The Latest and Most Outrageous Leftist Lie

....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
Anything to avoid the super rich from pay more like their fair share, right, Dukes?
Sure dude fair share LOL. You have no idea what that is. Nice bumper sticker
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.

They're not going to end it, they're going to amend it. They're going to try to set new all-time-low benefits that will go into affect for people who are in their mid-50's now. People who are currently in the system or will be in the next few years won't be affected. But they've got to fill that $1.5 trillion new hole in the deficit somehow.
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.

so; this is an issue that both sides will have to come together on or the whole thing will crumble of its own weight

retirement age was set right at the point of what the average lifespan was

my guess is that Trump won't tackle it until his 2nd term

2nd term. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Funny. I doubt the orange goon will make it into the third year of his first term before he is forced to resign.
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
The GOP is as likely to end SS as the far left is to mount a coup against Trump.

They're not going to end it, they're going to amend it. They're going to try to set new all-time-low benefits that will go into affect for people who are in their mid-50's now. People who are currently in the system or will be in the next few years won't be affected. But they've got to fill that $1.5 trillion new hole in the deficit somehow.
It’s called increased tax payers and fewer freebies . Swap those puppies and baddaboom
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
1.5 is less than 10 trillion you never cared about with obummer. Now you care! Lmfbo
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
Anything to avoid the super rich from pay more like their fair share, right, Dukes?
Sure dude fair share LOL. You have no idea what that is. Nice bumper sticker
I'll let you into a little secret, super dupe. Republicans and Democrats simply guess at what they can get away with, Republicans for robbing the non rich, Democrats at finding a reasonable compromise that is best for the country. When the richest 1% get basically all the new wealth and the country is falling apart, their fair share is a hell of a lot more. When it was the American Century, the rich paid a top rate of 70 to 90% And the country as a whole prospered...
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[QU toOTE="jc456, post: 18903937, member: 46512"]
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
1.5 is less than 10 trillion you never cared about with obummer. Now you care! Lmfbo[/QUOTE]
Because we know that almost all of Obama's debt was bailouts of America and assistance for the victims that had nothing to do with Obama just the miserable economy your lying thieving GOP saddled us with in 2009. D u h!
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
Anything to avoid the super rich from pay more like their fair share, right, Dukes?
Sure dude fair share LOL. You have no idea what that is. Nice bumper sticker
I'll let you into a little secret, super dupe. Republicans and Democrats simply guess at what they can get away with, Republicans for robbing the non rich, Democrats at finding a reasonable compromise that is best for the country. When the richest 1% get basically all the new wealth and the country is falling apart, their fair share is a hell of a lot more. When it was the American Century, the rich paid a top rate of 70 to 90% And the country as a whole prospered...
So explain how the republicans take from the poor exactly? I’ll wait
[QU toOTE="jc456, post: 18903937, member: 46512"]
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
1.5 is less than 10 trillion you never cared about with obummer. Now you care! Lmfbo
Because we know that almost all of Obama's debt was bailouts of America and assistance for the victims that had nothing to do with Obama just the miserable economy your lying thieving GOP saddled us with in 2009. D u h![/QUOTE]
LOL can’t make this up
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
Anything to avoid the super rich from pay more like their fair share, right, Dukes?
Sure dude fair share LOL. You have no idea what that is. Nice bumper sticker
I'll let you into a little secret, super dupe. Republicans and Democrats simply guess at what they can get away with, Republicans for robbing the non rich, Democrats at finding a reasonable compromise that is best for the country. When the richest 1% get basically all the new wealth and the country is falling apart, their fair share is a hell of a lot more. When it was the American Century, the rich paid a top rate of 70 to 90% And the country as a whole prospered...
So explain how the republicans take from the poor exactly? I’ll wait
Well at the moment they're trying to take away Medicaid from them the poor and the poor workers... And of course they refuse all the services that other modern countries take for granted, as well as a good infrastructure and cheap training and education etc etc etc, dumbass Dupe. And tax them as much as the richest in many cases if you count all taxes and fees d u h!
[QU toOTE="jc456, post: 18903937, member: 46512"]
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
1.5 is less than 10 trillion you never cared about with obummer. Now you care! Lmfbo
Because we know that almost all of Obama's debt was bailouts of America and assistance for the victims that had nothing to do with Obama just the miserable economy your lying thieving GOP saddled us with in 2009. D u h!
LOL can’t make this up[/QUOTE]
The cost for welfare and unemployment for victims of your God damn party were 800 billion dollars a year for 2 years and slowly went down until they are now 100 billion or so, dumbass Dupe. How did you get so goddamn stupid? Not to worry we know, listening to the GOP propaganda machine. Happy horseshit. And mainly phony scandals the never make it anywhere near a courtroom...
we are also looking at raising the retirement age

