients. Why didn't the medical community hit itself on its collective head? After all, most bacterial diseases had been discovered a century before during Robert Koch's golden age of bacteriology. Why didn't doctors laud Warren and Marshall for their findings? Why didn't long-term ulcer-sufferers champion Warren and Marshall's discovery that with a standard course of oral antibiotics, patients no longer have to swig antacid, feel guilty for leading a stressful life, or massage their stomachs through their coats to distract from their ulcers' gnawing pain. Understanding these questions reveals how complex scientific processes mold contemporary medical discoveries and their reception.


large size and bolding mine
This is real difficult to un stand but, doctors often know though research how to treat symptoms long before science has found a cure. And you’re using this to disclaim AGW ? Another pigeon argument.
It’s tough to understand but food consumption has a lot to do with minimizing symptoms with a plethora of illnesses. How is Hannity ?
Deniers are all just waiting for Hannity and crew to give their latest guess. Their explanations always start with, “I’m no scientist but......” they then proceed to pretend they are and know more then literally, every major science organization in the world.

I took a class in meteorology ... it's not much but it's more information than you have ... and at least Mammory reads the National Enquirer regularly ... how about yourself, who's tufu puke have you been chewing on? ...
Btw, you’ve said absolutely nothing to indicate you weren’t sleeping in the back row. You can claim anything you want. This is the internet so even for munchkins following the wizard, it’s legal.
The consensus on peptic ulcers changed almost instantly when better evidence was presented. Thus, it's a good example of how science will embrace new data if it's better data, even if it overturns old theories.

And that's bad news for deniers. Needless to say, deniers haven't been able to present any better data to overturn the current good data. Quite the contrary. Their dumb theories were the ones that were originally overturned by the better data.

Deniers, just what is your theory of denialism? What is causing the current fast warming? We know it's not natural cycles, because the current natural cycle should be cooling the earth.

If you can't propose a theory, you're not doing science, so nobody will listen to you.

No that is a flat out lie, they took a while to accept it, meanwhile YOU still haven't understood WHY their consensus over ulcers was so stupid in the first place, since there were ZERO science research establishing that claim in the first place, it was a long running BELIEF is why they didn't at first take Dr. Warrens claims seriously...., they were so stuck on consensus to see that it was full of shit from day one.

Here is the article you obviously avoided reading, which I posted 40

Delayed Gratification: Why it Took Everybody So Long to Acknowledge that Bacteria Cause Ulcers

February 9, 2005
Author: Tanenbaum Jessica
Institution: History of Science/Medicine


In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease (P.U.D.). However, decades passed before most doctors prescribed antibiotics to their afflicted patients. Why didn't the medical community hit itself on its collective head? After all, most bacterial diseases had been discovered a century before during Robert Koch's golden age of bacteriology. Why didn't doctors laud Warren and Marshall for their findings? Why didn't long-term ulcer-sufferers champion Warren and Marshall's discovery that with a standard course of oral antibiotics, patients no longer have to swig antacid, feel guilty for leading a stressful life, or massage their stomachs through their coats to distract from their ulcers' gnawing pain. Understanding these questions reveals how complex scientific processes mold contemporary medical discoveries and their reception.


large size and bolding mine
This is real difficult to un stand but, doctors often know though research how to treat symptoms long before science has found a cure. And you’re using this to disclaim AGW ? Another pigeon argument.

Your stupidity is well off the charts since YOU were the one who brought up the consensus narrative, which you post over and over about, which I have duly stated that consensus FAILURES are common, posted an excellent example of one that was based on a BELIEF that stress or spicy foods cause Ulcers, that was the consensus position for over 100 years, they were 100% wrong the entire time.

It was a consensus belief with ZERO science research behind it, that is what you and that idiot mamooth keeps ignoring that reality. It took just one man with hard science research to smash it, that is also what you ignore. It was a bacteria that caused the ulcers and easily treatable with an anti-biotic medication that stopped it cold, but it took doctors around 25 years before they finally shook off that stupid consensus position, AFTER is was discovered what really caused Ulcers.

They would have continued that consensus belief today, if THAT man, doctor J. Robin Warren, never came around to challenge that consensus bullshit with science research.

