The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Congressional Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics​

6 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

With moribund seriousness, the J6 Committee proceedings will be broadcast this week by the usual suspects: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of the legacy media that cares.
Trust me, the majority of the American people don’t. This clown show is one last opportunity for Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, soon-to-be-ousted Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin to posture, bloviate, and make it appear as though they are fighting against the evils of Donald Trump and for American Democracy… whatever that means.

From NTD News:
A former top adviser to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach admitted Sunday there was no “smoking gun” that suggested President Donald Trump planned the breach.
Denver Riggleman, a former Republican House representative, had recently been a senior adviser to the panel. He told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that there was no direct evidence that suggested the breach and protests outside the Capitol were premeditated.
The only threat to Cheney is that she is being exposed for the fraud she is. Her supposed duty to wake the American people up, and her feted role in American governance will soon be deemed irrelevant. With a 71 percent unfavorable rating in recent polls on the Wyoming Congressional race, it looks like Cheney will also be saying goodbye to her congressional seat. So, she is playing at statesman and arbiter of truth the way your three-year-old plays at tea party.
Good luck with that. Americans are concerned about $10.00 a gallon gas and feeding their families. Like the gang that can’t shoot straight, the Democrats and their willing allies like Cheney are throwing everything at the wall to detract from the Biden administration’s massive failings: the economy and energy being chief among them.
While this bunch cannot smell what it’s shoveling, the American people certainly do.
Americans have neither the patience, nor the bandwidth for political entertainment that masquerades as life-altering proceedings. We have a President who lies through his teleprompter constantly about the state of the nation and what he is doing. With over a year to see these elected fools in action, it’s no longer a stretch to believe this Joke-6 Committee is simply set up to do more of the same.

This farce is now, as of today, a year and a half old. How many taxpayer dollars have been spent on this already? When are the people held without trial going to be set free?
As an America citizen, I find very little wrong with the events of 06 Jan. Except of course, for the FBI and their CI's being planted within the crowd to stir up violence, and the unfortunate murder of Ashley Babbit by a capitol cop, who by the way, has not been jailed or brought to trial for that murder.
We as American citizens have the right to protest without fear that we are going to be jailed for it. Of course, since we aren't Antifa and BLM, we go down in flames for our rightful protest.
This committee is sickening. Our government is sickening. A day of reckoning is bound to happen eventually if these congress critters keep this nonsense up.
Meanwhile few if any have been prosecuted for the arson, looting and destruction of our towns and cities.

The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics​

6 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

With moribund seriousness, the J6 Committee proceedings will be broadcast this week by the usual suspects: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of the legacy media that cares.
Trust me, the majority of the American people don’t. This clown show is one last opportunity for Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, soon-to-be-ousted Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin to posture, bloviate, and make it appear as though they are fighting against the evils of Donald Trump and for American Democracy… whatever that means.

From NTD News:
A former top adviser to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach admitted Sunday there was no “smoking gun” that suggested President Donald Trump planned the breach.
Denver Riggleman, a former Republican House representative, had recently been a senior adviser to the panel. He told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that there was no direct evidence that suggested the breach and protests outside the Capitol were premeditated.
The only threat to Cheney is that she is being exposed for the fraud she is. Her supposed duty to wake the American people up, and her feted role in American governance will soon be deemed irrelevant. With a 71 percent unfavorable rating in recent polls on the Wyoming Congressional race, it looks like Cheney will also be saying goodbye to her congressional seat. So, she is playing at statesman and arbiter of truth the way your three-year-old plays at tea party.
Good luck with that. Americans are concerned about $10.00 a gallon gas and feeding their families. Like the gang that can’t shoot straight, the Democrats and their willing allies like Cheney are throwing everything at the wall to detract from the Biden administration’s massive failings: the economy and energy being chief among them.
While this bunch cannot smell what it’s shoveling, the American people certainly do.
Americans have neither the patience, nor the bandwidth for political entertainment that masquerades as life-altering proceedings. We have a President who lies through his teleprompter constantly about the state of the nation and what he is doing. With over a year to see these elected fools in action, it’s no longer a stretch to believe this Joke-6 Committee is simply set up to do more of the same.

This farce is now, as of today, a year and a half old. How many taxpayer dollars have been spent on this already? When are the people held without trial going to be set free?
As an America citizen, I find very little wrong with the events of 06 Jan. Except of course, for the FBI and their CI's being planted within the crowd to stir up violence, and the unfortunate murder of Ashley Babbit by a capitol cop, who by the way, has not been jailed or brought to trial for that murder.
We as American citizens have the right to protest without fear that we are going to be jailed for it. Of course, since we aren't Antifa and BLM, we go down in flames for our rightful protest.
This committee is sickening. Our government is sickening. A day of reckoning is bound to happen eventually if these congress critters keep this nonsense up.
Meanwhile few if any have been prosecuted for the arson, looting and destruction of our towns and cities.

