The Kock brothers


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Now that the liberal democrats have the entire government within their firm grasp, with House Republicans like Boehner caving to Obama's every whim, it seems to me that the democrats are running out of people to blame for the failings within the nation. I think this is why I hear more and more blaming of private citizens like the Koch brothers who fund conservative causes around the country.

If so, is this just the beginning?
Now that the liberal democrats have the entire government within their firm grasp, with House Republicans like Boehner caving to Obama's every whim, it seems to me that the democrats are running out of people to blame for the failings within the nation. I think this is why I hear more and more blaming of private citizens like the Koch brothers who fund conservative causes around the country.

If so, is this just the beginning?

It's the old Washingtonian "Scape Goat of the Month" routine, right now it's the Koch Brothers (how dare they be successful and use their own money to fund causes they believe in! The bastages!) turn to be blamed for all the screw ups in Washington and the ills besetting the Nation, next month it'll be somebody else and so on and so forth, should leave every American wondering when it's going to be their turn to play the scape goat.

One thing you can be sure of though is that the politicians and bureaucrats will NEVER accept any responsibility for their own mistakes, although they'll be more than happy to take credit for ANYTHING positive that happens whether they had anything to do with it or not.

"The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

ALEC Exposed

Yep, ALEC works via the states. They write legislation. Cato-Koch brothers. Tea Party-Koch brothers. Nice, eh? Control the input via Cato and the output via the Tea Party. Article V? Also an ALEC project. That one is fascinating. People care so little for the Constitution that they will allow corporations to rewrite it.

Somewhere down the line someone thought it would be a good thing to allow corporations to write the legislation. The rest of America considers people that are in lockstep with these folks: traitors.

But, that isn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem are those folks that were disgruntled enough to join the Tea Party to begin with will realize that they are being used. That pisses me off. I despise people that exploit others for fun and profit.

But he isn't the only Private Citizen. Pete Peterson and his astroturf campaing on Fix the Debt:
The Campaign to Fix the Debt is the latest incarnation of a decades-long effort by former Nixon man turned Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson to slash earned benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare under the guise of fixing the nation's "debt problem." Through this special report -- and in partnership with The Nation magazine -- the Center for Media and Democracy exposes the funding, the leaders, the partner groups, and phony state "chapters" of this astroturf supergroup," whose goal is to achieve a grand bargain on austerity by July 4, 2013.[1]
Portal:Fix the Debt - SourceWatch

Ya, who profits?

You got time? I have a list. Don't give me any Soros nonsense as a rebuttal. This isn't a trust him moar thing. These clowns have been in action since the 1970s.
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

You can pick them as a role model, but that won't give you rich parents.
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.

immigration reform; from the view of left-wing nutjobs; aka amnesty
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Hypocrites and liars. It's not really ironic any more as just par for the course. Though, liberals used to mask a lot of it through some type of pretzel logic. Now, they embrace it and you will not find an ounce of shame among these hypocrites.
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Name one piece of legislation that the majority of America has been in favor of and the majority of the Democratic party has been in favor of and Soros told them to take it off the table and the Democratic party did. Soros may put large amounts of money into politics and for that he hopes he influence policy. Koch brothers put large amounts into politics and then expects to call the shots, which he does. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think for themselves. That is known by people who contribute to Democrat's campaigns. Republicans are up for sale. Currently Koch brothers are the highest bidder. Tomorrow who know who it will be. There is one thing for sure, Republicans will dance for whoever plays the tune.
"name one piece.......

love the way you idiots demand to frame the debate. i could post a dozen comments about the undue influence soros' groups have over the Dem Party; but you would still whine like a bitch that they didnt meet your narrow critieria'

ur a joke
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.



what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Name one piece of legislation that the majority of America has been in favor of and the majority of the Democratic party has been in favor of and Soros told them to take it off the table and the Democratic party did. Soros may put large amounts of money into politics and for that he hopes he influence policy. Koch brothers put large amounts into politics and then expects to call the shots, which he does. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think for themselves. That is known by people who contribute to Democrat's campaigns. Republicans are up for sale. Currently Koch brothers are the highest bidder. Tomorrow who know who it will be. There is one thing for sure, Republicans will dance for whoever plays the tune.