Doctors were NOT treating the cause of Ulcers, they were using surgery or medicine to stop the "indigestion", they didn't understand what was really causing, thus their "cures" commonly failed.

Stop beating around the bushes, admit it that consensus failures does exist.
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consensus narrative, which you post over and over about, which I have duly stated that consensus FAILURES are common, posted an excellent example of one that was based on a BELIEF that stress or spicy foods cause Ulcers, that was the consensus position for over 100 years, they were 100% wrong the entire time.

LOOK NEOPHYTE, consensus rules EVERY SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR regardless in medicine or AGW.
You made up a false senerio for consensus. You’re not that informed and don’t seem know the difference between treatment and cues. The treatment for symptoms was always varied and involved foods, the cure for many when found, was antibiotics.

as far as AGW is concerned, you are arguing the a few Less educated conspiracy theorists should be believed over every climate institute in the entire world each of which has the work of hundreds . You’re a strange and uninformed.

you’re a fking hypocrite because you get all your Medical treatment based upon scientific consensus. Let trump stick a light up your ass Instead .
As usual, you’ve stated no specifics what so ever, just the dumb insinuated claim that you’re smarter then literally, every related institution. Gee, go ahead. Tell us exactly where I’m wrong and Trump is right.

You're wrong and The Donald is right ... happy? ...

Still waiting for just one citation from any of these 3400 universities and 800 scientific organizations that back up your claim that humans can't evolve quick enough to withstand a 2ºC increase of 100 years ...
No that is a flat out lie, they took a while to accept it

Your source says the scientists accepted it immediately. It was the doctors who didn't.

And why? Because they were making money the old way.

Similar to how deniers reject science for the sake of money..
No that is a flat out lie, they took a while to accept it

Your source says the scientists accepted it immediately. It was the doctors who didn't.

And why? Because they were making money the old way.

Similar to how deniers reject science for the sake of money..

Your comment proves you didn't read the link, here is what you never read:

"After Warren approached him in 1981 with the bacterium, Marshall generated a list of questions about the organism to guide his subsequent research. In his 1983 letter to Lancet, the first public communication of his findings, Marshall asked about these bacteria, "Why have they not been seen before; are they pathogens or merely commensals in a damaged mucosa?". One speculation for Marshall's ability to understand gastric bacteria as potentially harmful was his young age. Paul Thagard points out that Marshall, who had only started gastroenterology in 1981, "did not require abandonment of a set of well entrenched beliefs that conflicted with the new ideas".

In contrast, other more established medical researchers and practitioners had beliefs about the nature and treatment of ulcers that clashed with the new hypotheses and led them to reject them summarily. Of course, in medical school, Marshall had learned the medically accepted ideas about the nature and treatment of ulcers. Still, Thagard maintains that Marshall's position as a gastroenterologist-in-training allowed him to think more openly about the etiology of peptic ulcer disease.

The discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, originally named Campylobacter pyloridis (C. pylori), dissolved the medical belief in the stomach's sterility. However, doctors were reluctant to accept that this bacterium might be harmful. In 1982, the Australian Gastroenterological Society rejected Marshall's study, published in The Lancet 1984 as groundbreaking work. The study showed that that all subjects infected with H. pylori exhibited gastritis and all subjects with duodenal ulcer were also infected. But because of the rejection, Marshall felt "very depressed about our first failed attempt to present our work on H. pylori".

As Paul Thagard notes, gastroenterologists were less receptive to the bacterial theory of ulceration than microbiologists. At the Second International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections in Brussels, where Marshall next reported his findings, microbiologists began research projects to find the bacteria while many gastroenterologists scoffed, calling Marshall's theory "preposterous". Marshall and the international medical community had to generate more evidence before gastroenterologists would admit the relationship between H. pylori and ulcers.

