The irony of Trump's "populist" campaign

There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.

The big promises were to drain the swamp and create jobs; the swamp has been infested by Plutocrats, and for all of his rhetoric, jobs created since January were created by the last administration. Probably his worst, of many bad decisions, was the appointment of Sessions as AG; of course the Pipeline approval kicked Native Americans in the groin, and his promise to repeal and replace the ACA on day one was bullshit when he said it, now it has become an albatross around his triple chins. His appointment of Sect. of State and Sect. of the EPA filled the swamp with reptiles and the Sect. of Education is there to further dumb down America's kids.

I could go on but suffice it to accept the fact that Trump is unfit to be POTUS in my opinion and that of many many others.

He may very well be unfit, and I would argue that the bulldyke was even more unfit. But let's be real here- I'm conservative, your liberal, ergo I will admittedly be anti the socialist left agenda, and you will be against the smaller government agenda of the right. Keep watching Trevor Noah. At least you'll be able to laugh a few times over the next 4 years.

I am socially liberal, even progressive, and fiscally RESPONSIBLE.

Fiscal Conservatism simply kicks the can down the road, pretends the wealthy creates most of the jobs, and argues that taxes should never be raised but the 'fat' must be cut; they never have cut the 'fat' responsibly.

By that I mean they take from the needy and give to themselves, as much as they can get away with: Trump's reform of the Federal Income Tax will be a boondoggle; the policy plans of the Freedom Caucus (aka the Tea Party) are Fiscally IRRESPONSIBLE and by that I mean they will let the roof rot and let a slow failure of the entire structure and all of its contents deteriorate by killing the beast.

One very minor but telling example of government waste I personally observed while in the Navy. After every meal the uneaten food was tossed overboard, and it wasn't a small amount one might image being tossed down a garbage disposal.

There is some fat, and the DOD needs to be audited before more money is provided to them.

One final comment, the POTUS needs to have the Line-Item Veto, as do many of our states governments. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how that might trim a budget, and in the process show the metal of future Presidents and evaluate their performance.

Of course it would take an Amendment to COTUS, and that is a very high hurdle when those who write the budget would be exposed by the policies they support.
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Imagine what it would be like in the mind of a leftie if they obsessed over every one of the over 2,000 elections the democrat party lost in the last eight years like they are doing over the last one? Crazy doesn't begin to describe it.
Imagine what it would be like in the mind of a leftie if they obsessed over every one of the over 2,000 elections the democrat party lost in the last eight years like they are doing over the last one? Crazy doesn't begin to describe it.

Keep dreaming of your past, Pyrrhic victories all you want, but the cycles of political popularity keep shifting and "thanks" to the Trumpster inadequacies, they'll shift even sooner than expected.
Just another person who FEELS that they are VICTIMS. Egad, where does the left breed these people. Oh yeah, public education teaches these worthless tards that no matter what they do,(there is no God) they have someone in their way, preventing them from succeeding(even though they suck liberal for their free stuff). Just amazes me, that we have people like Tiger Woods, who could of been the greatest golfer ever in the history of the world, but when he turned away from God and started doing Lucifers work, God took those gifts away and Tiger cant win a tournament and the liberal media wonders why. Michael Jackson, a great singer, turned to Lucifer, and soon his inner demons ended up killing him, just like Elvis Presley and Whitney Houston. Some liberals are just misguided and many are looking for answers to make their lives better, which is why Trump won. Some liberals are just plain EVIL, they use everyone else to get their fortunes, those are George Soros, Al Gore, and any other Uber Wealthy Liberal.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Okay , try not to hurt yourself in using that small amount of grey matter, but I just showed you that Saul Alinsky, the writer of the Liberals Play Book, that Hillary wrote her thesis on and Obama taught in school, the Opening page is dedicated to whom? Please if it is too much for you, you can crawl up into your safe space and whine like the little bitch that you are.
That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.

The big promises were to drain the swamp and create jobs; the swamp has been infested by Plutocrats, and for all of his rhetoric, jobs created since January were created by the last administration. Probably his worst, of many bad decisions, was the appointment of Sessions as AG; of course the Pipeline approval kicked Native Americans in the groin, and his promise to repeal and replace the ACA on day one was bullshit when he said it, now it has become an albatross around his triple chins. His appointment of Sect. of State and Sect. of the EPA filled the swamp with reptiles and the Sect. of Education is there to further dumb down America's kids.

I could go on but suffice it to accept the fact that Trump is unfit to be POTUS in my opinion and that of many many others.

He may very well be unfit, and I would argue that the bulldyke was even more unfit. But let's be real here- I'm conservative, your liberal, ergo I will admittedly be anti the socialist left agenda, and you will be against the smaller government agenda of the right. Keep watching Trevor Noah. At least you'll be able to laugh a few times over the next 4 years.

I am socially liberal, even progressive, and fiscally RESPONSIBLE.

Fiscal Conservatism simply kicks the can down the road, pretends the wealthy creates most of the jobs, and argues that taxes should never be raised but the 'fat' must be cut; they never have cut the 'fat' responsibly.

By that I mean they take from the needy and give to themselves, as much as they can get away with: Trump's reform of the Federal Income Tax will be a boondoggle; the policy plans of the Freedom Caucus (aka the Tea Party) are Fiscally IRRESPONSIBLE and by that I mean they will let the roof rot and let a slow failure of the entire structure and all of its contents deteriorate by killing the beast.

