The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town


1) The Dems have seen to it that all the concern is for blacks, calling everything from math to pancake syrup racist, with BLM rioting in the streets, with blacks now being favored over whites for jobs and promotions, etc., etc. IOW, we already have an entire Democrat Party fighting racism - and then some.

2) My resources are limited, and I focus on where the majority of racism and bias is now occurring - and that is against whites and Jews. I personally have been the victim of two hate crimes, and thus I want to fight more against antisemitism. Jews, in fact, are more likely to be victims than blacks.

But pray tell… you ask blacks if they are fighting against anti-white racism? Do you ask Democrats why they fight racism and are so forgiving of antisemites?
Nope. I don’t ask. Don’t much care if they do or don’t.

Actually, blacks are by far the most frequent targets of hate crimes.

Oh lookie…..the antisemite is complaining about ”systemic racism.”
Again, religion isn't a race... and if you have silly beliefs, they deserve to be mocked.

Well, he is a good Catholic School Graduate.

Have you met Catholics? Pretty much after Vatican 2, the Catholics have been falling all over themselves to apologize to the Jews.
Again, religion isn't a race... and if you have silly beliefs, they deserve to be mocked.

Have you met Catholics? Pretty much after Vatican 2, the Catholics have been falling all over themselves to apologize to the Jews.
Almost everyone I ever worked with was Catholic and not a self-hating piece of shit.
Again, religion isn't a race... and if you have silly beliefs, they deserve to be mocked.

Have you met Catholics? Pretty much after Vatican 2, the Catholics have been falling all over themselves to apologize to the Jews.
Catholics always hired me because they knew I would be sober Monday morning and after lunch.
Hahaha…NEGATIVE…this whackadoodle woke bullshit is a crazy fad riding the back the ghost of George Crackhead Floyd and the media empowered BLM….this retarded shit will die like beanie babies…it’s simply not sustaianable….even fucking retards can‘t continue to pretend that blacks are Americas greatest asset…REMEMBER…that science you love to follow PROVES they are our greatest liability.
You do still follow the science…right?
You really aren’t convincing anyone that you are a potential source of revenue for any business. Obviously, the advertising strategy is working, they are still in business.
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Tell us again how not racist you are. You kind of sound like a Nazi complaining there are too many Jews in Hollywood.
Most anyone with half a brain fully understands that there are TOO many
Jews in Hollywood.Marlon Brando once addressed the issue when he no longer
required anyone from Hollywood deciding what move roles he's may be
up for.Brando explained it this way.In context to how other minorities Like
mexicans and Native American Indians are portrayed.As in what kind of
names they allowed to be called { as part of a script. } All kinds of names
{ unflattering slurs }. But that You'll never hear or read a Movie script with the
word " K**e " in it.Now why do you think that is. Because Jews in Hollywood
call all the shots.From Producing and Directing to screenplays and dialogue to
even advertising of the latest Movie.But just dare anyone to present a movie
script with any use of a Jewish slur.It won't be tolerated.
That's a Fact.And Marlon Brado is not one to mince words.
He's very straightfoward and direct.
You sure do have a lot of excuses for why you keep getting passed over for various jobs.

Funny, most of us, white, black, whatever, haven't experience that as much as you claim to have.

Has if ever occurred to you that maybe it's not the employers? Maybe it's you.

Nope, that's never occurred to me. Because the shitty employers, they are also shitty to other people

In my career, I've known...

Two women who were fired for being pregnant.
A woman who was fired because she was gay.
Several people who were let go after they developed medical problems.
I knew a black woman with a bunch of experience who was let go so the boss could create a position for his drinking buddy. (who eventually got fired after his FOURTH DUI).
Guys who've gotten jobs because their dad was a manager.

It isn't so much about my career... my career has actually been pretty awesome, and frankly, I get a huge leg up for not only being white and male, but because anyone who hires me gets point for hiring a veteran. (In fact, three jobs that have hired me SPECIFICALLY hired me because of my Veteran status, as the person making the decision was also a vet.)
The “Get woke, go broke” phenomenon seems to prove that this is not always true.

Some companies are foolishly taking absurd positions, offensive to a large part of their customer base, and experiencing the obvious consequences.
Such as who and what positions? Putting black people on advertising posters?
Nope. I don’t ask. Don’t much care if they do or don’t.

Actually, blacks are by far the most frequent targets of hate crimes.

That’s only because there are many, many more blacks than Jews. I know you libs are bad with statistics, but a Jew is more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black.
You really aren’t convincing anyone that you are a potential source of revenue for any business. Obviously, there advertising strategy is working, they are still in business.
You should say ”their,” not “there.” I thought you said you were an educator.
You figured out blaming a political party for your own financial incompetence.

Well, except that I only really run into these problems when Republicans are in charge. It's funny how that works.

You see, back in the 1990's, I was one of you fucking wingnuts who got all upset because clinton lied about getting a blow job.

Ignore the fact that under Clinton's watch, my salary doubled over 8 years, my property values doubled, etc. Nope. He was an immoral man and I was outraged.

Then Dubya got in there. He gave us wars and recessions and left the economy in kind of a mess. But he wasn't cheating with an intern, and that's the important thing!!!!

Well, funny thing. Obama got in there, I picked up most of what I lost and then some....

Trump's incompetence should have been bad, but it really wasn't because I spent his whole term preparing for the day he would fuck it up. Which of course, he did.
Such as who and what positions? Putting black people on advertising posters?
When it’s ONLY blacks in every poster in the window, yes….it sends the message that this is either a store that sells specialized products for blacks, or that they value blacks more than whites, or they are going along with WOKE.
Nope, that's never occurred to me. Because the shitty employers, they are also shitty to other people

Yes, I've heard all your various complaints about “shitty employers”.

I've heard almost exactly the same complaints from some of the worst slackers that I have had the misfortune to have to work with, about how “shitty” the same employer is that I am working for right along side them, mostly picking up their slack and fixing their fuckups.

Fortunately, in my trade, those kind do not last very long.

It's not the employer that is shitty. It's the aforementioned slackers.

It's not the employer that is shitty. It's you.

I know exactly what would happen if, somehow, you wound up in my trade, and ended up “working” alongside me, on the same project, for the same employer. I've seen it before. Fortunately, I would not need to endure you very long. You'd get your ass thrown off the project, and fired from the company, pretty quickly, and soon, I'd be back to doing real work rather than fixing whatever you fucked up.
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They do, sometimes, when some sick depraved pervert steers them in that direction. Otherwise, no, they are not.

We all know what kind of piece of shit it is, that thinks of young children in terms of sick sexual perversions.

Uh, sorry, guy, most of the gay folks I know grew up in religious households. No one told them to be gay.

The one Trans person I've known in my life is Col. Jennifer Pritzker, who was my CO when I was in the National Guard. (She was still presenting as Male at that point). Her fucking family has more money than God. So who convinced her to be trans?

I put down the question you ignored in the other thread. If they discovered the gay gene tomorrow, would you admit that sexual orientation isn't learned, or would you suddenly learn to love abortion?

I do not think that there is, in the whole of the entire world, enough capacity for mockery to address the “silly” shit that you believe.

That there isn't a magic fairy in the sky? Um, that's actually very rational.
I could throw 100 ministers off the top of the Sears Tower, and God won't catch a one of them on the way down.

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