While gastroenterologists may have held firm beliefs about the impossibility of pathogenic bacteria in the stomach, microbiologists held no such bias. Nevertheless, Marshall felt determined to gain the support of gastroenterologists. As Marshall reflects, "In my naiveté, I expected H. pylori to be immediately accepted as the cause of duodenal ulcer and gastritis". But for ulcer-sufferers to receive proper therapy, Marshall still had work to do."

and later in the same article you still didn't read:

" Popular accounts now emerge: a special heroe's edition of U.S. News & World Report headlines an article on Marshall with "A Gutsy Gulp Changes Medical Science"; a Bulletin cover article puns "Gut Feeling Brings a Great Discovery"; an editor writes in the first edition of The Journal of Theoretics, "I hope that through this journal, a rational evaluation of new theories may be accomplished in a more thoughtful and less painful process than Dr. Marshall endured". Even with all the media attention, Marshall still felt surprised by the delay. He writes, "In 1983, when the H. pylori hypothesis was developed, I was certain that it would immediately gain universal acceptance and that within two years peptic ulcer therapy would be essentially an antimicrobial regimen". This was far from the case. A 1986 book on Peptic Ulcer and its Drug Causation lends a page to the bacterial hypothesis, noting, "Whether these bacteria have an aetiological role in peptic ulcer gastritis is unknown". At this time, doctors still prescribed drugs to reduce stomach acidity and monitored patients for complications. "

bolding mine

You wrote:
Your source says the scientists accepted it immediately. It was the doctors who didn't.

Now I know why you didn't post the quote about those mythical scientists, because you were just making it up, never having read the link.

Don't you get tired of being caught as a liar?
Doctors were NOT treating the cause of Ulcers, they were using surgery or medicine to stop the "indigestion", they didn't understand what was really causing, thus their "cures" commonly failed.
Doctors always
All science needs to be based upon consensus and isn’t Reliable unless it is. uneducated Humper.


Sure ... empirical evidence is over-rated ...
From unreliable sources, which without consensus always is.
the more The better.
buy doubting consensus, you’re saying science is better from just a few then from many Who agree.. That’s rediculous.
As usual, you’ve stated no specifics what so ever, just the dumb insinuated claim that you’re smarter then literally, every related institution. Gee, go ahead. Tell us exactly where I’m wrong and Trump is right.

You're wrong and The Donald is right ... happy? ...

Still waiting for just one citation from any of these 3400 universities and 800 scientific organizations that back up your claim that humans can't evolve quick enough to withstand a 2ºC increase of 100 years ...
That’s exactly what AGW is about. Google AGW ......
As usual, you’ve stated no specifics what so ever, just the dumb insinuated claim that you’re smarter then literally, every related institution. Gee, go ahead. Tell us exactly where I’m wrong and Trump is right.

You're wrong and The Donald is right ... happy? ...

Still waiting for just one citation from any of these 3400 universities and 800 scientific organizations that back up your claim that humans can't evolve quick enough to withstand a 2ºC increase of 100 years ...

This is what AGW is all about. You not believing in evolution wouldn't get it. It’s all about the Accelerated rate of change

”If the trend continues at its current rapid pace, it will place significant stress on terrestrial ecosystems around the world, and many species will need to make behavioral, evolutionary or geographic adaptations to survive.”

“stress“ is a mild term for, “in a load shit.“:
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All science needs to be based upon consensus and isn’t Reliable unless it is. uneducated Humper.


Sure ... empirical evidence is over-rated ...
So where do YOU get your imperial evidence. A few conspiracy theorists or the general agreement of ALL THE COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. There are no countries other Then trump, that didn’t sign on. You have to be really stupid to think you’re smarter then everyone,
This is what AGW is all about. You not believing in evolution wouldn't get it. It’s all about the Accelerated rate of change

”If the trend continues at its current rapid pace, it will place significant stress on terrestrial ecosystems around the world, and many species will need to make behavioral, evolutionary or geographic adaptations to survive.”

Good citation ... thank you ... I yarded up the Diffenbough/Field (2013) paper your link references ... from their conclusion:

"However, the ultimate velocity of climate change is not yet determined. Although many Earth system feedbacks are uncertain, the greatest sources of uncertainty—and greatest opportunities for modifying the trajectory of change— lie in the human dimension. As a result, the rate and magnitude of climate change ultimately experienced by terrestrial ecosystems will be mostly determined by the human decisions, innovations, and economic developments that will determine the pathway of GHG emissions."
[Emphasis mine]
In the body of the paper, the authors talk about habitat destruction, other forms of pollution, urbanization and land use as these "human dimensions" ... and global warming is a stresser in all of these poor decisions folks make running the internet, for example ... they say these matters are yet to be determined, why are you saying they're set in stone? ...

