The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Or they are getting on the right side of history.

No company wants to remembered the way Woolworth is remembered, the company that broke up a sit-in against Jim Crow laws.

They realize that in 20 years, the Transphobic people are going to be as badly considered as George Wallace is today. Your side has already more or less lost the argument on gays. "Oh, please don't make me bake a cake for money!!!"

Probably right after he got his first set of Magic Underwear.

Bob makes me think of that study that found that violently homophobic people were often latent homosexuals themselves.
Sorry asshole. It’s idiots like you who are on the wrong side. As always. The Florida law is hugely popular. Making people who want to sexualize kids get the sads. Parents have said enough and hell has a special place ready for people like you.
Dude, your side is with bitter old karen558 doing the crying.

I'm enjoying you privilege whities trying and failing to stop the black ad posters at mall BS.
Yet here you are crying about it. Take your “white privilege” bullshit and shove it back your ass racist Otto. Nobody is trying to stop this you idiot. Merely pointing it out to easily triggered morons. Like you and every little leftard in this thread.
Yet here you are crying about it. Take your “white privilege” bullshit and shove it back your ass racist Otto. Nobody is trying to stop this you idiot. Merely pointing it out to easily triggered morons. Like you and every little leftard in this thread.
Again don't project your tears on me.

Bitter old karen558 spent 30 posts in this thread bitching and whining about black ads. Made her feel sad...
Uh, you lost the last election by 8 million votes, Ray.

Yes, I know. The Commies got the lazy, uninformed and stupid to vote by putting a ballot on their kitchen table. If not for that, we'd be enjoying $2.50 a gallon gasoline today, no labor shortage, no supply chain shortage, a much, much more secure border, inflation at the levels it's been the last 40 years, and no war in Ukraine under Trump.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


Perhaps that is because shopping malls have to cater to blacks. All the white northern virginian's are ordering their crap through Amazon Prime
You will notice that JoeB is suffering from dementia because he keeps bringing up the H1-B crap even though they were fired the second they asked for more than $15.00/hour.

I'm sure 3 that you helped weren't sent back to India.
I worked with Indians who were not in IT and they had brains.

Trumped sent almost every H1-B back to India and about a year later most Internet companies, except, of course, for Microshit, came out with excellent software and websites.

The funny thing is how there are videos on YouTube that mock the H1-Bs posting solutions to Windows issues and the Hindu provided videos never provide the solutions.

Between you and Lisa, it amazes me how racist Jews are.
Sorry asshole. It’s idiots like you who are on the wrong side. As always. The Florida law is hugely popular. Making people who want to sexualize kids get the sads. Parents have said enough and hell has a special place ready for people like you.

Actually, no, it isn't... people are seeing it for the bigotry that it is.

When school districts start getting buried in expensive lawsuits, you are going to find out how really unpopular these laws are.

Yes, I know. The Commies got the lazy, uninformed and stupid to vote by putting a ballot on their kitchen table. If not for that, we'd be enjoying $2.50 a gallon gasoline today, no labor shortage, no supply chain shortage, a much, much more secure border, inflation at the levels it's been the last 40 years, and no war in Ukraine under Trump.

Actually, polls showed Trump losing to Biden long before Covid required us to do remote voting.

I know, Democracy terrifies you guys, that's why you engage in voter suppression.

And you'll do okay in the midterms and interpret that as 'voters really like our crazy ideas", not "Most people don't vote in midterms"
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

So lets get this...

Private Companies who have motive is based in profit decide to use black models...

By the way do you expect the Government mandate that posters have a minimum number of 'White' posters...

They are doing it because the people who believe in diversity spend more than Whites First crowd... Some people understand history...

But you are welcome to go up to the Mall Management and tell them you will not shop there until you see more white people...
That will go down very well... It is not like there is any history of Business owners refusing black people to appease their white (racially insensitive) customers in the past...
Again don't project your tears on me.

Bitter old karen558 spent 30 posts in this thread bitching and whining about black ads. Made her feel sad...
Complaining about NO WHITE ADS, and you know it.

