The Kardashians!!


Lady Germanotta Snicks
Dec 4, 2011
What do you really think about the Kardashians? Who is your fave and least fave? Do you lie awake at night wondering how poor Kim will survive as a divorcee? The drama!:tongue:
Maybe Trump can make them ambassadors to Venezuela...
Kardashians Do Cuba: The World’s Coolest Place
Shooting the next show at a Stalinist death-camp.
May 12, 2016
Humberto Fontova


Another area where cool people are very sensitive is the issue of “gay rights.” And as we’ve recently learned in the cases of Indiana and North Carolina, in the view of cool people, the very definition of “gay rights” can be pretty broad.

So you do not want the distinction of being the only regime in the history of the Western hemisphere to have herded tens of thousands of men and boys into forced labor camps at Soviet bayonet-point for the crime of being gay, genuine or suspected. You especially do not want the International Court of Justice in The Hague to have this on file: “Castro’s Cuba is responsible for the persecution, imprisonment in forced labor concentration camps, torture, banishment, and death of thousands of gays, transvestites and lesbians." This was filed only a few years ago by one of the world’s biggest gay rights groups, Brazil’s “Grupo Gay da Bahía.”

Whoops! Sorry again! Seems I just described Castro’s Cuba, the world’s coolest place.

“Women’s rights” are also important for cool people. These “rights”—we’ve recently been given to understand by the ultra-cool Sandra Fluke –are extremely far-reaching and should include taxpayer-subsidized contraceptives for women.

So you do not want the distinction of having jailed and tortured 35,150 women and girls for political crimes, a totalitarian horror utterly unknown in the Western Hemisphere until Gisele Bundchen’s fashion icon co-founded a regime with Karl Lagerfeld’s gracious host this week.

The prison conditions for these poor women and girls were described by former political prisoner Maritza Lugo thusly: "The punishment cells measure 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. The toilet consists of an 8 inch hole in the ground through which cockroaches and rats enter, especially in cool temperatures the rats come inside to seek the warmth of our bodies and we were often bitten. The suicide rate among women prisoners was very high."

Whoops! Sorry. Above I again described Castro’s Cuba, the world’s coolest place.

Cool people also make a big show of promoting “peace.” To hear them babble, armed conflict between nations has always been a historical abomination. So you definitely do not want to be on record as being modern history’s most crazed warmongers, to the point of wantonly bringing the world to the very precipice of nuclear war.

We reject any peaceful approach! Violence is inevitable! To establish socialism rivers of blood must flow! If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims! Hatred is the central element of our struggle!

And you certainly do not want to make an icon of the racist, mass-murdering warmonger responsible for the hate speech quoted above by plastering his image all over your fiefdom. Cool people might get the wrong idea and start mimicking the fashion sense of modern history’s most crazed nuclear warmonger by adopting his berets as the coolest fashion item for the coolest fashion show in the world.

And if anyone should expose the atrocities above with thorough documentation in a series of internationally-acclaimed books your KGB-founded and mentored media should denounce him as a “soudrel and traitor.”

Kardashians Do Cuba: The World’s Coolest Place
We talking about that freak family? the Kardashians like that???



I prefer normal families....

like this one

and on that sincere note ....I say good night! :p

Personally, I wish they would all be beamed up by aliens and never seen again.
The Ks do serve one useful purpose. They give the low info dimocrat voters something to do between elections.
Kim K. butt is wiiiiiiiide and big. Yuk. Not my type and if she is not famous I will not even dare to look at it.


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