The Judgement and the Defendant in a Court of Law - Judge Engoron v Mr. Trump. The Ruling.

A large penalty was needed in order to teach Trump important business manners.
I would think people in growing companies will be wary of having their headquarters in Prog areas. What happened to Trump from what is said is rare. They will not want to be Trumped. A Prog politician or two a few months ago suggested government supermarkets or the same. They may happen in Prog areas. Like the Soviet ones. And a much-reduced product line.
The Judgment's sound and will not be reversed.

The amount of the fine may be decreased, which has always been the law.

The fine here does not seem excessive or the limitations on doing business in New York per what Trump was convicted of doing.
Nope. That is the GLOBALISTS first priority.

They, and you, will fail.
Trump is inno-fucking-cent. This is purely political and will get smacked down like the bitch you really are when it hits Robert's Bench.
Smacked down on what grounds?
The evidence is overwhelming.
I doubt if an appeals court will even hear it.
What a retarded comment. The Trump organization was investigated, at a cost of 40 million dollars to the US taxpayer, over a period of five years, by the most unethical pieces of shit the DOJ has in its employee, and they couldn't find a crime. We KNOW this. This kunt invented a criminal statute and has persecuted Trump for a crime with no victims. That is patently absurd. The fine by the corrupt judge is ridiculous. The normal fine for a case like this, is three times what the loss due to fraud is. There WERE NO LOSSES, thus there should be no fine.

Like I said, this is a corrupt persecution, by a corrupt judge and his even more corrupt AG.
Your post is fake news.
Trump got sweetheart deals on his loans because he inflated the value of his collateral
And the BANKS used their own teams of assessors to verify things. They were satisfied. All loans were repaid with interest. No victim, no crime. Tossed out on appeal.
SCOTUS will smack it down and you and the rest of the traitorous Left will be left with egg on your face.
How long do you plan on kicking the can down the road trying to make excuses for this fraudulent fool each time you find out he's been lying to you and you've been a fool for falling for it?
The "next time" isn't going to go any better for him than this time.
You are putting all your hopes into a mirage.
Trump is done. He's reached the end of his rope.
The sooner you realize that and quit feeling like you need to defend him each time he falls the sooner you'll be able to reconnect with reality.
How long do you plan on kicking the can down the road trying to make excuses for this fraudulent fool each time you find out he's been lying to you and you've been a fool for falling for it?
The "next time" isn't going to go any better for him than this time.
You are putting all your hopes into a mirage.
Trump is done. He's reached the end of his rope.
The sooner you realize that and quit feeling like you need to defend him each time he falls the sooner you'll be able to reconnect with reality.
And then all we will be stuck with is yet another limp dick RINO who will guarantee another far Left Communist win for you pricks. Is that what you want, fucking Communist?
  • This kunt invented .......
  • limp dick RINO ..... you pricks. ......fucking Communist....
  • You fuckers have everything, media, schools, everything ......

You sound triggered, snowflake.

Yeah, MagicMike, both poster Westwall and poster GMC appear triggered, overwrought and histrionic.
And they both write exactly like all those cliche's suggest to us about the educational level of the MAGA/QAnon slice of America.

It's sad.

Yeah, MagicMike, both poster Westwall and poster GMC appear triggered, overwrought and histrionic.
And they both write exactly like all those cliche's suggest to us about the educational level of the MAGA/QAnon slice of America.

It's sad.

Oh? Pointing out well established facts is being triggered?

What is it then, when silly people, like you, declare something, but when the facts are known, you deny, deny, and deny again?

What sort of mental illness is that?
Oh? Pointing out well established facts is being triggered?

What is it then, when silly people, like you, declare something, but when the facts are known, you deny, deny, and deny again?

What sort of mental illness is that?
It's called Liberalism. There is only one cure for it, and that is reality.
Eggmoron will never prevail
None will
It’s not about prevailing anyway
It’s about incessant front page smearing of Trump onto a 50% mentally and emotionally stilted public. They know Full Well that 1-3 years after the splashy, bold print front page charges, the acquittals will come way later in small print at bottom of page 23. But by then Orange man bad smearing has run an effective course
It's a beautiful thing watching the gears of justice slowly grind a well deserved corrupt, orange bag O' shit into mulch.
Same difference
No, liberals are ok. The original definition of liberal is "liberty from government".

Progressive is just another name for fascist.

Don't let them get away with devolving the English language.
No, liberals are ok. The original definition of liberal is "liberty from government".

Progressive is just another name for fascist.

Don't let them get away with devolving the English language.
True. I would best describe Progressives as Communists also.

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