The Islamic Jihadist Death Cult strikes again.

When will America itself be hit again? Anyone care to guess? Actually does anyone really care in America? I mean as long as it happens to someone else it seems not to that a new milennial attitude?

Pictured: The ISIS terrorists who hacked 20 innocent victims to death
Americans are slaughtering Americans in massive numbers every day. Nobody has a problem with that so why are you getting uptight over stuff that is going on somewhere else ?
Because your boy and your girl and want to import this crap
Thank you for CARING, you must be a liberal. people die all over the world every day in crimes of passion, hold ups etc. you are very correct. but, if you cannot see the difference radiating from Islamic radical ideology and why that should be a news worthy event.... well, Im kind of at a loss at your lack of empathy.

Anyway, who says no one cares about Americans dying in America? you? the fact that people have different ideas about handling it that may not Jive with your ideas, does not mean they dont care.
I stopped caring after Sandy Hook. You have a crazy death culture thing going on and you are best left to it.

You deny that a certain so called religion is going around the world killing people? If not a death cult how would you describe it?
It certainly deters the perp that was hanged boyo.
How has it deterred them, they have presumably murdered somebody already ?

It's not about being a deterrent you moron, it's about punishing a murderer and removing that threat from society permanently. What we need to do is eliminate the automatic repeal process in the US justice system so less taxpayer dollars are wasted on murderers.

hehheh ...exactly...unfortunately libtards have this innate desire to feel morally superior....they get that quick and fallacious fix by defending killers, islamic jihadists etc. bottom line it is a type of mental illness.

In America there are even people who think that POS like Ted Bundy and John Gacy shouldn't have been executed, I don't understand it myself.
There is nothing to be done with killers like them. I have met a serial killer or two or three. They love it. They cannot be rehabilitated.

That's why they should be executed, incarcerating them they can and do relive their crimes and get off on it.

Not just serial killers but also paedophiles and like the former the latter all need executing also. There's no more heinous crime than paedophilia, they are the lowest of the low, they forfeit all human and civil rights as soon as they touch a child, yet you get the Bleeding Heart Liberals crying about them saying they're victims too, it's a bizarre thinking pattern that crowd has.
The world must stop these people and their extremists religious beliefs.

why isn't the extremist in this religion extremely peaceful.
The world must stop these people and their extremists religious beliefs.

why isn't the extremist in this religion extremely peaceful.

I don't know, Islam hasn't developed since the 7th Century, other religions have developed and modernised, only Islam hasn't, other religions tend to get along with each other now, Islam gets along with nobody because it aspires to dominate and then eradicate all other religions and Islam is not just a religion, it's a full-spectrum political philosophy.


I recommend Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book "Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now", she's Somalian, but now an American citizen, she's a former Muslim, she's considered a Heretic and an Infidel and is under threat of death from The Religion of Peace.

Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I also recommend the film "Submission" which she wrote and was directed by Theo Van Gogh, he was murdered for making this film, he was shot eight times by a Moroccan Muslim Fundamentalist called Mohammed Bouyeri, a member of The Hofstad Network, listed as a terrorist organisation by Interpol.

Bouyeri was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, a second generation immigrant, like many of us have already mentioned, it's the second generation immigrants who are as dangerous as the parents, which is why none of them belong in Western nations.

Murdered for making a film, like others have been murdered for drawing cartoons.

Theo van Gogh (film director) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Submission (2004 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mohammed Bouyeri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hofstad Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edited to add link.
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali was given refuge status by the Dutch and granted asylum.

A few years later it was discovered she had lied to the authorities about her personal situation back in Somali so they kicked her out of the country.

Now she tells her pack of lies to gullible American's and makes big money selling books and giving speeches. ...... :cool:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was given refuge status by the Dutch and granted asylum.

A few years later it was discovered she had lied to the authorities about her personal situation back in Somali so they kicked her out of the country.

Now she tells her pack of lies to gullible American's and makes big money selling books and giving speeches. ...... :cool:

She's under threat of death, she's works to try and free Muslim women from repression, she also works to draw attention to the evil of FGM and she's also a Fellow at the John F. Kennedy Government School at Harvard University and she founded the non-profit AHA Foundation.

