The KKK’s Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump

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To be fair this does not mean Trump endorses the kkk. Like if the communist party endorses Clinton it does not mean she endorses it. I'm sure righties wont call Clinton a communist on flimsy bs like that right?

That is true, however -

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Hillary and the Democrats like to play Robin Hood outside of the limited mandate of taxation under the Constitution. How are she and they not compatible with this most essential Communist slogan?

Oh my. I guess all those Republicans who allow taxation are commies too!


And the problem is taxation outside constitutional authority, not taxation itself.

Donald Trump wants to continue this unconstitutional taxation!

Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?
Just shows how ridiculous US politics is when the far right goes and supports one of the main two parties. In other countries they'd never do that.
Well, indirectly they do, or at least we have the media/government buffoonery spreading the insinuation. We have EXACTLY that circumstance in Sweden, Holland, France, Germany, Hungary, etc.

Indirectly? Meaning, they don't?
No, meaning that White supremacy-type organizations don't make public announcements on anything, let alone what political party they have decided to encourage supporting. "Indirectly" in the sense that one assumes they prefer X or Z party.
The KKK’s Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump
Source: Occupy Democrats
As CBS anchor Scott Pelley once observed to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s face during an interview, “You love hearing about yourself. It is oxygen to you.” Trump responded in his typical braggart manner that he has been on the cover of more publications than any supermodel and that he enjoys hanging the covers on his office wall as trophies because they are “cheaper than wallpaper.” Cheap and tacky, that’s quintessential Trump.

However, Trump likely won’t be adorning his wall with the latest edition of “The Crusader“, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan, who just put Trump on their cover with a glowing endorsement of his candidacy with a promise of a resurgence of white supremacy. ...........

......... To believe Trump isn’t in cahoots with white supremacists is not in line with reality. For example Trump has personally rewtweeted at least 75 posts directly from other white supremacists. The Republican party’s leadership accepts the white supremacist support for their standard bearer and during Trump’s acceptance speech of the GOP nomination at the Republican National Convention they put the Twitter comments of a known racist on four large screens in the arena for all to see.

Trump even accepted one of America’s most famous racists, William Johnson, as an official delegate in California. Johnson is the leader of the American Freedom Party which, “exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”

Read more: The KKK's Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump

That's it? That's your personal contribution to yet another cut n past hack job thread?

You're a joke
The KKK’s Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump
Source: Occupy Democrats
As CBS anchor Scott Pelley once observed to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s face during an interview, “You love hearing about yourself. It is oxygen to you.” Trump responded in his typical braggart manner that he has been on the cover of more publications than any supermodel and that he enjoys hanging the covers on his office wall as trophies because they are “cheaper than wallpaper.” Cheap and tacky, that’s quintessential Trump.

However, Trump likely won’t be adorning his wall with the latest edition of “The Crusader“, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan, who just put Trump on their cover with a glowing endorsement of his candidacy with a promise of a resurgence of white supremacy. ...........

......... To believe Trump isn’t in cahoots with white supremacists is not in line with reality. For example Trump has personally rewtweeted at least 75 posts directly from other white supremacists. The Republican party’s leadership accepts the white supremacist support for their standard bearer and during Trump’s acceptance speech of the GOP nomination at the Republican National Convention they put the Twitter comments of a known racist on four large screens in the arena for all to see.

Trump even accepted one of America’s most famous racists, William Johnson, as an official delegate in California. Johnson is the leader of the American Freedom Party which, “exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”

Read more: The KKK's Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump

That's it? That's your personal contribution to yet another cut n past hack job thread?

You're a joke

This poster is a drive-by leftist coward with particularly poor aim, most of the time he shoots himself in the foot.
The KKK’s Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump
Source: Occupy Democrats

There is no “KKK’s Official Newspaper”. The Ku Klux Klan has not existed, in any meaningful form, for several decades now, so there cannot be an “KKK's official” anything.

Of course, it ought to have been obvious, just from who the cited source is, that this story is solid digestive waste from a male bovine. Occutards are physically-incapable of telling the truth. Anything from an occutard source can safely be assumed to be a lie.

:rolleyes:You people will believe anything. What you seem to be too stupid to understand is that others are not as dumb as you and recognize bullshit when they see it.
That is true, however -

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Hillary and the Democrats like to play Robin Hood outside of the limited mandate of taxation under the Constitution. How are she and they not compatible with this most essential Communist slogan?

Oh my. I guess all those Republicans who allow taxation are commies too!


And the problem is taxation outside constitutional authority, not taxation itself.

Donald Trump wants to continue this unconstitutional taxation!

Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?

Oh my. I guess all those Republicans who allow taxation are commies too!


And the problem is taxation outside constitutional authority, not taxation itself.

Donald Trump wants to continue this unconstitutional taxation!

Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?


So, are you saying he didn't say that then?

And the problem is taxation outside constitutional authority, not taxation itself.

Donald Trump wants to continue this unconstitutional taxation!

Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?


So, are you saying he didn't say that then?

It will be a natural progression. Are you really THAT thick?
Donald Trump wants to continue this unconstitutional taxation!

Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?


So, are you saying he didn't say that then?

It will be a natural progression. Are you really THAT thick?

Natural progression? So, you're saying he DIDN'T SAY THAT? You just want to believe and you come up, not only with bullshit like "natural progression" but also insults.

Dude, you know he didn't say it. So why are you pretending he did?
Perhaps. In any case, nonsensical Democrat policies will be defunded.

You think? Where did he say he'd do that?


So, are you saying he didn't say that then?

It will be a natural progression. Are you really THAT thick?

Natural progression? So, you're saying he DIDN'T SAY THAT? You just want to believe and you come up, not only with bullshit like "natural progression" but also insults.

Dude, you know he didn't say it. So why are you pretending he did?

Your ability to make logical connections is abysmally thin.
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