The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

I simply included the whole quote you provided that clearly states that only in closed executive session can the review be done. You know the part you left off.
I didn't leave it off, I addressed it. The part about executive session does not give you the right to refuse submission to Congress.
You repeatedly claimed that they did not have to have a closed session and that leaking the info was not a crime.
Wait a minute. Why do Democrats want his tax returns if not for the Democrat party? They only want these returns so they can say something negative about Trump (whether true or not) just because they've seen them. They want to cast doubt on his reelection.

Piglosi nor others have any legitimate reason for wanting to see those returns outside of party politics. This is why the Democrat party needs to be destroyed. Because these commies are using our federal agencies as their own for political reasons. They are no better than the Nazi's.
Trump has been tried twice for tax fraud. Filed for bankruptcy 6 times. Has a sister that retired as a judge to avoid prosecution for tax fraud. Is doing something no other President in history has done. And you think they don't have good reason to ask?

Let me put it to you this way, they don't have to have a reason.

Trump was never tried for tax fraud. He was accused of it by the commie NYT.

Bankruptcy is perfectly legal and used every day. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy, and the four of his business bankruptcies were mostly filed during challenging economic times. Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, and doing the math, that's one bankruptcy for more than every hundred of businesses he ran. Nothing suspicious about that.

As for his sister, the case has been dropped. She's 82 years old for crying out loud. Who needs that kind of shit at that age?
Trump was never tried for tax fraud. He was accused of it by the commie NYT.

Bankruptcy is perfectly legal and used every day. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy, and the four of his business bankruptcies were mostly filed during challenging economic times. Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, and doing the math, that's one bankruptcy for more than every hundred of businesses he ran. Nothing suspicious about that.

As for his sister, the case has been dropped. She's 82 years old for crying out loud. Who needs that kind of shit at that age?
If she didn't retire, she would be going to prison for tax fraud.
Yes they do as a matter of fact and then can be prosecuted if they leak the info it is a Federal Felony too release the info.
Where's the law that says that? I already provided the law that says what happens if you don't.
read the whole law it clearly states anyone with access that releases the info is liable for federal offense.
You got a real problem. You care more about the republican party than you do about the United States of America.

Wait a minute. Why do Democrats want his tax returns if not for the Democrat party? They only want these returns so they can say something negative about Trump (whether true or not) just because they've seen them. They want to cast doubt on his reelection.

Piglosi nor others have any legitimate reason for wanting to see those returns outside of party politics. This is why the Democrat party needs to be destroyed. Because these commies are using our federal agencies as their own for political reasons. They are no better than the Nazi's.
In other words, party over country?
You got a real problem. You care more about the republican party than you do about the United States of America.

Wait a minute. Why do Democrats want his tax returns if not for the Democrat party? They only want these returns so they can say something negative about Trump (whether true or not) just because they've seen them. They want to cast doubt on his reelection.

Piglosi nor others have any legitimate reason for wanting to see those returns outside of party politics. This is why the Democrat party needs to be destroyed. Because these commies are using our federal agencies as their own for political reasons. They are no better than the Nazi's.
Whenever a president hides anything about his qualifications for office it creates doubt. I suppose democrats were surprised when Trump failed to follow tradition of releasing tax forms. However, they should not have been because Donald Trump has always cloaked the Trump Organization in a veil of secrecy. There are no annual reports for the Trump Organization, only financial disclosure documents as required by law. Since it's a privately held corporation, very little has to be disclosed. Information releases from the organization were basic sales related. Thus Trump has been able to control his public image and that of his business.

Once Donald Trump stepped into the political arena, that all changed. His life became an open book. The public and media assumed that any hidden parts of that book contained wrong doings and thus it became a target of every investigative reporter and every political opponent. Had Trump released his tax returns and been more open about his past, he would have been a more effective president and would not be going into the election with a horrible job approval rating among both democrats and independents. However, we all know that is not possible because it's not his nature. He thrives on controversy not harmony, division not unity, and hatred not peace.

Trump's disapproval rating has nothing to do with his tax returns. It has to do with the over 90% negative coverage by the MSM. Had Hillary been President with these record unemployment numbers, median income at new highs, corporate and consumer confidence at record highs, and an all time high for small business (our largest employers) confidence, there would have been parades in the street every other month.

What we have here is a guy who's doing a fantastic job but is hated personally. He's the exact opposite of DumBama who was loved personally but hated in policy.

Professional politicians makeup their tax returns for the expectation of running for the office of President. They make sure that there is enough taxes paid, enough donated to charities, and not take all of their deductions. Trump didn't live his life that way. He didn't create tax returns for public viewing, he filed his taxes to keep as much money as legally possible.

So what does Trump's returns have to do with him running this country? Absolutely nothing. The only reason the Democrats want it is to continue the negative rants on him because they have nothing positive to offer the voters of this country.
Trump was never tried for tax fraud. He was accused of it by the commie NYT.

Bankruptcy is perfectly legal and used every day. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy, and the four of his business bankruptcies were mostly filed during challenging economic times. Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, and doing the math, that's one bankruptcy for more than every hundred of businesses he ran. Nothing suspicious about that.

As for his sister, the case has been dropped. She's 82 years old for crying out loud. Who needs that kind of shit at that age?
If she didn't retire, she would be going to prison for tax fraud.

You don't know anything of the sort. When you get that age and very wealthy (which I'm sure she is) you don't need those problems. You can just sit back and enjoy the last few years of your life without fighting all the time. When you have money, work is just something you do to take up your time.
Trump was never tried for tax fraud. He was accused of it by the commie NYT.

Bankruptcy is perfectly legal and used every day. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy, and the four of his business bankruptcies were mostly filed during challenging economic times. Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, and doing the math, that's one bankruptcy for more than every hundred of businesses he ran. Nothing suspicious about that.

As for his sister, the case has been dropped. She's 82 years old for crying out loud. Who needs that kind of shit at that age?
If she didn't retire, she would be going to prison for tax fraud.

You don't know anything of the sort. When you get that age and very wealthy (which I'm sure she is) you don't need those problems. You can just sit back and enjoy the last few years of your life without fighting all the time. When you have money, work is just something you do to take up your time.
Neat! But she clearly retired in order to stop the investigation.
The IRS has been given until April 23rd to hand over Trump's tax returns.
What is Nadler going to do when the IRS doesn't hand over Trump's tax returns?
Likely he will go to a federal judge for arbitration.
It will go to the Supreme court, and Nadler will lose.
On what grounds? Precedent and the law are on their side. The refusal is a stalling tactic.
The IRS has been given until April 23rd to hand over Trump's tax returns.
What is Nadler going to do when the IRS doesn't hand over Trump's tax returns?
Likely he will go to a federal judge for arbitration.
It will go to the Supreme court, and Nadler will lose.
On what grounds? Precedent and the law are on their side. The refusal is a stalling tactic.
On the grounds that Trump will take it to the Supreme Court. There is no law or precedent on Nadler's side. Steve Mnuchin will refuse to comply until the SC orders him to.

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