The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Not really honest. Just stupid enough to accidentally expose what it really means, once in a while.

I'm reminded of a sort of ethics test that a day labor company through which I have sometimes worked, used to use (perhaps still does).

It consists of a bunch of multiple-choice questions, which really get down to just a few questions repeated many times, in different wordings.

Really, there are only three things the test was looking for, that the company regarded as the most basic standards it required anyone to meet in order to work for it.

It wanted to know if a prospective worker was inclined to violent behavior, to stealing, or to using or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on the job.

A very low bar, at least form my point of view, and it was amazing to me how many others who applied couldn't meet that standard and were tripped up enough by this test to fail it.

If you just asked them flat out, “Do you get into fights when you are on a job?”, “Do you steal from employers or clients?”, or “Do you use drugs while on the job?”, every one would deny it. But somehow, this test manages to trip them up, just as you've seen @PinktheFloyd88 get tripped up.

Yeah, here's the problem. Every mass shooter at a workplace probably passed one of those tests.

The problem with these tests is that they are largely garbage that they've sold to companies, usually because HR people are too lazy to do their jobs and effectively interview people.

Now, I will fess up that as someone who writes resumes, I am a part of the problem. But the way we hire people is completely broken to start with - Applicant Tracking Software to sort resumes, ineffective interviewing, goofy personality tests.
That is just silly. Companies make business decisions, not ideological ones. If it increases profits that is the way it goes.

The “Get woke, go broke” phenomenon seems to prove that this is not always true.

Some companies are foolishly taking absurd positions, offensive to a large part of their customer base, and experiencing the obvious consequences.
There is no such thing. The only way a child thinks it is “transgender” is if some deprave pedophile is filling the child's mind with that shit.

Anyone who would do this to a child need to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.

MOrmon Bob, reminding everyone he's a sociopath since, well, forever.

Children don't 'decide' to be trans or gay... they just are.
More like 170 years. Many place names are Spanish, many Americans bilingual. It is relevant because Spanis IS part of OUR heritage.
The de facto national language is English, and it certainly should be used in American stores by employees addressing a customer.
No. Those signs are to help people.
How does it help American citizens going to vote to say “acqui” instead of “here.” They know the word “here.” It’s just a waste of taxpayer dollars to virtue-signal.
Uh, you lost the last election by 8 million votes, Ray.

Even if true, we will much more than make up for it in each of the next two elections.

At my age, I don't know if I have much chance of ever seeing another Democrap win the Presidency ever again, or of seeing the Democraps hold a majority in either house of Congress, after the way they have spectacularly fucked up during the past two years.
The de facto national language is English, and it certainly should be used in American stores by employees addressing a customer.

How does it help American citizens going to vote to say “acqui” instead of “here.” They know the word “here.” It’s just a waste of taxpayer dollars to virtue-signal.
Shouldn't our national language be Native American instead of some European one?
The “Get woke, go broke” phenomenon seems to prove that this is not always true.

Some companies are foolishly taking absurd positions, offensive to a large part of their customer base, and experiencing the obvious consequences.

Or they are getting on the right side of history.

No company wants to remembered the way Woolworth is remembered, the company that broke up a sit-in against Jim Crow laws.

They realize that in 20 years, the Transphobic people are going to be as badly considered as George Wallace is today. Your side has already more or less lost the argument on gays. "Oh, please don't make me bake a cake for money!!!"

bob, how old were you when you chose your sex identification?

Probably right after he got his first set of Magic Underwear.

Bob makes me think of that study that found that violently homophobic people were often latent homosexuals themselves.
The problem is that you think it's a zero sum game.

I know of one occassion where I was passed up for an opportunity that they gave to a person of color.

I know of a dozen times when I was passed up for someone who was friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, drinking buddies with the boss, etc.

Affirmative Action doesn't promote "less qualified" people, it merely compensates for the structural and institutional advantages that white people have in this culture.

The thing white people SHOULD be angry about is how the wealthy have spent the last 40 years dismantling their middle class lifestyles through union busting, free trade, right to work, at-will employment, and of course, using every recession to knock us down a peg or two because they can.

But they know people like you find it easier in life to kick down than to punch up. Why challenge your boss for treating you unfairly when you can abuse some poor waitress who didn't get you your jam quickly enough.
Oh lookie…..the antisemite is complaining about ”systemic racism.”
You have complete Free Will to exclude yourself by choice from The Kingdom of Heaven. But in doing so, you must realize that Evil must be contained and imprisoned for The Universe to be restored to it's original perfect state. You can't be part of that because you won't even meet God half way. Though He reaches His hand out to you daily, you slap it away.
*Yawn* Someone not believing in a higher power really bums you out. What else is new?
I know of one occassion [sic] where I was passed up for an opportunity that they gave to a person of color.

I know of a dozen times when I was passed up for someone who was friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, drinking buddies with the boss, etc.

You sure do have a lot of excuses for why you keep getting passed over for various jobs.

Funny, most of us, white, black, whatever, haven't experience that as much as you claim to have.

Has if ever occurred to you that maybe it's not the employers? Maybe it's you.

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