The whole system is a joke.

And when I suggest a way of changing it for the better, most people ignore me.


The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics​

6 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

With moribund seriousness, the J6 Committee proceedings will be broadcast this week by the usual suspects: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of the legacy media that cares.
Trust me, the majority of the American people don’t. This clown show is one last opportunity for Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, soon-to-be-ousted Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin to posture, bloviate, and make it appear as though they are fighting against the evils of Donald Trump and for American Democracy… whatever that means.

From NTD News:
A former top adviser to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach admitted Sunday there was no “smoking gun” that suggested President Donald Trump planned the breach.
Denver Riggleman, a former Republican House representative, had recently been a senior adviser to the panel. He told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that there was no direct evidence that suggested the breach and protests outside the Capitol were premeditated.
The only threat to Cheney is that she is being exposed for the fraud she is. Her supposed duty to wake the American people up, and her feted role in American governance will soon be deemed irrelevant. With a 71 percent unfavorable rating in recent polls on the Wyoming Congressional race, it looks like Cheney will also be saying goodbye to her congressional seat. So, she is playing at statesman and arbiter of truth the way your three-year-old plays at tea party.
Good luck with that. Americans are concerned about $10.00 a gallon gas and feeding their families. Like the gang that can’t shoot straight, the Democrats and their willing allies like Cheney are throwing everything at the wall to detract from the Biden administration’s massive failings: the economy and energy being chief among them.
While this bunch cannot smell what it’s shoveling, the American people certainly do.
Americans have neither the patience, nor the bandwidth for political entertainment that masquerades as life-altering proceedings. We have a President who lies through his teleprompter constantly about the state of the nation and what he is doing. With over a year to see these elected fools in action, it’s no longer a stretch to believe this Joke-6 Committee is simply set up to do more of the same.

This farce is now, as of today, a year and a half old. How many taxpayer dollars have been spent on this already? When are the people held without trial going to be set free?
As an America citizen, I find very little wrong with the events of 06 Jan. Except of course, for the FBI and their CI's being planted within the crowd to stir up violence, and the unfortunate murder of Ashley Babbit by a capitol cop, who by the way, has not been jailed or brought to trial for that murder.
We as American citizens have the right to protest without fear that we are going to be jailed for it. Of course, since we aren't Antifa and BLM, we go down in flames for our rightful protest.
This committee is sickening. Our government is sickening. A day of reckoning is bound to happen eventually if these congress critters keep this nonsense up.
Meanwhile few if any have been prosecuted for the arson, looting and destruction of our towns and cities.

You don't see anything wrong with well over a hundred cops being injured, several deaths, the vice-president needing to be evacuated, the capitol building damaged for millions of dollars, etc.etc? For the reason of stopping the certification of a legal election?

But listening to you claiming that the violence was. a result of a conspiracy, kind of answers that question I guess.
You don't see anything wrong with well over a hundred cops being injured, several deaths, the vice-president needing to be evacuated, the capitol building damaged for millions of dollars, etc.etc? For the reason of stopping the certification of a legal election?

But listening to you claiming that the violence was. a result of a conspiracy, kind of answers that question I guess.
You don't see anything wrong with a whole summer's worth of looting, vandalism, arson, and outright murder by the progtard left?

As long as we're going to tell the truth, let's tell the WHOLE truth. The Vice President of the United States gave material support to criminal communist agitators. She did that, it's on record, it can't be denied.

Until you fuckers investigate THAT, and the assaults on my children, I don't want to hear word ONE about J6. Nancy Pelosi and her entire committee can go fuck themselves.
You don't see anything wrong with a whole summer's worth of looting, vandalism, arson, and outright murder by the progtard left?

As long as we're going to tell the truth, let's tell the WHOLE truth. The Vice President of the United States gave material support to criminal communist agitators. She did that, it's on record, it can't be denied.

Until you fuckers investigate THAT, and the assaults on my children, I don't want to hear word ONE about J6. Nancy Pelosi and her entire committee can go fuck themselves.
Ah, whataboutisms, the thing you do when you can't defend your own position.