So far you've offered nothing but bloviating as your evidence to assertion.
Since 2003, anti-American billionaire George Soros has spent more than$52 million funding media properties, and he has direct ties to more than30 news outlets—including The New York Times, The Washington Post,the Associated Press, CNN, and ABC. In keeping with his hard-left socialist vision for America, Soros goes after this the best way he knows how—through accessing and controlling the "news" media. And if that weren't enough, George Soros has now accepted a position on the National Finance Council of the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, a group paving the way for a 2016 presidential run for the former first lady. If the MRC doesn't expose Soros and neutralize these efforts, who knows where we'll be!
Connections: George Soros has direct or once-removed relationships with 2,074 people, organizations or other entities in our database of the most influential people in America. Under a scoring system that gives more weight to direct links, this score is higher than 99% of all entries. Click here for interactive map of connections.

Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire (April 17, 2012) Newly recently released tax documents, examined and analyzed by Tina Trent of The Soros Files, reveal how billionaire "philanthropist" George Soros expanded his U.S.-based empire by using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Obama stimulus. Soros and Obama worked hand-in-glove through the stimulus, which has been called the largest single partisan wealth transfer in American history.
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Name one piece of legislation that the majority of America has been in favor of and the majority of the Democratic party has been in favor of and Soros told them to take it off the table and the Democratic party did. Soros may put large amounts of money into politics and for that he hopes he influence policy. Koch brothers put large amounts into politics and then expects to call the shots, which he does. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think for themselves. That is known by people who contribute to Democrat's campaigns. Republicans are up for sale. Currently Koch brothers are the highest bidder. Tomorrow who know who it will be. There is one thing for sure, Republicans will dance for whoever plays the tune.

Are you serious? I guess you aren't keeping up with your own. Research Soros and green initiatives. (might want to include his investments in that area and the loans they have gotten through this administration as well)
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?
Pretty much besides the point, have our great entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, etc.. (people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Sloan, Vanderbilt, Gates, Einstein, Picasso, Morgan, Jobs, had character flaws (some pretty severe ones), of course they have, however the part that's WORTH EMULATING is the part that drove them to be the best at whatever field of endeavor they choose to follow, the part that drove them to change the world for the better, the part that drove them to produce VALUE for society. However if you're looking for some water walking, flawless character to emulate I believe you're going to be severely disappointed (especially if you're looking at politicians, who are just useless leeches that produce nothing).

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

"Corporate Governance" ??? What the heck is that? If you're referring to corporate rent seekers and influence buyers perhaps you should place the blame on the SELLERS (i.e. the elected "representatives of the people" and their legions of bureaucrats that sell favoritism to the highest bidders) and not the buyers.
I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?
Pretty much besides the point, have our great entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, etc.. (people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Sloan, Vanderbilt, Gates, Einstein, Picasso, Morgan, Jobs, had character flaws (some pretty severe ones), of course they have, however the part that's WORTH EMULATING is the part that drove them to be the best at whatever field of endeavor they choose to follow, the part that drove them to change the world for the better, the part that drove them to produce VALUE for society. However if you're looking for some water walking, flawless character to emulate I believe you're going to be severely disappointed (especially if you're looking at politicians, who are just useless leeches that produce nothing).

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

"Corporate Governance" ??? What the heck is that? If you're referring to corporate rent seekers and influence buyers perhaps you should place the blame on the SELLERS (i.e. the elected "representatives of the people" and their legions of bureaucrats that sell favoritism to the highest bidders) and not the buyers.

Or in the case of the Koch brothers have your dad do all the hard work and inherit a company. Everybody can emulate that.

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