The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Yes, I've heard all your various complaints about “shitty employers”.

I've heard almost exactly the same complaints from some of the worst slackers that I have had the misfortune to have to work with, about how “shitty” the same employer is that I am working for right along side them, mostly picking up their slack and fixing their fuckups.

Uh, guy, anyone who worked next to you lived in mortal fear of the day you'd lose your shit and go on a shooting spree.
Almost everyone I ever worked with was Catholic and not a self-hating piece of shit.
I thought you worked with those evil Indian Girls who took your job.
Catholics always hired me because they knew I would be sober Monday morning and after lunch.
That's nice. Um, I've been working for 44 years, and never met anyone who came in drunk after lunch.
Uh, guy, anyone who worked next to you lived in mortal fear of the day you'd lose your shit and go on a shooting spree.
Uh, sorry, guy, most of the gay folks I know grew up in religious households. No one told them to be gay.

The one Trans person I've known in my life is Col. Jennifer Pritzker, who was my CO when I was in the National Guard. (She was still presenting as Male at that point). Her fucking family has more money than God. So who convinced her to be trans?

I put down the question you ignored in the other thread. If they discovered the gay gene tomorrow, would you admit that sexual orientation isn't learned, or would you suddenly learn to love abortion?

That there isn't a magic fairy in the sky? Um, that's actually very rational.
I could throw 100 ministers off the top of the Sears Tower, and God won't catch a one of them on the way down.
Sadly for LibBots and HollyGaywood, Homosexuality is genetic
I thought you worked with those evil Indian Girls who took your job.

That's nice. Um, I've been working for 44 years, and never met anyone who came in drunk after lunch.
The evil Indian girls who I already told you 100 times are working at Walmart and look like shit?

In the 80s and 90s lots of people on Wall Street were somewhat inebriated after lunch.

By the way, your Indians geniuses still have the highest post-Green Card foreclosure rate on Long Island.
The evil Indian girls who I already told you 100 times are working at Walmart and look like shit?

In the 80s and 90s lots of people on Wall Street were somewhat inebriated after lunch.

By the way, your Indians geniuses still have the highest post-Green Card foreclosure rate on Long Island.

I guess they shouldn't live in Long Island...

Most of the ones who are my customers are doing fine. Many have come back for updates.
Same here.
You will notice that JoeB is suffering from dementia because he keeps bringing up the H1-B crap even though they were fired the second they asked for more than $15.00/hour.
I guess they shouldn't live in Long Island...

Most of the ones who are my customers are doing fine. Many have come back for updates.
I'm sure 3 that you helped weren't sent back to India.
I worked with Indians who were not in IT and they had brains.

Trumped sent almost every H1-B back to India and about a year later most Internet companies, except, of course, for Microshit, came out with excellent software and websites.

The funny thing is how there are videos on YouTube that mock the H1-Bs posting solutions to Windows issues and the Hindu provided videos never provide the solutions.
But they are triggered by racial bias. Leftists are only triggered by racial bias against blacks. When the bias is against whites, they not only support it, but call any white who objects a racist.

They are only triggered by politically biased “ perceived” racism against black democrats.

They openly throw racial slurs at black conservatives. Hense…they really are not offended by actual racism at all.
again, the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women.

There is an expression. If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. If you are only putting white people in the important positions, you are only going to get the white people point of view on what our problems are.
Ladies and gentlemen, bare in mind, JoeB131 can be found near the center of this image.

1) The Dems have seen to it that all the concern is for blacks, calling everything from math to pancake syrup racist, with BLM rioting in the streets, with blacks now being favored over whites for jobs and promotions, etc., etc. IOW, we already have an entire Democrat Party fighting racism - and then some.

2) My resources are limited, and I focus on where the majority of racism and bias is now occurring - and that is against whites and Jews. I personally have been the victim of two hate crimes, and thus I want to fight more against antisemitism. Jews, in fact, are more likely to be victims than blacks.

But pray tell… you ask blacks if they are fighting against anti-white racism? Do you ask Democrats why they fight racism and are so forgiving of antisemites?
Thinking Sharon and Netanyahu are RW swine is not anti-semitism, super dupe...
I don't go on message board to complain that too many black people are shown in advertising like bitter old karen588.

She apparently believes in quotas as black should only have representation in ads as their percentage as population.
Yet here you are crying about it racist Otto. Cry harder. Somebody somewhere might care.
MOrmon Bob, reminding everyone he's a sociopath since, well, forever.

Children don't 'decide' to be trans or gay... they just are.
Then STFU about the widely popular Florida bill asshole. Checkmate. By the way, you have no idea what a child would be thinking as no woman will tolerate your misogynistic views.

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