The irony of Trump's "populist" campaign

There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.

Anyone who believes Trump being elected had anything to do with the ACA either has their head deep in their ass or is lost in a make believe utopian world.
"I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

That's the Loonie Libtard actually goes something like this:
"I went to school and tried, I got educated and learned to speak and articulate the native language, I'm not lazy and I work hard. For this effort I GOT MINE...there is no reason you can't GET YOURS TOO you fucking loser!"
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
Just another person who FEELS that they are VICTIMS. Egad, where does the left breed these people. Oh yeah, public education teaches these worthless tards that no matter what they do,(there is no God) they have someone in their way, preventing them from succeeding(even though they suck liberal for their free stuff). Just amazes me, that we have people like Tiger Woods, who could of been the greatest golfer ever in the history of the world, but when he turned away from God and started doing Lucifers work, God took those gifts away and Tiger cant win a tournament and the liberal media wonders why. Michael Jackson, a great singer, turned to Lucifer, and soon his inner demons ended up killing him, just like Elvis Presley and Whitney Houston. Some liberals are just misguided and many are looking for answers to make their lives better, which is why Trump won. Some liberals are just plain EVIL, they use everyone else to get their fortunes, those are George Soros, Al Gore, and any other Uber Wealthy Liberal.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

lol, a worshipper of the adulterous groper Trump proclaims Tiger Woods to be the Devil because he cheated on his wife.

Goddam that's funny.
Just to let you know, up till that event, Tiger was top of his game, and was winning almost every tournament he entered. Why after he cheated, he hasn't won a major since? You liberals are just too funny.....

Bad back.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
Just another person who FEELS that they are VICTIMS. Egad, where does the left breed these people. Oh yeah, public education teaches these worthless tards that no matter what they do,(there is no God) they have someone in their way, preventing them from succeeding(even though they suck liberal for their free stuff). Just amazes me, that we have people like Tiger Woods, who could of been the greatest golfer ever in the history of the world, but when he turned away from God and started doing Lucifers work, God took those gifts away and Tiger cant win a tournament and the liberal media wonders why. Michael Jackson, a great singer, turned to Lucifer, and soon his inner demons ended up killing him, just like Elvis Presley and Whitney Houston. Some liberals are just misguided and many are looking for answers to make their lives better, which is why Trump won. Some liberals are just plain EVIL, they use everyone else to get their fortunes, those are George Soros, Al Gore, and any other Uber Wealthy Liberal.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Lucifer created sex? Thanks for sharing, good to know. Poor Tiger, destined to go to hell for having sex without the consent of a piece of paper. BTW, how much room do you think is there in hell for everyone who had sex without the permission and under the rules of the authority? And how many people end up in heaven? Mother Teresa must be lonely.
Before Lucifer presented the forbidden fruit, there was no sex. But I guess you didn't know that, being that God isn't taught in public education anymore. I have seen time after time, great people who used their God given gifts to achieve greatness and then take the easy path that Lucifer gives and then their lives are ruined. Another perfect example is ex baseball player, Darryl Strawberry who could of been the next Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron. He started using drugs and then lost all his abilities , yet today is a preacher telling the word of God. Darryl learned his lesson, but too late in life. Maybe it was good for him because Lucifer takes those that turn away from God. Liberals who are truly Evil who follow Lucifer, deceive the misguided ones, to liberalism and their immoral ways. Lucifer laughs at all of you idiots who follow liberalism...

So now liberals follow Lucifer? You are a total idiot as well as a liar.
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.

Anyone who believes Trump being elected had anything to do with the ACA either has their head deep in their ass or is lost in a make believe utopian world.
"I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

That's the Loonie Libtard actually goes something like this:
"I went to school and tried, I got educated and learned to speak and articulate the native language, I'm not lazy and I work hard. For this effort I GOT MINE...there is no reason you can't GET YOURS TOO you fucking loser!"

I went to school - public schools - I'm very well educated, my communications skills are excellent and I'm not lazy; I have empathy and try to follow the Golden Rule.

