The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"


The Sniper Kitten
Aug 8, 2013

Awee, Boo Hoo Hoo, we can't get I.D.'s to vote in the 2014/2016 elections because it's just too far to get to our local main street/government center complex.
Right? isn't that the first excuse we all hear when a liberal commentator is asked about this issue?
Did anyone see Alan Colmes on O'Reilly last night? He said something like, "Hundreds and Hundreds" of miles to get to the destination to acquire any kind of legal I.D.
Hundreds? as in the width of Texas? God, if you live 200/300 miles of your nearest town center, you probably are either unemployed, and living in a tent, or an illegal alien hiding out where no one will find you.
And libs always have a hard time answering the question, well, they still have over a year to get the proper I.D.'s to vote, so what is the F******ing Problem in getting registered?
Yet, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives never seem to have a problem getting their I.D.s in tact and getting registered in time. Right?:up:
Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.
well the voter ID issue will be around right thru 2016. the left will never stop bitching over how the purple states are imposing the laws as fairly as humanly possible in acquiring a ID to vote, but the left will never stop giving the red governors hell. the left believes that the dumb and uninformed have the right to vote 2 to 10 times when their candidate is 15 points behind in the polls.
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist
Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.

1) She was arrested for filling in empty ovals on the ballot. Not for changing anything. Stop lying.

2) How do you vote in two different precincts? And if you do manage to pull it off, how do you talk your way out of it if you're caught?

3) Voter ID will solve all but the dishonest poll worker, like the Ohio dimocrap that got 5 years in Prison for actual fraud.

Here's the deal. Talk to ANY prosecutor. Like next time you get hauled in front of the Judge for being stupid in public, maybe.

ANY prosecutor will tell you that they don't even bother bringing voter fraud cases because it's almost impossible to get a conviction, so why bother? They got bigger fish to fry and they might actually get a conviction on them.

Voter fraud in every State I know of -- You have to KNOWINGLY commit fraud to be convicted.

IOW, all you gotta do is say, "I didn't know I was doing wrong" and you're off the hook.

Thelma takes her dead sister's Voter Registration to the Poll and votes under her name? All she's gotta do is say, "Well, my sister asked my to vote for her" and she's off the hook. Not guilty

A person votes for her three cousins and invalid daddy? All she's gotta do is say, "I had their permission and I didn't know I was doing wrong." Not guilty.

But with an ID you can't get away with that. No way. No fucking way.

You can't go in and vote for your dead Aunt or Uncle and claim ignorance because now, you MUST show ID as proof that you ARE that person.

Same works with incarcerated individuals.

Jimmy takes his Brother's voter registration and votes in his place and if he gets caught, just say, "I was voting for my imprisoned brother like he wanted me to. I didn't know it was wrong." Not guilty.

And there is NO way to get a conviction. It.Just.Can't.Be.Done.

That's the way the law works.

And these fraudulent voters are getting paid by the vote, as well.

dimocrap scum activists procure voter registrations of dead people, people in prison, people in hospitals and in asylums, people who can't vote for a variety of reasons and PAY others to vote in their place.

They tell them, they educate them up front on how to get away with it if they're caught.

We don't even bother trying any more. Can't get a conviction anyway so what's the point.

But now? Now with Voter ID?

No way you can deny you didn't know you were breaking the law by pretending to be someone you're not.

Now we're going to see dimocrap scum panic.

I predict a MASSIVE increase in absentee ballots. That's about the only way they can cheat in Voter ID States anymore.

And absentee ballots are subject to more scrutiny than in-person ballots.

dimocrap scum are panicking over this, and for good reason. Ever since the Motor-Voter law they been cheating like the criminals they are
and they bring in the older/disabled americans who cant get an ID. huh? so in other words, a 80 yr old man who has lived here all of his life has no birth certificate/drivers license yet, social security card?

Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.

Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.

1) She was arrested for filling in empty ovals on the ballot. Not for changing anything. Stop lying.

Filling in circles is changing a ballot. Stop avoiding the question. How would Voter ID have stopped her?

2) How do you vote in two different precincts? And if you do manage to pull it off, how do you talk your way out of it if you're caught?

There have been cases of fraud where people voted in two precincts. They were registered in two precincts. How would Voter ID stop this?

3) Voter ID will solve all but the dishonest poll worker, like the Ohio dimocrap that got 5 years in Prison for actual fraud.

Ipse dixit. You have not explained how Voter ID will solve all fraud.