retirement age has to be raised & the means test deal is also unfortunately inevitable...
Anything to avoid the super rich from pay more like their fair share, right, Dukes?
Sure dude fair share LOL. You have no idea what that is. Nice bumper sticker
I'll let you into a little secret, super dupe. Republicans and Democrats simply guess at what they can get away with, Republicans for robbing the non rich, Democrats at finding a reasonable compromise that is best for the country. When the richest 1% get basically all the new wealth and the country is falling apart, their fair share is a hell of a lot more. When it was the American Century, the rich paid a top rate of 70 to 90% And the country as a whole prospered...
So explain how the republicans take from the poor exactly? I’ll wait
Well at the moment they're trying to take away Medicaid from them the poor and the poor workers... And of course they refuse all the services that other modern countries take for granted, as well as a good infrastructure and cheap training and education etc etc etc, dumbass Dupe. And tax them as much as the richest in many cases if you count all taxes and fees d u h!
Hmm, healthcare wasn’t what passed. Strange you would make up fake news
[QU toOTE="jc456, post: 18903937, member: 46512"]
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Are you serious? Ryan has admitted it - and damn straight they will use their giveaway to the top 1% as an excuse.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
Paul Ryan says GOP plans to tackle Medicare, Medicaid in 2018 - CNNPolitics

1.5 trillion is a "piddling" increase? LoL

These stupid fucks bitched endlessly about the deficit under Obama. Now it's no big deal. Dumb shits.
1.5 is less than 10 trillion you never cared about with obummer. Now you care! Lmfbo
Because we know that almost all of Obama's debt was bailouts of America and assistance for the victims that had nothing to do with Obama just the miserable economy your lying thieving GOP saddled us with in 2009. D u h!
LOL can’t make this up
The cost for welfare and unemployment for victims of your God damn party were 800 billion dollars a year for 2 years and slowly went down until they are now 100 billion or so, dumbass Dupe. How did you get so goddamn stupid? Not to worry we know, listening to the GOP propaganda machine. Happy horseshit. And mainly phony scandals the never make it anywhere near a courtroom...[/QUOTE]

But dumbass 1.5 trillion is still smaller than 10 trillion right?
But dumbass 1.5 trillion is still smaller than 10 trillion right?
okay idiot, time to intervene:

The $1.5 trillion is "new debt" initiated under Trump's watch, directly resulting from legislation/policies. A fair comparison would be to compare that to the debt contribution of Obama. Obama's debt contribution, for his entire presidency, was $983 billion.
But dumbass 1.5 trillion is still smaller than 10 trillion right?
okay idiot, time to intervene:

The $1.5 trillion is "new debt" initiated under Trump's watch, directly resulting from legislation/policies. A fair comparison would be to compare that to the debt contribution of Obama. Obama's debt contribution, for his entire presidency, was $983 billion.

Gotta link on that sparky?
But dumbass 1.5 trillion is still smaller than 10 trillion right?
okay idiot, time to intervene:

The $1.5 trillion is "new debt" initiated under Trump's watch, directly resulting from legislation/policies. A fair comparison would be to compare that to the debt contribution of Obama. Obama's debt contribution, for his entire presidency, was $983 billion.
Yep we got that sparky. 1.5 is still less than 10 trillion right?

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