The Latest and Most Outrageous Leftist Lie

Then Paul Ryan had better make himself more clear than he has so far.

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018

It's all in the details, so I guess we'll see.

I was just going to post something like this myself.
It's no secret. In fact, Ryan is damn proud to crow about it.
You do know it will run out of money? So what’s your plan?
There are only a few moving parts to Social Security, so this isn't complicated. Options:

1. Gradually increase eligibility ages
2. Increase or remove income cap
3. Increase taxes
4. Means testing

We do what we have to do.
But since that initiative would truly be punishing The Rich, shouldn't Leftists support it?

As a lefty, I fully support means testing......technically, Trump is eligible for social security payments......

The gutting of social security and Medicare has given Ryan a "boner" for years....

Luckily, Ryan will retire to a lobbying job if the Dems. take the House next Nov.

Not for 5 years he won't, at least not until Trump's term is up. :)
Before the retirement age is messed with again, the cap on contributions will be increased or eliminated. And I wonder if our elected leaders will do anything about Gub'mint employees retiring at 52, with full pension and lifetime free healthcare...While their contemporaries in the Real World have to continue working for another couple decades.

So true, regarding government employees. Not only do they get the benefit of retiring early and with free healthcare, their pensions are much more lucrative than the few still provided in the private sector.

A friend of mine retired at 51. He went to work for the city right after college. He received a very nice pension that essentially amounted to about 75% of his working wage. Plus free healthcare to age 65. He even bought 10 years of seniority in the 80s, which helped increase his pension benefits.

The unfairness of this is outrageous.
The tax reduction bitches are just . . . bitches. And bitches always pay in the long run.
Yeah sure.
When they still have nothing
Dude, I love it, they post that they got, they got and one asks what you got and the answer is go look it up. But wait, they said they got. Not me or us, but them then they don’t want to share! Huh?

Sometimes I get the impression they have a group of sorry ass posters, sitting in the same room, just posting crap.
So you think social security will be there for our grandkids?

Considering the old folks will outnumber the people But to be honest, many of our grandkids, are or will be sitting on their butts playing video games. While most of the older folks had some kind of job by the time they were 15.

Have you noticed my questions and point have sort of shut the Republicans who started this thread up? They don't want to be put in a position to have to defend social security. But they are trying to LIE and say they aren't going to go after social security and medicare.

This thread proves Republicans are the liars. They've run away because to argue this would really be an exercise on how to talk out of both sides of your mouth and do it without noticing.
....but here's the thing: the only "plan" being hashed about among serious mature legislators -regardless of party affiliation - is "means testing" social security.

That is to say, "rich" retirees with investment portfolios in the millions maybe should have their monthly stipend capped. It's just a thought.

But since that initiative would truly be punishing The Rich, shouldn't Leftists support it? Or would they fight it on the basis that all governents handouts, no matter how absurd, are sacrosanct? They surely wouldn't pretend that this is another case of Republicans punishing poor retirees.

Or would they? Truth is never an obstacle to Leftists.

Last year you blamed Democrats for the gap between the rich and poor growing. Then you pass a tax bill that will further grow it. Nice

Robert Reich: Why the rich and corporations should pay more tax
Before the retirement age is messed with again, the cap on contributions will be increased or eliminated. And I wonder if our elected leaders will do anything about Gub'mint employees retiring at 52, with full pension and lifetime free healthcare...While their contemporaries in the Real World have to continue working for another couple decades.
I am so sick of hearing teachers talk about how hard they work. Who the hell do they think they are talking to? When I am working she has 10 days off in a row right now because school is closed. They get every holiday off. They get summers off. And they make as much as we do. I think teachers should have to come do our jobs and they will run back that that cushy teaching job quick. Here you can get fired in the real world. They can't? And they get pensions? OMG and try to tell them they are overpaid.

We can't afford that with new teachers. It's a $40-$60K a year job if you work in the public schools. Maybe $70,000 if you are really good and have a masters.
The New American Right allied to the Red Menace want to end SS.

DGS49 is probably a moron. Doesn't even realize the cuts to his own retirement he is voting for when he votes for Trump or the Republicans. How come the idiots that start these threads usually bow out of their own threads? I think it's because someone (Rush) told them what to think so they post it without having actually given it that much thought. Do you think he is now realizing that in fact Republicans are going to cut his benefits? Or is he thinking that he will be grandfathered in? Because my dad keeps thinking he's safe from cuts but he doesn't realize if they don't give him cola those are cuts!!!

And you see how well Republicans are brainwashed. They've been told for years not to expect social security. It's a ponzi scheme and it's going to collapse. Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. LOL. It'll make it easier for people to swallow when Republicans tell them "sorry folks, we are broke and can't afford it". Meanwhile they hope you forget this horrible tax bill that will lead to the fact that we don't have the money anymore. No shit. you got rid of the death tax. Why? Because Paris Hilton deserves it. Her great grandparents worked hard for that money.

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?
The New American Right allied to the Red Menace want to end SS.
Republicans have hated SS from the start. It's just been too popular for them to touch. But they've been telling 20 somethings for 30 years not to expect SS. Those people are now in their 50's. So it'll be easier to screw them
DSG49 does not really understand, sealybobo, what it all means. I was listening to Ken Mathews in for Rush today while I was driving on the Wasatch front to SLC, and Ken was spewing all the general hatreds, but in particular at McCabe of the FBI.

The WH and their minions in the Fake Alt Right Media now know if they go after Mueller, Trump may well not withstand the reprisal.

So the Trumpers go after surrogates for Mueller to try to intimidate the rest of the good Americans.

The Trump Gang is such a poor imitation Penguin and Fish Mooney on Gotham, but the point where fiction and fact merges is that Trump will continue to try for ultimate power until he is removed from office.
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.

Ha! You may think your taxes are going down but the Republicans fooled you. You'll see.

The new method, using the so-called "chained" consumer price index to determine when to adjust tax brackets and eligibility for deductions, is expected to push more Americans into higher tax brackets more quickly. By switching to this new method, the government will bring an additional $134 billion in over the next decade. This is from people like you, not rich people sucker.

How will that happen?

The Wonky Inflation Tweak Worth Over $200 Billion
It comes down to this: The chained CPI makes inflation appear lower, and that means tax brackets will be adjusted upward more slowly — but lots of workers will continue to get raises based upon the faster-rising traditional CPI. In other words, your income may rise faster than the inflation adjustments, forcing you to pay taxes at a higher rate — even though you may not feel any richer.

Compared to where taxpayers are now by 2027 most individuals will actually pay more taxes!!!!!

The difference will be slight, perhaps just a few tenths of a percentage point a year, he says, "but over time, these fractions of a percentage point add up and can amount to a fair amount of money."
It's popping up all over the place, but with one latest twist.

The lie is that Trump and the Republicans have a "secret plan" to eliminate or reduce Social Security. Lately is has been because the piddling increase in the debt will require it (preposterous), but now it's "...After the mid - term elections..."

Is the American public actually this stupid, or do Democrats simply believe that?

Shame on the perpetrators of these lies.
Well stupid? 2 days later I have dug up at least a half dozen threads started by republicans admitting they want to kill/end social security. And no one is denying it except you.

So you may actually be one of those gullible trump supporters who never really followed politics enough to know that ending social security is their ultimate goal.

So it’s not a lie. It’s just a move republicans haven’t tried yet.

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