The Latest and Most Outrageous Leftist Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

That is to say, "rich" retirees with investment portfolios in the millions maybe should have their monthly stipend capped. It's just a thought.

But since that initiative would truly be punishing The Rich, shouldn't Leftists support it? Or would they fight it on the basis that all governents handouts, no matter how absurd, are sacrosanct? They surely wouldn't pretend that this is another case of Republicans punishing poor retirees.

Or would they? Truth is never an obstacle to Leftists.
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.
I like the morons who claim the tax cut affect Social Security and Medicare.

It’s as if these fools have never even looked at their paychecks.

There are the FICA deductions.

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) is the federal law that requires you to withhold three separate taxes from the wages you pay your employees. FICA is comprised of:

  • a 6.2 percent Social Security tax;
  • a 1.45 percent Medicare tax (the “regular” Medicare tax); and
  • beginning in 2013, a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax when the employee earns over $200,000.

These were not affected by the tax cuts. Pull your heads out of your asses.
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.

so; this is an issue that both sides will have to come together on or the whole thing will crumble of its own weight

retirement age was set right at the point of what the average lifespan was

my guess is that Trump won't tackle it until his 2nd term
Before the retirement age is messed with again, the cap on contributions will be increased or eliminated. And I wonder if our elected leaders will do anything about Gub'mint employees retiring at 52, with full pension and lifetime free healthcare...While their contemporaries in the Real World have to continue working for another couple decades.
But since that initiative would truly be punishing The Rich, shouldn't Leftists support it?

As a lefty, I fully support means testing......technically, Trump is eligible for social security payments......

The gutting of social security and Medicare has given Ryan a "boner" for years....

Luckily, Ryan will retire to a lobbying job if the Dems. take the House next Nov.
Since the retirement age is almost untouchable (maybe a year or two at the most because peoples' health improvement does not correlate to working age), the means test should go to the first $1mm. Not only would that make SS super, it would give the government other money to play with to give the rich more tax breaks.

Don't doubt that Ryan gets hard when he thinks about hurting old people in their SS and medicare.
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.

so; this is an issue that both sides will have to come together on or the whole thing will crumble of its own weight

retirement age was set right at the point of what the average lifespan was

my guess is that Trump won't tackle it until his 2nd term
Trump may well not get past early 2019.
Trump may well not get past early 2019.

no chance he is ousted - zero

republicans are almost guaranteed to add seats in the Senate (we probably lose seats in the House though, but probably not our majority)

I expect a 2nd term, mostly because of this tax bill and the economy doing better

anyway - SS reform is an area I truly believe we need to see both sides work together
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

It's not a secret plan. SS is hurtling towards insolvency. The FAKE lockbox is just a bunch of IOUs to be paid by future taxpayers. Given that ratio of taxpayers to SS recipients has declined from 16.5:1 (1950s) to less than 3:1 today, the collapse is inevitable. We should have privatized to a Chilean style system decades ago.
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dcbl, did you not say the VA and Alabama elections were sure things? Other than Gorsuch and the Ryan tax bill, 'winning' is not a term associated with Trump.

Don't expect anything positive from now on from Trump or the GOP in Congress.

SS needs a greater means test, and Medicare is fine.
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.
Don’t they know SS is paid into in a separate FICA tax and that wasn’t touched. Holy fk, the lack of fking knowledge on the left
I like the morons who claim the tax cut affect Social Security and Medicare.

It’s as if these fools have never even looked at their paychecks.

There are the FICA deductions.

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) is the federal law that requires you to withhold three separate taxes from the wages you pay your employees. FICA is comprised of:

  • a 6.2 percent Social Security tax;
  • a 1.45 percent Medicare tax (the “regular” Medicare tax); and
  • beginning in 2013, a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax when the employee earns over $200,000.

These were not affected by the tax cuts. Pull your heads out of your asses.

It's the PAYGO act. Raising deficits automatically triggers cuts to spending, including medicare spending:

The Republican tax bill could force billions of dollars in cuts to programs like Medicare
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

I don't know if that's a secret or lie.

But I do know that it's a great plan.
I like the morons who claim the tax cut affect Social Security and Medicare.

It’s as if these fools have never even looked at their paychecks.

There are the FICA deductions.

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) is the federal law that requires you to withhold three separate taxes from the wages you pay your employees. FICA is comprised of:

  • a 6.2 percent Social Security tax;
  • a 1.45 percent Medicare tax (the “regular” Medicare tax); and
  • beginning in 2013, a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax when the employee earns over $200,000.

These were not affected by the tax cuts. Pull your heads out of your asses.

It's the PAYGO act. Raising deficits automatically triggers cuts to spending, including medicare spending:

The Republican tax bill could force billions of dollars in cuts to programs like Medicare

Since cuts in military spending is considered the "third rail"for right wingers, the ONLY other pots to dip into are indeed, SS and Medicare (and Medicaid.)

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