One very minor but telling example of government waste I personally observed while in the Navy. After every meal the uneaten food was tossed overboard, and it wasn't a small amount one might image being tossed down a garbage disposal.

There is some fat, and the DOD needs to be audited before more money is provided to them.

One final comment, the POTUS needs to have the Line-Item Veto, as do many of our states governments. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how that might trim a budget, and in the process show the metal of future Presidents and evaluate their performance.

Of course it would take an Amendment to COTUS, and that is a very high hurdle when those who write the budget would be exposed by the policies they support.
You are a fucking liar too, you sociopath. It is people with money that create jobs, not some government hack who steals from the rich and then gives it to some poor liberal schmuck who wont work. But then you went to public schools and learned like a good little commie that Uncle Sugar makes all the money and give you free stuff. You voted twice for Obama, and he doubled the unpatriotic National debt that the first 43 presidents all combined left him. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. Now why after you ate did you toss the uneaten food overboard. Liberals always end up being truthful once in a while.
That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.

The big promises were to drain the swamp and create jobs; the swamp has been infested by Plutocrats, and for all of his rhetoric, jobs created since January were created by the last administration. Probably his worst, of many bad decisions, was the appointment of Sessions as AG; of course the Pipeline approval kicked Native Americans in the groin, and his promise to repeal and replace the ACA on day one was bullshit when he said it, now it has become an albatross around his triple chins. His appointment of Sect. of State and Sect. of the EPA filled the swamp with reptiles and the Sect. of Education is there to further dumb down America's kids.

I could go on but suffice it to accept the fact that Trump is unfit to be POTUS in my opinion and that of many many others.

He may very well be unfit, and I would argue that the bulldyke was even more unfit. But let's be real here- I'm conservative, your liberal, ergo I will admittedly be anti the socialist left agenda, and you will be against the smaller government agenda of the right. Keep watching Trevor Noah. At least you'll be able to laugh a few times over the next 4 years.

I am socially liberal, even progressive, and fiscally RESPONSIBLE.

Fiscal Conservatism simply kicks the can down the road, pretends the wealthy creates most of the jobs, and argues that taxes should never be raised but the 'fat' must be cut; they never have cut the 'fat' responsibly.

By that I mean they take from the needy and give to themselves, as much as they can get away with: Trump's reform of the Federal Income Tax will be a boondoggle; the policy plans of the Freedom Caucus (aka the Tea Party) are Fiscally IRRESPONSIBLE and by that I mean they will let the roof rot and let a slow failure of the entire structure and all of its contents deteriorate by killing the beast.

One very minor but telling example of government waste I personally observed while in the Navy. After every meal the uneaten food was tossed overboard, and it wasn't a small amount one might image being tossed down a garbage disposal.

There is some fat, and the DOD needs to be audited before more money is provided to them.

One final comment, the POTUS needs to have the Line-Item Veto, as do many of our states governments. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how that might trim a budget, and in the process show the metal of future Presidents and evaluate their performance.

Of course it would take an Amendment to COTUS, and that is a very high hurdle when those who write the budget would be exposed by the policies they support.

I am a conservative, but left the GOP over a decade ago because I don't want to associate with them.

Both parties kick the fiscal responsibility can down the road. That is why we have nearly $20 trillion in debt. BTW- most of that debt is for entitlement programs that neither part will do anything about because those programs get votes.

Government is wasteful at all levels because there is no profit incentive, and bigger government is more wasteful because there is little or no accountability. One solution is the repeal of the 17th Amendment which would give state governments representation in the federal level. Look how much the federal government has grown since the enacting of the 17th.

The line item veto is not wanted by congress because it would put a stick in the axle of their pork barrel spending. They will all declare they are in favor of it, but the reality is it would squelch the negotiating/deal making that goes on when bills are passed. It's been discussed for decades, and I doubt it will every occur.
Imagine what it would be like in the mind of a leftie if they obsessed over every one of the over 2,000 elections the democrat party lost in the last eight years like they are doing over the last one? Crazy doesn't begin to describe it.

As a hack you're a failure, as a troll, you risk and are lucky not to have had your license to troll already revoked; as someone who never has ever offered an idea on how to solve problems we face together as a nation, you're a total failure; "ain't it awful" is nothing more than a whine, not helpful, never thoughtful and hardly thought provoking in any meaningful way, exemplified by my thoughts on your record innumerated above.
The dangers of anti-populism: It isn’t populists who threaten life, liberty and democracy in Europe – it’s anti-populists.

It isn’t populists who have been beating, shooting and maiming protesters in France for the past six months, causing scores of them to lose eyes and limbs. It’s anti-populists who are doing that.

It is the anti-populists’ hero, in fact – Emmanuel Macron – who is overseeing this extreme state violence and brutal clampdown on French liberty.

It isn’t populists who are seeking to overthrow the largest democratic vote in UK history – the vote for Brexit – and in the process threatening to undermine the very idea of the right to vote. It is anti-populists who are doing that.

It is anti-populists who, exactly as we have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of women and working-class men getting the vote, have tried to block the enactment of something that eight million women and millions of working-class men voted for: Brexit.

It isn’t populists who are marching through the streets in their thousands waving placards mocking the stupidity of ordinary people and demanding that the state unilaterally override these people’s democratic wishes. It’s anti-populists.​

Throughout the West our university-credentialed-but-not-educated ruling class has been guilty of an entitled arrogance that is matched almost perfectly by its incompetence and ignorance.

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