You libs are all lying about what the problem is because you are INTENT on allowing the racism against whites to continue - and get worse. You are disgusting hypocrites who would be screeching racism - and do - when blacks are excluded, but if a white points out the ridiculous extreme to which whites are being excluded, you call her a racist, and then add in “now you whites know what it feels like.”

They are only triggered by politically biased “ perceived” racism against black democrats.

They openly throw racial slurs at black conservatives. Hense…they really are not offended by actual racism at all.
Exactly. That is why this whole thing even more ironic - and why the libs are lying about what the problem is. They claim that blacks are being victimized, excluded, blah, blah, blah, so when someone reports an example showing how it’s the opposite - that whites are the ones now being excluded - they come out with claws to lie about it and viciously attack the one who reported it.

When the President of the United States product brags how NO WHITES will be considered for one of the most critical and prestigious positions in the country, there’s no denying it.
Perhaps that is because shopping malls have to cater to blacks. All the white northern virginian's are ordering their crap through Amazon Prime
Except that’s not true. A small minority of the customers in malls (in northern Virginia at least) are black, as they are the minority living in the area.
I don't go on message board to complain that too many black people are shown in advertising like bitter old karen588.

She apparently believes in quotas as black should only have representation in ads as their percentage as population.
Not quotas. But a slim minority of the population should not br so favored that they 100% representation on a long slew of posters, and whites get 0%, and the fact that they did only reveals the ridiculous extreme to which whites are being excluded.

Maybe all these stores did what the president did when they were looking for models for their posters: “No whites will be considered.”
Complaining about NO WHITE ADS, and you know it.

You libs are all lying about what the problem is because you are INTENT on allowing the racism against whites to continue - and get worse. You are disgusting hypocrites who would be screeching racism - and do - when blacks are excluded, but if a white points out the ridiculous extreme to which whites are being excluded, you call her a racist, and then add in “now you whites know what it feels like.”

I know, you saw the picture of the scary black people and wet yourself... whatever.

First, no one really believes that there were "only black people" on these posters. You are pretty much the boy who cried wolf on these issues.

Second, obsessing about posters is kind of silly. I mean, serious Karen territory. I honestly wish that my life was so awesome that the worst thing in the world I had to worry about was who was on posters.

Third, you give almost no context for these conspiracies. What were the stores selling, who owned them, what is the demographic of their customer base.

Exactly. That is why this whole thing even more ironic - and why the libs are lying about what the problem is. They claim that blacks are being victimized, excluded, blah, blah, blah, so when someone reports an example showing how it’s the opposite - that whites are the ones now being excluded - they come out with claws to lie about it and viciously attack the one who reported it.

If you don't get why you are being mocked on this thread, I'm not sure there is much we can do for you. Most people would have silently sat down.

When the President of the United States product brags how NO WHITES will be considered for one of the most critical and prestigious positions in the country, there’s no denying it.

Scotus already has 6 white people on it.... not sure what the problem here is.

Except that’s not true. A small minority of the customers in malls (in northern Virginia at least) are black, as they are the minority living in the area.

you miss the good old days of Jim Crow, don't you?
Not quotas. But a slim minority of the population should not br so favored that they 100% representation on a long slew of posters, and whites get 0%, and the fact that they did only reveals the ridiculous extreme to which whites are being excluded.

Maybe all these stores did what the president did when they were looking for models for their posters: “No whites will be considered.”

Or maybe they looked at a poster that best promoted their product.
Thinking Sharon and Netanyahu are RW swine is not anti-semitism, super dupe...
He hasn’t said anything about them, fool, as far as I know. His antisemitic comments have been about Judaism as a religion (he used profanity as an adjective in describing it) and Jews in general.

Makes it difficult to defend your fellow liberal railing against perceived racism when he spews his prejudice against Jews, doesn’t it?
He hasn’t said anything about them, fool, as far as I know. His antisemitic comments have been about Judaism as a religion (he used profanity as an adjective in describing it) and Jews in general.

Makes it difficult to defend your fellow liberal railing against perceived racism when he spews his prejudice against Jews, doesn’t it?

Jews aren't a race, it's a religion.

A religion that believes truly evil and deranged stuff like, "God says I can take your land and murder you if you resist".

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