The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Nobody has ever done that, nor will they ever. American Jews don’t expect to be greeted in Hebrew in a retail store, when English is the de facto native language. For some reason, leftists are trying to push Spanish on people and make it an “equivalent” option to English.
Spanish was the language that preceded English in roughly a third of the continental US Before we took it. Acting like it’s some kind of foreign language compared to English is silly.

If a business is located in a predominantly Spanish speaking area it makes sense to have some Spanish speakers on staff. That is the customer base, why would the want to alienate them?
Spanish was the language that preceded English in roughly a third of the continental US Before we took it. Acting like it’s some kind of foreign language compared to English is silly.

If a business is located in a predominantly Spanish speaking area it makes sense to have some Spanish speakers on staff. That is the customer base, why would the want to alienate them?
This was not in a primarily Spanish-speaking area. There is no reason for an employee of a department store to address an American in a foreign language. The fact that this was primarily Soanish speaking land 500 years ago is irrelevant.

Immigrants need to adapt to their new country rather than divide it further by speaking a language 80% of the citizens can’t understand. It is just more of the wokeness and indicative of the damage the ledtist cult is doing.

And we don’t need the asinine signs saying “vote acqui” on the drive to the polls. If they are citizens, they are required to have some basic command of a English. Those signs are just more woke virtue-signaling and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
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I don't know if they were forced to close or not, but several years ago the mall made a policy of no minors in the mall or on the property without adult supervision. Of course they screamed racism because of the new policy.
Malls are closing everywhere, nothing to do with racism.
@It claims to be business owner, but hates business owners. It claims to be a law-abiding human being, but hates law-abiding human beings. It claims to be fairly wealthy, but hates anyone who is wealthy.
it claims to live in Mormon Bob's Head... and yes, I am living in Mormon Bob's head.

Only person I see here who 'hates' is you Mormon Bob, but that's what I expect from Mormons.
You think the deliberate choice to exclude whites and focus 100% on blacks is a Republican agenda?
It isn’t anyone’s agenda. It is a marketing decision driven by the bottom line.
They usually are, but we know that leftists are math-challenged. Statistically speaking, when you choose someone based on their being black, rather than their competence, and blacks are only 14% of the population, than you are getting the most excellent candidate only 14% of the time. So yes, excellence suffers when “diversity” is prioritized over ability.

Sigh, we've been over this.

The few blacks who get on as diversity hires are far outweighed by the white people who get their jobs through racism, nepotism, legacies, etc.

You represent the true motto of the Right Wing. "I got mine, fuck you!"
But not racism against blacks?

1) The Dems have seen to it that all the concern is for blacks, calling everything from math to pancake syrup racist, with BLM rioting in the streets, with blacks now being favored over whites for jobs and promotions, etc., etc. IOW, we already have an entire Democrat Party fighting racism - and then some.

2) My resources are limited, and I focus on where the majority of racism and bias is now occurring - and that is against whites and Jews. I personally have been the victim of two hate crimes, and thus I want to fight more against antisemitism. Jews, in fact, are more likely to be victims than blacks.

But pray tell… you ask blacks if they are fighting against anti-white racism? Do you ask Democrats why they fight racism and are so forgiving of antisemites?
Didn’t read past the point you called me a liar.

You honestly think you can find the store with the transgender kids poster on it via Google, with a camera zoom? This was inside a shopping mall. It wouldn‘t show up on Google maps.

You libs are so ashamed of how extreme your crazy leftist is that when someone gives an example of it, you go into denial.
How would you even identify a transgender kid In an ad? Kids are pretty androgynous.
Most white people are as appalled by racists like Karen88 as black folks are.
Hahaha…like you associate with any legit “white people”
He’s just another crazy leftist. Somehow, “protecting the rights of minorities” not only means whites should be excluded from 20 posters in a row, but they should also be excluded from being considered for prestigious jobs - and the U.S. President should be proud to exclude them.

We need to abolish affirmative action now. The entire idea that blacks should be favored over whites - for jobs, for advertising, for college admissions - is just substituting the anti-black racism that existed decades ago for anti-white racism NOW.

again, the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women.

There is an expression. If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. If you are only putting white people in the important positions, you are only going to get the white people point of view on what our problems are.
Sigh, we've been over this.

The few blacks who get on as diversity hires are far outweighed by the white people who get their jobs through racism, nepotism, legacies, etc.

You represent the true motto of the Right Wing. "I got mine, fuck you!"
Since you’ve never gotten anything but fired for being a lazy asshole, you know nothing about how people get hired. Screaming racism at every problem just means we get to laugh at you again.

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