The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Nope. Leftists made the promotion decisions, and just as we’ve seen with the VP and the SCOTUS pick, they prioritized race over competence. I ended up doing the work of the blacks they promoted who were actually unqualified for their new role. Then I left, as did all the whites passed over because they were of the wrong race. My punishment for living in DC.
I’m beginning to think you just hate blacks.
Democrats are struggling to keep racism alive as it divides the country. They are losing the black vote more and more and are in great concern. If they totally lose the black vote, it's curtains for them. They can't depend on the Hispanics because they are losing ground with them even faster.

Uh, you lost the last election by 8 million votes, Ray.
Since you’ve never gotten anything but fired for being a lazy asshole, you know nothing about how people get hired. Screaming racism at every problem just means we get to laugh at you again.

Actually, I do job placement for a living...

So you'd be wrong about that, too.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
It isn’t anyone’s agenda. It is a marketing decision driven by the bottom line.
Hahaha…NEGATIVE…this whackadoodle woke bullshit is a crazy fad riding the back the ghost of George Crackhead Floyd and the media empowered BLM….this retarded shit will die like beanie babies…it’s simply not sustaianable….even fucking retards can‘t continue to pretend that blacks are Americas greatest asset…REMEMBER…that science you love to follow PROVES they are our greatest liability.
You do still follow the science…right?
fact: You have already been caught in a lie about what I’ve said, and thus everything else you say is not credible, either, including how you “relate” what I said about Disney. You manipulate the truth to serve your own preconceived, intolerant attitudes toward whites who will not go along with pro-black racist policies and decisions.

i, unlike you, am opposed to racism and bias, be it against blacks or whites.

And yet you can’t seem to answer a single direct question.
I’m beginning to think you just hate blacks.
I hate leftists who use that nasty and false accusation when whites won’t support favoritism based on skin color. You haters have been pulling that shit for years now, and we have had enough of it.

I think decisions should be made irrelevant of race, and the best qualified person should get the job - NOT the best qualified after whites are eliminated from consideration. Leftists disagree pand support racial bias.
This was not in a primarily Spanish-speaking area. There is no reason for an employee of a department store to address an American in a foreign language. The fact that this was primarily Soanish speaking land 500 years ago is irrelevant.

More like 170 years. Many place names are Spanish, many Americans bilingual. It is relevant because Spanis IS part of OUR heritage.
Immigrants need to adapt to their new country rather than divide it further by speaking a language 80% of the citizens can’t understand. It is just more of the wokeness and indicative of the damage the ledtist cult is doing.

And we don’t need the asinine signs saying “vote acqui” on the drive to the polls. If they are citizens, they are required to have some basic command of a English. Those signs are just more woke virtue-signaling and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
No. Those signs are to help people.
Well, at least you're honest enough to admit you're doing exactly what you claim to oppose, even if you're not intelligent enough to know that you did so.

Not really honest. Just stupid enough to accidentally expose what it really means, once in a while.

I'm reminded of a sort of ethics test that a day labor company through which I have sometimes worked, used to use (perhaps still does).

It consists of a bunch of multiple-choice questions, which really get down to just a few questions repeated many times, in different wordings.

Really, there are only three things the test was looking for, that the company regarded as the most basic standards it required anyone to meet in order to work for it.

It wanted to know if a prospective worker was inclined to violent behavior, to stealing, or to using or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on the job.

A very low bar, at least form my point of view, and it was amazing to me how many others who applied couldn't meet that standard and were tripped up enough by this test to fail it.

If you just asked them flat out, “Do you get into fights when you are on a job?”, “Do you steal from employers or clients?”, or “Do you use drugs while on the job?”, every one would deny it. But somehow, this test manages to trip them up, just as you've seen PinktheFloyd88 get tripped up.
I hate leftists who use that nasty and false accusation when whites won’t support favoritism based on skin color. You haters have been pulling that shit for years now, and we have had enough of it.

I think decisions should be made irrelevant of race, and the best qualified person should get the job - NOT the best qualified after whites are eliminated from consideration. Leftists disagree pand support racial bias.

The problem is that you think it's a zero sum game.

I know of one occassion where I was passed up for an opportunity that they gave to a person of color.

I know of a dozen times when I was passed up for someone who was friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, drinking buddies with the boss, etc.

Affirmative Action doesn't promote "less qualified" people, it merely compensates for the structural and institutional advantages that white people have in this culture.

The thing white people SHOULD be angry about is how the wealthy have spent the last 40 years dismantling their middle class lifestyles through union busting, free trade, right to work, at-will employment, and of course, using every recession to knock us down a peg or two because they can.

But they know people like you find it easier in life to kick down than to punch up. Why challenge your boss for treating you unfairly when you can abuse some poor waitress who didn't get you your jam quickly enough.
it claims to live in Mormon Bob's Head... and yes, I am living in Mormon Bob's head.

Only person I see here who 'hates' is you Mormon Bob, but that's what I expect from Mormons.
How would you even identify a transgender kid In an ad? Kids are pretty androgynous.

There is no such thing. The only way a child thinks it is “transgender” is if some deprave pedophile is filling the child's mind with that shit.

Anyone who would do this to a child need to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.

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