I find Callous Conservatives to be perplexing, and I wonder who or what made them so self righteous and so judgmental?

Maybe you could answer that question.
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.

Anyone who believes Trump being elected had anything to do with the ACA either has their head deep in their ass or is lost in a make believe utopian world.
"I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

That's the Loonie Libtard actually goes something like this:
"I went to school and tried, I got educated and learned to speak and articulate the native language, I'm not lazy and I work hard. For this effort I GOT MINE...there is no reason you can't GET YOURS TOO you fucking loser!"

I went to school - public schools - I'm very well educated, my communications skills are excellent and I'm not lazy; I have empathy and try to follow the Golden Rule.

I find Callous Conservatives to be perplexing, and I wonder who or what made them so self righteous and so judgmental?

Maybe you could answer that question.

There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.

The big promises were to drain the swamp and create jobs; the swamp has been infested by Plutocrats, and for all of his rhetoric, jobs created since January were created by the last administration. Probably his worst, of many bad decisions, was the appointment of Sessions as AG; of course the Pipeline approval kicked Native Americans in the groin, and his promise to repeal and replace the ACA on day one was bullshit when he said it, now it has become an albatross around his triple chins. His appointment of Sect. of State and Sect. of the EPA filled the swamp with reptiles and the Sect. of Education is there to further dumb down America's kids.

I could go on but suffice it to accept the fact that Trump is unfit to be POTUS in my opinion and that of many many others.
The Rust Belt specifically was drawn in by his Trade Policies. Funny you left out Trade when discussing the RUST BELT.

FUnny, strange, not funny ha ha.

After your "ha, has"........Check out if indeed the Keystone pipes will be made with U.S. steel.

I think I will check out what happens with over all American employment and wages.

Do you not agree that that will be the real metric to determine success or failure of his trade policy?
I've heard some good stuff about his tax plan, but I am not too concerned about it.

Well, a few more brain cells and you SHOULD be concerned about the Trumpster's tax plan....Try to find the "populist" objective in his tax plan....

His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. Federal revenues would fall by $6.2 trillion over the first decade before accounting for added interest costs. Including interest costs, the federal debt would rise by $7.2 trillion over the first decade and by $20.9 trillion by 2036.

An Analysis of Donald Trump's Revised Tax Plan

"Populist" does not mean "soak the rich", nor is it some sort of ideology that we, his supporters expect him to hold to.

Your hysteria is clouding your mind.
Trump's healthcare plan was to eliminate a trillion bucks from Obamacare and reduce a huge portion of the taxes on the wealthy, most particularly eliminate the estate tax. Considering all that dough of his own he spent on the campaign you didn't think there'd be no return on his investment, did you?
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the prioriteis of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes.… Getting along is way overrated

"We are not all in this together" belies the principles and values upon which our country was founded. It expresses the values of a callous conservative, those who believe, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you"; though I doubt you Rustic are smart enough to thrive in a competitive environment, and our pissed off and believe some people get something for nothing.

What you're actually saying is that we all need to be in it together (just so long as to Democrats define the "togetherness").

"My way or the highway" is the Left's motto.
Bad back.

I blew my back out in 94 (I have sever arthritis and degenerative disk disease), retired, then found a job I could do. Unless you are bed-ridden you have no excuse for not being employed. I had to leave my last job in 2013 because I had a mild stroke and lost my CDL, then went to school and learned a new profession. I am looking for work currently. When the Obama economy is over, and things opens up in my area again, I will go back to work once more.

I bet you're like my brother. He had back surgery for a herniated disk and couldn't go back to work as a carpenter, so instead of going to school to learn something different, he stayed on his SSDI. All the while he bought cars, fixed them up an resold them. He would send all day bent over the engine compartment of a vehicle (something I can't do), and he also made good money as a computer technician. But he wouldn't find a real job because he did want to lose his pittance of a pension.

Sympathy for you? Sorry, no.
His record low approval rating of 35% reflects his base, the ones who would support him even if he announced his undying love of Vlad. Wait, he did already...right?