BTW ... the paper relies on RCP8.5 ... immediately start burning all the fossil fuels we have to and provide the whole world with the electric power enjoyed by Western Europe and Anglo America ... clearly that's not happening ... what does the RCP4.5 scenario yield? ...

You not believing in evolution wouldn't get it.

You got me there ... no, I don't have a dogmatic faith in everything Evolution, my religion is Christianity ... loving our brother as we love ourselves improves reproductive success ... generally speaking ... and B.t. corn is about as close to divine as to make no difference ...

“stress“ is a mild term for, “in a load shit.“:

Stress has a very specific definition in physics ... and it's widely used in dynamic meteorology ... in more common parlance it carries the connotation of "an additional amount" ... something added to an already existing burden ... mom got served with foreclosure documents, the mess we make in her kitchen with the siphon experiment is a stresser ... just because we got whipped doesn't mean we were at fault ... see how stressers work; we're losing our home, the three gallons of maple syrup on the floor just adds to the problem, but it isn't the biggest problem ...
You got me there ... no, I don't have a dogmatic faith in everything Evolution, my religion is Christianity ... loving our brother as we love ourselves improves reproductive success ... generally speaking ... and B.t. corn is about as close to divine as to make no difference ...
Evolution isn’t a religion.. I don’t know why you would bring it up. Aamof, monk, “Gregor Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his monastery's garden. His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, subsequently becoming the foundation of modern genetics and leading to the study of heredity”

So really, Christian beliefs can be independent of each. Environmental factors have a big impact on natural selection which is why basic biology is an integral part of understanding.

Btw, you asked for just one instance where a source has characterize AGW as ap change in the rate of climate change. There are many many more, because it’s an integral part viruses which have a much higher rate of adaptability make pandemics more plausible.

Deniers of AGW many times are also deniers of the theory of evolution. You really can’t be much of a biologist and deny evolution. It doesn’t work that way. I would never critisize anyone ‘s knowleged of science if it were me who denied the full impact of evolution in all out natural sciences.
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consensus narrative, which you post over and over about, which I have duly stated that consensus FAILURES are common, posted an excellent example of one that was based on a BELIEF that stress or spicy foods cause Ulcers, that was the consensus position for over 100 years, they were 100% wrong the entire time.

LOOK NEOPHYTE, consensus rules EVERY SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR regardless in medicine or AGW.
You made up a false senerio for consensus. You’re not that informed and don’t seem know the difference between treatment and cues. The treatment for symptoms was always varied and involved foods, the cure for many when found, was antibiotics.

as far as AGW is concerned, you are arguing the a few Less educated conspiracy theorists should be believed over every climate institute in the entire world each of which has the work of hundreds . You’re a strange and uninformed.

you’re a fking hypocrite because you get all your Medical treatment based upon scientific consensus. Let trump stick a light up your ass Instead .

You are hilarious, since you are the fool who keeps dodging the well known consensus claims on what causes Ulcers, it is clear you can't address the evidence I gave you, you actually ignore it over and over. You scream Consensus is real, consensus is real, its never, never wrong, bwaak, bwaak.

Only stupid people like you talk this way, refusing to discuss the evidence presented to you exposes your immaturity and a decided lack of useful counterpoint in reply, since you don't have one, you can slink away.

Now you are getting more hostile with every reply as you begin to realize you are getting a beating because somewhere in your head, you are beginning to realize you are avoiding the evidence I present to you showing that a SINGLE man destroyed a 100+ year old consensus position. You can't handle it, which is why you are losing your cool.

It is proven that a single man destroyed the 100+ year old Ulcer consensus.
consensus narrative, which you post over and over about, which I have duly stated that consensus FAILURES are common, posted an excellent example of one that was based on a BELIEF that stress or spicy foods cause Ulcers, that was the consensus position for over 100 years, they were 100% wrong the entire time.