I see a lot of hot air to cover up the fact you cannot provide a single case of fraud in which Voter ID is the only way to stop or prevent it. The existing system simply needs to be fixed, not more shit added on top to come between you and your constitutional right.

You are a typical liberal who wants more government.
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Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

That's sad that you see things this way... who said anything about black people so stupid? Other than you of course... sad that that is where you immediately go.

So, old and poor people don't cash checks? They don't go to the SS office? Go there and try to get service without an ID.. you can't.

Again, you can't function without an ID.

Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


mad because I beat you to the punch?

This doesn't stop anyone from voting. But that's what repubs keep harping on "This doesn't stop anyone!"

It does restrict tho...they cant even deny it.

Lets say you're hungry and on my island everyone has a right to 3 meals a day. Then I put One meal in a circle of fire, lunch in a cobras den and dinner in the crotch of a sweaty aborigine witch doctor.

Now i'll repeat what the repubs are saying so you get it.

"I'm not stopping anyone from eating" *wink wink*

Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


They see everything through the prism of gender, race and sexual orientation... it's a borderline mental illness. Everybody's is immediately divided up and cast into a group.

Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


mad because I beat you to the punch?

This doesn't stop anyone from voting. But that's what repubs keep harping on "This doesn't stop anyone!"

It does restrict tho...they cant even deny it.

Lets say you're hungry and on my island everyone has a right to 3 meals a day. Then I put One meal in a circle of fire, lunch in a cobras den and dinner in the crotch of a sweaty aborigine witch doctor.

Now i'll repeat what the repubs are saying so you get it.

"I'm not stopping anyone from eating" *wink wink*

Not sure what any of that has to do with my post, but I certainly appreciate your effort.


Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


They see everything through the prism of gender, race and sexual orientation... it's a borderline mental illness. Everybody's is immediately divided up and cast into a group.

It's just a very, very effective political strategy, deployed by some very, very intellectually dishonest people.

and they bring in the older/disabled americans who cant get an ID. huh? so in other words, a 80 yr old man who has lived here all of his life has no birth certificate/drivers license yet, social security card?

How does ANYONE live in this Country for 80 years without an ID?

Explain that to me.

And one other thing I will remind you of.... Millions of good men and women have DIED to give you the PRIVILEGE of Voting.

Voting is NOT a right, it is a privilege. Get that through your head once and for all.

Millions more good men and women were horrendously and grievously wounded and maimed to give you the Privilege of voting.

And Millions more than all of them will never be the same because of nightmares and memories that won't go away.

All to give you the Privilege of voting.

And dimocrap scum want to make excuse for people who are too goddamned fucking lazy and stupid to go get an ID so they can make sure the process is not tainted?

Because if you cast a vote for Ms Jones and an illegal voter comes along and casts a vote for her opponent, Mr Smith, that illegal voter has just cancelled out YOUR vote.

But dimocraps already know that. And they don't care.

Do you think for one second that if it was Republicans doing all the cheating that they wouldn't be all for it?

Yeah, right. We know why they're fighting it. Because dimocraps cheat like the criminals they are.

And all those brave Men and Women died and suffered for nothing when that happens.

So FUCK anybody that is too goddamned lazy and ignorant to go to a little tiny bit of trouble to get an ID.

They should think about those Men who stormed Normandy or were in the Bataan Death March.

THAT wasi nconvenience
Actual types of fraud which occur:

Someone votes in a precinct in which they do not reside. Voter ID cannot stop this.

Someone votes more than once by absentee ballot, or casts an absentee ballot in someone else's name. Voter ID cannot stop this.

A poll worker alters ballots. Voter ID cannot stop this.

There are problems with the existing system which need to be fixed. When someone dies, they are not always removed from the voter registration rolls. If you are carrying an ID, this does not magically fix the problem. It does not remove dead people from the rolls. Cure the disease, not the symptoms.

When people move, there is not always a mechanism to have them removed from the voter registration rolls of where they moved away from. Voter ID won't fix that, either. We need to fix what is broken, not add more government shit which can be broken. That concept is completely antithetical to conservatism.

Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


They see everything through the prism of gender, race and sexual orientation... it's a borderline mental illness. Everybody's is immediately divided up and cast into a group.

It's just a very, very effective political strategy, deployed by some very, very intellectually dishonest people.


Think maybe it's time to start calling them on it?
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.

Since Voter ID won't fix what is broken, and won't stop the kinds of fraud which actually occur, then those of you who are for it need to ask yourselves what the real reason is for why you are being led like sheep into demanding national identity papers for everyone.

Papers! Papers, please!

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