AHA Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She's under threat of death, she's works to try and free Muslim women from repression, she also works to draw attention to the evil of FGM and she's also a Fellow at the John F. Kennedy Government School at Harvard University and she founded the non-profit AHA Foundation.
She is a liar and a fraud.

I'll be happy when she has a resting place next to van Gogh. ...... :cool:

Sunni Man, please don't advocate such things as that Theo Van Gogh comment.
Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals

'Ayaan Hirsi Ali can recount in virtual slow motion the events of November 2, 2004—the day Theo Van Gogh, her collaborator on a film about abuse of women in certain Muslim societies, was assassinated. The Somali-born women’s rights advocate and writer, then a member of the Dutch Parliament, had herself received innumerable death threats for writing the film, entitled Submission. The Dutch Minister of Interior informed her of what had occurred: Mr. Van Gogh was shot eight times and left on an Amsterdam street with his throat slit and a large knife stuck in his chest. The killer used a second knife to attach a note to Mr. Van Gogh’s chest, warning of violence to Western nations and to Jews, and pronouncing a death sentence against Ms. Hirsi Ali.'

Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was given refuge status by the Dutch and granted asylum.

A few years later it was discovered she had lied to the authorities about her personal situation back in Somali so they kicked her out of the country.

Now she tells her pack of lies to gullible American's and makes big money selling books and giving speeches. ...... :cool:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was given refuge status by the Dutch and granted asylum.

A few years later it was discovered she had lied to the authorities about her personal situation back in Somali so they kicked her out of the country.

Now she tells her pack of lies to gullible American's and makes big money selling books and giving speeches. ...... :cool:

Predictably, with the publication of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s new book Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now, her critics are dragging out all the old canards they used to discredit her.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Why is a role model reviled?
When will America itself be hit again? Anyone care to guess? Actually does anyone really care in America? I mean as long as it happens to someone else it seems not to that a new milennial attitude?

Pictured: The ISIS terrorists who hacked 20 innocent victims to death
Americans are slaughtering Americans in massive numbers every day. Nobody has a problem with that so why are you getting uptight over stuff that is going on somewhere else ?
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Somehow I knew Tommy the terrorist sympathizer would arrive to school us on America's criminal element while gleefully cheerleading for a religious sect killing innocents around the world.
Chicago murder rate half way thru 2016 is now stands at 329. ...... :cool:

And how does that relate to the topic? But since you want to talk about Chicago....I will tell you how to solve that problem.....public hangings for all the perps ....irregardless of their age.

There is a legal precept for when a juvenile comitts a particuarly heinous crime aka 'charge them as an adult'...I say hang them as an adult! git mah drift boyo?
There is no proof that the death penalty acts as a deterrent.
That sir is not our intention.

We don't use it as a deterrent, we use it to rid ourselves of unnecessary burden.
Chicago murder rate half way thru 2016 is now stands at 329. ...... :cool:

And how does that relate to the topic? But since you want to talk about Chicago....I will tell you how to solve that problem.....public hangings for all the perps ....irregardless of their age.

There is a legal precept for when a juvenile comitts a particuarly heinous crime aka 'charge them as an adult'...I say hang them as an adult! git mah drift boyo?
There is no proof that the death penalty acts as a deterrent.

It certainly deters the perp that was hanged boyo.
How has it deterred them, they have presumably murdered somebody already ?
The death penalty keeps them from committing another murder. Also saves on the expense of housing them.
First they wail about to much pollution which is caused by people. But when somebody tries to help save the planet by thinning the herd they get all pissy about it.

Make up your mind.
Chicago murder rate half way thru 2016 is now stands at 329. ...... :cool:

And how does that relate to the topic? But since you want to talk about Chicago....I will tell you how to solve that problem.....public hangings for all the perps ....irregardless of their age.

There is a legal precept for when a juvenile comitts a particuarly heinous crime aka 'charge them as an adult'...I say hang them as an adult! git mah drift boyo?
There is no proof that the death penalty acts as a deterrent.

It certainly deters the perp that was hanged boyo.
How has it deterred them, they have presumably murdered somebody already ?
The death penalty keeps them from committing another murder. Also saves on the expense of housing them.
So it isnt a deterrent then.

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