For the record, I see something wrong with all of the things you described. I'm on record on this board, saying in multiple OP's that protesting is fine, even justified in my opinion in this case, violence during a protest isn't. The same position that ALL Democrats take to my knowledge. Find me any who say otherwise?

Having said that. I can show you multiple people here, but more importantly influential people in the real world on the right, that don't just agree with the sentiment that led to Jan 6th. But openly defend those that got arrested committing crimes. In fact. Being present during that day has been a ticket to the GOP nomination for the midterms for some of them.
Republicans TRYING to compare one instance totally different from the other.........."whataboutisms".

One was about a man dying in police custody.
One was about losing an election.

'Don't see anything wrong with a summer's worth of violence"?
Wow, someone does, over 15,000 people were arrested.

Did any "liberal" try to defend them by:

Claiming they were political prisoners?
Claim they did nothing wrong and were well behaved?
Blame the very people that were victims?
Blame prosecutors.
Blame judges?
Claim they were victims of a witch hunt?
Blame the FBI?
Blame the CIA?
Blame republicans?
Ah, whataboutisms, the thing you do when you can't defend your own position.

The Summer of Love was for real, fuckface. Ask anyone, in case you were asleep

For the record, I see something wrong with all of the things you described. I'm on record on this board, saying in multiple OP's that protesting is fine, even justified in my opinion in this case, violence during a protest isn't. The same position that ALL Democrats take to my knowledge. Find me any who say otherwise?

Having said that. I can show you multiple people here, but more importantly influential people in the real world on the right, that don't just agree with the sentiment that led to Jan 6th. But openly defend those that got arrested committing crimes. In fact. Being present during that day has been a ticket to the GOP nomination for the midterms for some of them.
Don't talk to me about four hours in DC, until you address the ENTIRE SUMMER of violence by the leftist progtards.
Did any "liberal" try to defend them by:

Claim they did nothing wrong and were well behaved?


Blame the very people that were victims?


Blame prosecutors.


Blame judges?


Claim they were victims of a witch hunt?


Blame the FBI?


Blame the CIA?


Blame republicans?

You forgot Trump. Him too

The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics​

6 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

With moribund seriousness, the J6 Committee proceedings will be broadcast this week by the usual suspects: CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of the legacy media that cares.
Trust me, the majority of the American people don’t. This clown show is one last opportunity for Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, soon-to-be-ousted Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin to posture, bloviate, and make it appear as though they are fighting against the evils of Donald Trump and for American Democracy… whatever that means.

From NTD News:
A former top adviser to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach admitted Sunday there was no “smoking gun” that suggested President Donald Trump planned the breach.
Denver Riggleman, a former Republican House representative, had recently been a senior adviser to the panel. He told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that there was no direct evidence that suggested the breach and protests outside the Capitol were premeditated.
The only threat to Cheney is that she is being exposed for the fraud she is. Her supposed duty to wake the American people up, and her feted role in American governance will soon be deemed irrelevant. With a 71 percent unfavorable rating in recent polls on the Wyoming Congressional race, it looks like Cheney will also be saying goodbye to her congressional seat. So, she is playing at statesman and arbiter of truth the way your three-year-old plays at tea party.
Good luck with that. Americans are concerned about $10.00 a gallon gas and feeding their families. Like the gang that can’t shoot straight, the Democrats and their willing allies like Cheney are throwing everything at the wall to detract from the Biden administration’s massive failings: the economy and energy being chief among them.
While this bunch cannot smell what it’s shoveling, the American people certainly do.
Americans have neither the patience, nor the bandwidth for political entertainment that masquerades as life-altering proceedings. We have a President who lies through his teleprompter constantly about the state of the nation and what he is doing. With over a year to see these elected fools in action, it’s no longer a stretch to believe this Joke-6 Committee is simply set up to do more of the same.

This farce is now, as of today, a year and a half old. How many taxpayer dollars have been spent on this already? When are the people held without trial going to be set free?
As an America citizen, I find very little wrong with the events of 06 Jan. Except of course, for the FBI and their CI's being planted within the crowd to stir up violence, and the unfortunate murder of Ashley Babbit by a capitol cop, who by the way, has not been jailed or brought to trial for that murder.
We as American citizens have the right to protest without fear that we are going to be jailed for it. Of course, since we aren't Antifa and BLM, we go down in flames for our rightful protest.
This committee is sickening. Our government is sickening. A day of reckoning is bound to happen eventually if these congress critters keep this nonsense up.
Meanwhile few if any have been prosecuted for the arson, looting and destruction of our towns and cities.

These "hearings" would make Stalin proud.

They are a page right out of his purges.

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