The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Actually, malls are closing because it's easier to shop on line these days. TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) probably accelerated that trend when the malls were closed and Amazon kept delivering.

Now, that all said, I went to my local mall on Sunday to see if white people were being erased from posters like Karen88 said they were. And nope, most of the posters were pretty diverse. What I actually saw were a bunch of people wandering around the mall even though none of the stores were open yet. It was kind of eerie... made me think of George Romero's Dawn of the Dead where the Zombies wander around a shopping mall because it reminds them of their old lives.

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Of course they were not open yet. What do you expect in commieville?

Our malls in white areas are doing great here. People are burned out shopping online. They couldn't wait to get out and be with other people again. Because the blacks closed down every major store in my area, I'm still stuck with Amazon. In fact I have to get to the UPS store today to return one of their garbage keyboards I bought that lasted a little over 3 months. Maybe tomorrow I'll take a hike to the Apple store on the other side of town to buy a good one that will work for a while.
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Except that’s not true. A small minority of the customers in malls (in northern Virginia at least) are black, as they are the minority living in the area.

They wouldn't be called minorities if they weren't minorities. Malls are yesterday's man. People just don't go to them that much anymore. Even when I lived there, Springfield Mall was a dodgy place. Tysons was okay but that has been eons.
Actually, polls showed Trump losing to Biden long before Covid required us to do remote voting.

I know, Democracy terrifies you guys, that's why you engage in voter suppression.

And you'll do okay in the midterms and interpret that as 'voters really like our crazy ideas", not "Most people don't vote in midterms"

Oh please. We're talking about stupid people who don't follow politics here. Uninformed morons that got a ballot delivered to their house.

You had this Dementia patient who's been in federal officer for most of his adult life with no major accomplishments, who's son was under FBI investigation for matters he was involved in, who barely campaigned, and when he did, nobody showed up, chose the most extremely unpopular running mate, and he got the most votes in history? There is only one possible explanation, and that is idiots voting.

Why is Biden leading an Army of Illegal Aliens in an assault against America?
Did you see the group of illegals that just got off the bus in Texas? They are getting ready to be flown throughout the country, and starting next month, 18,000 of them will be swarming in, every single day. Meanwhile, Fauci is warning of a COVID uptick and threatening to lock Americans in their homes.

The liberals have ramped up their desire to lower the caliber of the country to where they’re not even trying to hide it.
Did you see the group of illegals that just got off the bus in Texas? They are getting ready to be flown throughout the country, and starting next month, 18,000 of them will be swarming in, every single day. Meanwhile, Fauci is warning of a COVID uptick and threatening to lock Americans in their homes.

The liberals have ramped up their desire to lower the caliber of the country to where they’re not even trying to hide it.
Why remove Title 42 if the lord god fauci is decreeing another scamdemic lockdown? The purpose then in my opinion is that They Intentionally want to import infected illegals in to the country to intentionally force another lockdown. Fauci is not a prophet.
Why remove Title 42 if the lord god fauci is decreeing another scamdemic lockdown? The purpose then in my opinion is that They Intentionally want to import infected illegals in to the country to intentionally force another lockdown. Fauci is not a prophet.
Indeed. It is so obvious. And remember how Biden FOUGHT to keep Title 42 away and let as many illegal lowlifes into the country, as quickly as possible? It took the SCOTUS to rule against him.
Look at the insane shit that your side has been pushing—homosexuality, transsexuality, and other depraved, insane sexual perversions, (and especially, dragging children into this shit), policies that allow criminals to prey on human beings with impunity, hyping up an exaggerated flu/cold outbreak to use as a premise for sabotaging the economy and destroying basic human rights, attempting to coerce or even force the inappropriate use of dangerous, experimental drugs, and so on—and then tell me again how my side is the one trying to “outcrazy each other”.
Says the guy who wants to execute women for having abortions...

Sorry, bud, you guys can't help yourselves... most of us don't want to live under a theocracy.
Clinton presided during the tech bubble and people generally credit the president (pro or con) with the economy and environment. You likely won't have that going into 2024 with Dementia at the helm and Whorris ready to take over IF they let him run again.

Unemployment is at 3.6%. Stock market is high. We are coming out of Covid despite the best effort of the right to keep spreading it.

By 2024, people will not want to mess with a good thing.
Of course they were not open yet. What do you expect in commieville?

Um, noon on a Sunday, that's been kind of hours this mall has opened for years.

I got there a tad early to get pics of the posters to prove how silly Karen88's contentions were that white people were being erased from all posters everywhere. In fact there were plenty of white people in the posters. Some of them they were standing next to black people EEEEEEKKKK!!!!

Oh please. We're talking about stupid people who don't follow politics here. Uninformed morons that got a ballot delivered to their house.

You had this Dementia patient who's been in federal officer for most of his adult life with no major accomplishments, who's son was under FBI investigation for matters he was involved in, who barely campaigned, and when he did, nobody showed up, chose the most extremely unpopular running mate, and he got the most votes in history? There is only one possible explanation, and that is idiots voting.
Here's the problem, guy. No matter what you blather about Biden- Trump was infinitely worse, and Americans never wanted him to start with.
Lisa558 said:
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


really weird how democrat towns are so racist and because they are mostly all one color, they have no problems being racist against others. Hell. They're even racist against white leftists.
He’s a traitor to America and needs to be removed and put in prison, along with all his “handlers.”
Actually, the federal courts are going to rule the policy has to cease because covid's not an issue. Still he could try to craft some other executive order based on his defense powers (which trump used for his fence) to only allow xnumber of people in to have asylum claims processed
Actually "black Malls" in run down places can be your friend. In inclement weather you can go there for your daily walking, and you won't be temped to dawdle
Says the guy who wants to execute women for having abortions...

I want those who commit the very worst murders against the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings to be brought to proper justice. It is a bizarre demonstration of just how soulless and how morally and ethically fucked up you are, that you believe you have the high ground here.
I want those who commit the very worst murders against the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings to be brought to proper justice. It is a bizarre demonstration of just how soulless and how morally and ethically fucked up you are, that you believe you have the high ground here.
So women who have abortions are up their with psychopaths, and you claim moral highground. Come down off your cross

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