LOOK NEOPHYTE, consensus rules EVERY SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR regardless in medicine or AGW.
You made up a false senerio for consensus. You’re not that informed and don’t seem know the difference between treatment and cues. The treatment for symptoms was always varied and involved foods, the cure for many when found, was antibiotics.

as far as AGW is concerned, you are arguing the a few Less educated conspiracy theorists should be believed over every climate institute in the entire world each of which has the work of hundreds . You’re a strange and uninformed.

you’re a fking hypocrite because you get all your Medical treatment based upon scientific consensus. Let trump stick a light up your ass Instead .

You are hilarious, since you are the fool who keeps dodging the well known consensus claims on what causes Ulcers, it is clear you can't address the evidence I gave you, you actually ignore it over and over. You scream Consensus is real, consensus is real, its never, never wrong, bwaak, bwaak.

Only stupid people like you talk this way, refusing to discuss the evidence presented to you exposes your immaturity and a decided lack of useful counterpoint in reply, since you don't have one, you can slink away.

Now you are getting more hostile with every reply as you begin to realize you are getting a beating because somewhere in your head, you are beginning to realize you are avoiding the evidence I present to you showing that a SINGLE man destroyed a 100+ year old consensus position. You can't handle it, which is why you are losing your cool.

It is proven that a single man destroyed the 100+ year old Ulcer consensus.
You’re too ignorant for words. No wonder you guys hump for Trump. You’re hat’s are way too tight.
No that single man did not. There were others before him who did animal research decades earlier that he depended upon. He depended upon the consensus study of other scientist to develope a cure. Before then, science had not cure, they just had treatments for the symptoms including avoiding foods and surgery, both of which worked to alleviate some pain. Even after he found his cure, just like vaccines, it went through trials to prove its efficacy. Your an idiot, trials are the consensus phase of all medical research. Read it if you can. It’s science at work Trump Humper. If you can read, there was significant work done for decades to show him the way by other scientists. They never do it alone. It’s by consensus withother scintists...dah.

AGW is consensus work over decades genius. You keep using examples that prove consensus dumb Trump humper.

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consensus narrative, which you post over and over about, which I have duly stated that consensus FAILURES are common, posted an excellent example of one that was based on a BELIEF that stress or spicy foods cause Ulcers, that was the consensus position for over 100 years, they were 100% wrong the entire time.

LOOK NEOPHYTE, consensus rules EVERY SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR regardless in medicine or AGW.
You made up a false senerio for consensus. You’re not that informed and don’t seem know the difference between treatment and cues. The treatment for symptoms was always varied and involved foods, the cure for many when found, was antibiotics.

as far as AGW is concerned, you are arguing the a few Less educated conspiracy theorists should be believed over every climate institute in the entire world each of which has the work of hundreds . You’re a strange and uninformed.

you’re a fking hypocrite because you get all your Medical treatment based upon scientific consensus. Let trump stick a light up your ass Instead .

You are hilarious, since you are the fool who keeps dodging the well known consensus claims on what causes Ulcers, it is clear you can't address the evidence I gave you, you actually ignore it over and over. You scream Consensus is real, consensus is real, its never, never wrong, bwaak, bwaak.

Only stupid people like you talk this way, refusing to discuss the evidence presented to you exposes your immaturity and a decided lack of useful counterpoint in reply, since you don't have one, you can slink away.

Now you are getting more hostile with every reply as you begin to realize you are getting a beating because somewhere in your head, you are beginning to realize you are avoiding the evidence I present to you showing that a SINGLE man destroyed a 100+ year old consensus position. You can't handle it, which is why you are losing your cool.

It is proven that a single man destroyed the 100+ year old Ulcer consensus.
One other thing Humper.
There is no cure for Prostate cancer now either like many. We treat the symptoms with surgery, radiation and chemo and hormones . . They keep the patient alive till he dies of something else. We’re at the same stage as previous treatments for pre cures of many diseases. No, ONE MAN DID NOT FIND A CURE FOR STOMACH ULCERS AND ONE MAN WILL NOT FIND A CURE FOR PROSTATE CANCER or other diseases we still don’t know the cause of. It’s all done by the consensus work of a plethora of others as well. .

The difference is, Humpers can’t read.
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