The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Correct. It has to do with theft and violence committed by blacks. No blacks, the malls stay open.

Actually, malls are closing because it's easier to shop on line these days. TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) probably accelerated that trend when the malls were closed and Amazon kept delivering.

Now, that all said, I went to my local mall on Sunday to see if white people were being erased from posters like Karen88 said they were. And nope, most of the posters were pretty diverse. What I actually saw were a bunch of people wandering around the mall even though none of the stores were open yet. It was kind of eerie... made me think of George Romero's Dawn of the Dead where the Zombies wander around a shopping mall because it reminds them of their old lives.

Even if true, we will much more than make up for it in each of the next two elections.

At my age, I don't know if I have much chance of ever seeing another Democrap win the Presidency ever again, or of seeing the Democraps hold a majority in either house of Congress, after the way they have spectacularly fucked up during the past two years.

Actually, Mormon Bob, what is more likely to happen is that after you guys do okay in the midterms, everyone will remember how crazy you are and Biden or some other Democrat will get elected easily.

This is what happened with Clinton in 1996. Republicans took out the "Contract on America" and Americans voted for Clinton in Droves.

Or in 2012, when Republicans took congress, then proceeded to try to throw granny over the cliff to give tax cuts to rich people. Obama easily beat the Weird Mormon Robot the GOP put up that year.

The biggest problem is that in the 2024 primaries, you guys are going to have to outcrazy each other to appeal to the Trump Base... and then try to walk that back for the general.
The truth is you are still butthurt little Darshna worked so much harder than you did.
Why would I be upset?
She's living in a hovel and I have a great job and a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood.
She probably regrets leaving India.
Your Jew hatred is obvious.
Yes, I know. The Commies got the lazy, uninformed and stupid to vote by putting a ballot on their kitchen table. If not for that, we'd be enjoying $2.50 a gallon gasoline today, no labor shortage, no supply chain shortage, a much, much more secure border, inflation at the levels it's been the last 40 years, and no war in Ukraine under Trump.
Exactly. And that’s the only way they could win again:

1. Have a massive mail-out campaign.
2. Have Zuckerberg (just what the world needs….another leftist Jew) to provide half-a-billion with a B dollars for activists go nto the inner cities, and harvest ballots from those too stupid, lazy, or uninterested to vote.
3. Halt the count once it is determined by how much the Republican is leading - around midnight - while the harvested ballots are trucked in.
4. Kick all Republican observers out.
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People from every other nation I have ever worked with were great.
I'm racist because I tell the truth about the Hindus that Indian sends to the US?
You really are not bright at all.
In my experience working with several Hindus, they all have very wrong and negative attitudes about Jews. I have chalked this up to lack of exposure, and I’ve educated them by my example - and explanation.
So lets get this...

Private Companies who have motive is based in profit decide to use black models...

By the way do you expect the Government mandate that posters have a minimum number of 'White' posters...

They are doing it because the people who believe in diversity spend more than Whites First crowd... Some people understand history...

But you are welcome to go up to the Mall Management and tell them you will not shop there until you see more white people...
That will go down very well... It is not like there is any history of Business owners refusing black people to appease their white (racially insensitive) customers in the past...
Diversity doesn’t mean “no whites,” or just a few token whites, in a country that is primarily white. and we are seeing that more and more.

And you think people who “believe in diversity” spend more than those who are opposed to bias against whites (which is what is happening)? Where we you even get that from?

As far as history refusing black people entrance to their stores, that hasn’t happened in 50 years, and then only in the South, and in fact we’ve been favoring blacks over whites for decades in many arenas. So why NOW, after generations, is (perceived) racism against blacks front and center, and the cornerstone of the Demicrats’ platform?
Oh, I freely admit, your religion is all kinds of fucked up.

Which is why you end up being chased out of every place you go to.
It’s called jealousy of our achievements.
Notice how no one ever asked you to run a large business.
Not to mention that Moshe said this would happen and if it didn’t the Torah would be worthless.
The biggest problem is that in the 2024 primaries, you guys are going to have to outcrazy each other to appeal to the Trump Base...

Look at the insane shit that your side has been pushing—homosexuality, transsexuality, and other depraved, insane sexual perversions, (and especially, dragging children into this shit), policies that allow criminals to prey on human beings with impunity, hyping up an exaggerated flu/cold outbreak to use as a premise for sabotaging the economy and destroying basic human rights, attempting to coerce or even force the inappropriate use of dangerous, experimental drugs, and so on—and then tell me again how my side is the one trying to “outcrazy each other”.

Look at the insane shit that your side has been pushing—homosexuality, transsexuality, and other depraved, insane sexual perversions, (and especially, dragging children into this shit), policies that allow criminals to prey on human beings with impunity, hyping up an exaggerated flu/cold outbreak to use as a premise for sabotaging the economy and destroying basic human rights, attempting to coerce or even force the inappropriate use of dangerous, experimental drugs, and so on—and then tell me again how my side is the one trying to “outcrazy each other”.

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It’s obvious you are a way-cist!
It’s called jealousy of our achievements.
Notice how no one ever asked you to run a large business.
Not to mention that Moshe said this would happen and if it didn’t the Torah would be worthless.
In most cases, the root of antisemitism is jealousy.

Among liberals, much of it is resentment over the proof that a people persecuted for millennia - expelled, restricted, even murdered by the millions - can overcome that (and within one generation!) via their prudent life choices and positive traits. It makes it hard for liberals to use racism, from generations ago, to explain away why blacks are pulling up the rear.
So now they think that Jews are just like the KKK?

Well done
How do they think Jews are like the KKK? The Hindus I mentioned thought Jews were all cheapskates who got where they are via cheating in business, and they saw firsthand how generous I my and what a hard, dedicated worker I was.
Look at the insane shit that your side has been pushing—homosexuality, transsexuality, and other depraved, insane sexual perversions, (and especially, dragging children into this shit), policies that allow criminals to prey on human beings with impunity, hyping up an exaggerated flu/cold outbreak to use as a premise for sabotaging the economy and destroying basic human rights, attempting to coerce or even force the inappropriate use of dangerous, experimental drugs, and so on—and then tell me again how my side is the one trying to “outcrazy each other”.

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You forgot the party that's also going to put a pedophile compassionate judge on the Supreme Court.
Actually, Mormon Bob, what is more likely to happen is that after you guys do okay in the midterms, everyone will remember how crazy you are and Biden or some other Democrat will get elected easily.

This is what happened with Clinton in 1996. Republicans took out the "Contract on America" and Americans voted for Clinton in Droves.

Clinton presided during the tech bubble and people generally credit the president (pro or con) with the economy and environment. You likely won't have that going into 2024 with Dementia at the helm and Whorris ready to take over IF they let him run again.

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