He sinks any further, he will turn Dark Orange,
Bad back.

I blew my back out in 94 (I have sever arthritis and degenerative disk disease), retired, then found a job I could do. Unless you are bed-ridden you have no excuse for not being employed. I had to leave my last job in 2013 because I had a mild stroke and lost my CDL, then went to school and learned a new profession. I am looking for work currently. When the Obama economy is over, and things opens up in my area again, I will go back to work once more.

I bet you're like my brother. He had back surgery for a herniated disk and couldn't go back to work as a carpenter, so instead of going to school to learn something different, he stayed on his SSDI. All the while he bought cars, fixed them up an resold them. He would send all day bent over the engine compartment of a vehicle (something I can't do), and he also made good money as a computer technician. But he wouldn't find a real job because he did want to lose his pittance of a pension.

Sympathy for you? Sorry, no.

I wasn't making my case ("bad back"), I was responding to the idiot Andaronjim's foolish comment. Do try to keep up. I was on disability one time, when some asshole tried to run me and another deputy over with his truck; we are both fine now, but did spend a few weeks on SDI - The AH who tried to run us down is still in St. Prison.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the prioriteis of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes.… Getting along is way overrated

"We are not all in this together" belies the principles and values upon which our country was founded. It expresses the values of a callous conservative, those who believe, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you"; though I doubt you Rustic are smart enough to thrive in a competitive environment, and our pissed off and believe some people get something for nothing.

What you're actually saying is that we all need to be in it together (just so long as to Democrats define the "togetherness").

"My way or the highway" is the Left's motto.

You're reality challenged, or a damn liar. Probably both.

Trump warns GOP: Vote for Obamacare repeal or lose your seat
seems that you didn't have a problem with debt while Obama wracked up 10 trillion over his 8 year

Typical right wing bullshit, pulled out of your behind.......Obama accumulated huge national debt for FOUR reasons; First to pull us out of a recession that was bordering on a depression; Second, Obama finally put on the books the borrowed money to pay for the costly wars that were never accounted for ; Third, the expenditure of GWB's Medicare Advantage, and Fourth, Obama (wrongly) extended the Bush tax cuts while all the latter reasons jacked up the deficit.

See, you CAN learn something if you stop watching the idiot, Hannity.
Considering all that dough of his own he spent on the campaign you didn't think there'd be no return on his investment, did you?

Trump spent about 58 million of his own money on the campaign. For a [supposedly] billionaire, that is not much.
My original point was (and is) that as a so-called "populist" all announced policies by Trump do NOT benefit those same individuals who elected him as a other words, the definition of demagoguery is quickly catching up to the liar in chief.
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

He may indeed be a plutocrat. He has been in office less than 100 days. Which promises has he not followed up on that disappoints you? If you are referring to repeal/replace of BOcare, that is more the fault of the GOPers in congress. They promised if they were in power they'd fix it. Well they are in power and couldn't even bring a bill to vote on. But the orange clown still has the better part of 4 years to enact change, so it's too early to declare him a failure as POS.

The big promises were to drain the swamp and create jobs; the swamp has been infested by Plutocrats, and for all of his rhetoric, jobs created since January were created by the last administration. Probably his worst, of many bad decisions, was the appointment of Sessions as AG; of course the Pipeline approval kicked Native Americans in the groin, and his promise to repeal and replace the ACA on day one was bullshit when he said it, now it has become an albatross around his triple chins. His appointment of Sect. of State and Sect. of the EPA filled the swamp with reptiles and the Sect. of Education is there to further dumb down America's kids.

I could go on but suffice it to accept the fact that Trump is unfit to be POTUS in my opinion and that of many many others.

He may very well be unfit, and I would argue that the bulldyke was even more unfit. But let's be real here- I'm conservative, your liberal, ergo I will admittedly be anti the socialist left agenda, and you will be against the smaller government agenda of the right. Keep watching Trevor Noah. At least you'll be able to laugh a few times over the next 4 years.

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